Vol. 150, No. 3807 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1942 On e Sh illin g & Six pe n c e CHANCE-PARSONS OPTICAL GLASS PLATES AND MOULDED BLANKS FOR PRISMS AND LENSES OF FINEST OPTICAL QUALITY Unworked Coloured Glass for W.&J.GEORGE LTD contrast filters PROPRIETORS OF F. E. B EC K ER & CO Sextant shade glasses Didymium and Uranium Glass 17-29 HATTON W ALL LONDON E.C.I I 157 GT. CHARLES ST. BIRMINGHAM 3 Telephone." CHAncery 6011 (4 lines) I T elephone; CENtral 764 1 (3 lines) T elcgram i: Becker, Hatton W all, London | Telegram s.- Chemistry, Birmingham 3 C hance Brothers 81 Co. Limited GLASS WORKS SMETHWICK Double Gear Release - New Rider System - Pan Guides THE B.T.L. APERIODIC BALANCE (Patent Nos. 523, 483/39) With automatic Rider System, Ease and accuracy of manipulation and reading. • Capacity 200 g. • One Knob controlling • Sensitivity 0-1 mg. • Three Riders covering a 1600 hullc „ particularsi sent on application, range° of m g° . BAIRD & TATLOCK (LONDON) LTD. 14-17 St. Cross Street, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.I W D C 259a SOLVING NEW PROBLEMS “ Aquadag” colloidal graphite in water is a true colloidal dispersion of the purest graphite. High technical quality has en­ abled it to solve many unique problems in modern industry. Coatings formed with it are electrically conducting, lubri­ cating, tend to protect from corrosion, while the colloidal dispersion can be used to impregnate fibrous materials to confer on them some of the properties of graphite. “ Aquadag” is continuing to solve im­ portant problems. If you have one in mind we would remind you that our technical experience is at your disposal. Colloidal graphite is obtainable as a dis­ persion in mineral oil, water, acetone, car­ bon tetrachloride, white spirit and other carriers. E. G. ACHESON LTD. 9, Gayfere St.,Westminster, London, S.W. I and Prince Rock, Plymouth, Devon HIGH VACUUM PUMPS and ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT For all Rotary Pumps Research and Industrial Diffusion Pumps Applications of Combined Outfits High Vacuum Compressors Vacuum Measuring Instruments Catalogues on all our products are available Oils —Waxes —Cements Some Items from Immediate Stock W. EDWARDS & CO. (London) LIMITED Kangley llridge Road, Lower Sydenham, London, S.E.2K Telephone: SYDenham 7026 Telegrams: Edcohivac, Phone, London THE OXFORD MICROPHOTOMETER C . F . CASELLA & CO. LTD, REGENT HOUSE, FITZROY SQUARE, LONDON, KODAK DATA BOOK OF APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY I.imited supplies of the ‘ Kodak Data Book ’ are now (356 pages), bound together in a single-volume ring- available for sale to industrial firms. It is a valuable binder. source book of examples showing how photography can The 'Kodak Data Hook’ costs 10s. 6(1. per copy post free. assist in industry and in scientific research. Its several In addition to receiving the book purchasers will, on sections cover photographic methods and technique; specific request, be placed on a selective mailing list to important applications of photography in industry, receive, as published, any subsequent data sheets that commerce and research; a ‘Kodak’ formulary; data contain information which will prove of service in sheets for ‘ Kodak ’ sensitive materials; and data their work. It is regretted that the restriction of sup­ sheets for a selection of ‘ Kodak ’ apparatus. The plies does not at present permit our acceptance of whole comprises approximately 140 data sheets orders from private individuals. K odak J.'limited, kings way, london, w.c.2 THE ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE r I 'H E report of the Scott Committee on Land Utili- X sation in Rural Areas completes the work begun by the Royal Commission on the Distribution of the NATU RE Industrial Population, the terms of reference of which excluded the consideration of agriculture; and although its major and minor recommendations are No. 3807 SATURDAY, OCT. 17, 1942 Vol. 150 sometimes rather confusingly blended, the report is clearly a reconstruction paper of the first importance. It has life and colour and gives substance to some of CONTENTS those aspirations for an ampler and more satisfying Page national life which the War has accentuated. More­ The English Countryside ..... 441 over, like the interim report of the Uthwatt Com­ The Triumph of Time. By Prof. Herbert Dingle 444 mittee, it reiterates the importance of immediate Introspective Psychology. By B. M. B. 446 action. A survey of the report appears on p. 448. Discussions on Citizenship ..... 447 Broadly speaking, the Scott report, like that of the Barlow Commission, centres upon two main Land Utilization in England andWales 448 recommendations : first, that there should be national Theory of X-Ray Diffraction. By Prof. P. P. Ewald 450 long-term planning for industry and for agriculture Key Metals and the Location of Industry. By Prof. in England and Wales ; and secondly, that for that C. B. Fawcett . .451 purpose a national planning authority should be set Minerals, Old and New, from the Sea. By Dr. E. F. up. Both principles have been restated by the Armstrong, F.R.S. ...... 453 Uthwatt Committee in its report, and the Govern­ Obituaries : ment has repeatedly announced its adherence to these Prof. E. Fawcett, F.R.S. By Prof. J. M. Yoffey . 455 views and declared its intention to establish the Dr. Leonard Klatzow. By B. M. Crowther 456 requisite planning authority. The Scott report should dispose of whatever hesitation has been News and Views ....... 456 responsible for the protracted delay in bringing Letters to the Editors : intention to performance. The final argument is The Saqqara Graph : its Geometrical and Archi­ convincing : “It is our firm belief that a vital in­ tectural Significance.— R. S. Williamson . 460 centive to the war effort is the presentation of a Function of the Kidney in Dehydration.— D. A. K. clear picture of a better world which lies ahead and Black, Dr. R. A. McCance and W . F. Young . 461 which, if plans are drawn up and the essential pre­ Use'of Desiccated Chick Embryo in Tissue Culture parations made in advance, can be achieved after this Technique.— Dr. R. I. Shukoff 461 struggle is over. To delay planning and the legis­ Potassium, Fermentation and the Cell Membrane. lation to carry the plans into effect until the time — Prof. Edward J. Conway .461 for action is upon us—the end of the war—we Interatomic Distances in Carbon.— A. Taylor 462 believe to be a fatal error.” That is the fundamental conviction behind all the Buddleias on a Bombed Site.— Rosamond F. Shove 463 pressure for planning for reconstruction both nation­ Mating Call-note of Moths.— N. L. Silvester 463 ally and internationally, and the case for immediate Nova Cygni (1942).—George Alter 463 planning could scarcely have been put better than Functions of the Research Associations.— Philip R. by the Scott Committee. Coursey ....... 464 This conclusion is reinforced by the melancholy A Flight of Pure Imagination.— Sir Charles Boys, record of the effects of the Town and Country F.R.S.................................................................... 464 Planning Act, 1932, and the Restriction of Ribbon English Social Stratification ..... 465 Development Act, 1935, reviewed in the sixth chapter of the report, which deals with planning Determination of Equilibrium Diagrams by X-Ray powers. This is a striking illustration of the futility Methods ........ 465 of any piecemeal attack on the problem. Despite its Electrical Engineers and the Post-war Period 467 complexity it must be tackled as a whole, though strangely enough, there are matters in which the majority report consistently fails to do so—notably Editorial and Publishing Offices in regard to agriculture. MACMILLAN & CO., LTD., The poor equipment which Great Britain possesses ST. MARTIN’S STREET, LONDON. W.C.2. at the moment for dealing with the most pressing Telephone Number: Whitehall 8831 tasks in this field gives special interest and importance Telegrams : Phusis Lesquare London to the recommendations of the report in regard to Advert/semenfs should be addressed to machinery. Here the Committee, assuming that the G. Scott & Son, Ltd., Talbot House, 9, Arundel Street, London, W .C.2 Telephone : Temple Bar 1942-3 policy of the Government involves the establishment of a Central Planning Authority, proposes that rTtfeannual subscription rate is £4 100, payable in advance. Inland o r Abroad jAU rights reserved. Registered as a Newspaper at the General Post Office machinery should be set up now to make plans for the use of land, and that the necessary legislation of good land should not be alienated from its present should be passed so that the plans can be put into use unless it can be clearly shown that, on balance, operation immediately on the cessation of hostilities. it is in the national interest that the change The report outlines a definite scheme of work to be should be made ; he would throw the onus of proof accomplished in five years, and it distinguishes not on the applicant who seeks to make the change, carefully between planning and development— but on the agricultural occupier or interest, who between the formulation of a national plan and its should be required to show cause why land should execution. not be diverted to some other use. In this way, he Planning, the Committee considers, should be the argues that, using the machinery of planning control, function of the planning body within the Govern­ while the best land would not be unnecessarily ment, and development the concern of the separate alienated from agriculture, constitutional develop­ Ministries. Moreover, despite insistence on a ment would not be hindered by the maintenance of Central Planning Authority, the Committee does not land for agriculture unless a clear case of national regard its recommendations as involving any specific advantage were established. form of Government machinery. In fact, it considers Prof.
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