ISSN 0024-4902, Lithology and Mineral Resources, 2008, Vol. 43, No. 4, pp. 354–379. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2008. Original Russian Text © Yu.O. Gavrilov, E.V. Shchepetova, M.A. Rogov, E.A. Shcherbinina, 2008, published in Litologiya i Poleznye Iskopaemye, 2008, No. 4, pp. 396–424. Sedimentology, Geochemistry, and Biota of Volgian Carbonaceous Sequences in the Northern Part of the Central Russian Sea (Kostroma Region) Yu. O. Gavrilov, E. V. Shchepetova, M. A. Rogov, and E. A. Shcherbinina Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pyzhevskii per. 7, Moscow, 119017 Russia e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Received January 28, 2008 Abstract—Lithological, geochemical, stratigraphic, and paleoecological features of carbonaceous sediments in the Late Jurassic Volgian Basin of the East European Platform (Kostroma region) are considered. The shale- bearing sequence studied is characterized by greater sedimentological completeness as compared with its stra- totype sections in the Middle Volga region (Gorodishche, Kashpir). Stratigraphic position and stratigraphy of the shale-bearing sequence, as well as the distribution of biota in different sedimentation settings, are specified. It is shown that Volgian sediments show a distinct cyclic structure. The lower and upper elements of cyclites consist of high-carbonaceous shales and clayey–calcareous sediments, respectively, separated by transitional varieties. Bioturbation structures in different rocks are discussed. Microcomponent composition and pyrolytic parameters of organic matter, as well as distribution of chemical elements in the lithologically variable sedi- ments are analyzed. Possible reasons responsible for the appearance of cyclicity and accumulation of organic- rich sediments are discussed. DOI: 10.1134/S002449020804007X The second half of the Late Jurassic Period was 1996). These and some other phenomena were respon- characterized by the development of conditions favor- sible for the fragmentary record of the shale-bearing able for the accumulation of high-carbonaceous (fre- sequence formation in sections of the Volga region. quently, oil-generating) sediments in different regions Such disadvantages of the sedimentation record are of the Northern Hemisphere (West Europe, Russian significantly less manifested in the examined section Plate, Barents Sea, West Siberia, and others). In the near the Ivkino Settlement located on the right bank of East European Platform, organic-rich sediments of the the Unzha River (left tributary of the Volga River, Kos- Volgian Stage (oil shales) are developed over a spacious troma region) in the area known as the Manturov group area. Researchers have proposed different concepts for of Volgian oil shale deposits (Dobryanskii, 1947; the accumulation of high-carbonaceous sediments. Yavkhuta, 1973; and others) (Fig. 1). However, formation mechanisms of such sediments remain unclear so far. Development of their genetic In addition to the relative sedimentary complete- models requires data on sections from different parts of ness, the Ivkino shale-bearing section is also interesting the spacious Volgian Basin, which would make it pos- from the standpoint of sedimentation settings in the sible to understand general regularities in its evolution northern (least studied) part of the Volgian Basin. In and determine the influence of local factors on sedi- this work, we present a detailed characteristic of the mentation processes. Data on the typical shale-bearing shale-bearing sequence with the consideration of dif- sections with the most complete record of their sedi- ferent sedimentological and geochemical features, mentation history are also essential. which are crucial for understanding sedimentation set- tings of the Volgian carbonaceous sediments. The best studied Gorodishche and Kashpir strato- type sections of the Volgian Stage in the Middle Volga When studying the shale-bearing sequence and the region represent the relatively condensed successions underlying and overlying sediments, we paid particular with numerous indications of syn- and postsedimentary attention to the initial structure of sediments, degree of erosion. This process promoted the concentration of biogenic reworking, character of bioturbation, grain- coarse fractions at some levels, i.e., in the formation of size distribution, mineral composition, petrographic condensed units (Baraboshkin et al., 2002). In case of and pyrolytic parameters of organic matter (OM), and exhumation of the relatively compact sediments to the distribution of different chemical elements in the heter- basin bottom, they were subjected frequently (often ogeneous laminated sequence. intensely) reworked by burrowing organisms, resulting It should be noted that the shale-bearing sequence is in the formation of softground-type surface (Bromley, overlain by Cretaceous and Quaternary sediments with 354 SEDIMENTOLOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, AND BIOTA 355 K o s t r o m a 60 Manturovo Neya r e g i o n R. ha R nz a U y e Kostroma N Makar’ev . R ha nz U Vo lga R. Gor'kovskoe Reservoir 50 01632km a e Kostroma S n i a s s u R l Moscow a Ul’yanovsk t r 40 n e Saratov C 30 Tethys 1234 Fig. 1. Schematic paleogeographic map of the East European Platform for the Volgian Age (sea and land distribution, after (Thierry, 2000); areas of shale-bearing sequence development, after (Prognoz goryuchikh…, 1974; Lyyurov, 1996; and others). (1) Land; (2) epicontinental seas; (3) Tethys Ocean; (4) areas of shale-bearing sequence development. Asterisk in the inset shows location of the Ivkino section. the total thickness of 150 m. Intensity of postsedimen- Corg, CO2, Fe, Mn, Ti, P, and S were determined by tary transformations of the shale-bearing sediments chemical methods, while concentrations of other ele- corresponds to early catagenesis. Consequently, the ments were measured by the emission spectral method present-day geochemical parameters reflect largely (spectrometer PGS-1) in the Laboratory of Physical their state at sedimentary and diagenetic stages. Methods for the Study of Rock-Forming Minerals (GIN). The mineral composition of rocks was determined by the X-ray diffraction method in the Laboratory of Particular attention was paid to specification of the Physical Methods for the Study of Rock-Forming Min- stratigraphic position of the examined sequence and erals (GIN). Pyrolytic parameters were measured using response of the biota to sharp fluctuations of paleoeco- a Rock-Eval II equipment at the Institute of Geology logical settings during the accumulation of alternating and Development of Fuel Minerals. Concentrations of high- and low-carbonaceous sediments. The obtained LITHOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES Vol. 43 No. 4 2008 356 GAVRILOV et al. data are important for the more reliable correlation of Results of the Study of Ammonites sections in the spacious East European Platform and the and Other Macrofaunal Fossils elucidation of relationships between the Volgian shale- Already at the beginning of stratigraphic studies in bearing sequence and carbonaceous sediments in other the early 20th century, it was established that the shale- regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Ammonites and bearing sequence correlates with the Dorsoplanites nannofossils were the main objects in these studies, panderi ammonite zone of the middle Volgian Substage although other fossil remains were also taken into con- (initially, Perisphinctes panderi Zone of the Volgian sideration. Stage). Identification of this zone was followed by attempts to subdivide it into smaller units (Rozanov, 1919; Ilovaiskii and Florenskii, 1941). Mikhailov GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC (1962): the lower Pavlovia pavlovi Subzone and the AND STRATIGRAPHIC POSITION upper Dorsoplanites panderi Subzone, which was later OF THE SHALE-BEARING SEQUENCE renamed as Zaraiskites zarajskensis Subzone (Gerasi- mov and Mikhailov, 1966). The present-day spacious fields of Volgian high-car- Based on the Zaraiskites phyletic lineage (from the bonaceous sediments make up the Volga–Pechora base to top: quenstedti, scythicus, regularis, zarajsken- shale-bearing province (Fig. 1) in the eastern Russian sis), Kutek (1994) subdivided the Scythicus Zone, an Plate (Yavkhuta, 1973). They constitute a sequence analogue of the Panderi Zone (Poland), into two sub- with well-developed bedding related to the alternation zones and four faunal horizons. In the Russian Plate, of beds (thickness from n dm to ~1 m or more) of dark this stratigraphic interval can also be subdivided into brown high-carbonaceous shales and notably lighter two subzones (based on the Zaraiskites ammonite spe- (mainly gray) clayey–calcareous sediments. The thick- cies): Scythicus and Zarajskensis. Recently, Zaraiskites ness of sequence varies from a few meters in the Rus- regularis was found in the Russian Plate (Rogov, sian Plate to several tens of meters in the southern and 2004). Subsequently, all the four faunal horizons northeastern parts. The shales extend laterally over sig- defined by Kutek in Poland were established in the Gor- nificant distances (more than 10n km) only in rare cases odishche section of the Middle Volga region (Rogov, and their amount in the sequence is variable. The shale- 2005). The species Zaraiskites regularis is subdivided bearing sequence is frequently replaced laterally by in two chronological subspecies that characterize suc- condensed sections composed of phosphorites, carbon- cessive faunal horizons (Pimenov et al., 2005). ate and siliceous coquinas, and glauconitic sandstones. It was noted
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