OCTOBER, 1904, Fifth Issue. a Alstonfield. a ALSTONFIELD. c H am stall Ridware. Staffordshire Staffordshire fldansb IRecjtster S ociety p r e s id e n t : THE EARL OF DARTMOUTH. SampleCounty 1bon. Secretary: ©enerai JEditor: REV. F. J. VVROTTESLEY, VV. P. VV. PH ILLIM O RE, m.a., b.c.l. Denstone Vicarage, Uttoxeter. 124, Chancery Lane, London. Studies V o l u m e I. P a r t IV . D e a n e r y o f A l s t o n ^ i e l d . Hlstonfteld Parish IRegister. P A R T I V ., P a g e s 289— 368. P r i v a t e l y p r i n t e d f o r t h e S taffordshire P a r i s h R e g i s t e r S o c i e t y . A ll Communications respecting the printing and transcription of Registers and the issue of the parts should be addressed to Mr. Phillimore. Kindly Kindly forward unpaid Subscriptions to The Manager, Lloyd’s ChanceryBank, Stafford. Lane, London. Attention is especially directed to Notices within the W rapper. 'J"H E Council has the pleasure of placing in the hands ol Members the fifth instalment of Staffordshire Parish Registers for the present year consisting of portions of the following : — Parish. Deanery. StaffordshireAlstonfield (Part IV.) Alstonfield. M ilwich R ugeley Hamstall Ridware Stafford It is intended that the Parishes of each Deanery shall be bound up together Every Register will, however, be separately paginated so that Members may adopt any other more convenient method of arrangement. The present issue is in respect of the Subscriptions for 1904. A further instalment of Registers will be issued in December. Subscriptions for 1904 should now be forwarded to the Treasurer of Samplethe StaffordshireCounty Parish Register Society, Lloyds Bank Stafford. 1 ' c Indexing.—The Council will be very pleased to receive offers of help in indexing the various Registers. The work is not difficult and can be completed in leisure time. Offers of help may be sent to the Editor. Assistance in this way will enable us to issue a larger amount of Registers Studiesthan would be otherwise possible, as the expense of indexing is always considerable. Transcription.—The work of the Society would be very greatly hastened if a few Members would undertake to transcribe the Registers in their respective districts. Those who have had no experience of antient handwriting might undertake to do the modern period, i.e., from 1754 to 18 12 . A pamphlet containing full instructions, together with some specimen alphabets of old register handwriting, has been prepared which Mr. Phillimore will send to any Member who proposes to help in the work of transcription. Binding.—Cases for binding the Registers in Deaneries will be supplied on the completion of each. The price will be is. 6d. each nett., by post is. 9d. 1376111 Alstonfield. 289 lay is iii;£, and that hath bin of old time accustomed to be ^ payd and so continued, as thus—first ye inhabitants beneath Arch Foord Bridge 13/4 : Item ye inhabitants of High-Frith Staffordshireand Basford, four Nobles* : Item ye inhabitants of Longnor 5/10: Item ye inhabitants of Warslow 7/1 : 'Item ye inhabi­ tants of both Elkstons 7/1 : Item, it is to be remembered that ye Tax or fifteenth of £ 7 5s. Sd. was of old time used to be levied, gathered and pa}7d, in three equal parts. Where of ye inhabitants beneath Arch Foord Bridge to pay one part, and K ye inhabitants of High Fryth and Basford to pay ye second part, and ye inhabitants of Longner, Warslow and Neither Elkston to pay the third and last part; and ye premisses were ^ written in an old Text Massbooke in forme aforesaid, and to ye intent that it may be had in remembrance continually ; now are all the premisses aforesaid indented, and in three parts. Where of the first part remains in ye custodie of William Gold, of SampleHarbatch ; andCounty the second, being indented at both sides, remains in ye custodie of William Hall, of Stanshope ; and ye third part, being indented from ye neither ende of ye lines of ye said second part, remains in ye custodie of William Yates, of Longner. Their witness and present— Richard Smith, Curate; Lawrence Beresford, John Beresford, Gentlemen; Humphrey Bagnald, Humphrey Pedley, Jeffrey Hawley, John Stones, single men; William Hall, StudiesRichard Foole, John Stones, Richard Johnson, Henry Titterton, William Gold, William Milward, Thomas Bomford, Richard Salt, Richard Hallows, with many others more at ye indenting hereof; and ye Deliverie of ye same in forme aforesaid. Being ye fifteenth day of March, and in ye fifteenth year of ye Reign of our Sovereign Lady Elizabeth by ye Grace of God, Queen of England, France and Ireland, Defendour of ye faith [157®]. Vera Copia. [Blank Page. J Februarie 27, 1692.—A true Division of Seaven Pounds and Ten Shillings in ye parish of Allstonfield, everie several Hamlet theirin, its proportion thereof, ye said summe beinge two ancient Church Lunes and a half; and also * A noble=6/8. S t a f f .— I. u 290 Staffordshire Parish Registers. everie said Hamlet, its proportion of the Dutchie Rent, Head Silver of Seraphield. The summe charged being fortie shillings. [1One Church Lim e, L ay, or Levy=£3.] I m p r im u s . StaffordshireL u n e s o r L e v i e s . D u t c h e y . £ s. d. £ s. d. Allstonfield .. 00 13 04 00 03 04 Hope . .. 00 06 04 00 03 04 Stanshope .. 00 06 02 00 03 04 Narrowdall Gat- ham and Wigin- stall .. .. 00 07 06 00 03 04 -<IM CO 00 0 For both Warslow W arslow .. 17 . 00 08 IO Lower Elkston .. 00 07 01 and Lower Elkston Upper Elkston .. 00 10 ° 7s No Dutchey Longner .. 00 14 07 00 04 06 Fawfield head .. OI 10 05 00 06 08 Heatheley Sample.. 01 02 County1 1 00 04 02 Holesclough .. 00 08 04 00 02 06 Quarnefoord . 00 05 OO 00 05 03 The summ is 07 IOOO 02 OO 03 due to pay is two pounds. Per me John Mellor, of W arslow; Richard Hall, Thomas Smith, Thomas Austen, Henry Percifull, WilliamStudies Manifold, German Poole. [B lan k page.] P e r s o n s E xcommunicate in t h e C h a n c e l o r s ’ C o u r t . 1678, June 23. James Millward, Jane Mellor, Jone Mellor. Sept. William Clowes, Elizabeth Nadin, Edward Redfearn, Francis Nadin, Eliz. Walker, Jo. Ellisson, Tho. Brunt, de Bank top; Ric. Redfearn, de Flash. 1679, Feb. 15. Will. Brunley, Francis Chapman, Thos. Chapman, Mary Clowes, vid., Will. Ball. 1680, May 9. Cornelius Goodwin, Wm. Knowles, Jos. Finlowe, Anne Slake. Mar. 6. Simon Vicars, Jo. Wheeldon, Geo. Wood. 1683] Alstonjield. 291 1681, July 3. Tho. Plant, Dorothy Hulme, Clough. ■ Head propter Contumaciam, Chancelor’s Court. [Second column has no names. ] StaffordshireIn t h e A r c h d e a c o n ’s C o u r t . 1678, — —. Joan Gould, Wm. Ousnam. „ Sept. 8. John Salt, Will. Gould, Joseph Clews, Rich. Swindell, Anne Rogers, Hig poole ; Hum­ phrey Gould, of Waterhouse. ,, May 11. Rowland Bestwicke. 1679, Mar. 14. Andrew Goodwin, Will. Walker, de Slacke; Ja. Millward, Smallshaw ; Jarvis Rogers, Hig poole; Jo. Mellor, Warslow, de Smithy; Fran. Cheshire, jun., Thick withins ; Ro. Naden, Ouiten greave ; Jos. Ball, de Hays. 1680, Apr. 25. Tho. Launt, Allstonfield; Anne Redferne, SampleGeo. Redferne,County Tho. Redferne, Penelope Wood. A r c h d e a c o n ’s C o u r t [second column]. 1683, Nov. 11. Sarah Bayliffe, by Neild Eye; Joseph Find- low, of ye Brand ; Elizabeth Walker, of ye Slack ; Joseph Goodwin, of Bradshaw; Hugh Brassington, of Morridge Sid; Tho. Cheshire, of Bettells ; Rich. Tunnicliffe,Studies of Whitehill Head; Jeremiah Tonnicliffe, of Hocker Head; Joseph Clowes, of Merrell- Greave; Wm. Cowper, als. Sellers, of ye Flash ; Dan. Walker and Eliz. his wife, of ye Flash; Sar. Mountford, of ye Black Bank ; Tho. Brunt, of ye Bank Top ; Jo. Brunt, wid. ; Wm. Tonnicliffe, of ye Bottom of ye Flash; Geo. Goodwin, de Flash ; Wm. Clowes, de Faw Field Head; Mary Bradbury, of Longnor; James Clowes, of Roarse Clough; Ann, wife of Will. Brown, ibid. ; Jam . Ball, Farn y Ford ; Wm. Fenton, ibid.; Wm. Brooks, de Rycroft; Wm. Frost, ibid. ; Rich. u 2 298 Staffordshire Parish Registers. [1716 1716, Jan. 20. Rich., s. of John & Mary Stones, de Hope .. .. .. bur. M Jan. 24. Ant., s. of John & Ales Mellor .. bap. Feb. 3- Eliz., d. of John & Rachel Nadin .. bap. M Feb. 3- John, s. of Wm. & Eliz. Webster, de StaffordshireHope .. .. .. bap. M Feb. 5- Winifred Brindley, de A. .. .. bur. >> Feb. 10. Ellin, d. of Geo. & Martha Beresford bap. Feb. 12. Robt. Mellor, de Clough Head .. bur. Feb. 24. Ellin, d. of John & Sarah Gold, de Lower Elkstone .. .. bap. M Mar. 2. Wm. Salt & Mary Bowler .. .. mar. Mar. 2. Joseph, s. of Dan. & Mary Titterton, of Narrow Dale .. .. bap. » Mar. 3- Dorothy, d. of Wm. & Eliz. Saunt, of Warslow .. .. .. bap. n Mar. 8. Catharine Billinge, of Grindon . bur. n Mar. 12. John Johnson, de Westside, Idiot .. bur. 1717. Mar.Sample3 i- Mary, d. Countyof John & Mary Riley, of Wigginstall .. .. .. bap. » Mar. 31- Henry, s. of Joseph & Ann Waine, of Warslow .. .. .. bap. M Mar. Si- Wm., s. of Henry & Mary Beresford bap. 1 9 Apr. 24. Ralph, s.
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