PROVENANCE TR ĐALS IN TURKEY Forest area of Turkey is 21.18 million hectare, which consists of 26 % of total size of the country. The 44 %, 8.9 million hectare is productive forest and the rest, 56% 11.3 million hectare is unproductive. Unproductive forest area needs to be forested in order to turn into productive forest. However, certain provenances should be used in forestation works. Therefore, which provenance may be used in regional afforestation should be determined, particularly in Turkey, which climatic and soil conditions show great changes from one to another (Simsek et al., 1995). The selection of seed resources is the main factor influencing the productivity of forestation (Urgenc, S., 1982). One of the major objectives of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and its affiliates is to conserve forest tree species and genetic biodiversity. Provenance trials are important particularly at the initial stage of a tree improvement of program. They provide information about the genetic architecture of the species that is utilized for gene conservation programs, and for maximizing gain for a given area (Isık et al., 2002) There are lots of provenance trail in Turkey. The Turkish Forest Research Institutes are carrying out 6 provenances trials. The main aim of these studies is to determine the best performing provenances for forestations, each geographic zone in Turkey. 1-Turkish Red Pine ( Pinus brutia Ten.) Provenance Trial The Turkish Forest Research Institute established it in 1988 on 26 test sites (one of the test side was established in Cyprus). 50 provenances were tested (47 provenances originating from Turkey, 3 provenances from northern Cyprus) below Table 1 . Most provenances included in the experiment were phenotypically superior stands and had been designated as seed stands for operational planting programs for a particular region. For each provenance, about 30 trees were sampled, cones were bulked and sun dried to extract seeds. One-year old were transplanted to 26 sites in the late autumn of 1988 and in the winter of 1989. The experiments were laid out in the fields as to ‘‘Randomized Complete Blocks Method’’ with 3 replications. 16 seedlings in square in each block initially represented each provenance. Spacing was 1.5 m between in a row and 3 m between the rows. Data were collected from the experimental sites in 1999 when the trees were 10 years old in the field. Survival was assessed s the proportion of surviving trees in each plot. Total height (cm) and diameter at breast height (mm) were measured and the volume was estimated to the nearest dm ³. The coordinator institute of ( Pinus brutia Ten) provenance trial is Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Directory (Antalya). Southwest Anatolia Forest Research Directory were published the 5 and 10 years old results: The five-year results of the experiment as a technical report (Cengiz et al., 1999) Results of provenance study at age 10 on Pinus brutia : Provenance-site interactions and defining breeding zones (Isık et al., 2002). IŞIK, K., TOPAK, M. ve KESK ĐN, A. C., 1987 : Kızılçamda ( Pinus brutia Ten.) Orijin Denemeleri. O. G. M. Orman A ğaçları ve Islah Araştırma Müdürlü ğü Yayın No: 3, Ankara CENG ĐZ, Y., I ŞIK, F., KESK ĐN, S., GENÇ, A., DO ĞAN, B., TOSUN, S., ÖZPAY, Z., AKSOY, C., ÖRTEL, E., GÜRGEN, D., DA ĞDA Ş, S., UGURLU, S., 1999: Kızılçam ( Pinus brutia Ten.) Orijin Denemeleri. Teknik Bülten No: 11, Antalya. IŞIK, F., KESK ĐN, S., CENG ĐZ, Y., GENÇ, A., DO ĞAN, B., ÖZPAY, Z., TOSUN, S., UĞURLU , ÖRTEL, E., DA ĞDA Ş, S., KARATAY, H., 2002: Kızılçam Orijin denemelerinin 10 yıllık Sonuçları (Orijin-Çevre Etkile şimi ve Tohum Transferi Üzerine Etkisi),.Batı Akdeniz Ormancılık Ara ştırma Müdürlü ğü yayın No: 016, Orman Bakanlı ğı yayın No: 158, teknik Bülten No: 14, Antalya, 155 s. IŞIK, F., KESK ĐN, S., MCKEAND, S.E., 2000: Provenance Variation and Provenance-Site Interaction in Pinus brutia TEN: Consequences of Defining Breeding Zones, Silvae Genetica 49, Heft 4-5, 2000, 169-232 pp. 2-Anatolian Black Pine ( Pinus nigra Arnold subsp. Pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) Provenance trial The Turkish Forest Research Institute established it in 1984 on 24 test sites. 36 provenances were tested (all the origin were from Turkey) below Table 2. The experiments were laid out in the fields as to ‘‘Randomized Complete Blocks Method’’ with 3 replications. 16 seedlings in square in each block initially represented each provenance. Spacing was 2 m between in a row and 2 m between the rows. 12 test sites are under control. The coordinator institute of ( Pinus nigra Arnold ) provenance trial is Western Black Sea Forest Research Directory (Bolu) Turkish forestry Research Institute were published the nine year results as a technical reports: The first results of Anatolian Black Pine ( Pinus nigra Arnold subsp. Pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) Provenance trials in Turkey (Simsek et al., 1995). ŞĐ MŞEK, Y., ERKULO ĞLU, Ö., TOSUN, S., 1995: Türkiye’de Karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold ssp. pallasiana Lamb.Holmboe) Orijin Denemeleri Đlk sonuçları, Ormancılık Ara ştırma Enstitüsü yayınları, Teknik Bülten No: 247, Ankara, 63 s. 3-Taurus Cedar ( Cedrus libani A. Rich) Provenance Trial The Turkish Forest Research Institute established it in 1989-1990 on 16 test sites. 35 provenances were tested (all the origin were from Turkey) below Table 3. 14 test sites are under control. The experiments were laid out in the fields as to ‘‘Randomized Complete Blocks Method’’ with 3 replications. 16 seedlings in square in each block initially represented each provenance. Spacing was 1.5 m between in a row and 3 m between the rows. The coordinator institute of ( Cedrus libani A. Rich) provenance trial is Central Anatolia Forest Research Institute (Ankara). Central Anatolia Forest Research Institute were published the 5 years old results: The five-year results of the experiment were published as a technical report. The ten-year results are analyzed, but not published. The first results of Taurus Cedar (Cedrus libani A. Rich.) Provenance trials in Turkey (Dagdas et al., 1997). DA ĞDA Ş, S., GENÇ, A., DO ĞAN, B., CENG ĐZ, Y., KESK ĐN, S., ÖRTEL, E. ve U ĞURLU, S., 1997: Türkiye’de Sedir ( Cedrus libani A. Rich.) Orijin Denemelerinin Đlk Sonuçları. Đç Anadolu Ormancılık Ara ştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Teknik Bülten Serisi, No: 271, 128 s. 4-Scotch Pine ( Pinus sylvestis L.) Provenance Trial The Turkish Forest Research Institute established it in 1989-1990 on 22 test sites. 35 provenances were tested (33 provenances originating from Turkey, 2 provenances from Netherlands (Ommen and Epe provenances) below Table 4 . Most provenances included in the experiment were phenotypically superior stands and had been designated as seed stands for operational planting programs for a particular region. For each provenance, about 25-30 trees were sampled, cones were bulked and sun dried to extract seeds. Two-year old seedlings were transplanted to 22 sites in the late autumn of 1989 and in the winter of 1990. The experiments were laid out in the fields as to ‘‘Randomized Complete Blocks Method’’ with 3 replications. 16 seedlings in square in each block initially represented each provenance. Spacing was 1.5 m between in a row and 3 m between the rows. 15 test sites are under control. The coordinator institute of ( Pinus sylvestis L.) provenance trial is Central Anatolia Forest Research Institute (Ankara). Central Anatolia Forest Research Institute were published the 5 years old results. The first preliminary results of Scotch Pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) provenance tests in Turkey (Dagdas et al., 1998). The eleven-year results are analyzed, but not published. DA ĞDA Ş, S., TOSUN, S., ATASOY, H. ve DA ŞDEM ĐR, Đ., 1998 : Türkiye’ de Sarıçam ( Pinus sylvestris L) Orijin denemelerinin Đlk Sonuçları Đç Anadolu Ormancılık Ara ştırma Enstitüsü Yayınları, Teknik Bülten Serisi, No.:272, Ankara,119 s. 5- Abies grandis lindl Provenance trial in Black Sea Region Western Black Sea Forest Research Directory established it in 1988 on 5 test sides. 24 provenances were tested on 5 test sites. 16 provenances of Abies grandis , 4 provenances of Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. subsp . nordmanniana ),2 provenances of Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach. subsp. bornmülleriana and 2 provenances of Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach . subsp equi-trojani (Ascher.et Sint.) Coode et Cullen originating from Turkey were tested on 5 test sites. The experiments were laid out in the fields as to ‘‘Randomized Complete Blocks Method’’ with 3 replications. 20 seedlings in square in each block initially represented each provenance. Spacing was 6 m between in a row and 6 m between the rows. 6 test sites are under control. The coordinator institute of this research is Western Black Sea Forest Research Directory. Western Black Sea Forest Research Directory as a technical report published the tenth year results (Atasoy et al., 2003). ATASOY, H., KÜÇÜK, M., ULU, F, 2003: Do ğukaradeniz Bölgesinde Abies grandis (dougl) Lindl. Orijin denemelerinin On Üç Yıllık Sonuçları. Do ğu Karadeniz Ormancılık Ara ştırma Müdürlü ğü, teknik Bülten No: 15, Trabzon 6-Provenance Trial of Stone Pine ( Pinus pinea L.) in Mediterranean region It was established in 1996 on 6 test sides. 19 provenances (4 provenances originating from Turkey, 4 provenance from Lebanon, 4 provenances from Spain, 5 provenances from France, 1 provenance from Italy, 1 Provenance from Greece) were tested on 6 test sites. The list of Stone Pine ( Pinus pinea L.) were given below Table 5. The experiments were laid out in the fields as to ‘‘Randomized Complete Blocks Method’’ with 3 replications. 20 seedlings in square in each block initially represented each provenance. Spacing was 6 m between in a row and 6 m between the rows. 6 test sites are under control. The coordinator institute of ( Pinus pinea L.) is Aegean Forest Research Directory (Izmir).
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