1955 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-· ~ HOUSE 5523 tering the provisions of the ·Refugee Relief By Mr. BERRY: - ·By Mr. ROOSEVELT: - Act of 1953; to the Committee on the Judi­ H. R. 5994. A blll for the relief of Eugene H. R. 6009. A bill for the relief of Ka Tim ciary. IJcht; to the Committee on the Judiciary. · Lee, Veng Tang Wong Lee, and W1lliam Also, memorial of the Massachusetts House By Mr. BLATNIK: Cleveland Lee; to the Committee on the of Representatives favoring increase of the H. R. 5995. A bill for the relief of Kazlmlt Judiciary. bicycle-importation tariff; to the Committee Mikulin; to the Committee on the Judiciary, By Mr. ZELENKO: on Ways and Means. By Mr. BOLLING: H. R. 6010. A biU for the relief of Tzaplk By Mr. WICKERSHAM: House resolution H. R. 5996. A bill for the relief of Leon R. Bagdassarlan; to the Committee on the Ju. of ·the 25th Legislature of the State of Meyer, Luelle H. Meyer, and Leon R. Meye!' dietary. Oklahoma calling attention to drought­ as transferee of Meyer Jewelry Co.; to the . By Mr. ADDONIZIO: stricken areas of the State of Oklahoma and Committee on the Judiciary. H. R. 6011. A bill for . the relief of Ralph requesting aid through the Federal drought By Mr. CARRIGG: emergency feed program and urging that H. R. 5997_ A b111 for the relief of Domenica Landolfi; to the Committee on the Judiciary. consideration be given by the Oklahoma Rep­ Scopellltl Fontana; to the Committee on the By Mr. HUDDLESTON: resentatives in Congress to legislation au­ Judiciary. H. Res. 229. Resolution providing for send- thorizing long-term, low interest rate loans By Mr. CRETELLA: ing the b111, H. R. 5630, and accompanying to drought-stricken farmers in Oklahoma; H. R. 5998. A bill for the relief of Hen Min papers to the United States Court of Claims; to the Committee on Agriculture. Lee; to the Committee on the Judiciary. to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, senate concurrent resolution by the H. R. 5999. A b1ll for the relief of Michael By Mr. LANE: 25th Legislature of the State of Okla~oma Reich; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H. Res. 230. Resolution providing that the memorializing the Congress of the United By Mr. HOLIFIELD: - bill, H. R. 1901, and all accompanying papers States of America to cause to be minted a H. R. 6000. A blll for the relief of Yol- shall be referred to the United States Court half dollar commemorating the 50th anni­ chiro Aoki; to the Committee on the Judi- of Claims; to the Committee on the Judi- vez:sary of the State of Oklahoma; to the ciary. - clary. Committee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. JACKSON: Also, senate concurrent resolution by the H. R. 6001. A bill for the- relief of Tomas 25th Legislature of the State of Oklahoma Calle-Cuadrado; to the Committee on the PETITIONS, ETC. memorializing the President Of the United Judiciary. · States and his Commission on Intergovern• By Mr. KLEIN: Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions mental Relations not to approve the re­ H. R. 6002. A b111 for the relief of Helena and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk ported recommendations of the Committee Rapp; to the Committee on the Judiciary. and referred as follows: on Federal Aid to Agriculture relative to By Mr. LIPSCOMB: 230. By Mr. GROSS: Petition of 54 stu­ transfer of the function of soil conservation H. R. 6003. A blll for the relief of Robert dents at Orange Consolidated School, Black technical assistance to the various States; Jose Hunter y Montilla; to the Committee on Hawk Count~ Iowa, favoring legislation to to the Committee on Government Opera­ th_e Judiciary. prohibit the advertising of alcoholic bever­ tions. H. R. 6004. A blll for the relief of Nemeslo ages in newspapers, periodicals, etc., and over Also, house concurrent resolution of the Ramirez Moran; to the Committee on the radio and television; to the Committee on 25th Legislature of the State of Oklahoma Judiciary. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. memorializing the President and Congress H. R. 6005. A blll for the relief of Sante 231. By Mr. HESELTON: Resolutions of the of the United States relating to legislation Martinoli, Mrs. Giuditta Martlnoli, and Mau­ Board of Aldermen of the City of Holyoke, designed to limit imports of glass, lead, zinc, rizio Martlnoli; to the Committee on the Mass., urging the Congress of the United and oil; to the Committee on Ways and Judiciary. States to enact a Federal minimum wage of Means. By Mr. O'BRIEN of Illinois: $1.25 an hour; to the Committee on Educa­ H. R. 6006. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Fan­ tion and Labor. nie A. Dahlias; to the Committee on the Ju­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS diciary. 232. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the department secretary, Auxiliary to the Sons Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private By Mr. ROGERS of Texas: H. R. 6007. A bill for the relief of Mrs. of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Boston, bills and resolutions were introduced ¥aria Gladys (Cordona) Palmer; to the Com­ Mass., petitioning consideration of their reso­ and severally -referred as follows: mittee on the Judiciary. lution with reference to supporting House By Mr. BASS of New Hampshire: By Mr. ROONEY: Joint Resolution 53, designating November H. R. 5993. A bill for the relief of William H. R. 6008. A bill for the relief of Miss Ma­ 19 as the anniversary of Lincoln's Gettys­ Everett George Reid; t.o the Committee on ria Di Benedetto; to the Committee on the burg address; to the Committee on the Judi­ the Judiciary. Judiciary. ciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS l~rael' s Seventh Anniversary The courageous, industrious citizenry From all America and those who have of ISrael knows well the horrors of op­ cherished the cause of Zionism, congrat­ pression, toil, slavery, and mass murder. ulations and best wishes to Israel on her EXTENSION OF REMARKS For 20 centuries, they and their fore­ seventh birthday. OJ' fathers have been herded through the lands of Asia and Europe. The end of HON. ALBERT W. CRETELLA these privations and a forced nomadic OP CONNECTICUT existence become doubly significant on Dr. John F. Enders, of Brookline, Conbib· IN THE HouB_E OF REPRESENTATIVES this anniversary of the building of a utor to the Research Which Led to the Tuesday, May 3, 1955 homeland which shines as a symbol of freedom in the shadows of the Middle Salk Polio Vaccine Mr. CRETELLA. Mr. Speaker, .April East--a homeland raised from the sin­ 27 marked the seventh birthday of the ews and · the strength of these deter­ -EXTENSION OF REMARKS State of Israel. I off er my congratula­ mined people. · OF tions and warm regards to the citizens As the youngest nation in the world, of that bastion of democracy in the Mid:.. Israel has made gigantic strides in the HON. LAURENCE CURTIS dle East. development of her country. Since her OF MASSACHUSETTS Israel's display of friendship and hope birth a short 7 years ago, her popula­ IN THE HOUSE! OF REPRESENTATIVES for peace sets a bright example for all tion has more than doubled, as well as freedom-loving nations on earth. She her cultivated and · irrigated farmland. Tuesday, May 3, 1955 is to be commended for instilling in her She has taken her place with honor as Mr. CURTIS of Massachusetts. Mr. society full political, cultural, and reli':" the 57th member of the United Nations. Speaker, I should like to call attention gious freedom. Israel has constantly As years pass, greater things can be to the large contribution made by Dr. sought to enhance relations with the expected from the State of Israel She John F. Enders, of Brookline, Mass., to Arab nations, This declaration of peace­ can look forward to progressive and in­ the research which culminated in the ful intentions is a thorn in the side of spiring· leadership as that given by such Salk polio vaccine. the Communist tyrants who would feed great men as David Ben-Gurion, Presi­ Dr. Enders discovered 6 years ago a on dissension in this oil-rich land. dent Ben-Zvi, and Moshe Sharett. method of growing polio virus in test CI-34'1 5524 . CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE May 3 tubes. Previously, scientists had· to de­ Finance Committee and the House Ways ever, lt ls only a matter of time before the pend upon experimentation on live ani­ and Means Committee that he does not entire domestic bicycle market is lost to for­ mals, principally monkeys, in order to intend to follow the recommendations eign imports. Affirmative action by you, Mr. President, is imperative if the bicycle observe the effects of the p{)lio virus. of the Tariff Commission as regards industry is to survive. Faced with the problem that the live action on the appeal or he may refer the -In January 1955, in your state of the Union polio virus, only 1 millionth of an inch case back to the Commission for further message, you said: "Nothing in our trade pro­ in diameter, cannot be seen with the most information. When this latter situa­ gram will operate to injure or damage Ameri­ powerful microscope, Dr. Enders found tion arises-as has occurred to many can industry." that its presence, growth, or arrest could appeals in the past-the appeal gener­ Again, on February 17, in your special com­ be observed by the deterioration or lack ally dies on the vine, as it were. munication to us in Congress asking that the of it on non-nervous tissues of monkeys.
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