THECOPIBIOHT, Ifftj, BY THK Spoan.NO Li^s PIBLXSHINO Co. SPORTING INTKBEDLIFE. AT PHILA. POST OrrroE AS SKCOND n^H MATTER. VOLUME 7, NO. 24. PHILADELPHIA, PA., SEPTEMBER 22, 1886. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. of >r ' ration for the Philadelphia^. Even Is tl. '-1 amount FROM COWBOY TOWN. M i' waa deprived of the services of Mc- ofj- i League tiuiu . " * 'v-ek thereafter. CHN .,.„,....._.. .......... the events Beinar Paralyzed by the Detroit J IBWIN'S CASE. Sixth—M states that Manager Wright THE COACHERS Oft! >rtf to t>e repeated, then U would be ON SATURDAY. protested <> , Ir win's ''refusal to permit far ' ..ne ball severely alone. —Giving St. I^onia the Laugh—General ftlHJuiie r. _ 1;1 .: ,i :tio bar •-•' - f -veral ruoa ii> .-»....-.,nt c n the League afford to News Notes. v fit- <j. ..it'l t-y ttus actiuu." r Wrigbt ect. s of Umpires M.-i^iMd» and KANSAS Cur, Sept. 15.—Editor SPORTING usi.l i;,i[/ai:i Irv.'iu utiiy m st t they dis- Yor, While it ia true that it really LIFE:—The slugging Wolverines swooped down A New Face Put Upon the To Be Restrained in the anii-.i...,,. ., ,. ,,1,,^ «u" ^(kt3 th.t> pennant,and Mrssra. Results of the Champion­ Wright who first suggested to Irwin, after tbe um­ Yi'Uijg ain1 UtQtia'ie w*rt» gi.mewhat backward in on Dave Rowe's aggregation Monday and ad* Matter. pire's decidon against relieving McGufre, that the making thuir cornp!a f utd, atitl tliu martcr shonhl be ministered, just as was expected, a terrible latter should obey by playing near th<j backstop. But Association. looofeeiliato. These twj men Lave always been re­ ship Games Played, drubbing to them. There is no question but after four rnns had been scored, then a miaunder- garded a* thoroughly honeet and reliable, and they what they are the slugger* of the country, and •taiiding occurred between Maimjer Wrigbt ai-d should be given a chausa to substautiate what they Captain Irwin which pti' . ' .itioo. TLe charge. it makea the average Cowboy supporter sick Col, Rogers' Able Derence— former, iu ord?r to prov- t-jtteutof The Boisterousness and Noisy Should there be a League next year, the affairs of The East Downed in the Asso­ (don't misconstrue my meaning) to see those the injury received. lrl-1 » few bails the Nashvlllo Club will probably be In the bands of left-handed sluggers frtep to the bat, aa our Affidavits of Messrs. Ir­ up '. ' " MIS, n^t iu.iJt-Mtar.ding the same stockholders, directors and officers aa hereto­ ciation—The Winners pitchers do not pu/sle them in the least. That Mr i it ad an interference Antics of Coachers Be­ fore. It Is n< t known who will be ma nag* r, but the infernal brother of our own Rowe should show •i!" either testily: "Let me Impression is GoMjby will again officiate in that capa­ win and McGuire. run the men Un.- w;iy 1 wain tu, and yon go sit on the city, unless he be reserved by Washington, with whom in the League. some brotherly feeling; the way he pounded bench." Mr. Wright, knowiDg that Captain Irwin coming Unpopular. he is to finish the reason. An effort was made by out­ Whitney in Monday's game was just terrible, as wa-t, under ihe rules, in abs<. lut« conlrol uf the nine, side parties to buy a controlling interest in Ihe club, in six times at bat he made two doubles, a triple bnt nothing came of it. Appended will be found the defence of the and not legardiag fie itmarkd aj ii. Us- ASSOCIATION GAMES. and a stunning home run, a total of 11 base?. respectful to him, did as be was dir ig PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 17.— During one of the The records ot tha oil Nashville play*rs art looked Yesterday Weidman faced hia old chums, and, Philadelphia Clab in full as prepare-! by Mr.. after the concituiou of the game that • -'rd after with mii' !i inttrtst. It is considered somewlvit the language ani tone as imperiinent, Lu sujgtated recent Athletic- Brooklyn games in this city I c;i* <|..^ the moat valuable man in All the Eastern Clubs But the Mets Are 'us heretofore, was knocked silly; the game wag John I. Rogers, in reply to the charges preferred ao apol< gy from Captain Frwiu, which waa cheerfully found President Byrt-e, of the Brooklyn Club, the : • I by some Association club. Beaten. rather exciting nevertheless. To-day two to the League by President SpaUicg, of the teii'ltT; !, A:il :iftvr ^tiierwisa die(.i t 'li:.i:t< him in a and Lew Sitnnions together in the grand stand Aa a - -;mn he was unequaled in this A more brilliant or earnestly contested game games will be pbyed. The result of tbe morn­ Chicago Club, against Captain Irwin, of the Rl : -1 :iirfctor4 oj i?r engaged in earnest conversation in reference to League, aiiv! u hOtiU aud s'louldera above m*ny of tho^e has not been played in Philadelphia this season ing game has not yet roaohed me. Larry McKeon W 'din Irwin h - -ip- coaching upon the field. Mr. Simraons thought in tr-o League or Association. Besid- has made very will probibly occupy the box, and he wiil do his Philadelphia Club; also the sworn statements of pro-. i , - t of McGi! i • , ::ou satisfactory terms with the Acid Iron Earth Club, t-f than the contest between the Cincinnati and Captain Irwin and Catcher McGuire. The whole asiuuitd, and ro^rt-ued that bis own iutertoience, it should be stopped, aa it was getting to be a Mobile, for the balance of the teasuu and has several Athletio niues. The batting was light 'tis true, utmost to puzzle the Detr-jits. regular nuisance, and Mr. Byrne said he always I noticed in your last week's issue Glasacocfe will repay careful perusal: however well nu;:u,t,baJgiven rise to misconstruction good offers for next >ear. but then Mullane and AtkUsou delivered the of motive and a consequent ebullition of temper. We had been opposed to it, as it wis continually Southern League players seem to be more than hold­ ball with excellent effect, particularly the visi­ said the Maroons would undoubtedly win all respectfu lly submit that undf r section 27 of tbe League creating rows and other disgraceful scenes upou ing thtir own in the International Leagti", »nd will tor, who used his head aa well as his hamU. three games from the Cowboys, or words to that COL- ROGERS* DEFENCE. CoQstitution ocr club la the exclusive judge of al[ d.j likewise in the older associations if given a fair questions of discipline arising between its own the field that necessarily hurt the reputation of chance. SB vie a. Twelve icnings were required to be played be­ effect. Oh, yes; he expected them, but got Responsibility for the Row Placed fiianager aud players, and the National League have the game. When they parted it was understood fore a decision waa reached, and in all that •'what the litile boy shot at." Tbe (Vmbojs didn't gee Vpon Ansofu no juriadi'.tion to interfere ia our domestic arrange­ between them that at the coining annual meet­ time but five men of the Athletics reached first it ia that HgM, a d came within im acu of turning nii nt. FROM THE SMOKY CITY. t!ie tables on Caj teia Glatscock acd I.id men. The To the Bo«mJ of Dim AT* of tlte S ttioiii'-l League of Pro- ing steps should be taken to put a stop to the base, two on safe hit?, two on called balls and first game a draw, fallowed by two succ&aive Ticto- ' If, however, you should doean ns mis'aken on that present style of coaching. Probably Safe in Second Place—Don't "Want one upon aa error. Besides, ttn men were retired ri?s f».r Ihe Cowbuys, is rubbing it on pretty heavy. It GEMLEHKN:—Tlw Philadelphia Ball Club respei t- r-oint, we then respectfully ask that the Ctiha^o Club upon strikes. Richmond's mi.** of a fly at deep centra wjsa iretty hard li.Wur the Marrous to take, inaa- fully make uaswer TO the complaint of the Oh if A :o by required to discipline Fresideut A. ft. SpaKling fur Manager*B;irnie, of the Baltimore^, his also Gttzein—A Dispute*! Date, Etc. become disgusted with the loud coaching as it is ft<-ld was responsible for tbe solitary run. All of the iiimh as t'.ey confidently fxpecttd "only three" to Bad Club filed by A. G. ?p*ldin£, pr*sidenr, Aug. 30, violation of the jlayiog lulea and Captain A. C. An- PiTTSMRe, Pa., Sept. 17—Editor STORTING ( Tisitor?, with but this exception, played one of their help them over! aul Boston. 1886, wiih tbe president and stcie:ury of the suid sou for insolence t > his ptdoidtat acd superior officer, now beiog carried on, anl when the Louisville? LIFX:—Jt took a desperate amount of bad play­ old-time exhibition?. Cnrjenttr, F-noelly ard Me for the follow ius? reisons: McG achy caugdt on here bv his clever fit-Id ing. A League. were here the last time I had a long talk with ing on the part of the Louisville Club to lind Phre hid a number of difficult chance*, but neither one-handed catch Pavid Healy at least two rnns aod a Tiie complaint purports to be nnd;r section 42 of the Freeident Spal Sinar, at the beginning of the dispute made the slightest mistake.
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