1 UNITED NATIONS I NATJONS UNIES r, SECURITY COUNCIL OFFICIIIL RECORDS THIRTEENTH YEAR 11< MEETIN G: 2 JUNE 1958 819 erne SEANCE: 2 JUIN 1958 TREIZIEME ANNEE ( CONSElt DE SECURITE I i DOCUMENTS OFFICIEtS I " NEW YORK ( TABLE OF CONTENTS Paa~ Provisional agenda (SjAgendaf819) . 1 Expression of thanks to the retiring President . 1 Adoption of the agenda . 2 Letter dated 29 May 1958 from the relJrcsentative of Tunisia to the President of the Security Council concerning " Complaint by Tunisia in respect of acts of armed aggression committed against it since 19 May 1958 by the French military forces sLationcd in its Lerritory and in Algeria" (SI'1013) ... 2 Letter dated 29 May 1958 fmm the representative of France to the President of the Security Council concerning: (a) "The complaint brought by France against Tunisia on 14 February 1958 (S/39,54) " (S/'1015); (b) "The situation arising out of the disruption, by Tunisia, of the modus vivendi which had been established since February 1958 with regard to the stationing of French troops at certain points ill Tunisian territory (S/4015) .' .. ',' ...... ", .. '" ...... '"""" .. "" .. '".", ...... 2 TABLE DES MATIERES Ordre du jour provisoiTe (S/Agenda/81g) ,, .. , .. ,. 1 Remerciemcnts au President sortant ,." ,, .. , , 1 Adoption de l'ordre du jour ,.,.", " ,., , 2 Lettre, en date du 29 mai 1958, adressee au President du Conseil de seeurite par le representant de la Tunisie, concernant la question snivante: (( Plainte de la Tunisie au sujet d'actes d'agression armee commis contre eUe par les forces militaires fran~.ai"es stationnces sur son terriloire et en Algcrie depnis le 19 mni 1958 n (Sj1013) Lettre, en date du 29 mai 1958, adressee au President du Conscil de securiH par le representant de la France, concernant : a) (( La pJclinte formu]ee par la France contre la Tunisie le 14 fevrier 1958 (S/3954)" [5/'10151; b) ( La situation creee par la rupture, du fait de la Tunisie, dn modus vivendi qui s'elnit etabli depuis le mois de (evrier HI58 sur le stationnement de troupes francaises en ccrtains points du tcrritolre tunisien » (S/4015) 2 S/PV.819 Relevant documents not reproduced in full in the records of the meetings of the Security COl:ncil are published in quarterly sup:;Jlement<; to the Official Jl.ecords. Symbols of United Nations documenls are compo~ed of capital/tllers r:ombined willl figurEs. 1Henliorl 01 such a symbol indicales a re/erena. lo a Unit(d Nations document. • • • Les docnmenb; pertinents qui ne ~ont pDS reproduits in e::tenso dalls les comptes rendus des seances du Conseil de securite sout publies dans des sup~ plements trimestriels allX Documents offlciels, Les cot~ des documenis de i'Organisation de.~ Nations lJnies se composent de lettres mQius~ules et de cllifires, La simple men/ion d'une cote dans un lexte signi­ fie qu'il s'agii ri'un riocwnent de ['Organisation. • EIGIIT HUNDRED AND NINETEENTH MEETING HeLd in New York on Monday, 2 June 1958, at 11 a.m. HUIT CENT DIX-NEUVIEME SEANCE TI'!DUe la New-York, le fundi 2 juin 1958. la 11 heureB. President: Mr, T. F, TSIANG (China). President: M. 1', F. TSIANG (Chine). Present: The representatives of the following Prese.nts : Les rcpresentants des pay:; suivants countries: Canada, China, Colombia, France, Iraq, Canada, Cbine, Colomhie., France, Irak, Japan, Panama, Japan, Panama. Sweden, Unt:m of Soviet Socialist Suede, Union des nepubliques socialistes sovietiques, Republics, United Kingdom of Great Britain and RGyaume~Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du N ortbern Ireland, United States of America. Nord, Etats-Unis d'Amcrique. P..vi>ionalagenda (SjAgendaj819) Ordre du jour prori8oirt (S/Agends./819) (f 1. Adoption of the ag~nda. 1. Adoption de l'ordre du jour. 2. Letter dated 29 May 1958 from the representative 2. Lettre, en date du 29 mai 1958, adressee an Pre­ oL Tunisia to the President of the Security Council sident clu Conseil de securite par le representant concerning: "Complaint by Tunisia in respect of de la Tunisie, concernant la question suivanic : acts of armed aggression committed against it '" Plainte de la Tunisie au sujet d'actes d'agression since 19 May 1958 by the French military forcC5 anne~ commis contre elle par les forces militaires stationed in its territory and in Algeria" (5/4013). fran~aiscs stationnees sur san territoire et en Alg~­ f tie dcpuis le 19 mai 1958 a (S/4013). 3. Letter dated 29 May 1958 lrom the representative 3. Lettre., en date clu 29 mai 1958, adressee au Pre­ of France to the President of the Security Council sident du Conseil ne securite par le representant concerning: de la France, concernant : (a) "The complaint brought by France against a) 11 La plainte formulee par la France contre la Tunisia on 14 February 1958 (8/3954)" Tunisie le 14 fevrier 1958 (S/3954)>> [S/4015] ; I (S/4015); . (b) .. The situation arising out of the disruption, b) (' La situation creee par .la rupture, du fait de by Tlmisia, of the modus vive.ndi which had la Tunisie, du modus vivendi qui s'etait etabli been established since February 1958 with depuis le mois de feyrier 1958 sur le station­ regard to the stationing of French troops at nement de troupes franyaises en certains points certain points in Tunisian territory It (S;'4015). du lerritoire tuuisien)) (S/4015). Expresllion of thanks to tht; retiring Presidellt ReDlerciementl! nu President Imrtaut 1. The PRESIDENT: It is my pleasant duty to 1. Le PREsIDENT (iraduit de l'ang/ais) ; J'ai express the thanks of tlu~ Security Council lor the: l'agreable devoir, au nom du Conseil de securite, de services 'JI Ambassador Ritchie of Canada, who presided remercier M. Ritchie, alhbassadeur du Canada, qui a over the Council during the month of May. If my preside le Conseil pendant le mois de maL Si mes SO;)­ memory is correct, that was the first time he presided venirs sont exacts, c'est la premiere fois qu'it exercait over the COlinciI. However, he presided with a tact ces fonctions. Cependant, il a fait prcuve d'un tact et Bull a sureu~::;.s of touch worthy of a veteran. We are d'<ll1e maitri~e rlignes (l'un ancien. NOLlS adressons a grateful to our distinguished colleague from Canada. notre eminent colt~gue du Canada l'expression de nolTe gratitude. 2. Mr. RITCHIE (Canada): May I express my apprecia­ 2. M. RITCHJE (Canada) [traduit dt. t'anglaisJ : tion, on behalf of my country, of the much too generou~ All nom de man pays, je remercie le President des and kind words which the President has addressed to paroles trop aimablcs el e.Iogit:uses qll'il a prononcees me. a mon egard. 1 Adoption of the Agenda Adoption de I'ordre du jow The agenda was adopted. L'ordr~ du jDur est adDpli. Letter dtLted 2!) May 1958 from the representative of !&ttrc, cn date du 29 mai 1958, adressec an Pl"eeidcnt Tunisia to the President of the Security Couneil du COlleeil de seeurite par le representant de la cOllceming U Complaint hy Tunisia in respect of Tnnisic1 oonecrnant la question 8uivante : ({ Plainte acts of armed aggression committed against it de la Tuni~ie au eDjet d'actes d'ugreBsion armce since 19 May 1958 by the French military forces eoumu.8 eontre eUe par les forces miltaires frllD~aise8 stationed in its teL'ritory and in Algeria" (8/4013) 8tationnees sur flan territoire et en Algerie depuis le 19 mai 1958» (5/4013) Letter dated 29 May 19Sa from the representative of Leure, en date dn 29 mu 1958, Ildressee an Prc8ident I'rance to the President of the Security Council du CoBseil de lIeeurit6 pIU' le repreflcntant de la eoncerning: Frame, eoneernant : (a) .. The complaint brought by France against a) ({ La plninte formuUe par la France eonlre la Tunisia on U February 1958 (5/3954) ,. Tunisie le 14 fevrier 1958 (8/3954) » [5/4015] ; (S/4015); (b) The 8ituation arisillg out of the diBruption, b) (( Lu situation ercec par la rupture, du tait de by Tunisia, of the modus vivendi which had la TuniBie, du modus vivendi qui s'etait elnbli been established since February 1958 with depui!~ le ntois de fCVl'ier 1958 sur le stationne_ regard to the stationing of French troops at ment de troupes fran~aise8 en certain" poinu certain points in Tunisian territory" (5{4015) du territoire tuWsicn)1 (5/4015) At I.he irwUalion of the President, Mr. Mongi SUm, Sur l'invitalion du Presidenf, AT. Alangi Slim, repre­ represenfal.ive Of Tunisia, look a place at the COUJIcil sentant de la Tunislc, prend place d la lable du Conscil. table. 3. Mr. GEORGES-PICOT (France) (I.ranslated from 3. M. GEORGES-PICOT (Fraacc) : En votant lJOl!I' Frenc1I): In voting for the adoption of the agenda, l'adoption de I'ordre cia jam, j('. n'ai pas approuvc I was not signifying approval of the wording of the pour 3utant la reduction de la plainte tanisicnne, OU Tunisian complaint, which refers to acts of aggression. il est question d'net('s d'a.gre:;sion, car, a nnlre avis, In our view, there can be no question of acts of aggression on ne sllurait puder ri'aete:; d'agrc~sion lorsquc des when discussions are being held and are continuing conversations onl lieu d .,c pour,<;uivcut conformement in accordance with Article 33 of the Charter of tIle a l'Article 33 de In Charle des Nations Unies. D'aillems, United Nations. Moreover, as I shall show in the course COll1l1lC nous J'indiquerolls au cams de llolre interven­ of my statement, the incidents to which the represcnt<l­ tion, les incidents auxquds fait allusion le rcpresen­ tive of Tunisia refers do not Constitute aggression on ront de la Tltnisie ne constituent.
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