Other Useful Books

Other Useful Books

Other Useful Books Dictionaries: Leeson TS, Leeson CR: Histology, 4th ed. Philadel­ phia: Saunders, 1981. Dorland's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 26th ed. Lentz, TL: Cell Fine Structure. Philadelphia: Saun­ Philadelphia: Saunders, 1981. ders, 1971. Melloni's Illustrated Medical Dictionary. Balti­ Rhodin JAG: Histology, A Text and Atlas. New more: Williams and Wilkins, 1979. York: Oxford University Press, 1974. Stedman's Illustrated Medical Dictionary, 24th ed. Williams PL, Warwick R: Gray's Anatomy, 36th Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1982. English edition. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1980. Weiss L, Greep ROO: Histology, 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1977. Textbooks: Histology and Cytology Wheater PR, Burkitt HG, Daniels VG: Functional Arey LB: Human Histology, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Histology. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1979. Saunders, 1974. Bloom W, Fawcett DW: A Textbook of Histology, Textbooks: Pathology 10th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1974. Anderson WAD, Kissane JM: Pathology, 7th ed. Borysenko M, Borysenko J, Beringer T, Gustafson St. Louis: Mosby, 1977. A: Functional Histology. A Core Text. Boston: Lit­ tle, Brown, 1979. Anderson WAD, Scotti TM: Synopsis of Pathology, 10th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1980. Copenhaver WM, Kelly DE, Wood RL: Bailey's Golden A: Pathology. Understanding Human Dis­ Textbook of Histology, 17th ed. Baltimore: Wil­ ease. Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1982. liams and Wilkins, 1978. King D, Geller LM, Krieger P, Silva F, Lefkowitch Cowdry EV: A Textbook of Histology, 4th ed. Phila­ JH: A Survey of Pathology. New York: Oxford delphia: Lea and Febiger, 1950. University Press, 1976. Dyson RD: Cell Biology. A Molecular Approach, Robbins SL, Cotran RS: Pathologic Basis of Dis­ 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1978. ease, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1979. Elias H, Pauly JE, Burns ER: Histology and Hu­ Rosai J, Ackerman L: Ackerman's Surgical Pathol­ man Microanatomy, 4th ed. New York: John Wiley ogy, 6th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 1980. and Sons, 1978. Smith C: Core Pathology. Fundamental Concepts Fawcett DW: The Cell, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Saun­ and Principles. Oradell, New Jersey: Medical Eco­ ders, 1981. nomics, 1981. Willis RA: Pathology of Tumours, 4th ed. New Gardner DL, Dodds TC: Human Histology, 3rd ed. York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1967. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1975. Ham AW, Cormack DH: Histology, 8th ed. Phila- delphia: Lippincott, 1979. Textbooks: Embryology Junqueira LC, Carneiro J: Basic Histology, 3rd ed. Arey LB: Developmental Anatomy, 7th ed. Phila­ Los Altos: Lange Medical Publications, 1980. delphia: Saunders, 1974. 461 462 Other Useful Books Balinsky, BI: An Introduction to Embryology, 5th Rhodin JAG: An Atlas of Histology. New York: ed. Philadelphia: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Oxford University Press, 1975. 1981. Sandritter W: Color Atlas of Histopathology, 6th Corliss EC: Patten's Human Embryology. Ele­ ed. Chicago: Yearbook Medical Publishers, 1979. ments of Clinical Development. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976. Methods for Microscopy Langman J: Medical Embryology, 4th ed. Balti­ more: Williams and Wilkins, 1981. Chayen J, Bitensky L, Butcher RG: Practical Histo­ chemistry. London: John Wiley and Sons, 1973. Atlases Feteanu A: Labeled Antibodies in Biology and Med­ icine. Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England: Abacus Curran RC: Color Atlas of Histopathology, 2nd ed. Press and New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972. Hayat MA: Principles and Techniques of Electron Di Fiore MSH: Atlas of Human Histology, 5th ed. Microscopy. Biological Applications. Vols. 1, 2, 3. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 1981. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1970. Fujita T, Tanaka K, Tokunaga J: SEM Atlas of Hamashima Y: Immunohistopathology. Tokyo: Cells and Tissues, 2nd ed. Tokyo and New York: Igaku-Shoin and Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1976. Igaku-Shoin, 1981. Luna L: Manual of Histologic Staining Methods Gasser RF: Atlas of Human Embryos. Hagerstown, of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, 3rd Maryland: Harper and Row, 1975. ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1968. Hammarsen F: Histology. Baltimore, Munich: Ur­ Galigher AE, Kozloff EN: Essentials of Practical ban and Schwarzenburg, 1980. Microtechnique, 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lea and Fe­ biger, 1971. Kessel RG, Kardon RH: Tissues and Organs. A Text-Atlas of Scanning Electron Microscopy. San Pearse AGE: Histochemistry. Theoretical and Ap­ Francisco: WH Freeman, 1979. plied, Vol. 1, 4th ed, 1980. Vol., 2, 3rd ed, 1972. New York: Churchill Livingstone. Leeson TS, Leeson RC: A Brief Atlas of Histology. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1979. Preece A: A Manual for Histologic Technicians, 2nd ed. Boston: Little, Brown, 1965. O'Rahilly R: A Color Atlas of Human Embryology. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1975. Troyer H: Principles and Techniques ofHistochem­ istry. Boston: Little, Brown, 1980. Reith EJ, Ross MH: Atlas of Descriptive Histology, 3rd ed. Hagerstown, Maryland: Harper and Row, Trump BR, Jones RT: Diagnostic Electron Micros­ 1977. copy. Vol. 1. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978. Index Acetylcholine, neurotransmitter, 126, 127 Adrenal glands (Cont.) Acidophilia, Leydig cells, 398 disorders, 344 Acid phosphatase, serum, 416 medulla, 346-348 Acinus stroma, 338-339 pancreas, 254 Adrenal medulla pancreatic ducts, 256 control, 346-348 Acne vulgaris, 210 disorders, 348 Acrosin, 379 hormones, 346 Acrosome, 405 structure, 346 Acrosome reaction, 379 Adrenogenital syndrome, 346 ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone), 317, 318- Adventitia, 218, see also Tunica adventitia 320, 342, 344 Agenesis, 449 Actin, 28, 29, 50, 101 Aging, 447-448 skeletal muscle, 104 Albinism, 427 Addison's disease, 344 Aldosterone, 252, 306, 339 Adenocarcinoma, 278 Alpha cells, islets of Langerhans, 354 Adenoids, 182, 226 Alveolar ducts, macrophage, sacs, see under the Adenoma, 338 nouns Adenylate cyclase, 18 Alveolus(i), 273, 282-284, 287, 289 Adenyl cyclase, 314, 342, 398 tooth, 219 ADH (antidiuretic hormone), 252, 308, 321 Ameloblast, 219 Adhesions Amino acid oxidase, 42 abdominal, 218 Amino acids, 5 of iris, 433 Ampulla(ae) pleural, 284 ear, 435, 442 serosal, 218 oviduct, 366-368 Adipocytes, 69, 73 vas deferens, 411 in connective tissue, 69, 77 of Vater, 256, 258 Adrenal cortex Amylase adult, 339 pancreatic, 254 disorders, 344 salivary (ptyalin), 252 fetal, 339 Anaphase, 50 structure and function, 339-344 Anaphylaxis, 148 zona fasciculata, 339, 342 Anastomosis, arteriovenous, 154, 155 zona glomerulosa, 339 Anatomic pathology, application of, 3 zona reticularis, 342 Androgens, 342, 398, 400 Adrenal glands Anemia, 172 blood supply, 339 hemolytic, 305 components, 336-338 pernicious, 232 cortex, 339-346 Aneurysm, 148 development, 336 cerebral artery, 146 464 Index Angiotensin, 306, 339 Auditory system (Cont.) Angiotensinogen, 306 inner ear Annular pancreas, 253 bony labyrinth, 437 Annuli fibrosi, 138, 139, 141 membranous labyrinth of cochlea, 437-440 Anterior chamber, eye, 422 middle ear, 436-437 Anthracosis, 186, 286 Auditory tube, 226, 436 Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 308 Auricle, 435, 436 Antrum, 362 Autolysis, 8 Anus, 216, 244 Aorta, 144-146 Aplasia, 449 B Appendix, 182, 242 Appositional growth, 85 Barr body, 22, 24 Aqueous humor, 426, 432 Basal body, 44, 45 Arachnoid, 132 Basal lamina Area cribrosa, 308 of alveolar septum, 285 Areola, breast, 206 urinary filter, 296 Arrector pili muscles, 210 Basement membrane Arteriole, 148, 149, 154 arteriole, 148 glomerular afferent, 296, 306, 308 definition, 55, 56 glomerular efferent, 296, 308 of eye, 424, 425 Arteriosclerosis, 146-148,447 hair, 210 Artery(ies), 144-148 intestine, 235 arcuate, 308 merocrine sweat glands, 206 arterioles, 148, 149, 154 thyroid epithelium, 326 basal, uterus, 370 vein, 152 elastic, 144-146 Basophil, 164, 165, 168 helicine, penis, 420 in connective tissue, 69 hepatic, 258 of pituitary, 317, 319 interlobar (rena!), 308 Basophilia, 158 meningeal, 132 cytoplasmic, 29 metarterioles, 148, 154 Beta cells, islets of Langerhans, 354 muscular, 146 Biliary system, extrahepatic, 268-270 penicillar, spleen, 188 ducts, 268-270 renal,308 gallbladder, 270 spiral, uterus, 370 Bilirubin, 158, 192 testicular, 396 Bipolar cells, retinal, 427-429 trabecular, spleen, 188 Birds, for the, 1-463 white pulp, spleen, 188 Bivalent, 404, 407 Ascorbic acid, 76 Bladder Asthma, 278 gall,270 Astrocytes urinary, 63, 311, 312 fibrous, 118 Blastocyst, 380 protoplasmic, 118 Blood, 157-172 Atelectasis, lung, 280, 284 plasma, 157 ATP (adenosine triphosphate), 34 smear, 157, 159, 164 ATPase (adenosinetriphosphatase), 18,34 types, 158 skeletal muscle, 108 Blood-brain barrier, 130 Atrophy, 103,449 Blood cells, 157-165, see also cell types Atrioventricular block, 144 counts, 157, 170 Auditory meatus, 432, 434-436 formation, 166-169 Auditory system, 436-440 Blood pressure regulation, 306 and excessive noise, 443 Blood-testis barrier, 401, 402 external ear, 436 Blood-thymus barrier, 179 Index 465 B lymphocyte, 69,174-176,178-180 Breast, 206-207, 209 antibodies, 176 lactating, 390, 391 bursa-equivalent, 180 pregnancy, 390-392 in GALT, 182 tumors, 453 in lymph nodes, 186 Bronchioles, 273, 274, 280, 287, 289 in spleen, 190 Bronchus, 274, 276, 278, 279, 289 in tonsils, 182 Brush border, 44 Body(ies) proximal renal tubule, 302 Barr, 22 Bulbocavernosus muscle, 420 Herring, 320 Bulbourethral glands (of Cowper), 414, 416 Nissl, 116 Bundle psammoma, 350 atrioventricular, 144 residual, 42 His, 144 spermatozoon, 405 nerve (fascicle), 124 Bone, 84-99 Bundle branch block canaliculi, 86, 89 left, 144 canals right, 144 Haversian, 86, 91 Bursa equivalent, 180,

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