Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 1 1 2 3 4 TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 5 COMMITTEE ON REDISTRICTING 6 7 8 9 10 11 SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING IN DALLAS 12 13 14 15 JUNE 28, 2003 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hoffman Reporting & Video Service www.hoffmanreporting.com Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 2 1 2 3 Location: UT Southwestern Medical Center, North Campus 6000 Harry Hines Boulevard 4 Dallas, Texas 5 6 Appearances: 7 Representative Kenny Marchant, Chair Representative Kent Gruesendorf, Vice-Chair 8 Representative Carl Isett Representative Richard Raymond 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Hoffman Reporting & Video Service www.hoffmanreporting.com Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 3 1 2 3 P R O C E E D I N G S 4 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: If I could have 5 your attention. We are going to get the hearing started. 6 The subcommittee on redistricting for the Dallas public 7 hearing for Saturday, June the 28th come to order. The 8 clerk will call the roll of those present. 9 MR. SHEWMAKER: Marchant? 10 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: Here. I am here. 11 MR. SHEWMAKER: Grusendorf? 12 REPRESENTATIVE GRUSENDORF: I am here. 13 MR. SHEWMAKER: Isett? 14 REPRESENTATIVE ISETT: Here. 15 MR. SHEWMAKER: Raymond? 16 REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND: Here. 17 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: There being four 18 members of the subcommittee present. There is a quorum 19 present of the subcommittee on redistricting. 20 We will begin to take testimony. If you 21 would allow me to kind of go over the way we will conduct 22 the hearing today, I would appreciate it. 23 Today we will have public hearing. I think 24 we will probably have it for 12 hours. 25 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I'm sorry, sir, but we Hoffman Reporting & Video Service www.hoffmanreporting.com Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 4 1 can't hear you. 2 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: I'm sorry, ma'am, 3 that you cannot hear me. I will speak up. 4 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Turn the volume up or 5 stand up or something. 6 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: Is there someone in 7 the front row that would be willing to vacate their seat so 8 this lady can come down and -- 9 MR. SHEWMAKER: I'll do that, I'll take care 10 of that. 11 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: We have today where 12 us we have several things available so that we can make the 13 public hearing more successful and more friendly to public. 14 We have a translator here today. Anyone that would like to 15 give their testimony in Spanish, we have someone that will 16 be happy to translate your testimony. Let me identify her 17 at that this time. She's right here. 18 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We don't want 19 redistricting. 20 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: And she will be 21 happy -- anyone that would like to have someone translate 22 for her for your testimony, she will be happy to do that. 23 There is a court reporter here today and 24 everything -- every testimony will be taken down, so you can 25 rest assured that everything that you have to say today will Hoffman Reporting & Video Service www.hoffmanreporting.com Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 5 1 be taken into consideration. 2 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Can you be polite? 3 UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: No. 4 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: At this time, if we 5 can proceed. We have about 300 people that are signed up to 6 testify. We would like to hear each and every person that 7 would like to give their testimony. Mr. Raymond? 8 REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND: Mr. Chairman, 9 although it is clear to me that frankly that this hearing 10 today is simply window dressing for all of illegalities that 11 occurred before today in this process. I am here and I 12 intend to fully participate and in an effort to, 13 Mr. Chairman, to establish as fair a hearing as possible for 14 today and knowing that as I do and many in this room 15 probably do follow the political process, two and-a-half 16 years ago, when the legal redistricting occurred, it was 17 widely reported and understood that your interest in running 18 for congressional district here in Dallas, and Mr. Sessions 19 then moved into that district, bumped you -- I was mad that 20 they did that, by the way -- but none the less, he did. 21 And given that it is at least likely that you 22 would consider running for a new district that you are 23 trying to -- or this process the trying to create for the 24 Republican party in this area at the expense of minority 25 voters, I would ask you -- I would ask you, Mr. Chairman, Hoffman Reporting & Video Service www.hoffmanreporting.com Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 6 1 out of a sense of fairness and so that there can be less of 2 a conflict of interest, that at this time you yield the 3 gavel to Mr. Grusendorf, that he can preside and people 4 won't have to wonder if you're running this meeting, you 5 want to create a district for yourself like you tried two 6 years ago. I think Mr. Grusendorf, if he has the gavel, 7 will let you fully participate with the questions. 8 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: Is that your 9 statement, Mr. Raymond? 10 REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND: I am asking if you 11 will yield, and if you won't yield to Mr. Grusendorf, then I 12 would make a motion that you yield the gavel to 13 Mr. Grusendorf so there won't be any conflict that I believe 14 you have, Mr. Chairman. 15 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: Mr. Isett? 16 REPRESENTATIVE ISETT: Thank you, 17 Mr. Chairman. Do we intend to draw any maps today? 18 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: That was not our 19 intent. Our intent is to take public testimony. 20 REPRESENTATIVE ISETT: The intention is to 21 take public testimony concerning the lines as they are 22 currently drawn or might be drawn in the future. Thank you. 23 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: Mr. Dunn, just a 24 minute, please. As a courtesy to other House members that 25 are here and in the hearing today, as is our custom in the Hoffman Reporting & Video Service www.hoffmanreporting.com Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 7 1 House of Representatives, if a member comes to the meeting, 2 we allow them, to the extent that there is room on stage, to 3 sit and participate in the meeting. 4 Mr. Dunnam? 5 REPRESENTATIVE DUNNAM: Mr. Chairman, if 6 Mr. Isett's comment on the record that the only purpose 7 today is to take testimony on the existing map, then why do 8 we have a map over here that is the proposed map that does 9 include a new Republican district in the Dallas County area? 10 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: That is part of the 11 statement that I was trying to read the lady when I 12 recognized Mr. Raymond. 13 REPRESENTATIVE DUNNAM: I was just curious 14 from Mr. Isett's comments why that map is here. 15 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: I will be happy to 16 answer that question. 17 The map that we have on this side is the map 18 that currently exists. And as you filled out your witness 19 affirmation form, you had an opportunity to check against, 20 and that would be someone that is against redistricting, 21 against doing any new redistricting and keeping the current 22 plan. 23 And then the other was someone that would for 24 doing a new plan. This is the plan and the chairman of our 25 committee, Joe Crab, requested that each of the hearings -- Hoffman Reporting & Video Service www.hoffmanreporting.com Redistricting Subcommittee Hearing in Dallas Witness: - June 28, 2003 Page 8 1 and there were three hearings scheduled for Thursday and 2 there are three hearings scheduled for today -- and then the 3 Senate has one hearing scheduled today in Laredo, and it 4 requested of the House subcommittees that we put up the last 5 map that was voted in committee so that there would be 6 before you the last map that was voted for a committee. The 7 purpose of the map over on the right is to -- for everyone 8 in these public hearings to see the map that is put out. 9 REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND: Mr. Chairman, I 10 wonder if you would do me the courtesy of answering my 11 question. You will, given your conflict of interest, you 12 will yield your gavel to Mr. Grusendorf. 13 REPRESENTATIVE MARCHANT: I will be happy 14 to -- I will be happy to put that to a vote of committee. 15 REPRESENTATIVE RAYMOND: Mr. Chairman, it's 16 not necessary to put it to a vote if you would be willing 17 to, in good faith, yield the gavel without us having to vote 18 on it. I may have been born yesterday but I stayed up late 19 last night, Mr. Chairman. You are going to be involved in 20 drawing that map, you and both know it. I won't be involved 21 but you will. It's a clear conflict, Mr. Chairman.
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