ISSN 1846-3827 Grb i Zastava Glasnik Hrvatskog grboslovnog i zastavoslovnog društva Broj 9, Godina V. Bulletin of the Croatian Heraldic & Vexillologic Association Zagreb, svibanj 2011. Number 9, Volume V, Zagreb, May 2011 Razgovor s Interview with prof. dr. sc. Mirjanom Matijević Sokol Prof. Dr. Sc. Mirjana Matijević Sokol S prof. Matijević Sokol, predstojnicom Katedre za We talked with Prof. Matijević Sokol, chairperson of the pomoćne povijesne znanosti i metodologiju historije, Auxiliary History Sciences and History Methodology Seat, redovitom profesoricom Odsjeka za povijest Filozofskog professor at the History Division of the Faculty of Philosophy fakulteta (FF) Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, razgovarali smo u (FF) of the University of Zagreb, on the occasion of povodu osnivanja specijalističkog diplomskog studija establishment of the specialist graduate study program in the pomoćnih povijesnih znanosti (PPZ). Auxiliary History Sciences (AHS). GiZ: Na koji se način se studenti upoznavaju s GiZ: How are the students introduced with heraldry heraldikom tijekom studija? during the studies? Heraldička baština hrvatskog povijesnog prostora bogata The heraldic heritage of the Croatian historical region is je i raznolika i najneposrednije svjedoči o pripadnosti Hrvatske both rich and diversified and it is the direct witness to Croatian zapadnim kulturnim tekovinama. Ostavština je to plemićkih affiliation to the western cultural inheritance. It is the heritage of obitelji, gradova, povijesnih pokrajina, županija, crkvenih noble families, cities, historical regions, counties, ecclesiastic ustanova i pojedinaca. U posljednje vrijeme odnosno od institutions and individuals. Recently, i.e. after 1990's, the devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća interes za njezino interest for this research has steadily grown. However, the istraživanje je porastao. No, satnica studija povijesti je schedule of the history studies is very etxended so there is prenapregnuta pa tako za bavljenje ovom građom ne hardly enough time to cover all these topics. Anyway, through preostaje dovoljno vremena. Ipak kroz predmet PPZ studente the AHS courses, the history students are acquainted with the povijesti upoznajemo s poviješću i razvojem heraldike kod history and development of heraldry among Croats. They are Hrvata, s osnovnom literaturom i pojedinim skupinama introduced to the basic literature and various groups of coats of grbova. Nastava se odvija kroz predavanja, seminare i arms. The teaching is done through lectures, workshops and terensku nastavu. Također smo u više navrata posebno the field work. Also, on several occasions we have held održavali izborne kolegije i radionice iz heraldike i to kao extraordinary electoral courses and workshops in heraldry, as jednosemestralne ili čak dvosemestralne. Studenti su one semester or even two semester courses. The students are pokazali uvijek izuzetno mnogo interesa. Jedna je radionica always very interested. One of those workshops resulted, for završila lijepom izložbom heraldičke građe uz popratni example, in a beautiful exhibition of the heraldic heritage with katalog: Heraldica nostra Croatica – županije, gradovi, obitelji. the accompanying catalogue: Heraldica nostra Croatica – Izložba je bila postavljena u lipnju 2003. u prostorijama FF u županije, gradovi, obitelji (counties, cities, families). The Zagrebu, a u organizaciji Katedre za PPZ Odsjeka za povijest i exhibition was held in June 2003 in the premises of the FF in Katedre za arhivistiku Odsjeka za informacijske znanosti. Zagreb, organized by the AHS Seat of the History Division and GiZ: Možete li naše čitatelje ukratko upoznati s the Archival Seat of the Information Sciences Division. GiZ: Could you give our readers an introduction to the razvojem heraldičkih proučavanja na FF? development of the heraldic studies at the FF? Kako sam gore i navela heraldika se proučavala kao važan As said above, the heraldry was studied as an important segment hrvatske baštine i povijesnog identiteta počevši od segment of the Croatian heritage and historical identity, grbovnog znakovlja „dvanaestorice plemena“ koje šalje svoju starting with the heraldic emblems of the “twelve Croatian poruku. Bilo je to kao dio istraživanja plemstva ili uglavnom tribes”. It was mostly through the research into the nobility and kroz PPZ. Tu možda treba spomenuti kolegije prof. Josipa for the most part through the AHS. Maybe we should mention Matasovića (1892. – 1962.) koji je bio ravnatelj Hrvatskog here the courses held by Prof. Josip Matasović (1892 – 1962) državnog arhiva i honorarni profesor na FF. Od školske godine who was also the director of the Croatian State Archives and 1945./46. predaje PPZ. Predmet proširuje metrologijom, the adjunct professor at the FF. Since the academic year arhivistikom, sfragistikom, heraldikom, genealogijom i 1945/46 he taught in the AHS. In the curriculum he introduced historijskom geografijom, te utemeljuje knjižnicu za seminar iz metrology, archival studies, sphragistics, heraldry, genealogy PPZ. No, čini se da se kolegij pod naslovom Heraldika and the historical geography. He also established the AHS održavao tek u ovo naše vrijeme. Library. However, it appears that the course titled Heraldry was GiZ: Hoće li nam novi studij PPZ dati „diplomirane held only recently. heraldičare“? Gdje bi ti studenti GiZ: Would the new AHS study program provide for the nakon diplomiranja prvenstveno bili “graduated heraldrists”? Where would the students find zaposleni? employment after finishing such studies? Specijalistički modul diplomskoga This specialization module of the graduate program of studija povijesti, Pomoćne povijesne history is the result of the needs of the social-humanist (nastavak na str. 3) (cont. on p. 3) Hrvatsko grboslovno i zastavoslovno društvo osnovano je 2006. godine. HGZD je član Croatian Heraldic & Vexillologic Association is established in 2006. HGZD is a member of ISSN 1846-3827 Fédération Internationale des Associations Vexillologiques Confédération Internationale de Généalogie et d'Héraldique 9771846 382001 S A D R Ž A J UVODNIK EDITORIAL CONTENTS Dragi čitatelju, Dear reader, Ovim brojem ulazimo u petu redovitu With this number we are entering into the Razgovor s prof. dr. sc. Mirjanom Matijević Sokol godinu objavljivanja ovog časopisa, a 4. fifth year of this bulletin and on 4th May we are Interview with Prof. Dr. sc. Mirjana Matijević Sokol .1,3-4 marking the fifth anniversary of the Uvodnik Editorial ........................................................2 svibnja obilježava se i peta godišnjica od 180 g. nacionalne zastave Urugvaja osnivanja Društva. Je li to malo ili puno, Association establishment. Short or long, I 180 y. of the National Flag of Uruguay ostavljam Vama na prosudbu. Vrijeme za leave it to your judgment. The times are not - Tomislav Šipek..................................................5-7 izdavanje časopisa nije pogodno, s jedne the best for publication of a journal, the Heraldički izvori u HDA - osvrt na izvore u recession makes the financing ever more starijem arhivskom gradivu strane recesija uvelike otežava financiranje, Heraldic Sources in the HDA - an overview a s druge, papirnati časopisi u naše doba sve difficult on the one side, on the other the hard of sources in the older archive materials teže dobivaju bitku pred virtualnim medijima. printed journals encounter ever more - Ladislav Dobrica .............................................8-10 No bilo kako bilo, smatram da je ovakav difficulties in the battle against the virtual Identitet vonog plemstva u Hrvatskoj media. However, I still believe that such The Identity of the Military Nobility in Croatia časopis u tiskanom obliku hrvatskoj heraldici - Matea Brstilo Rešetar ...................................11-12 i veksilologiji potreban i da su naši napori da journal in printed shape is needed for Simboli NK Dinamo i zastave na utakmici ga održimo na svaki mogući način vrijedni Croatian heraldry and vexillology and that our Dinamo-Crvena zvezda 13. svibnja 1990. efforts to maintain it that way are worthwhile. FC Dinamo Symbols and Flags at the truda. Podstrek da nastavimo su nam Vaše th reakcije, stoga bismo Vam bili izuzetno Your reactions encourage us to continue, so Dinamo-Crvena zvezda match on 13 May 1990 we would be very grateful if you would send - Mislav Miholek ..............................................13-15 zahvalni da nam javite svoje kritike, ispravke, Nove zastave New Flags želje i razmišljanja. Naravno, voljeli bismo us your critiques, corrections, wishes and - Željko Heimer.....................................................16 vidjeti i Vaše članke – sve naše ostale reflections. Of course, we would love to see Grbovi na otočnoj skupini Cres – Lošinj čitatelje sigurno zanima kojim se područjem your articles – all of our other readers are The Coats of Arms on the Cres – Lošinj Islands - Jasminka Ćus-Rukonić ......................................17 ovih disciplina Vi bavite i što Vas fascinira certainly interested in which areas of these disciplines you are dealing and what Zastava Istarske Markgrofovije među ovim simbolima kojima se divimo, koje The Flag of the Margraviate of Istria........................18 studiramo i koje volimo. fascinates you among these symbols which Kronika HGZD HGZD Chronicles...............................20 we admire, study and love. Osobito nam je drago da u ovom broju možemo s Vama podijeliti razmišljanja We are particularly pleased that we can profesorice Matijević Sokol čiji napori na share with you reflections
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