- 1 - MONDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 WELCOME TO 12th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics 5 – 9 September 2011, Munich, Germany - 2 - structure of The ConferenCe SUNDAY, 4 SEP 2011 WEDNesDAY, 7 SEP 2011 Page 11 17:00 - 21:00 Registration/Reception 09:00 - 10:45 Plenary: Neutrinos 11:15 - 13:00 Plenary: Neutrinos MONDAY, 5 SEP 2011 Page 3 14:30 - 16:10 DM AM DBD/NM LE 09:00 - 10:10 Plenary: Cosmology 16:50 - 18:30 DM AM NO C 10:10 - 10:45 Plenary: Dark Matter 20:00 - 23:30 Conference Dinner 11:15 - 11:50 Plenary: Dark Matter 11:50 - 12:25 Plenary: Astrophysical Messengers THURSDAY, 8 SEP 2011 Page 14 12:25 - 13:00 Plenary: Underground Physics 09:00 - 10:45 Plenary: Astrophysical Messengers 14:30 - 16:10 DM AM DBD/NM LE 11:15 - 13:00 Plenary: Astrophysical Messengers 16:50 - 18:30 DM AM NO C 14:30 - 16:10 DM AM DBD/NM GW 16:50 - 18:30 DM LE DBD/NM GW TUesDAY, 6 seP 2011 Page 6 09:00 - 10:50 Plenary: Dark Matter FRIDAY, 9 seP 2011 Page 17 11:15 - 13:00 Plenary: Dark Matter 09:00 - 09:35 Plenary: Underground Physics 14:30 - 16:10 DM AM DBD/NM LE 09:35 - 10:45 Plenary: Astrophysical Messengers 16:50 - 18:30 DM AM NO C 11:15 - 12:25 Plenary: Astrophysical Messengers 18:30 - 20:00 Poster Session 12:25 - 13:00 Concluding Session DM Dark Matter NO Neutrino Oscillations AM Astrophysical Messengers DBD/NM Double Beta Decay, Neutrino Mass C Cosmology LE Low-Energy Neutrinos GW Gravitational Waves - 3 - MONDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 PLENARY SessION: CosmoloGY I Festsaal 09:00 CMB and Planck Francois Bouchet (IAP Paris) 09:35 Precision cosmology as a particle physics laboratory Yvonne Wong (RWTH Aachen) PLENARY SessION: DARK MAtteR I Festsaal 10:10 Alternatives to WIMPs and alternative uses of WIMP detectors Maxim Pospelov (University of Victoria and Perimeter Institute) Coffee Break PLENARY SessION: DARK MAtteR II Festsaal 11:15 Status of indirect detection Pasquale Serpico (LAPTh) PLENARY SessION: AstROPHYSICAL MesseNGERS I Festsaal 11:50 Antimatter in space Bruna Bertucci (Università degli Studi di Perugia and INFN) PLENARY SessION: UNDERGROUND PHYSICS I Festsaal 12:25 Status of deep underground laboratories Nigel Smith (SNOLAB) Lunch Break - 4 - MONDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 Dark Matter W1 – Searches with AstROPHYSICAL MesseNGERS W1 DouBLe Beta DeCay, NeutriNo MaSS LoW-eNergy NeutriNoS W1 neutrinos and gamma rays Festsaal – Cosmic rays Millerzimmer W1 Clubraum 1 Clubraum 3 Conservative upper limits on WIMP annihila- Anisotropy studies with the Pierre Auger Results of the NEMO-3 experiment Testing the sterile neutrino hypothesis at the tion cross section from Fermi-LAT γ-rays Observatory solar sector 14:30 Fiorenza Donato 14:30 Carla Macolino 14:30 Laurent Simard 14:30 Antonio Palazzo Spectral cutoffs in indirect dark matter The nuclear mass composition of UHECR with CUORICINO: Final results Precision measurement of the 7Be flux and its searches the Pierre Auger Observatory day-night asymmetry with Borexino 14:50 Christoph Weniger 14:50 Lorenzo Cazon Boado 14:50 Sergio Di Domizio 14:50 Barbara Caccianiga Determining WIMP properties with neutrinos Determination of hadronic interaction charac- Project 8: Measuring neutrino masses using Final results from the Sudbury Neutrino in IceCube/DeepCore teristics with the Pierre Auger Observatory radio-frequency techniques Observatory 15:10 Chitta Ranjan Das 15:10 Ralf Ulrich 15:10 Joseph Formaggio 15:10 Nikolai Tolich Downward going tau neutrinos and dark Search for the nuclei sources in the ultra- The MAJORANA DEMONSTRATOR: A search Scintillator phase of the SNO+ experiment matter high energy cosmic ray data for neutrinoless double-beta decay of 76Ge 15:30 Viviana Niro 15:30 Dmitri Semikoz 15:30 John Wilkerson 15:30 Valentina Lozza Indirect searches for gravitino dark matter Cosmic-ray anisotropies observed by the Status report of the GERDA experiment Measuring the pep and CNO neutrinos with ARGO-YBJ experiment Borexino 15:50 Michael Grefe 15:50 Giuseppe Di Sciascio 15:50 Carla Maria Cattadori 15:50 Richard Saldanha A step toward CNO solar neutrinos detection in liquid scintillators 16:05 Francesco Villante Coffee Break - 5 - MONDAY, 5 SEPTEMBER 2011 Dark Matter W2 – Directional and AstROPHYSICAL MesseNGERS W2 NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS W1 CosmoloGY W1 indirect + 0νββ experiments Festsaal Millerzimmer Clubraum 1 Clubraum 3 Searches for dark matter with the IceCube Recent results from Telescope Array Status of the NOνA experiment Constraints on small-scale cosmological detector perturbations from γ-ray searches for DM 16:50 Matthias Danninger 16:50 Daisuke Ikeda 16:50 Brian Rebe 16:50 Pat Scott Indirect search for dark matter with the Lorentz invariance violation and chemical ICARUS and status of liquid argon technology Cosmological constraints on the number of ANTARES neutrino telescope composition of ultra high energy cosmic rays neutrino species 17:05 Vincent Bertin 17:10 Luca Maccione 17:10 Alessandro Menegolli 17:10 Jan Hamann Recent progress from the DMTPC directional Future projects at Telescope Array Neutrino oscillations, energy-momentum Constraining the cosmic radiation density dark matter search conservation and entanglement due to lepton number with BBN 17:20 Asher Kaboth 17:30 Pierre Sokolsky 17:30 Evgeny Akhmedov 17:30 Sergio Pastor NEWAGE—direction-sensitive dark matter Enhancements to the Southern Pierre Auger Optimization of a low energy neutrino factory Estimating the tensor-to-scalar ratio and the search experiment Observatory effect of residual foreground contamination 17:35 Kiseki Nakamura 17:50 Hans Klages 17:45 Srubabati Goswami 17:50 Yabebal Fantaye Directional detection of dark matter with The JEM-EUSO mission The Nucifer experiment: Non proliferation Foreground fNL MIMAC with reactor antineutrinos 17:50 Julien Billard 18:10 Marco Ricci 18:00 Andi Sebastian Cucoanes 18:10 Alessandro Renzi Dark matter sensitivities of the MAJORANA UHECR spectra composition and maps by Status of the DANSS project – solid scintilla- DEMONSTRATOR lightest nuclei from nearest universe tor detector of the reactor antineutrino 18:05 Graham Giovanetti 18:30 Daniele Fargion 18:15 Viacheslav Egorov The NA61/SHINE hadron production experi- ment for T2K: update and recent results 18:30 Sébastien Murphy - 6 - TUeSdAy, 6 SepteMber 2011 PLENARY SessION: DIRect DARK MAtteR SEARCHes I Festsaal 09:00 Direct WIMP searches and theoretical scenarios Carlos Muñoz (Universidad Autónoma Madrid UAM & Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC) 09:35 Status of XENON100 Rafael Lang (Purdue University) 10:05 Dark matter search with CDMS and SuperCDMS Wolfgang Rau (Queen’s University) Coffee Break PLENARY SessION: DIRect DARK MAtteR SEARCHes II Festsaal 11:00 Latest results from the CRESST dark matter search Federica Petricca (MPI für Physik) 11:30 CoGENT and COUPP Juan Collar (University of Chicago) 12:00 EDELWEISS status report Eric Armengaud (IRFU/SPP) 12:30 DAMA/LIBRA results and perspectives Antonella Incicchitti (INFN Roma) Lunch Break - 7 - TUeSdAy, 6 SepteMber 2011 Dark Matter W3 – Direct detection AstROPHYSICAL MesseNGERS W3 DouBLe Beta DeCay, NeutriNo MaSS LoW-eNergy NeutriNoS W2 and light WiMPs Festsaal Millerzimmer W2 Clubraum 1 Clubraum 3 CoGeNT-4: Prospects for an expanded search Density imaging of volcanoes with atmo- LUCIFER: A scintillating bolometer array for Towards a refined reference Earth model for for light-mass WIMPs spheric muons the search of neutrinoless double beta decay geo-neutrinos 14:30 John Orrell 14:30 Felix Fehr 14:30 Laura Cardani 14:30 Fabio Mantovani Commissioning of the China Jinping under- Main results of the PAMELA space experiment SuperNEMO double beta decay experiment Low energy neutrino physics at KamLAND ground laboratory and the CDEX-TEXONO... after 5 years in orbit 14:45 Henry Tsz-king Wong 14:50 Marco Ricci 14:50 Alexander Barabash 14:50 Hiroko Watanabe An ionisation-only analysis of XENON10 data Restrictions on cosmogenic neutrinos and Implications of finite one-loop corrections on Antineutrino studies with Borexino detector UHECR from Fermi 3 years data see-saw neutrino masses 15:00 Peter Sorensen 15:10 Oleg Kalashev 15:10 Diego Aristizabal 15:10 Oleg Smirnov Likelihood approach to XENON dark matter The first year IceCube-DeepCore results Study of 48Ca double beta decay by CANDLES Final results of neutrino-electron scattering results cross-section measurements and... 15:15 Eilam Gross 15:30 Chang Hyon Ha 15:30 Izumi Ogawa 15:30 Henry Tsz-king Wong Bayes and present dark matter direct Recent results of the ANTARES neutrino CUORE detector: An update Neutrino electromagnetic properties and new search status telescope bounds on neutrino magnetic moments 15:30 Chiara Arina 15:50 Juan Jose Hernandez-Rey 15:50 Paolo Gorla 15:45 Alexander Studenikin Light neutralino dark matter Detecting extragalactic supernova neutrinos in the ice of the South Pole 15:45 Nicolao Fornengo 16:00 Marek Kowalski Coffee Break - 8 - TUeSdAy, 6 SepteMber 2011 Dark Matter W4 – Searches with AstROPHYSICAL MesseNGERS W4 NEUTRINO OSCILLATIONS W2 CosmoloGY W2 charged cosmic rays Festsaal Millerzimmer Clubraum 1 Clubraum 3 Discriminating dark matter in cosmic rays: Neutrino spectra and flavor composition on The Double Chooz experiment Results from optical followup program of The role of electron dipole anisotropy the Hillas plot SPT clusters 16:50 Enrico Borriello 16:50 Walter Winter 16:50 Patrick Pfahler 16:50 Shantanu Desai Galactic synchrotron emission from Classifying and probing flavor transition First data with the Daya Bay antineutrino Status and perspectives of the CAST astrophysical
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