WYOMING STATE OF WYOMING COU NTY OF ALBANY THIS INSTRU MENT FILED FOR RECORD & DULY ENDORSED 2019 AUG 29 AH Jl: 07 t NO/OR RECORDED JACKIE R. GONZALES August 26, 2019 ALBANY COUNTY CLERK Albany County Board of Commissioners Albany County Courthouse 525 East Grand Avenue Laramie, WY 82070 Commissioners: As a homeowner in the North Fork Subdivisions near Centennial, I am concerned about the deterioration of my neighborhood due to the proliferation of commercial short-term lodging enterprises (VRBO/ Air B&B). These short-term rentals are not occupied by the owners when rented (many live out of state), they are advertised via various commercial websites for monetary gain, and the State of Wyoming requires them to pay sales and lodging tax. These are lodging businesses. These businesses have disrupted my community with trespassers, increased threats to our safety and excess use of our privately maintained roads. Since my community is zoned Rural Residential, I filed a Nuisance Complaint with the county planning office. I received a response that there are "no regulations in place that affect short-term rentals". I disagree. The zoning resolution states (paraphrased) in Chapter 4, Section 2, Paragraph D, that if a use isn't listed in the land use table, the Planning Director shall determine if a use is allowed, conditional, or prohibited based on whether the use is similar or compatible to another use in the zone and that it falls within the intent of the zoning regulations. land Use Table 4.11ists 11 uses that are allowed in a RR Zoning Classification. None are lodging or similar activities. The Table lists 27 uses that require Conditional Use Permits. One is lodging related - Bed and Breakfast. There are two prohibited uses that are lodging related- Hotel/Motel and Campground/RV Park. Obviously, neither of the latter apply to the short-term rental situation, although at t imes campground/RV park seems applicable when the lodgers arrive in several motorhomes with trailers loaded and park them willy-nilly on the property and build roaring campfires at night. I submit that the Bed and Breakfast use that requires a Conditional Use Permit is a similar use to what is occurring, and in actual fact, the property owners are operating a self-catering bed and breakfast. An additional concern is the occupancy numbers in these lodging rentals. One advertises a 2-bedroom that sleeps 8, another a 2-bedroom that sleeps 10. Are the proprietors providing adequate ~~f~ty measures? Are there fire extinguishers and smoke and carbon monoxide detectors? Some rentals are two story. Are there escape routes in case of fire? We have a well-trained and well-equipped fire department in Centennial, but it's a volunteer department. Response times are slower than in a city. There is the potential for a tragedy unless proper fire prevention and safety measures are in place. The County Commissioners must address this issue. It is and will continue to be a county­ wide problem, as it is in other locales, unless the Commission acts to properly enforce and/or amend the zoning resolution and protect Albany County residents from these short-term rental intrusions. A reply is requested. Respectfully submitted from concerned homeowner, Theresa Hackett P.O. Box233 166 North Fork Road Centennial, WY 82055 ., . NATIONAL ASSOCIATION qfCOUNTIES HARRIS CO. SETTLES BAll CA~~, REFORMS SYSTEM by Charlie Ban senior writer In a case Commissioner Rodney Ellis called as big as Brown v. Board of Education, Harris County, Texas has set­ tled a lawsuit alleging \ 'l,. l\ ( t•ur .y 1- -H STATE OF lf,YOMINd • COU!'!TY OF ALBANY THIS INSTRUMENT FILED FOR RECORD & DULY E~mORSED tes VOLUME 26, ISSUE 11 SEPTEMBER 2019 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: RECORD BOOKS Council Minutes 2 Project Meetings 3 are due by Showcase Results State Shoot Results 4-5 Friday, October 4, 2019 Award Donors 6-7 Jr Livestock Sponsors Sweepstakes Winners 5:00pm State Fair Results 8-1 0 Late books will NOT be accepted!!! Record Book Comer I I Meat and Wool 12 Need a record book? You can pick one up at the extension Judging Results Upcoming Events office or online at: http://wyoming4h.org/albany4h/record-book/ Upcoming Events 13-14 Please remember books are due to the extension office not September Calendar I 5 your club leader. They also can be turned in prior to this date! NomlllllltiM Duttdlmtl/ng 4-11 l.llllt/et; 4-11 Alumni, tN Fr/Md of 4-11 AppUcatio:as aaoe available at the exteasioa office. Parents, past or present leaders, 4-H alumni and other community members . who have knowledge of the 4-H program are wanted to help judge record . books. A judge's training will be held prior to the judging .. record book judging ' information will be in October FootNotes. - REMINDER: Each club is responsible for providing one or more adults to help with record book judging. 4oi UNIVERSITY hmrd m furtl~rcni C't' 1ifrxfemmn W<lr/.:, lJI.'fJ ofMuy 8 (m(/./u/11! 30. 191-1. m crwprrut1011 wuh lhr { ·.s. Vrpurllnelll ojAgncllftun. (ifrll 111nppk tllfl'clur, { 1m"l!rJII}' ofll "yommg E:.cttm.no11, ( "nn~n1ty ojlf'VfJ/HIIIg. LON:M!l t', l/)'01nmg 82071. ~ m WYOMING Persm1s Sf'elilng udmi.num. tmpfovmtl/1. or ucr:e.u It• pru~n.n .t of tlu! Cmwr.JIIV riflri'mumg slw/1/k C/Jtuukretl without rrgunl 111 TUCI!', c·r,/or. rchgum. .wl" nulumol flrfl_{/11. clisuiHh"'. uge. pobiiC'Ui hdit'f Ydt'I'UII Jlulus . .fcnm/ om:nfutmn. und marlluf or fmmhal .11a111J. Pt•r.fmls "llh th.WI11h110 ••lm rt•qmre ullanufn't' lf~CIIJJ fi•r commumctJiton or pr<~grum mfiumutmn (Brfllllc. /urge prml Ul(holupr, I!IC.J .fhoultl t:rmtau lktr local ('II" CES u.fficf' To fill' a £mnplumt. >tnle to tht' llr EXTENSION Emplt')'!nt'lll Pracllcts Affinn<.Jfl\'t' Acl/011 fJ.Dia, { ·,n·rrmv uflr~'I!HIIIg. /1!-purllnenl J.J.l.J, /000 E. l im.'f!:rslf\;. h~·nuc. l.urmmt', liT 8]071 Volume 26, Issue 11 Albany County FootNotes Page 2 4-H Council Meeting Minutes - July 2, 2019 Call to order: 6:33pm Adjourned: 7:21pm Pledges: Landon Olson and James Johnson Roll Call-25 Bullets & Bunnies-2, Corduroy Kings and Queens-2, Critter Creek-!, Gem City 4-LeafClovers-2, Harmony Hustlers-4, High Plains-! , Rock Creek Valley-5, Stompin' Steamboats-2, Wild Brumbies-2, Yellow Jackets-4 Reading/Approval of Minutes for May were moved to be accepted by Jenna Strain, seconded by Julie Johnson, motion passed. Treasurer Report: Sara Muhsman reported balances in each account. First Interstate account is $I2,669.73 with expenses of$50 to WY State 4-H Foundation for WSF awards, $13.70 to Albany County Treasurer for trailer tags, $150 each to Tanner Smith and Colton Elliott for National Shoot, $128.58 to Nate Vasek for herd repairs, $30 to Sarah Torbert for National Shoot T-shirts, $520.00 to WY State 4-H Foundation for Showcase Showdown. There was also a deposit of$389.18 from Murdoch' s BBQ. American National Bank account is $6,392.53. Livestock Judging had a deposit of$1.000 and Dog Project a deposit of$416. Endowment is $20,000.00 and Foundation is $7,082.98. Also have a deposit of$2,370 for Rancher for a Day. Correspondence: None Repports: Ali Hayes went to Grand Island, NE for National Shoot, as her husband Shawn was the coach. It was a 3-day competition. 18 ofthe 36 states were represented. Both Tanner and Colton were in the top 25! Showcase Showdown went well. There were 22 kids that participated. Wyatt Strain reported that he got 2nd place with his sumo robot and con­ struction robot, 2nd place on his film, and 8th place on his prepared presentation. He took a sausage class where they were able to make it and eat it, thanks to McKenzie Harris, Albany County 4-H Alum. Thomas and Amanda Christensen, also 4-H alums. taught a class on a cud-powered car. Committee Reports: -Executive: In the process of looking over financial assistance forms. -Awards: Awards have been ordered for fair and donations are coming in. -By-laws: Met last month and are almost finished reviewing by-laws. -Carnival: nothing to report _ -Fund Raising: Went great! $2 .370 wa ~ rai~ed. -Junior Awards Trip: nothing to report -Record Book: Be working on record books! -4-H Foundation: They had a pancake breakfast at County Shoot on June 8. They will also be having a dinner fundraiser in September. -Junior Leaders: They had 4 members travel to Ohio for exchange June 2 I -27. They will be hosting Pennsylvania, who they are picking up in Denver tomorrow. Then hosting Wisconsin. They will al so have their annual BBQ and dance at Fair. Old Business -Murdoch's BBQ: Went well. sold out as usual. Next one will be in Oct. -Herd update: Nate Vasek was able to purchase materials, which council refunded, and was able to fix broken herds and reinforce the bases. Thank you, Nate, for your hard work and time! -Member Activities update: The ' Kick off to Summer' kickball game was a huge success! We had about 50 kid s show up and had to order more piu:a. Definitely something we would like to continue doing. New Business -Club Showcase Exhibits-ML does have tri-folds in the office that are available. -Family Night at Fair-it was di scussed that 4-H would like to once again do the scavenger hunt.
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