BRASSBAN tl -t- / ,"tF=; I ). --1..'/ )y' TOTIR BRIDGE,IONDO{ fssues46& 47 0fficialjournal of the North American Brass Band Association, Inc. Nov 9l & Feeg2 MississippiRiver took him to New Orleansand Bourbon Street,where he joined GeorgeGinard North American BrassBand andhis New Orleans Five. Bob wenton to Brass play with Al Hirt and PeteFountain and Band later performedon the LawrenceWelk ChampionshipsX 0nThe Road Again Showfor 22years. The Welk locationwas the west coast,where Havensalso per- By Ms. DebraPriest formed in movie soundtracks,television Columbus,0hio MRBB Solo Cornetist shows,recordings, and commercial jingles. April10 & 11, 1992 At theannual Quincy Riverfest, rhe MRB B The songOn TheRoad Again could well performedits own program,then featured All is almostready in Columbusand Dublin have been the themeof the Mississippi Bob Havenson threeshowstoppers, No- for youto attendthe North American Brass River BrassBand these past few months. bodyKnowsTluTrouble I See(I-angford), BandChampionshipsXtobe heldonApril On June 30, the band left its home in The Shadowof YourSmile (Wilby), and l0 and 11,1992.Hosts Dr. Drosteand the Quincy, Illinois, to perform at the Ma- Sevenry-Six Trombo ncs (WillsonTDuthoit). BrassBand of Columbushave planned a combHeritage Days in ldacomb,Illinois. completeand exciting weekend for you. TheMississippi River BrassBand contin- Within a week,the MRBB wasoff again, ued its busy schedulein Decemberwhen this time to Peoria,Illinois, for the Liber- Geoffrey Brand themembers journeyed o NorttreastMis- tyFest sponsoredby the CentralIllinois souriState University in Kirksville, Mis- The specialguest of the Championships Light Company.To honorAmerica's brave souri. At the school'sinvitation, the band will be GeoffreyBrand, famous conduc- youngmilitary menand women who served presenteda joint concertwittr the NMSU tor, author, adjudicator,educator, pub- in OperationDesert Storm, the bandpro- BrassChoir. Included in that progam lisher,composer, and arranger from Eng- grammedseveral pafiotic works,includ- were such favoritesas Trailblaze(Goff land. He will serveas a clinician,adjudi- ing Armed Forces Sa/zte (Bulla), God Richards),Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring cator,and guest conductor. B less America (Berlin&ei dzen),TheStars (Bach&eidzen),Punchinel/o @immer), andStripes Forever (Sousa), Simple Gifis Pavane (Faure), and AppalachianFolk Adjudicators (TRichards),National (Bagley), Emblem SongSuite (Curnow). andWashingtonPost andEl Capitanby Judgingthe Championships will be Geofftey Sousa.Other nonpatriotic numbers round- Brandfrom London,England, Gordon E. ing out theLibertyFest program included McGowan from Halifax, Nova Scotia, F antasyO n B ritishS e a Son g s (Langford), Canada,and Captain ThomasE. Palmatier Slipstream(Sparke), and ttre Goff Richards All from The United States Army Band, favorite,Marching Through Geor gia. SalvationArmy Washington,Districtof Columbia, U.S.A. Wrappingup thesummer festivities was a BrassBand Officials rousingQuincy Riverfest performance with Music ChampionshipsX Coordinatorswill be trombonistand Quincy, Illinois, native ls Available! Bob Havens. Dr. PaulDroste and Dr. Jeff Keller. Havensbegan his careerby going on the Seepages9&10 Pleaseturn to page 19,column 1 road with Ralph Flanagan'sBand, which .}I/RBA Editor's Notes BrassBand News Officialquarterly journal of the North Thisdouble issue covers everything planned AmericanBrass Band Association, for bothIssues 46 and47. Given the reces- New England Inc. Foundedby J. PerryWatson in sion,the double issue saves considerable 1980. Usefulnews for British-style NABBA dollars. I havealso excluded BrassBand brassbands in NorthAmerica. The photographs,again to avoidcosts. viewsexpressed by contributors are By Julie Kennedy not necessarilythose of the North Clearly,we mustmake several changes to get AmericanBrass Band Association, four issues of TheBras s B andB r idge tn you eachyear. That Inc.Publication and advertising dead- subjectwill be ad- The New EnglandBrass Band is com- dressedat thenext linesare the 15thof January,April, NABBA Boardof Di- prisedof brassband enthusiasts, most of rectorsmeeting in April. I you July,and October. Copyright @ 1992 think can whom receivedtheir training and brass anticipate by NorthAmerican Brass Band As- additionaleditors for music,re- bandorientation in The SalvationArmy. cordings,band news, socation,Inc. All rightsreserved. and an advertising Somemembers are professional musicians manageras minimum. a The truthis that and/ormusic educators. Most of the par- the successand growth of theBridge has ticipantsare active in SalvationArmy bands ThomasA. Myerc,Editor causedit to be more than I can uncom- andattend local Army Corps,which serve The BrassBand Bridge fortably handle(and still stayemployed), astheir church homes. 156N. HighlandAvenue sowe will spreadtie wealthof thework to Akron,Ohio USA 4/803-1504 seeif thatimproves our performance while Althoughthe band does not functionas an Telephone216.867.7821 evenings maintainingquality. official SalvationArmy organization,none- Facsimi le 216.291.77 58 theless,it embracesa stronglove of Army The prepare computersystem used to the music. Thislove is foundedon andsuength- Bridge changesfrom IBM to Apple Macin- ened by the music's uplifting spiritual NABBAMEMBERSHIP DUES IIsi tosh with the nextissue. Hopefully, purposeand the bond of fellowshipand Individual ZO will permit $ that thenew special editors to personalexpression it affordsthe players. StudenVRetired 10 submit materialson microdisketteor MemberBand 50 computer-to-computer.The new combi- Theorganization, now in its fourthyear, is Corporate 100 nationshould speed production. Our ob- self-supportingand performs a repertoire Patron 500 jectiveis a superlativeBridge on time to of bothsecularand Salvation Army music. Leadership 1,000 youat a reasonablecosL. Theband maintains an annual calendar of activitythat suppors both Salvarion Army To join NABBA,please mail your The May issuewill featurethe results and andsecular events. name, number, storiesof ChampionshipsX and an in- address,telephone Theband rehearses twice per month and is instrument, name(if you depthdiscussion witfr Philip Sparke. andband's conductedby William L. Rollins, who playin plus member- one), annual Enjoy, holdsa Bachelorof Musicdegree in Music shipdues, - to Educationfrom the Universityof Cincin- natiCollege{onservalory of Music. Rollins David Dr. A. Pickett G_ is presentlypursuing a Masterof Music NABBAMembership Ghairman degreein choralconducting at the Boston 4418Blackstone Gourt Conservatoryof Music. He servesas the Bloomington,Indiana USA 47408 North American DivisionalMusic Directorfor The Salva- BrassBand tion Army MassachusettsDivision. GhampionshipsXl For audition,performance, or generalin- Moving? formationabout the New EnglandBrass April2 &3,1993 Band,please write to - h{r. Don Kittle, The BrassBand Bridge can in 30 TrapeloRoad, Belmont, MA 02178. not beforwarded because it Washington,DC is mailedthird class. So, be sureto mailtoDavid Pickett For information,please contact: you r oldand new addresses, CaptainThomas J. Palmatier or your copy of the Bridge The UnitedStates Army Band willbe discarded bythe U.S. P.O.Box 70565 you PostOffice, and will miss Washington, OC 20024-1374 the ne).tissues! { USA TheBrass Band Bridge Nov91&Feb92 The British ticipantsin the championshipssaid that At the rehearsal,we had the pleasureof without the competitions,tle brassband meetingRobert Mulholland, editor of Brass National movementin GreatBritainwould soon die Band World magazine.Mr. Mulholland out becausethe contestsare what keep wasvery interested to hearof theactivities BrassBand bandsactive and improving. of themany bands associated with NABBA. Therewas also greatinterestin theinnova- The day before the championshipssaw Championships tionsproposed by NABBA for ourupcom- bandsfrom all over Englanddescending ing champsionships:the use ofunscreened onLondon. Hotels and schools around the judges and providing a selectionof test By city rangwith ttresounds of bandsputting pieces.I wasstruck by theirony of NABBA thefinal toucheson theirtest piece. Henry GaptainThomas H. Palmatier perhapsin someway becominga leader andI wereinvited to attendrehearsals by for our brass band bretlren across tle NABBADirector and Conductorof two of thefavorites for the competition.I pond. The UnitedStates Army BrassBand visited the Desford Colliery Caterpillar Band underthe batonof JamesWatson. On the day of the championships,the A visit to the British NationalBrass Band From their openingchords I was struck magnificentRoyal Albert Hall was elec- with the combination raw power Championshipsis a once-in-a-lifetimeop- of and tric with excitementand tension. As I rich portunityfor anybrass band devotee. Our sonority. Evenmore notable was the slippedinto my seatin Boosey& Ilawkes' phenomenal possessed recent visit to London certainly fit that dynamicrange by box,I noticeda diligentlistener in a box to definition. I hadthe privilege of attending this fine band. Mr. Watson'sopen re- our left. The famedHarry Mortimer was hearsal,held Royal Academy performances, the championshipsalong with Sergeant at the of intentlyconcentrating on the First ClassHenry Sgrecci,cometist and Music,became something of a clinic and as he would throughoutthe day. revealedhis ability at diagnosingand fix- compereforThe United States Army Brass Unlike NABBA's practiceof permitting ing eventhe mostimperceptible flaws. It Band. bandsto presenta brief program,the Brit- wasobvious
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