Diari de les idees Núm. 70 Monogràfic Article 155 (23-27 d’octubre 2017) RESUM D‟IDEES Spain‟s government will not give way on Catalonia. The next step may ruin the province or boost the rebel cause Giles Tremlett, ―Catalan separatists prepare for war of attrition against Madrid‖, The Observer, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 The prime minister built his reputation on saving his country from economic disaster, but one region‟s push for independence has forced him into the gamble of his life Sam Jones, ―Mariano Rajoy: Spain‘s ‗safe pair of hands‘ risking it all on Catalonia‖, The Guardian, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 Catalan autonomy suspended over „systematic rebellion‟ as PM Mariano Rajoy seeks Senate approval to remove powers Stephen Burgen, ―Catalonia: Spanish Government to impose direct rule‖, The Guardian, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 Though separatists are asking Europeans for their support, the last thing we need is more Nationalism Natalie Nougayrède, ―The Catalan case is persuasive. But that way lies ruin‖, The Guardian, 20 d‘octubre de 2017 Terror attacks scarcely dent tourist numbers but images of police and rallies around independence poll have taken toll Stephen Burgen, ―Catalonia tourism slumps 15% since referendum violence‖, The Guardian, 20 d‘octubre de 2017 The unexpectedly forceful moves by Mr. Rajoy, made after an emergency cabinet meeting, thrust Spain into uncharted waters. Raphael Minder, ―Spain Will Remove Catalonia Leader, Escalating Secession Crisis‖, The New York Times, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 1 Les rues des villes de la péninsule ibérique voient fleurir les drapeaux espagnols, du jamais-vu. Le signe d'un réveil du sentiment national espagnol dans un pays qui fait figure d'exception en Europe? Catherine Gouëset, ―La crise catalane a-t-elle réveillé le nationalisme espagnol?‖, L’Express, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 Les aspirations indépendantistes catalanes, au demeurant légitimes, se voient ainsi réprimées au nom d'une rhétorique aussi simpliste qu'intraitable : le droit espagnol, tranchant et froid, fait ici figure de seule finalité Frédéric Bérard, ―Indépendance: la leçon québéquoise‖, Le Point, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 Simplesmente não sabemos que medidas é que o governo espanhol pode colocar em ação. Não sabemos de que forma os poderes do governo catalão podem ser afetados João Francisco Gomes, ― Catalunha. O dia em que Rajoy aplicou a ‗bomba atñmica‘‖, Observador, 21d‘octubre de 2017 No actual quadro, que Estados poderão reconhecer a Catalunha como um Estado independente? Se excluirmos porventura alguns Estados párias, a resposta é simples: nenhum. Vale a pena perceber porquê. Jorge Pereira da Silva, ―Não é independente quem quer‖, Observador, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 Um outro grave risco é a polarização da Catalunha entre dois nacionalismos antagónicos. Jorge Almeida Fernandes, ―Catalunha: quanto pior, melhor?‖, Público, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 A verdade é que Rajoy ofereceu todas as desculpas com que Artur Mas ou Carles Puigdemont poderiam ter sonhado para tornar a independência no tema único do debate catalão. Recusando-se a discutir uma questão que sabe só ter uma resolução política. Sofia Lorena, ―E a polìtica, senhores?‖, Público, 20 d‘octubre de 2017 2 Compromise and careful negotiation can ease the Catalan crisis. Yet both sides in the debate are sticking doggedly, and dangerously, to their moral certitude Vitor Lapuente Giné, ―Spain needs responsible politicians. Instead, they are stoking insurrection‖, The Guardian, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 Move comes after imposition of direct rule by Madrid – described by Carles Puigdemont as worst attack on institutions since Franco Sam Jones, ―Catalonia weighs up declaration of independence‖, The Guardian, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 Instead of taking measures towards de-escalation, the Spanish government has doubled down and pushed the Catalan government into a dead-end street. Albert Royo-Mariné, ―Mariano Rajoy has staged a ‗coup d‘état‘ against Democracy in Catalonia‖, The Independent, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 It is in the interests of all to break that deadlock and start talking – in whatever language they wish ―The deadlock between Spain and Catalonia can only be solved through dialogue‖, The Independent, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 L'Espagne se prépare à une semaine décisive qui pourrait déboucher sur une reprise en main musclée de la Catalogne en pleine poussée de fièvre indépendantiste. Amandine Seguin, ―Catalogne: coup de force inédit de Rajoy pour empêcher la sécession‖, L’Express, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 M. Puigdemont demeure le président de la Catalogne jusqu‟à vendredi. Et, à ce titre, deux voies s‟ouvrent à lui : se déclarer en rébellion et proclamer la République catalane, ou reculer et, pour préserver l‟autonomie de la région, convoquer de nouvelles élections régionales qui désactiveraient de fait l‟article 155. Sandrine Morel, ―Catalogne: face aux mesures de tutelle, les options des independantistes‖, Le Monde, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 3 Le Parlement devrait également célébrer une date historique : celle du quarantième anniversaire du retour à Barcelone de Josep Tarradellas, président de la Généralité, l‟exécutif catalan, après un exil de plus de trente ans pendant la dictature de Franco Isabelle Piquer, ―A Barcelone : 'On a besoin de normalité'‖, Le Monde, 23 d'octubre de 2017 A CUP quer reação rápida à bomba atómica de Mariano Rajoy e apelou esta manhã à "desobediência civil massiva" contra o artigo 155. Parlamento pode declarar independência na próxima quinta-feira. Rita Dinis, ―Catalunha apel·la à ‗desobediència civil‘ para rejeitar artigo 155”, Observador, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 O movimento independentista catalão tem uma semana para proclamar o seu país. Não será país para durar ou governar e servirá simultaneamente como consolação aos milhões de pessoas que em três anos votaram em dois referendos não reconhecidos Félix Ribeiro, ―Catalunha. Pode fazer-se um paìs numa semana?‖, Sol, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 Perciò nessuno in Europa intende riconoscere la Catalogna come Stato indipendente. Anche Theresa May, in piena Brexit, ha detto che il Regno Unito non riconoscerà mai la Catalogna. Al di là di alcune scene che non ci sono piaciute nel giorno del referendum catalano, la Spagna è una democrazia che è stata costruita grazie all‟impegno di milioni di spagnoli e in particolare grazie all‟impegno di tre grandi personaggi Mario Ajello, ―Antonio Tajani: ‗Serve uno stop alle piccole patrie‘‖, Il Messaggero, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 It seems likely that this dispute will escalate. Western democracy is on trial here and it is time for cool heads on all sides and for dialogue. And surely there is a role for the EU. ―Democracy on trial in Catalan crisis‖, The Scotsman, 21 d‘octubre de 2017 4 Yet it is hard to view this measure as anything other than a “hard” re- centralisation, given that it means the removal from office of the entire Catalan cabinet, with their portfolios to be taken on by ministers in Madrid; the reining in of the powers of the Catalan parliament; and the calling of regional elections Guy Hedgecoe, ―Catalonia‘s selfgovernment drive faces unpalatable decisions‖, The Irish Times, 22 d‘octubre de 2017 Les indépendantistes vivent dans une bulle, ils vendent de l‟illusion, ils capitalisent sur la complexité de la situation catalane. Mais ils n‟osent pas organiser un scrutin régional, sous contrôle de la commission électorale espagnole ; un scrutin précédé d‟une campagne libre sur les vrais enjeux de « l‟indépendance » ; un scrutin légal qui dirait comment se départage la population de la Catalogne. Ils préfèrent la politique du pire. ―En Catalogne, la politique du pire‖, Le Monde, 23 d'octubre de 2017 The longer the Barcelona-Madrid struggle rages, and the more entrenched the opposing sides become, the greater the potential for its destabilising effects to send political and economic shockwaves across Europe Simon Tisdall, ―How the Catalan crisis could send shockwaves across Europe‖, The Guardian, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 The political crisis in Catalonia and how it is resolved will have an impact on the European Union, not just Spain. It highlights the problem of forced integration of a people who have historically expressed a desire for self-governance and voluntary association. Íðigu Urkullu, ―Only political dialogue can bring stability to Catalonia – and the EU must help‖, The Guardian, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 Leaders of the secessionist campaign said the referendum gave them a mandate to claim independence Julien Troyer & Paul Day, ―Catalonia says it will defy orders from Spanish government when it imposes direct rule‖, The Independent, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 5 Whatever the independence vote‟s legal basis, surely condemning violence by the authorities against innocent people isn‟t too much of a stretch? Will Gore, ―By refusing to address the Catalan crisis, the EU shows itrself a tits worst‖, The Independent, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 In Spain and Italy, the answer is clear – a mixture of austerity and central government failures has prompted regional dissatisfaction. Elsewhere, the reasons are more complicated, but they‟re not going away Paul Mason, ―Catalonia, Lombardy, Scotland... why the fight for self-determination now?‖, The Guardian, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 The European Union is not the right body, but an independent third party could help Madrid and Barcelona ease the confrontation before it is too late ―Wanted: an honest broker‖, The Guardian, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 Herein lies a conundrum: How do nation states and the international system address calls for independence in a system that doesn‟t really encourage them? Krishnadev Calamur, ―Why Aren‘t There More New Countries?‖, The Atlantic, 23 d‘octubre de 2017 Les plus radicaux des indépendantistes catalans ont promis une campagne de désobéissance massive si Madrid prend le contrôle de cette région autonome vendredi, alors qu'aucun rapprochement ne semblait en vue pour éviter l'escalade.
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