NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC BY ORDER OF THE COMMANDER COMBINED AIR OPERATIONS CENTER5 (CAOC5) REGULATIONS FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATING AS GENERAL AIR TRAFFIC (GAT) IN THE BALKAN JOINT OPERATION AREA (JOA) VERSION 5 DATED 15 MAR 10. This regulation supercedes version 4.2 dated 01 Jul 07 OPR: Combined Air Operations Center 5 Certified by NATO COMCAOC5 LtGen L. DeVincenti, ITAF COMPLIANCE WITH THIS DOCUMENT IS MANDATORY. Authority: 1. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (10 Jun 99). 2. Military Technical Agreement between the signing parties. (KFOR, Govts of Federal Republic of YUGOSLAVIA and SERBIA (now SERBIA and MONTENEGRO) - 9 Jun 99. 3. Helsinki Agreement between the signing parties (US and Russian Federation) – 18 Jun 99 4. General Framework Agreement for Peace in BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA (Initialed by Govts of BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA, CROATIA and the Federal Republic of YUGOSLAVIA –(now SERBIA and MONTENEGRO) 21 Nov 95) 5. Letter of agreement between NATO/SFOR Airspace Control Authority and CROATIA Control Ltd, Zagreb ACC. 6. Agreement for the provision of NATO support to the EU for the command and control for the airspace of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 01 Dec.2004. 7. Protocol on the release of Bosnia and Herzegovina airspace - Paris, April 20TH, 2007 Request for changes or questions regarding this regulation may be directed to [email protected] or the number in the above paragraph. REGULATIONS FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATING AS GENERAL AIR TRAFFIC (GAT) IN THE BALKAN JOA – VERSION 5 EFFECTIVE 15 MAR 10 NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC i NATO UNCLASSIFIED RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC CONTENTS SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION SECTION 2 GENERAL AIRSPACE INFORMATION SECTION 3 FLIGHT PLANNING / PREFERRED ROUTINGS / IN-FLIGHT PROCEDURES / AIRSPACE FLOW MANAGEMENT SECTION 4 INFORMATION ON KOSOVO/FYROM∗ SECTION 5 CANCELLED SECTION 6 INFORMATION ON SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO ANNEX A ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ANNEX B BALKAN JOINT OPERATIONS AREA (JOA) RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT (ROL) REGULATIONS VERSION 5 (AGREEMENT FOR CIVILIAN OPERATORS AND NON-NATO MILTARY USERS) ANNEX C BALKAN JOINT OPERATIONS AREA (JOA) STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION – REGULATIONS VERSION 5 (CERTIFICATION FOR NATO MILITARY USERS ONLY) ANNEX D SLOT REQUEST FORMS FOR PRISTINA, DAKOVICA, & SKOPJE APODS ANNEX D1 DAKOVICA/ITAF RELEASE OF LIABILITY ANNEX E KOSOVO AIR SAFELTY ZONE FLIGHT REQUEST ANNEX G SKOPJE PETROVECPAX LIST FOR MIL FLIGHT ANNEX H SKOPJE PETROVECAPPLICATION FOR VIP PASSENGERS ANNEX F SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO DIP CLEARANCE FORM FOR L608/M867 CORRIDOR ∗ Turkey recognizes Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia by its constitutional name. REGULATIONS FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATING AS GENERAL AIR TRAFFIC (GAT) IN THE BALKAN JOA – VERSION 5 EFFECTIVE 15 MAR 10 NATO UNCLASSIFIED ii NATO UNCLASSIFIED SECTION 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. Originating Unit of this regulation. CAOC5 Balkan Plans Chief is the point of contact working under CAOC5 at Poggio Renatico, ITALY and has responsibility for control and currency of this document (Comm. Tel. 0039 0532 822 420). 1.2. Purpose. This document provides regulations and guidance for General Air Traffic (GAT) operations in the Balkan Joint Operations Area (JOA). Operators must understand that the JOA is controlled airspace with an air traffic service (ATS) structure in which portions of the airspace are still under NATO control. The ATS structure is in the process of normalization that is not yet finalized. 1.3. Application. This regulation is mandatory and applies to all commercial and military aircraft conducting activities at APOD’s within the Balkan JOA. The Balkan JOA consists of ICAO regulated airspace and airspace for the sole use of NATO. Additionally, the airspace is divided into volumes over international waters and parts over the territory and the adjacent territorial waters of the following states: BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA (BiH), CROATIA, SERBIA and MONTENEGRO (S and M), and Former Yugoslav Republic of MACEDONIA (FYROM∗). EUFOR transfers and the Ministry of Communication and Transport of BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA (BiH) accepts the full control of the airspace above its territory, enabling BiH to assume all privileges and obligations resulting from the provisions of the Chicago Convention (Protocol on the release of BiH AIRSPACE – Paris, April 20TH, 2007). However BiH reaffirms the right of COMEUFOR and EUFOR assets as well as NATO and non-NATO assets in support of EU-operations to free and unrestricted passage as well as to complete and unimpeded freedom of movement by air throughout BiH. Military operators should refer to the classified CAOC5 SPINS, for air activities outside the airlift category defined above. These regulations are to be applied in accordance with (i.a.w.) international laws and the relevant national laws, whichever is more restrictive, of each nation within the Balkan JOA. The CAOC5 emphasizes that the SERBIA and MONTENEGRO Air Traffic Service Agency (SMATSA) of S and M, also known as Belgrade Control, exercises control authority only over aircraft flying within SERBIA and MONTENEGRO. Any NOTAMS issued by Belgrade Control apply only to the airspace and airfields of SERBIA and MONTENEGRO, and do not apply to the airspace over KOSOVO. Procedures to be followed within the airspace over KOSOVO and at airfields inside KOSOVO are issued in this document and applicable AIP. Any participating carrier or unit who is unable to comply with any provision in these regulations should immediately notify CAOC5 in writing, identifying the provision by paragraph number, and explaining the reservations with compliance. Noncompliance with this regulation may result in the temporary or permanent suspension of operating privileges. 1.4.1 ROL Agreements and Certification Rules. This Version (5) of Regulations for Aircraft operating in the Balkan JOA will become effective at 0001 UTC 15 MAR 10. Version 5 replaces all previous versions of JOINT ENTERPRISE/DISCRETE ENTERPRISE Civilian, NATO ∗ Turkey recognizes Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia by its constitutional name. REGULATIONS FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATING AS GENERAL AIR TRAFFIC (GAT) IN THE BALKAN JOA – VERSION 5 EFFECTIVE 15 MAR 10 NATO UNCLASSIFIED 1-1 NATO UNCLASSIFIED military and Non–NATO military instructions (Regulations) issued by CAOC5. The Release of Liability and Indemnification (ROL) agreement and NATO Military Certification statement are to be found at Annexes B and C. Failure to document compliance with Version 5 of the Regulations will result in rejection of slot requests. The following statements of acceptance are required: 1.4.2 User Responsibility: All users signing ROL Agreements and Military Certification statements are responsible for ensuring that their crews are fully briefed on Balkan Airspace procedures i.a.w. this regulation. The signatures must be of the person(s) with direct responsibility for the operational control of company Aircraft (civilian operators) or the training and supervision of the flight crews of the company/organization concerned. A thorough understanding of this document is critical to safe conduct of flight in the Balkan JOA. Failure to comply with this document may result in the withdrawal of Balkan JOA flying privileges. 1.4.3. Civilian Carriers & Non-NATO Military Users: All civilian carriers and Non-NATO military users must sign and return the ROL Agreement, ANNEX B, Version 5 (For Dakovica, ANNEX D1) and return it to the APOD before operating in the Balkan AOR (unless previously certificated under an earlier Version). 1.4.4. NATO Military Users: All NATO military units must sign and return the Statement of Regulations Certification for NATO Military Users, ANNEX C, Version 5 and return it to the APOD before operating in the Balkan AOR (unless previously certificated under an earlier Version) 1.5. Regulations - NOTAMS/AIM Correlation. The CAOC5 Balkan Plans Chief has responsibility for the content, currency and control of this document. This document does not replace current NOTAMS or AIM, which should always be checked for the latest airspace and/or airway information. In the event of a conflict between this document and a current NOTAM or AIM, the latter will take precedence. If Belgrade Control issues any NOTAM/AIM for airspace over KOSOVO, it is to be considered invalid. In such event users are requested to inform CAOC5 by Fax of the area of conflict at earliest opportunity. The following websites offer NOTAMS and additional information: 1.5.1 NOTAMS https://www.notams.jcs.mil 1.5.2 European Flight Planning www.cfmu.eurocontrol.be 1.5.3 Internat’l NOTAM Office (NOF) Pristina [email protected] [email protected] REGULATIONS FOR AIRCRAFT OPERATING AS GENERAL AIR TRAFFIC (GAT) IN THE BALKAN JOA – VERSION 5 EFFECTIVE 15 MAR 10 NATO UNCLASSIFIED 1-2 NATO UNCLASSIFIED SECTION 2. GENERAL AIRSPACE INFORMATION 2.1. The Balkans JOA is controlled airspace with an air traffic service (ATS) structure in which portions of the airspace are still under NATO/KFOR control. The ATS structure is in the process of normalization that is not yet finalized. Control of BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA airspace is under BiH Ministry of Communication and Transport. Control of Kosovo airspace from ground up to FL 290 is managed by Pristina Air Navigation Service Provider with military CTRs and CTAs existing within that airspace. Air Traffic Services are provided by Pristina Air Navigation Service Provider allowing General Air Traffic operations within the Kosovo airspace, as outlined in this document. Below 10,000ft AMSL outside CTRs, and CTAs, Kosovo Airspace is classified as G airspace (Golf as per ICAO) where flight information service and alerting service is provided. For GAT intending to fly in Kosovo G airspace a prior to fly approval is required. Kosovo airspace above FL 290 is closed and under NATO control. All carriers must understand the rules and risks associated with flights into the Balkan JOA. Military Aircraft mostly operate under VFR (Visual Flight Rules). All Aircraft must be under the control of a civil ATC outside TMA, CTA and Special Use Airspace flying above FL 100.
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