Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine

Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine

Fact Sheet Rolls-Royce Commercial Marine Customer support Former companies/products for which we perform service and support The comprehensive Rolls-Royce marine business is the result of many aquisitions. This has resulted in a number of products being renamed and others manufactured under licence. Some of the products are recognised by their product name – others by the company's name. All these products are listed below and are covered by our local service resources worldwide. 01.CuSu-1 of 4-26.01.05 01.CuSu-1 Fact Sheet Range of products: Former company/brand: Type of products: Licensed manufacturers: Type of products: Propulsion systems: A.M. Liaaen AS, Norway (*) • Azimuth Thrusters • C.P. Propulsion systems • High Speed Thrusters • Oil distribution box • Reduction gears • Tunnel thrusters • Remote Control Systems - pneumatic & mechanic • Remote Control Systems Helitron AS, Norway • Remote Control Systems - electronic - electronic Kongsberg Våpenfabrikk, • C.P.Propulsion systems Norway Kværner Bruk, Norway • C.P. Propulsion systems Mar-El • Remote Control Systems - electronic Niigata, Japan • Azimuth Thrusters Propulsion Systems Inc.(P.S.I.), • C.P. Propulsion systems USA • Reduction gears • Oil distribution box Rauma Repola Lokomo div., • C.P. Propulsion systems Finland • Reduction gears • Oil distribution box • Tunnel thrusters Theodor Zeise, Germany • C.P. Propulsion systems • Oil distribution box Volda Mek.Verksted AS, • Reduction gears Norway Zamech, Poland • C.P. Propulsion systems • Reduction gears • Oil distribution box • Tunnel thrusters Aquamaster • Azimuth thrusters Hjelset Motorfabrikk AS, • C.P. Propulsion systems Norway(**) • Oil distribution box • Reduction gears KaMeWa • C.P. Propellers & thrusters • F.P. Propellers • Pod propulsion systems • Water jet • Water jet propulsion syst Liaaen Helix AS Sales organisation for (former Helix), Norway Propulsion equipment: A.M. Liaaen AS, Norway (see *) Hjelset Motorfabrikk AS, (see **) Norway Volda Mek.Verksted AS, • Reduction gears Norway The Normo Group, Norway Sales organisation for A.S. Bergens Mek.Verksteder, • Engines Engines & Propulsion Norway equipment: Brødr. Brunvoll Motorfabrikk • Engines & Propulsion A/S, Norway systems Hjelset Motorfabrikk AS, • C.P. Propulsion systems Norway Volda Mek.Verksted AS, • Reduction gears Norway Seffle • C.P.Propellers Ulstein Marine Electronics • Remote Control Systems Peilo Teknikk, Norway • Remote Control Systems - electronic - electronic Liaaen Helitron AS, Norway • Remote Control Systems - electronic Helitron AS, Norway • Remote Control Systems - electronic Ulstein Maritime Ltd., • Z-drives Canada Ulstein Propeller AS, Norway • C.P. Propulsion systems • Reduction gears • Oil distribution box • Azimuth Thrusters • High Speed Thrusters • Tunnel thrusters • Remote Control Systems Ulstein Automation AS, - electronic Norway 01.CuSu-2 of 4-26.01.05 01.CuSu-2 Fact Sheet Range of products: Former company/brand: Type of products: Licensed manufacturers: Type of products: Deck machinery: Aquamaster-Rauma Ltd. • Winches Danwinch • Winches Fritz Culver • Winches Hydraulik Espanola SA, Spain • Cranes Fukushima • Winches Swetsmekano, Sweden • Winches Hydravinsj • Winches Hydraulik AS • Winches Lewis Strand • Winches Hydraulik Brattvaag AS • Winches Hydraulik Drammen • Winches Kamewa Finland Ltd • Winches Marol • Remote control Bousier, France • Winches Rasmussen, Denmark • Winches Nor Davit • Winches Norwinch AS • Winches Rauma Deck Machinery • Winches Rauma-Repola Ltd • Winches Ulstein Brattvaag AS • Winches Ulstein Norwinch AS • Winches Steering gear: Svendborg • Steering gear Ulstein Danmark AS • Steering gear Diesel/gas engines: Allen • Diesel engines Bergen Diesel AS • Diesel engines Normo diesel engines • Diesel engines Ulstein Bergen AS • Diesel engines Ship automation: Elektromarin/ MAR-EL Helitron AS Liaaen Helix Peilo Teknikk AS Ulstein Automation AS • Soundfast tanksounding system Ulstein Marine Electronics AS • Datasound tanksounding system • Remote controls switchboards/starters • Consoles/electrical testpanels Rudders: Heinz Hinze GmbH/Hinze • Rudders Ulstein Nor AS • Rudders Ulstein Smedvik AS • Rudders Ulstein Verft AS avd. Hareid • Rudders Bulk handling systems: Ulstein Nor AS • Bulk handling Ulstein Verft AS avd. Hareid • Bulk handling Special products: Ulstein Nor AS • Stern rollers Ulstein Norsea • Ulstein retractable towing pins Ulstein Propeller AS • Towing pins Ulstein Smedvik AS • Shark jaws Ulstein Smedvik AS • Shaftlines/ Towing pins Ulstein UK • Shaftlines/ Towing pins Ulstein Verft AS avd. Hareid • Shark jaws 01.CuSu-3 of 4-26.01.05 01.CuSu-3 Fact Sheet NORTHERN EUROPE JAPAN ROLLS-ROYCE DENMARK Tokyo ROLLS-ROYCE Tel: +81 3 3237 6861 Aalborg Fax: +81 3 3237 6846 Tel: +45 99 30 36 00 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Fax: +45 99 30 36 01 ROLLS-ROYCE FINLAND Busan ROLLS-ROYCE Tel: +82 51 831 4100 Helsinki Fax: +82 51 831 4101 Tel: +358 9 686 6330 RUSSIA Fax: +358 9 686 63339 ROLLS-ROYCE Kokkola (Waterjets) Vladivostok Tel: +358 6 832 4500 Tel: +7 4232 495 484 Fax: +358 6 832 4511 Fax: +7 4232 495 484 Rauma AMERICAS (Propulsion/Deck Machinery) Tel: +358 2 837 91 BRAZIL Fax: +358 2 837 94804 ROLLS-ROYCE FRANCE Rio de Janeiro Tel: +55 21 3860 8787 ROLLS-ROYCE Fax: +55 21 3860 4410 Rungis Tel: +33 1 468 62811 Oslo (Repr. Office) Newcastle (Bearings) Rio de Janeiro (Naval Marine) Fax: +33 1 468 79398 Tel: +47 23 31 04 80 Tel: +44 191 273 0291 MIDDLE EAST Tel: +55 21 2277 0100 Fax: +47 23 31 04 99 Fax: +44 191 272 2787 Fax: +55 21 2277 0186 Paris (Naval Marine) UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Tel: +33 147 221 440 Tennfjord (Steering Gear) Portsmouth ROLLS-ROYCE CANADA Fax: +33 147 457 738 Tel: +47 70 20 88 00 (Marine Electrical Systems) Dubai ROLLS-ROYCE Fax: +47 70 20 89 00 Tel: +44 2392 310 000 Tel: +971 4 883 3881 Halifax GERMANY Fax: +44 2392 310 001 Fax: +971 4 883 3882 Tel: +1 902 468 2883 ROLLS-ROYCE Ulsteinvik (Head Office) Fax: +1 902 468 2759 Hamburg, Jessenstr. Tel: +47 70 01 40 00 Bristol ASIA PACIFIC Tel: +49 40 38 12 77 Fax: +47 70 01 40 05 (Naval Marine) St. John´s Fax: +49 40 389 21 77 Tel: +44 117 974 8500 AUSTRALIA Tel: +1 709 364 3053 Ulsteinvik (Ship Design) Fax: +44 117 979 2607 ROLLS-ROYCE Fax: +1 709 364 3054 (UT-Design) Hamburg, Kamerunweg Melbourne Tel: +47 70 01 40 00 Derby Tel: +49 40 780 91 90 Tel: +61 3 9873 0988 Vancouver Fax: +47 70 01 40 13 (Naval Marine - Submarines) Fax: +49 40 780 91 919 Fax: +61 3 9873 0866 Tel: +1 604 942 1100 Tel: +44 1332 661 461 Fax: +1 604 942 1125 Ulsteinvik (Propulsion) Fax: +44 1332 622 935 Norderstedt Perth Tel: +47 70 01 40 00 USA Tel: +49 40 528 7360 Tel: +61 8 9336 7910 Fax: +47 70 01 40 14 Manchester Fax: +49 40 523 1580 Fax: +61 8 9336 7920 ROLLS-ROYCE (Engines - Crossley Pielstick) Houston THE NETHERLANDS Volda (Propulsion) Tel: +44 161 223 1353 Sydney (Naval Marine) Tel: +1 713 273 7700 Tel: +47 70 07 39 00 Fax: +44 161 223 7286 ROLLS-ROYCE Tel: +61 2 9325 1222 Fax: +1 713 273 7776 Fax: +47 70 07 39 50 Rotterdam, Pernis Fax: +61 2 9325 1300 Tel: +31 10 40 90 920 SOUTHERN EUROPE Miramar POLAND Fax: +31 10 40 90 921 INDIA Tel: +1 954 436 7100 ROLLS-ROYCE CROATIA ROLLS-ROYCE Fax: +1 954 436 7101 NORWAY Gdynia Navis Consult Mumbai Tel: +48 58 782 06 55 ROLLS-ROYCE Part of Rolls-Royce Marine Tel: +91 22 5640 3838 New Orleans Fax: +48 58 782 06 56 Aalesund (Ship Design) Rijeka Fax: +91 22 5640 3818 Tel: +1 504 464 4561 (NVC-Design) Tel: +385 51 500 100 Fax: +1 504 464 4565 Tel: +47 70 10 37 00 Gniew (Deck Machinery) Fax: +385 51 500 101 NEW ZEALAND Tel: +48 58 535 22 71 Seattle Fax: +47 70 10 37 01 ROLLS-ROYCE Fax: +48 58 535 22 18 Tel: +1 206 782 9190 GREECE Christchurch Bergen (Foundry) Fax: +1 206 782 0176 SWEDEN ROLLS-ROYCE Tel: +64 3 962 1230 Tel: +47 55 53 65 00 Piraeus Fax: +64 3 962 1231 Fax: +47 55 53 65 05 ROLLS-ROYCE Tel: +30 210 4599 688 Annapolis (Naval Marine Inc) Kristinehamn (Propulsion) Fax: +30 210 4599 687 SINGAPORE Tel: +1 410 224 2130 Tel: +46 550 840 00 Fax: +1 410 266 6721 Bergen (Engines) ROLLS-ROYCE Tel: +47 55 53 60 00 Fax: +46 550 181 90 ITALY Singapore Miami (Syncrolift Inc) Fax: +47 55 19 04 05 ROLLS-ROYCE UNITED KINGDOM Tel: +65 686 21 901 Tel: +1 305 670 8800 Genova Fax: +65 686 32 165 Fax: +1 305 670 9911 Bergen (Steering Gear) ROLLS-ROYCE Tel: +39 010 572 191 Tel: +47 56 57 16 00 Bristol (Marine Systems) Fax: +39 010 572 1950 Fax: +47 56 30 82 41 Tel: +44 117 979 7242 NORTH EAST ASIA Pascagoula Fax: +44 117 979 6722 SPAIN (Foundry - Naval Marine Inc) CHINA Tel: +1 228 762 0728 Brattvaag (Deck Machinery) ROLLS-ROYCE Dartford ROLLS-ROYCE Fax: +1 228 769 7048 Tel: +47 70 20 85 00 Madrid Tel: +44 1322 394 300 Dalian Fax: +47 70 20 86 00 Tel: +34 917 350 010 Fax: +44 1322 394 301 Tel: +86 411 8230 5198 Walpole (Naval Marine Inc) Fax: +34 917 350 728 Hareid (Rudders & Fax: +86 411 8230 8448 Tel: +1 508 668 9610 Dunfermline Fax: +1 508 668 2497 Bulkhandling) Tarragona (Motion Control) Hong Kong Tel: +47 70 01 40 00 Tel: +34 977 296 444 Tel: +44 1383 82 31 88 Tel: +852 2526 6937 Washington (Naval Marine Inc) Fax: +47 70 01 40 21 Fax: +34 977 296 450 Fax: +44 1383 82 40 38 Fax: +852 2868 5344 Tel: +1 703 834 1700 Longva (Automation) Fax: +1 703 709 6086 Tel: +47 70 20 82 00 Shanghai Fax: +47 70 20 83 51 Tel: +86 21 6387 8808 Fax: +86 21 5382 5793 01.CuSu-4 of 4-26.01.05 01.CuSu-4 Rolls-Royce Marine AS © 2002 Rolls-Royce plc P.O.

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