List of Intercepted Plant Pests

List of Intercepted Plant Pests

tvrf- APHIS 82-6 February 1980 "TJ 5Pi^^^ LIST OF INTERCEPTED PLANT PESTS (Pests Recorded from October 1, 1977 Through September 30, 1978) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE APHIS 82-6 February 1980 LIST OF INTERCEPTED PLANT PESTS (Pests Recorded from October 1, 1977 Through September 30, 1978) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Contents Page Introduct ion T]l Changes in nomenclature IV V Correction ; Summary of number of interceptions listed 1 Tabulation of insects ^ Hosts and insects ^U Insects intercepted with hosts unknown I'O Countries of origin and insects 116 Tabulation of mites 140 Hosts and mites 141 Mites intercepted with hosts unknown 142 Countries of origin and mites 143 Tabulation of mollusks 144 Hosts and mollusks 1 50 Mollusks intercepted with hosts unknown 152 Countries of origin and mollusks 153 Tabulation of diseases 155 Hosts and diseases 166 Diseases intercepted with hosts unknown 170 Countries of origin and diseases 171 Tabulation of nematodes 174 Hosts and nematodes • 176 Nematodes intercepted with hosts unknown 1 77 Countries of origin and nematodes 1 78 Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service U.S. Department of Agriculture Federal Building Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 n List of Intercepted Plant Pests, 1978 Plant Importation and Technical Support Staff Technical Information Unit INTRODUCTION This, the 61st annual report of pests and pathogens found in agricultural quarantine inspections. Is the 6th such publication to be assembled and printed from computerized interception records. It summarizes records of significant living plant pests and pathogens found in, on, or with plants, plant products, carriers and container vans, imported or entering into the continental United States and Hawaii or the offshore possessions, or moving between these areas. Accumulated totals for organisms are listed under headings indicating either that the intended use of the contaminated host is consumption or propagation, or that the item is not intended for importation and is designated as nonentry. Incompletely identified organisms belonging to economic pest groups are included in the listings when they are not taxonomically separable to the degree required for a comprehensive pest risk assessment. The list was made from identification records received during fiscal year 1978. Insect and mite identifications are made by personnel of the Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs (PPQ) , Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), the Insect Identification and Beneficial Insect Introduction Institute (IIBIII) , Federal Research, Science and Education Administration CFR, SEA), and the U.S. National Museum. Scientific names of listed organisms were reviewed by scientists of PPQ and IIBIII. Scientific and common names of host plants were verified using Hortus III , Standardized Plant Names , and other botanical resources. PEST ORIGINS Countries of origin shown for pest interceptions are obtained from the best available sources at the time of interception. Though not meant to be definitive, every effort is made to insure the accuracy of this information. iii \ Q> C U <u O iH c: iH 00 <: •H CO ^^ w >—* ^§ .H tJ s .H -iH e O > (d 13 0) H ->-' U rH ^ (U 0) > tfl w Q) c 3 (1) j: (0 > o •H cd /— & •H (U CO ^ n> ^ u § •O (U o ^ •H TJ X O O O o i^ o M 0) M (U § 4J >. •U iH CO (U (U >i <5 d K H 01 c CO CO •H O u CO •H ^ TS W -d -H <{> W rH ^-\ rH C CO 0) U rH W rH < IS 13 > 0) dJ CO M c rQ OJ > CO CO 3 •H CO c U •H Q) rH T3 h M•H S0) TV 3 o c\j (U 00 U I CO o >i y C ra CO CVJ evj 9) cn Q. O CM 00 u 0) 4J u to i;^ C 4J o o •H ca o U (U •H o O CO c o (U nj •H >-i <u o VI n o O •H 3 U O P4 A A 8 U M H A R V f N U H B E R F INTERCEPTIONS LISTED COUNTRY INSECT DISEASE NEMATODE AFGHANISTAN b AFRICA (COUNTRY-?) 20 6 ALGERIA 6 AMERICAN SAMOA e "l ANOROS ISLAND 1 "2 ANTIGUA 2 ARGENTINA 24 174 ARGENTINA (?) 1 1 ARUBA 5 ASIA (COUNTRY T) 1 ASIA (COUNTRY-?) 26 AUSTRALIA «7 AUSTRALIA ( ?) 12 AUSTRIA,. 12 AZORES .' 5 BAHAMAS 45 BANGLADESH 6 BARBADOS 12 BARBADOS (?) BELGI UM 55 BELGIUM (?) I BELIZE BERMUDA BOL I V I 18 5 BRAZIL 172 183 BRAZIL (?) 1 BURMA CAMEROON CANADA (?) CANARY ISLANDS CAROLINE ISLANDS , 1 CAYMAN ISLANDS 8 CENTRAL AMERICA (COUNTRY-?).., 5 CHILE 8 CHINA 4 COLOMBI 294 COLOMBIA(?) 2 COOK ISLANDS 1 COSTA RICA 137 COSTA RICA(?) 1 CRETE CUBA CURACAO CYPRUS 1 CZECHOSLOVAK! A 9 DENMARK 3 DOMINICA 24 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC 479 225 ECUADOR 161 36 ECUADOR (?) 2 EGYPT 5 EGYPT (?) , , 1 EL SALVADOR ,. 50 EL SALVADOR(T) 3 EUROPE (COUNTRY-?) 73 FIJI 15 FINLAND 4 FRANCE.,, 221 10 FRANCE (?) 1 GABON 1 "3 GHANA 52 GHANA (?) 1 GREECE 56 'Se GREECE (?) I GRENADA , 4 GUADELOUPE 1 GUAM 20 GUATEMALA 519 GUATEMALA (?) 1 GUYANA 13 HAITI 112 HAITK?) , 1 HAWAII 1«616 363 HONDURAS 80 23 9 u M M * R r NUMBER INTERCEPTIONS LISTED MITE MOLLUSK HONDURAS ( 7) 1 HONG KONG 38 93 i HONG KONGC?) 2 HUNGARY e . 2 1 INDIA 591 36 INDIA(?) 3 INDONESIA 22 3 IRAN Ml 4 . I IRAN(7) , 1 IRAQ 3 1 ! 7 IRELAND 1 ISRAEL 26 4 6 3 ISRAELC?) 3 1 ITALY ,. 360 10 132 43 5 ITALY(?) 1 1 2 IVORY COAST 11 5 JAMAICA, ., 2«8 2 29 JAMAICA(7) JAPAN eue 10 3 172 2 JAPANt?) It 2 JORDAN 6 1 2 KENYA 5 2 KHMER REPUBLIC KOREA 125 26 1 KOREAC?) 2 1 KUWAIT(7) 1 KWAJALEIN.,, 8 3 LAOS 1 ! LEBANON 10 3 2 LIBERIA 22 1 LIBYA MADAGASCAR , u . MADEIRA ISLANDS u , MALAYSIA 22 1 2 MALT* H 1 MARTINIQUE 3 MEXICO 2,127 61 21 345 7 MEXICO(?) MIDWAY 17 MIOWAYt?) MONTSERRAT 2 MOROCCO 7 4 MOROCCO(?) i ! MOZAMBIQUE 1 3 NETHERLANDS 30 '. 2 NEVIS "1 . NEW BRITAIN NEW CALEDONIA 6 . NEW ZEALAND 36 1 4 1 NEW ZEALAN0(7) 2 NICARAGUA 33 2 10 NIGERIA 81 1 1 NORWAY u , OKINAWA 5 Pakistan 27 1 palau island PANAMA 90 1 7 PaNama(7) 3 1 papua new guinea U , paraguay 6 2 peoples republic oe china, 2 Peru 80 a 10 2 PERUt?) 3 PHILIPPINES 954 2 17 1 PHILIPPINES(7) POLAND 25 1 POLANDC?) 2 PON APE , 5 PORTUGAL 109 5 27 4 2 PORTUGAL(?) PUERTO RICO 205 2 4 PUERTO RIC0(7) REPUBLIC OF CHINA 201 I 232 ROMANIA 19 1 1 8 U M M * R V NUMBER INTERCEPTIONS LISTED MOLLUSK SAUDI ARABIA e SCOTLAND 3 SENEGAL 6 SIERRA LEONE 1 SINGAPORE 26 SINGAPORECT) SOLOMON ISLANDS 1 SOUTH AFRICA 175 SOUTH AFRICAC?) 3 1 SOUTH AMERICA (COUNTRY-?), 2 la SOVIET UNION , SOVIET UNIONC?) 1 SPAIN 77 26 2 5 SPAIN(?) , SRI LANKA , ST, CROIX , ST. JOHN , ST. KITTS , ST, LUCIA , ST. MARTIN ,, ST, THOMAS , ST, VINCENT ., SUDAN , SURINAM, , SMEOEN 7 SWITZERLAND , 11 SYRIA , 3 <I3 TAHITI , 2 TANZANIA , , THAILAND 176 TONGA 1 TRINIDAD & TOBAGO 80 TRINIDAD i T0BAG0(7) 1 TUNISIA 2 TUNISIAC?) 1 TURKEY 10 TURKS ISLAND 1 UGANDA 2 UNITED KINGDOM a? 3 UNITED KINGOOMC?) 4 27 UNKNOWN , 221 URUGUAY U VENEZUELA 41 5 VENEZUELAt?) 1 VIET NAM 1 VIRGIN ISLANDS 6 WEST GERMANY U53 WEST GERMaNY(7),.,. 2 WEST INDIES (COUNTRY-?),. 1 WEST PACIFIC (COUNTRY-?). 2 YUGOSLAVIA IB 2 ZAIRE 1 TOTAL INTERCEPTIONS. 12,627 413 2,644 GRAND TOTAL 15,880 B U L » T I N INSECTS COUNTRY PEST AND MOST OF COLLECTED IN- ORIGIN tSGDiLLtSPIS SP. (OltSPIDtOAE) 62 CA, FL, LA, NY, BROMELIAO (LEAF) CATOPSIS SP, (LEAF) CMAMAEDOREA SP. (LEAF) OBCHIO (LEAF) TILLANDSIA BULB03A (LEAF) TILLANDSIA BULBOSA (PLANT) TILLANDSIA SP. (LEAF) TILLANDSIA SP. (STEM) TILLANDSIA STREPTOPHYLLA (LEAF) TILLANDSIA STREPTOPMTLLA (PLANT) TILLANDSIA UTRICULATA (LEAF) VRIESEA SP. (LEAF) ABGRALLASPIS HENDAX (MCkENZIE) (DI ASPIDIDAE) EL SALVADOR> GUATEMALA. ... 2 FL ORCHID (LEAF) .' ACALLES SP. (CURCULIONIDAE) MEXICO. NICARAGUA I FL, TX. BROMELIAO (PLANT) ORCHID (PLANT) ACANTHOCINUS SP. (CERAMBVCIDAE) ,. EUROPE (C0UNTRV.T)> SPAIN. 1 .... MD, SC. DUNNAGE HOOD CRATE-SCRENS ACANTMODERES CIRCUHFLEXA JACOUELIN - OUVAL (CERAMBYCIOAE) EL SALVADOR. CUCUMIS HELD (FRUIT) ACANTHOMYTILUS SP. (DI ASPIDIDAE ) J NY CUPRES3US SP. (SEED) SP. ACANTHOScELIDES (BRUCHIOAE). , ARGENTINA, BOLIVIA. BRAZIL. 6 FL. LA, MO, NJ, GLADIOLUS SP. (LEAF) GUATEMALA, MEXICO, GOSSYPIUH SP. (SEED) VIRGIN ISLANDS. LIMONIUM SP. (FLOWER) LIMONIUM SP. (LEAF) MALVA SP. (SEFD) MIMOSA SP. (SEED) RHYNCOSIA SP. (SEED) 3AMANEA SAMAN (SEED) STYLOSaNTHES SP. (SEED) ACANTHOSCELIDES ZETEKI KINGSOLvER (BRUCHIOAE) I , TRINIDAD TOBAGO. CAJANUS CAJAN (SEED) ACERATAGALLIA SP. (CiCADELLIOAE ) MEXICO, SPAIN I , 2 .... NJ, TX. AIRCRAFT LACTUCA SATIVA (LEAF) MUSA SP. (FRUIT) ACHAEA SP. (NOCTUIDAE) UNKNOWN > , .... HI AIRCRAFT ACRllJIOAE, SPEICES OF , COLOMBIA, MEXICO. 1 .... 2 CA, FL, TX, BAGGAGE FEROCACTUS PILOSUS (PLANT) ORCHID (LEAF) ACROLEPIA ASSECTELLA (YPONOMEUTIDAE) (ZELLER) , HAWAII, SPAIN. 2 2 .... HI, LA, TX, ALLIUM CEPA (LEAF) ALLIUM SP. (LEAF) ALLIUM SP. (STEM) ACROLEUCUS 3P. (LYGAEIDAE) , HONDURAS. ORCHID (LEAF) ACROLOPHIOAE, SPECIES OF , MEXICO... TILLANDSIA SP. (LEAF) , TtBULATION PEST AND HOST CQLtECTED IN- ACROLOPHUS SP. (ACROLOPMIDAE) BELIZEf BRAZIL, CAVMAN ISLANDS. BEAUCARNEA SP. (LEAF) COSTA RICA, BRASSAVOLA SP, (ROOT) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. ECUADOR, BROMELIA SP. (PLANT) EL SALVADOR. GUATEMALA. HAITI. BROMELIAD (LEAP) HONDURAS. MEXICO. NICARAGUA. BRUMElIAO (PLANT) PANAMA. TRINIDAD I TOBAGO, BROMELIAD (ROOT) BROMELIAD (STEM) ERIDENDRUM SP, (PLANT) ONCIDIUM SP. (ROOT) ORCHID (LEAF) ORCHID (PLANT) ORCHID (ROOT) ORCHID (STEM) TILLANDSIA lONATHA (ROOT) TILLANOSIA JUNCEA (ROOT) TILLANDSIA SP. (LEAF) TILLANOSIA SP. (PLANT) TILLANDSIA USNEOIDES (PLANT) ACUTASPIS SP, (DIASPIDIDAE) BRAZIL. COSTA RICA. HONDURAS. 12 CA, FL. PR. TX, CATOPSIS SP.

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