American School of Classical Newsletter Studies at Athens Spring 2000 Νο.44 School and Gennadeion Boards Name Ancient Technology: New Trustees, Officers The Fire of the Greek Kilns At their November meetings, Trustees of the School and the Gennadius Library voted Parts of thίs report ~vere presented ί n α in new offi cers and added new men1bers. poster dίsp lay at the Α /Α mee tίngs ίn Dallas Elected as President of the Board fο ι- three ίn 1999 by School Me ιnba Elenί Hasakί. years is Dr. Ρ. Roy Yagelos, with Chairman Charles Κ. Williams, 11 and Treasurer "Firing is half the job," an ex peήe n ced Hunter Lewi s. William Τ Loomi s will ι ·e­ potter on Crete confided to me when Ι main as Secretary. The Gennadeion Board started my fi eld trips last summer. In my named Ted Athanassides Yi ce Chairman, case the kilns are the e n t i Γe job, since my while Lloyd Ε. Cotsen remained as Chair­ dissertati on focuses on the ce Γ arnic ki lns in man of th e Board . Greece from the G eo m e tΓi c through the As new Board members fo r the School, Cl assical peri ods. At least one hundred ιh e Tω s t ees elected Lady Judith Ogden kilns weι-e operating at fifty sites in Greece Thomson, while the growing Gennadeion within these c h ω n o lo g i ca l limits. Once Board added Loucas Kyri acopoulos, Lana gathered fro m the scattered excavation re­ Mandilas, the Honorable Ε. Leo Milonas, ports, the kilns can paint a vivid pi ctu re of Andre Newburg, Helen Philon, and Marga­ the ceramic indu s ιry. Furthermore, the close ret Samourkas. examination of the design and size of the D r. Ρ Roy Vagelos Dι-. Ρ. Roy Yagel os, who succeeds Lloyd kilns can indicate local and/or chronologi­ Ε . Cotsen fο Γ a three-year term as President cal pΓac ti ces in their construction. of the School Board, joined the ASCSA Massachusetts General Hospital. Α π aνeΓ age G Γee k kiln has two cham­ Board in 1995. The author of more than 100 scientific bers. The l ow e Γ combustion chamber where DΓ . Yagelos served as Chief Executive papers, Dr. Yagelos Γece i ved an Α . Β . degree the fuel is burned is usuaJi y th e part, mostly Officer ofMerck & Co., Inc., fo r nine yeaΓs, in chemi stry from the Uni versity of Penn­ subterranean, that is preserved. Above it from July 1985 to June 1994. He was fi rst sylvania and hi s M.D. fωm the Coll ege of there is the firing c h a mbe Γ , where the te πa­ elected to the Board of Directors in 1984 Phys icians and Surgeons, Columbia Uni­ cotta products aΓ e fu ed. Thi s part is roofed and served as i ts C h a iιm an from April 1986 ve rsity. He is a m erή b er of the National each time before firing and then dismantled to November 1994. He was previously Ex­ Academy of Sciences, the American Acad­ to remove the kiln load. The two levels are ecutive Yi ce Pres ident of th e worldwide emy of Arts and Sciences, and the Ameri ­ separated hOii zontall y by a perforated clay health pωduct s company and, b efoΓ e that, can Philosophica1 Society and has received flo o Γ , which all ows the heat to circulate President of its Research Division, which honorary degrees from a number of insti­ from the lower chamber to the upper. The he joined in 1975. Under hi s leadership, tutions including B ωw n University, New upward direction of the heat categori zes Merck became the world's largest pharma­ York University, Columbia University, these kilns as updraft. The fl oor is supported ceutical company. Mount Sinai Medical Center, Princeton by a vari ety of systems, the most co nυno n Earli er, he served as Chairman of the Uni versity, Universi ty ofPennsylvania, and being a central column. Department of BiologicaJ C h e mi s ιry of the Rutge Γs University. Greek kilns are ty pi call y circul ar, oval, School ofMedicine at Washington Univer­ Dr. Yagelos is a Director of the Pω ­ or rectangul ar in shape. Examples of t.h e sity in St. Loui s and as Founding Director dential In s u Γa n ce Company of America, last type, long thought to be the exception, ofthe University's Division ofBiology and PepsiCo, Inc., and the Estee La ud e Γ Com­ are actu ally quite num eω u s. The dimen­ Biomedi cal Sciences. He had previously panies, Inc. He is C h a ίrm an of the Board sions of kilns (usuall y a diaωeter of 1.2- held seni or positions in cellular physiology of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a 1.5 m for a c ir c ul a ι- kiln, 3 χ 3 m for a Γec­ and bi ochemistry at the Nati onal Heart In­ trustee of the Danforth Foundati on, and tangul ar one) are qui te modest until we stitute, after his internship and residency at cοιιιίιιιι ec/ on page 2 co ntiιHΙed on ρage 8 Published by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens Ν ew Ί'rustees, Officers Ν amed Princeton Uni versity Graduate Program in firrn specializing in the construction of civil contίnuedfrωn page Ι Art and Archaeology, focusing on Chinese engineering projects, and in industrial, archaeology. Ηeι- professional work has commercial, and Γes id en tial buildings. Al­ been in administration, as a member of the though retired, he continues to serve on its Director of the Donald Danforth Plant Sci­ Govemor's staff in Massachusetts, Staff As­ Board of Directors. Educated as a civil en­ ences Center. From 1994 to 1999, he served sistant to the President of Boston Univer­ gineeΓ at the Technical Uni versity of Ath­ as Chairman of the Board of the University sity, and Executive Director of Chinese ens, Mr. Kyriacopoulos built a mining, of Pennsylvania. Dr. Vagelos is Founding Legal Studies, Columbia University Law quarry, and concrete company into a major Co-chairman of the New Jersey Center for School. She currently divides her time be­ design, site planning, and real estate devel­ the Perforrning Arts. tween London and Princeton, and has four opment firm . He also headed subsidiary Both Dr. Vagelos and his wife, Diana, are children from a previous marriage. firms related to building materials and in­ first-generation Greek-Americans, and their She is married to Sir John Adam ternational construction projects, site devel­ first language was Greek. Dr. Vagelos 's par­ Thomson, a retired British diplomat, who opment, and tourism. He has served on ents were born in Asia Minor, his mother served at many embassies in the Middle many boards; notable are ΕΤΒΑ S.A. (Hel­ in Smyrna and his father in Denizli, from East and United States duήng the 1950s and lenic Industrial Development Bank) and families with roots in Mytilene. Mrs. 1960s. He was Minister and Deputy Perma­ VIPETVA S.A. (specializing in the devel­ Vagelos's family came from Cephalonia. nent Representative to ΝΑΤΟ in 1972, High opment of industrial projects). He was spe­ Lady Judith Ogden Thomson has seι-ved Commissioner in India, 1977 to 1982, and cial advisor to Prime Minister Constantine on numerous cultural and civic boards, in­ Permanent Representative to the United Karaωanlis for national project planning cluding The Massachusetts Council on the Nations from 1982 to 1987. He a\so led the and currently serves on the boards of the Arts, Boston University, and The Asia So­ CSCE Humanitarian Mission to Bosnia­ Central Committee Citizens' Movement ciety. Currently she is a Trustee and mem­ Herzegovina in 1992. Among other current and Foundation for Econornic and Indus­ ber of the Executive Boards of the South activities, he serves as a Trustee of The trial Research. Mr. Kyriacopoulos has also African Legal Services and Legal Education Nationa1 Museums of Scotland. worked with the European Union on a num­ Project, the Smithsonian Archives of Ameri­ ber of projects, has contributed articles for can Art, the Friends of the Institute for Ad­ journals and newspapers, and has co­ vanced Study, and the Princeton Chamber Gennadius Library Board Adds authoι-ed the book, Greece ίn Crίsίs . Symphony. She is also Chair of the Ameri­ Six New Members Born in Nigeria to a prominent Greek can Friends of the British Museum. Α prominent businessman in Athens, farnily engaged ίη trading and manufactur­ Born in Australia, she graduated with Loucas Kyriacopoulos is the founder and ing, Lana Mandilas was educated in honors from Radcliffe College in 1962, and principal shareholder of Hellenic Techno­ did graduate work at Harvard and the domiki Α . Ε. , an engineering and design co n tίnu.e d on page 12 In Celebration of a Remarkable Woman AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES ΑΤ ATHENS While events this coming July at the School and in Crete mark one hundred years of 54 Souidias Street, GR-106 76 Athens. Greece American archaeology in Crete, they also celebrate the accomplishments of α remarkable woman, Harrίet Boyd, who inAprί/1900 sailedfrom Pίraeus to Crete to pίoneer Amerίcan 6-8 Charlton Street, Princeton*** , NJ 08540-5232 excavatίon ίn Crete. James D. Muhly, Dίrector ofthe School, relates here some ofher story. NEWSLEΠER Spring 2000 Νο . 44 Harriet Boyd came to the American and her foreman at Gournia, was a fine Executive Editor School with the class of 1899-1900 on the looking young tnan, especially when Catherine deG.
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