THE SUNY COBLESKILL VOLUME 8 ISSUE ONE SEYf. '85 Welcome to Coby Welcome to Coby! My name is Christy Roe and I will be 'serving you as your Student Government President. I am very optimistic about the year ahead, and I hope that you are also. I would like to fake this opportunity to pass on to you a few of my thoughts. As you stepped from high school into college you learn about many new freedoms that you've never had before. Don't forget that with freedOI}1 comes responsibility, responsibilities to your school and to yourself. You paid good money to attend this school so take pride in being a part of Cobleskill College and take pride in yourself . College is the place where you further your education while at the same time meeting new people and doing new things. Respect is important in college life, not only should you respect others, but show some respect for yourself. Treat people the way in which you like to be tgreated and be sensitive to their feelings. We are a ll coming here as individuals with your own ideas and it's important to share them. As we learn from each other we also Recruitment Sta rts E arly: President Nea l Robbi ns is shown here· learn valuable lessons about ourselves. So stand up for what you receiving a welcom ing handshake fr om Orion Ha mchuk whose believe in! . mother, Linda L emback, is a m ember of the f r eshman class, Cobleskill has many opportunities in whic h you can become m ajoring in Nur se r y Managem en t . involved--take advantage of them. The involvement and work behind a group or activity gives you a sense of accomplishment. We all like to succeed and here's your chance, so go for it! This year cooperation and communicat ion are needed to make Introducing . Our New Cobleskill College an outstanding place to learn and live. Decisions that you face today, though they may be small, w i ll affect your tomorrow. We wilt be facing many Important issues this 'year and we need your participation and enthusiasm to form President Dr. Robbins • resolutions to these issues. by Lisa M i ller You make Coby what.it is today and what it will be tomorrow, so expand and broaden your horizons by becoming involved_ I On August 23, 1985, Dr. Cornel ius (Neal) Robbins began his new represent you and your views on how this college is run, so I need position as president of our beloved Cobleskill College. ~ your input. If I can be of any assistance to you the Student He served as president of Genesee Community College from Government Office is in Bouck Hall room 112-- Stop in! 1970-75 and as president of the State university College at Pot­ Good luck in your years at Coby and may God bless! sdam for a year_ Currently he serves as deputy to the chancellor for community colleges at SUNY Central Administration. As deputy he is responsible for the systemwide coordination of the 30 public community colleges under the State University of New Wanted­ York! This is only a brief list but you can be sure he is well qualified. I Freshmen Representatives Some of you may wonder: qualified for what. _ What does the job of president entail. _ As head of this large college it is im ­ For Student Government. possible for him to be everywhere at once and also be aware of all that is gOing on. For this reason he meets regularly with five faculty heads to discuss the important issues on campus. These Are you looking to get involved in Student five men are John Deitrich (Vice Pres. for student affairs), David Magee (Director of Institutional Research, Public Relations and Activities? Are you wondering how your Ac­ Development). Albie Harris (College planning direCtor), John t iv it y F ee is spent? If your inter ested in Devney (New Admissions Director), and Dr. James Wolfe representing the Freshmen class pick up a ( Director of Athletics). These men have their pulse on campus issues and' can make recommendations to the President due to petition in t he Athlet ic Office in Bouck Ha ll. their exposure and experience with the matter at hand. Petitions ar e due by Thursday, September 19th. He also spends time in Albany raising money for our college. This is· even more important now because very soon dormitories will be run more businesslike on a break even baSis. This means they must generate their own money. Money from the govern· ment will not be allotted to the dormitories as it was in the past. Another problem the president must face is the declining numbers of seniors graduating from high sc hool. This year alone enrollment has decreased 3.1%. It's the President's goal to im­ prove Cobleskill's recruitment process and make the college more visible to the surrounding states. One way to help increase enrollment is to make Cobleskill a more attractive place to in­ com ing students. Part of this plan includes the reduction of tripling in dormitory rooms and by the construction of a field house for indoor track, tennis and handball. Who knows, maybe even dining hall food can be i mproved since Dr. Robbins makes it a habit to eat in the dining halls at least twice a week. Also if anyone has seen his blue hat that he left in the dining hall, he would be grateful to have it returned. As a student, I felt very comfortable speaking with President Robbins, and while he is the president, he let me know that he's truly concerned for our needs··as students and as people. I'd like to welcome him to Cobleskill and wish him the best of luck in his years as president. Welcome Dr. Robbins We're glad to have you here! • WHI RLWI NO, September 1985, p. 2 Freshman Survey Questions • Out with the Old, 1. Why did you choose to attend Cobleskill? 2. Are the guys-girls as cute as you anticipated? In with the New 3. How many people have you spoken to who have had crooked teeth? On this respect I would like to introduce myself as 4. DQ you plan on joining any organizations? (If so, which ones?) the new editor of this year's Whirlwind. My name is Lis'a Miller and I am currently an R.A. in 5. What is your opinion of dining hail food? Vroman. I wish to welcome back our seniors and our incoming freshmen. 6. What do you like most {and·or least) about your room and dorm I would like to make it clear that this is a student living? paper and is put out monthly to inform our student 7. Do you prefer country or rock music? body. At this early point in time our staff is minimal and I hope you bear with us for a little while. 8. Which has been your favorite school activity as of now? (I.E. As a student paper, feel free as members of campus Bonfire) organizations, or just as concerned students, to send us 9. How do you get along with your roomate(s)? a story. We'll be anxious to print it. Please take advantage of this media source and our 10. Do you miss your Mommy and Daddy? staff. We are currently looking for writers. If you're interested come see me in Vroman or our advisor, George Clancy, in Knapp Hall at the Residential, Life All right freshmen, rest assured. Everyone in the class of '87 Office. seems to think each other is pretty cool. The women in the class In closing I would like to wish our former editor, rated the guys from okay to " Hot" (except for a few who declined Anne Ryan, good luck in the working world. I would to elaborate past Please, let's be real!) The guys delivered slightly less definitive answers such as-· most of them are as cute like to thank her for all of her help and concern. May I as they thought they'd be. Roommates also received fairly high fill her shoes equally well. ratings. Many said they get ,along great with their roommates, and thatthey are like family. However, a few people sa id they did not get along with their roommate or only get along with them half of the time. Dormitory living seems to be very well thought of in the sense that one has almost ail the freedom desired. It is also highly regarded for being a great place to meet people and make friends. UNY One of the problems in the dorms seems to be that it is sometimes difficult to get sleep, due to music and other various distractions. Also, keep in mind when you're blaring your stereo at night, that the majority of the people prefer rock fTlusic over country. Another aspect of dorm life is the dining hails. Unfortunately, these did not receive such a high rating. Comments ranged from Commuters !+ X!, needs improvement and unexpectedly good (?) A major part of college life is activities and organizations. Favorite beginning campus activities were Risky Business, the Video Dance, hypnotIst and volleyball. The only organizations people planned on joining presently were Cabco Horticulture Club, and the yearbook. Various sports teams were also men­ tioned as something people wanted to get involved in. When asked, " Why did-you choose Cobleskill?" responses in­ cluded that they heard good things about Cobleskill, that we of­ fered excellent courses, and that it was the best school near home.
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