INDEX The letters f and t refer to figures or tables respectively "A" Marker, 312f, 313f Amherstberg Formation, 664f, 728f, 733,736f, Ashville Formation, 368f, 397, 400f, 412, 416, Abitibi River, 680,683, 706 741f, 765, 796 685 Acadian Orogeny, 686, 725, 727, 727f, 728, Amica-Bear Rock Formation, 544 Asiak Thrust Belt, 60, 82f 767, 771, 807 Amisk lowlands, 604 Askin Group, 259f Active Formation, 128f, 132f, 133, 139, 140f, ammolite see aragonite Assiniboia valley system, 393 145 Amsden Group, 244 Assiniboine Member, 412, 418 Adam Creek, Ont., 693,705f Amundsen Basin, 60, 69, 70f Assiniboine River, 44, 609, 637 Adam Till, 690f, 691, 6911,693 Amundsen Gulf, 476, 477, 478 Athabasca, Alta., 17,18,20f, 387,442,551,552 Adanac Mines, 339 ancestral North America miogeocline, 259f Athabasca Basin, 70f, 494 Adel Mountains, 415 Ancient Innuitian Margin, 51 Athabasca mobile zone see Athabasca Adel Mountains Volcanics, 455 Ancient Wall Complex, 184 polymetamorphic terrane Adirondack Dome, 714, 765 Anderdon Formation, 736f Athabasca oil sands see also oil and gas fields, Adirondack Inlier, 711 Anderdon Member, 664f 19, 21, 22, 386, 392, 507, 553, 606, 607 Adirondack Mountains, 719, 729,743 Anderson Basin, 50f, 52f, 359f, 360, 374, 381, Athabasca Plain, 617f Aftonian Interglacial, 773 382, 398, 399, 400, 401, 417, 477f, 478 Athabasca polymetamorphic terrane, 70f, Aguathuna Formation, 735f, 738f, 743 Anderson Member, 765 71-72,73 Aida Formation, 84,104, 614 Anderson Plain, 38, 106, 116, 122, 146, 325, Athabasca River, 15, 20f, 35, 43, 273f, 287f, Aklak Member, 450, 451 328, 336, 375f, 399, 416, 452,477, 555f 297,299-303f, 376384f, 392,423,460,539, Aklak Sequence, 464 Anderson River, 38, 478, 544 552,604, 605, 614 Aklavik Arch, 156, 165, 193, 360, 511f, 544, Anderson River Basin, 476 Athabasca River transect, 48f, 85,86,108,111, 545f Anderson-Great Slave Platform, 155,157-158, 495 Aklavik Arch Complex, 48f, 51, 52f, 53, 247, 161,162 Athabasca Valley Erratics Train, 469f 249,252,263,272-274,283f, 284,284f, 285, Anne Creek Member, 322t, 333f, 335 Atikameg Dolomite, 662f, 670 291,359f, 422,487f, 492-494,499,500,549 Anticosti Basin, 3,711,715,727,728,730-732, Atkinson Point Formation, 375f, 381,424,546f Aklavik Formation, 322t, 332f, 333f, 335f, 336, 732f, 735f, 737f, 741-743, 747, 751, 753, Atlantic Coastal Plain, 802f 349 754,757, 759, 761, 763, 765, 768,770,771, Attawapiskat Formation, 140f, 644f, 646f, Aklavik Range, 333,381 786,793 657f, 660f, 662f, 666f, 669, 671-673, 675, Akpak Sequence, 444, 450f, 452, 453, 454f, Anticosti Channel, 719 685-688f, 704, 761 455f Anticosti Island, 3, 660, 669, 715, 716, 719, Avalanche Formation, 116 Akpatok Island, 685 731-733,743,748,749,753,753f, 754,759f, axial trough, 404 Alapah Formation, 208f, 250, 250f, 251, 251f, 760, 793 Aylard Creek, 581f, 587f 261,262 Antler Foreland Basin, 203, 205, 209, 212f, Babbage River, 439 Alberta Basin, 3, 13, 43, 327f, 328-330, 222, 224, 240, 256, 257, 260-262 Back Range-Snake Indian fault system see 337-343, 347f, 350, 436, 439, 499, 505, Antler Orogenic Belt, 203, 205, 260,261, 262 also Snake River Formation, 457 508-532,555,564f, 569,574, 584, 636 Antler Orogenic Highland, 212f Backbone Ranges, 33 Alberta Group, 362,387,402,402f, 404f, 571 Antler Orogeny, 203,212f, 256,495,806,807 Backbone Ranges Formation, 93, 104, 105f, Alberta Plains, 42f, 43, 360, 387, 391f, 405f, Antrim Formation, 728f 106 424,444f, 573, 575f, 615, 616, 617f, 630 Anvil Mine, 146 Bad Cache Rapids Group, 140f, 644f, 646f, Alberta Plateau, 37,38,42f, 43,615,616 Appalachian allochthons, 714, 749 657f, 659, 660f, 661f, 665-667, 667f, 668, Alberta Shelf, 508f, 517 Appalachian Basin, 655 669, 685, 688f, 704, 751 Alberta Syncline see Alberta Basin Appalachian Front, 759,767 Bad Heart Formation, 402f, 403,406,436,525f Alberta Trough, 203,499 Appalachian margin, 49,803 Badger Gulch Formation, 286f Albertan Till, 472 Appalachian miogeocline, 711, 805f Badshot Formation, 259f Albright Ridge, 220f Appalachian Mountains, 777,806,807 Baffin Bay, 363, 687 Alderson Member, 405f, 407, 532 Appalachian Orogen, 3, 711, 713f, 717, 719, Baffin Island, 685 Aldridge Formation, 83 725,728, 729,739,753-755,757f, 763, 768, Bajocian Limestone, 340 Alexander Field, 527 802f, 807,808 Bakken Formation, 188f, 189-191, 207f, Alexander Terrane, 126f, 128f, 130f, 132f, 134f Appekunny Formation, 83 209-211,213,215f, 217,221,253,255,257, Alexandra Reef, 180f Aquadell Member, 411 263, 395f, 396f, 533f, 534 Alexo Formation, 182f, 185,186,187,190 aragonite, 426, 611 Baldonnel Formation, 297, 299f, 300f, 304f, Algar Plain, 617f Arcs/Grotto Formation, 179f, 182f, 183f, 184, 305, 305f, 307, 308f, 310, 311f, 312f, 313f, Algonquin Arch, 711, 717, 725,727,729, 729f, 185f, 186f, 187 317, 318,520f, 521, 523, 543, 543f 739,745, 750, 751,757,759,767,768,771, Arctic Archipelago, 334, 370, 490 Banff, Alta., 108,253,254,278,279,280,287f, 789,807 Arctic basins, 347 288,297f299f, 300, 302,315,496f Algonquin Upland, 777 Arctic Coastal Plain, 35, 204f, 439, 468, 470f, Banff Formation, 187f, 191, 193, 206f, 207f, Alida beds, 534f, 535f, 536, 536f 475,476, 478, 480, 802f 209, 210, 211, 213214, 216-220, 216f, Alleghenian Orogeny, 725, 727, 727f, 768,807 Arctic Continental Shelf, 3, 35, 360,439 224-231,232f, 239,240,246,253-257,260, Allegheny Basin, 683,686,689,704,711,713f, Arctic Islands, 127, 151, 330, 331, 472, 490, 389f, 517, 519, 519f, 520f, 521, 524f, 541 714, 727, 729, 729f, 734f, 741, 741f, 745, 491, 500, 563, 643, 807 Banff National Park, 302 750,751,754,755,757,759,760,761,763, Arctic Mountains, 33 Banks Island, 325,333,336,444 765, 767, 768, 771, 789 Arctic Platform, 3, 5, 11, 655, 685, 686, 727, Banks Island Basin, 450f Allegheny Plateau, 717 755, 759, 801, 802f, 805f, 806 Banks Moraine, 776 Almstrom Creek Formation, 322t, 333f, 335, Arctic Red Formation, 362f, 375f, 830f, 831, Baril Formation, 235 336,337,348f 832, 399,417, 546f barite deposits, 146,162, 259f Altithermal interval, 470, 474,479 Arctic Red River, 39,188, 544 Barite Member, 259f Altyn Formation, 83 Arctomys Formation, 102f, 109f-113,119,121f Barkerville Subterrane, 272 Amabel Formation, 662f, 728f, 736f, 759,760, Ardkenneth Member, 411 Barn Mountains, 33, 37, 37f, 249, 250, 250f, 761,796, 798 Arkona Formation, 736f, 739,741f, 767 251,252,262,264,294,313,314,314f, 381f Amaranth Formation, 207f, 324t, 344, 344f, Arnica Formation, 155f, 158,159f-162 Barn Uplift, 53, 490 351,523f, 535,536,605 Arnica Formation Platform Dolomite, 157, Barrier Mountain, 377f, 578 Amaranth sub-basin, 343 161,162 Barrow Arch, 326 Amery Till, 692t arrojadite, 382 Basal Colorado Sandstone, 389,395 Ashern Formation, 164f, 170,192f, 533f, 664f Basal Quartz sandstone, 527 809 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3733586/9780813754482_backmatter.pdf by guest on 26 September 2021 INDEX Bashaw Complex, 182f. 183,51Of, 514,516 Belly River Gmup, 524,532,569,570,633 Boas River shale, 659, 667-668, 661f, 685, Baahaw-Malm~Duhameltrend, 514 Belt (Purce11) Supergroup gef Purcell (Belt) 688f, 689, 704,705 Base Islands Formation, 6625 675,728f. 736f. Supergroup Boat Harbour Formation, 7356 738f, 743 741f, 763,765,773 Belt-Furcell Basin, 93 Bobcaygeon Formation, 734f, 741f. 750,751 Bateau Formation, 735f, 738f, 739, 741,742, bentonite, 257, 329, 397, 408, 411, 413, hock Formation. 297.2976..... 305.305f. 308f. 743 415-416, 425, 448f, 449, 602f, 603f, 606, 309,31Of, 317,318 Bathurst Peninsula, 476 609 Bogarttown Till, 774f Battery Point Formation, 675 Berea Formation, 728f, 7365 739, 741f, 767, Boiler Canyon, 301f Battle (Kneehills) Formation. 447f 768 Bois Blanc Escarpment Onondaga Battle Formation, 405f, 408f, 409, 412, 418, ~erlandRiver, 376, 382f, 580 Escarpment &If, 460,572f, 606 Bertie Formation, 736f, 741f, 763. 766, 796 Bois Blanc Formation, 664f, 728f, 733, 736f, Battle River Valley, 606 Besa River Formation, 158, 162, 167. 187f. 739,74lf, 765,767,796 Baytree Member, 403 issf, 189, 191, 193, 209, 21i, 217, 219; Boissevain Formation, 413.41 8,4475 449 Beaconafield Member, 749 220f, 221, 223f, 224, 225f, 226239, 240, Bonaventure Formation, 732f Bear Park Formation, 546f 242-247,257,260,280,544 Bond Head Till, 774f Bear Province, 71 Bickerdike Formation, 532f Bonnet Lake, Yukon, 333,334,376,588 Bear Rock Formation, 155,157,158,159,159f, Bickford Formation, 376,377f, 378,379f Bonnet Plume Basin, 33,50f, 359f, 380f, 401, 160,161,162,163,175f, 194,389f Big Fish River, 335,336 425,439,442,444f,445,450,451,461.476, Bearpaw Cycle, 405f, 407,408,409,411,417f, Big Muddy Valley, 411C 605,606 478,501,590,593f 418,423 Big River Formation, 390,395,397,399f, 409 Bonnet Plume Formation, 400,401,445,451, Bearpaw Formation, 361f, 367f, 368f. 369, Big Snowy Group, 207f, 240, 241, 244, 245, 461,590,594t 403-404, 405f, 408, 410, 410f, 411, 411f, 261.533f Boothia Arch, 689 418, 421, 423, 425, 426, &7f, 459f, 554, Big vailey Formation, 188f, 190, 191, 207f, Boothia Peninsula, n 570,572,572f, 6Of3,609,611,623,624t, 628 209.215f, 3952 533f Boothia Uplift, 806 Beattie Peaks Formation, 337f, 338f, 376, Bighorn Group, 136f Borsata Formation, 185f 379374 416,417f, 41% Bighorn River, 402f Bouchette Till, 774f Beaufort Formation see Nuktak Billinas Formation. 730f. 735f.. 740f.. 753-755, Bouguer gravity anomaly map, 62-65 Formation, 441f, 444,452,455f 793 Boulder Creek Formation, 3825 383f, 385, Beaufort Sea, 25, 35, 37, 325, 363, 397, 442, Bindloss, Alta., 470f, 532 391f, 420f. 500,581 444,452,453,475,476,477,478,501.548 Birch Lake tongue, 41 1 Baundary Creek Formation, 362f.
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