network media competencies of wdr Fit for the World of Media wdr’s Media Literacy Opportunities for Schools and Kindergartens www.schlauer.wdr.de Using media responsibly It’s impossible to imagine our lives today without radio, television and the internet. That’s why it’s important to know how to use these media appropriately. This is especially the case for children and teenagers. We should raise their level of awareness in order to prepare them to deal with the media »jungle«, to seek out and select the high quality programmes on offer and how to interact with the media creatively. wdr opens its doors to show you around. Come in and discov- er a broad assortment of ideas that you can include in your classes. There are many possibilities, ranging from a look behind the scenes in radio and television studios to producing news programmes and participating in school competitions. You will find a complete overview of the educational media opportunities we have to offer here in this brochure. Television for smart-alecks: Wissen macht Ah! with Ralph Caspers and Shary Reeves The Mouse’s best friend has his own TV programme: Die Sendung mit dem Elefanten Contents wdr in the classroom . 4 Classroom teaching materials ........ 6 News for children . 7 Music to your ears .................. 8 School classes at wdr . 9 Continuing education . 10 Educational opportunities in the internet . 11 Knowing how and where to look ...... 12 Trainee and internship programmes ... 13 Encouraging and protecting children . 14 Broadcast schedule . 15 3 wdr in the classroom Bärenbude Klassenzauber programme written and presented live by and for kids. They’re actively supported means Classroom Magic by the team from KiRaKa – the wdr In a playful way, the educational media Children’s Service – which broadcasts project Bärenbude Klassenzauber live from a grade school classroom some- teaches pre-schoolers and first graders where in the German state of North about the medium radio. Listening to Rhine-Westphalia every week. Invite the and understanding sounds, stories and KiRaKa team to your school and turn a radio play – It’s not only fun, it also your classroom into a radio station for a promotes speech development at the morning. The students prepare every- same time. For teachers and educators, thing for the broadcast, act as reporters we have prepared a broad assortment to describe the day’s events and even of classroom teaching aids. These offer get to »editorialize« on a topic of their a wide variety of ideas on how the pro- choice. Teachers are provided with a wide gramme Bärenbude and the medium of range of classroom work materials to radio can be incorporated into schools help prepare their pupils for their radio and kindergartens. There’s also a special programme before the actual broadcast. brochure for parents and children to help www.kiraka.de/kiraka-macht-schule them prepare for the project. The abso- lute highlight is when the colourfully ard Radio Night entertaining Bärenbude Klassenzauber Incredible as it sounds, the German pub- with Erwin Grosche and the cuddly bears lic broadcasting network ard (of which Johannes and Stachel come to visit the wdr is a member) is doing its very best schools. to prevent children from sleeping! ard www.baerenbude.de is taking a page from the schools them- selves – the idea of special reading nights KiRaKa has class – and adds a new dimension through the medium of radio. The »event« character Once a week, primary school pupils of the occasion enables kids to discover produce the Klicker. It’s a radio news 4 the unique enjoyment of listening intently School project of wdr’s to a story being read aloud. Students stay overnight in their classrooms for a Bielefeld studio »sleepover« after having had the chance How is a television report created? What is to experience radio as a genuine »listen- the secret of becoming a professional TV ing« medium. reporter? How do the cameras and audio Participation is recommended for grades equipment work? wdr‘s studio in Bielefeld 3 – 5. Teacher guidelines are available for has all the answers. A broadcast team download in the form of a handout at: demonstrates its work to high school stu- www.kinderradionacht.de dents, with valuable tips on conducting interviews and explains the importance 1live School Duel of teamwork in preparing a television pro- gramme. Students also get a chance to It’s cool to be clever: Your secondary produce a real TV report on a topic of their school students can win an exclusive choosing. performance by a popular band at your www.wdr.de/studio/bielefeld/lokalzeit/ school! The opportunity comes once schulprojekt.html a year, when 1live – wdr’s radio pro- gramme for young people – challenges Time for History high school classes from North Rhine- History isn’t boring, it’s exciting. Together Westphalia to test their knowledge. with your class, listen to the radio pro- That’s when the 1live School Duel turns grammes Stichtage (Dates in History) and your schoolyard into a playing field, Zeitzeichen (Signs of the Times). We invite where your students have to answer your class to attend a History special, questions as quickly as possible. And either at wdr or in your school. The radio teachers can show off their knowledge professionals will explain and demon- as well. strate how topics are developed into radio www.einslive.de programming. Suggestions for subjects based on your lesson plan are welcome. www.wdr.de/radio/home/geschichtszeit 5 Classroom teaching aids Media packages educational films and videos that can also be downloaded. Background infor- wdr has developed a wide-ranging pack- mation on films and work materials for age of educational classroom working classroom teaching at every grade level materials and associated CDs and DVDs: can be found in the section »Knowledge »Radio, Television, Internet and what is Pool«. behind them« – Workbook for Secon- www.planet-schule.de dary School Level II with an assortment of audio and video examples dok’mal (How to make a cool »Basic TV Knowledge – What children documentary) should know about their favourite medium« – for use in Classes 3 – 5 On the Planet School website, teachers can find an extensive inventory of »Radio and Television Projects for working materials under the heading Kindergarten« – A package of working dok’mal including a comprehensive materials for promoting media compe- selection of educationally recommended tence in kindergartens based on the materials for methodical instruction in pre-school radio programme Bären­ cinematic language, style elements and bude (wdr 5) and Die Sendung mit film analysis. The individual learning dem Elefanten (KI.KA/wdr) units are configured modularly and are www.schlauer.wdr.de appropriate for all ages and school types. At the same time, each of the Planet School instructional elements is structured to The internet portal jointly sponsored by function autonomously, without substan- the public broadcasters swr and wdr tial prior knowledge or technical equip- enables new worlds of knowledge to be ment. In most cases a digital camera and explored online. A simple mouse click will a television are all that’s needed. Planet take you directly to specially produced School also offers practical training in integrating film work to support class- 6 News for children room instruction. Teaching aids and Klicker materials for dok’mal can be found under: Children have a right to receive news www.planet-schule.de/wissenspool/dokmal/ and information they can understand. inhalt/unterricht.html That’s why there’s Klicker – the news pro- gramme specifically produced for primary Hearing and Listening and secondary school students, featuring the latest information from NRW and the The project »Hören mit Qualität« (»High world. Monday through Saturday, wdr 5 quality hearing«), sponsored by the broadcasts Klicker at 2:05 pm. The chil- Initiative Hören e.V. of NRW’s Regional dren’s programme KiRaKa carries news Media Authority (LfM) and wdr, promotes for children on-the-hour between 12:00 teaching children to hear and listen. The and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. In educational software AUDITORIX offers addition, free podcasts are available for teaching materials for primary school download for use in classroom instruc- classes. With it, your pupils can create tion. their own radio plays. Scientific teaching www.kiraka.de/nachrichten materials help you to prepare the class- room lessons. neuneinhalb (9 ) www.hoerbuchsiegel.de www.auditorix.de The weekly news magazine for young- sters is aimed at pupils in primary and Language training early secondary school. On its website, you can upload your own videos, photo- In cooperation with language research- graphs or audio reports. To make sure ers, the Sendung mit dem Elefanten that the reports are really well made, the team has developed extensive language website also includes a »news school« training material for pre-schoolers with where you can learn how to report the immigrant backgrounds. truly »good news« yourself via games, www.wdr-elefant.de videos and training information. www.neuneinhalb.de 7 Music to your ears Plan M: Making more music host, organize and perform with the pros! Come one, come all to the wdr Music – Let’s Dance! Dance projects for schools House! You and your pupils can expe- with the wdr Symphony Orchestra rience the full range of music with the wdr orchestra and chorus. They offer – Jazz at School – School concert and something for everyone from ages 3 to coaching for the school’s Big Band with 99, such as: wdr’s Cologne Big Band Concerts for Kids Visit a practice session and – Bärenbude concert magic with the internet options cuddly bears Johannes and Stachel For all concerts on offer, it is possible to – Concert with the Elephant register for your school class to attend a – »Here come the horns … but not alone« practice session as audience members.
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