Takin~ff the Brakes that are Always On Journal friction is like brakes that are always on, eating coal, lubricant and metal. Timken Tapered Roller Bearings have made that condition needless. Famous trains with Timken-equipped journals are proving it. Gone is 88% of starting resist~nce! The cause of jerky, destructive starting is eliminated. So is the risk of hot boxes and the need for constant lubrication. Furthermore, Timken Bearings have the supreme endur­ ance which provides for all the battering thrust and weight of flanged steel wheels racing over steel curves, frogs and switches. For all load from all directions is equally well handled by the exclusive combination of Timken tapered construction, Timken POSITIVELY ALIGNED ROLLS and Timken-made electric steel. THE TIMKEN ROLLER BEARING CO., CANTON, OHIO --," ~­ •....e -, -' ,,­ . , ,.. r )~ ~. 1 " Sale ~s Price Now! OD "", Combination Raincoat and Warm Overcoat Lamb Collar Dreadnaught Coat Men! Here is the most practical coat ever made, at a bargain price and only $1.00 deposit! Broad shawl collar of best quality beaverized lamb skin; and warm plaid blanket body and sleeve lining. Outer fabric is waterproof ripple cloth with a coating of rubber between making coat absolutely stormproof. Smart stylish double breasted belted style with two large patch pockets with flaps and two muff pockets. Length, 44 inches. Brown only. Sizes 34 to 46. Order by No. M-1F. Terms $1.00 with the coupon, then only $1.70 a month. Total sale price only $10.95. Months 6 to Pay! Why pay cash when we offer you this big bargain on such lib· eral terms? Have this serviceable combination coat and never miss the money! Because you send only a little each month, so little you can easily save it out of your everyday expenses and not notice it. Six months to pay our bargain price! Send only $1.00 deposit now and when you get the coat you'll say it's the greatest garment you ever saw. Judge for yourself the big value. Then if perfectly satisfied take six months to pay for it! No risk (see coupon). Send only $1.00 deposit now while this offer lasts. Send Only $1.00 Deposit with Coupon now! ........................................, Ebner Richards Co. = No. Dept.5157 W. 35th St., Chicago = IJ O.D. I enclose $1.00. Dreadnaught Coat No. M-l F. If a .. I am not perfectly satisfied I may return it and get I] ~Size my money back. Otherwise I will pay $1.70 a to Wanted._________ month until I have paid 510.95 in all. Pay! Name. __ . __ . __ ._..__ . __ . __ . __ . _ Address. .------------------------------------------------, I' I I Post Offiee, •__ ._._. .c":~~State-.-.'.--_._._.__ t__ ..................M••W•••••••••••••••~.,~ FALK CONTENTS Castings The Railroads A Part of Every Other BtJ.siness... H. E. Byram 3 )Hlw,nll<ee Eml,(oyeS Pension Ass'n. Statement .- --"7--.---...----..-..-.- 4 The Falk Foundries spec­ l.nnonncelnent .. __ .. .._.. 0 4 ialize in acid open hearth. rhe "eternns in Annual Convention _...... ._. .... __ .. ...__. ._._. 5 steel castings from 1 to <\ Cha.pter 011 Old TlJues -.-.. -__. .. __._._Once A Br'lkema.n 8 100,000 pounds for rail­ Durrent Railroad Topics - __..__. .. .__ ._.__.. .._... 9 road, marine, mining and hydraulic machinery. Tile Png-et Sonnd Pioneers . ..__.. _..._. __..._. .__ 9 Navy Day .. .. ..__10 Falk Castings are made Fat.her llJ1d· Son __ .. ... ----- . 10 in a modern and com• pletely equipped plant, Obituary ---..~------------ ..---.-.-.---- . ._10 under the supervision of Engineer Wilkinson Honored -...:-.----.---..-----...------_. 10 a skilled and experienced rhe Rambler 2.. .. _1\. M. Brayton 10 personnel. The central Railway Car Lighting by AXle Generators . .i\n Employe _. .__.__ ... 11. location of the Falk Foundries insures prompt Missouri River Crossiug at Chamberlain __._ ..._H. G. ·Crow ....__12 service on all, work. rhe Olympian Train _. .__.__.E. S. McConnell ._H Let us furnish an e.stimate rhe Faith Country ..__~ _ .. 16 before you place your Help l\'a·nted ----- . --.-------.-----,,-.- 17 next order for castings. CIa.inl Prevention .... .. ·__.._19 D. IIi. & St. P. Ry. 'Vomen's Club --.--------------.---.----. 20 The Falk Corporation M Home - ._Hazel }\<1. Merrill . 21 Milwaukee :.: Wisconsin 'pecial Commenda.tlon __ ------·--------...._- ._26 On The Steel Tra.il ------.--------- ----.--=_.------.- --28 SavingsThwn -f1T,._dI'1m..~~. r-·' Where Wishes Coane True! If you knew of a town where wishes come true, you would go there, wouldn't yOU? There is such a place. It's Savings Town, which is made up of over 75,000 people who are saving at the First Wisconsin the money to make their wishes for homes, cars, travel, and education come true. Join them! Come to Savings Town without delay. The First Wiscon­ sin will welcome you, and with its service, its convenience, its security and its counsel, the First \Visconsin will help you-as it has helped so many thous­ ands-to make your wishes come true! First, Wiseonsin National: Bank -~~ Milwaukee "---­ ~-~ PIOI' T..,. --­ THE MILWA~~~~27 MAGAZI~o~ -.::J _---~Volume XV _.__ 3 ... _.__ ,l ___ 4 __ a The Railroads a Part of Every Other Business· ___ 8 __ 9 Extracts from: an Address by Mr. H. E. Byram, Before t.he Beloit, Wise. Commercial Club, __ 9 September 8th, 1927. __10 __10 HE railroads of this country occupy a unique position I t has opened a new entrance to Yellowstone Park called __10 with relation to other lines of industry. No producer the Gallatin Gateway and built at that entrance an Inn as T or manufacturer could afford to build a transporta­ attractively furnished as any public building to be found ___10 tion system that would enable him to move his pro­ in the West. __10 duct to market or to consumers at far distant points. Wide Of course a railroad has to borrow the capital needed for spread distribution of the commodities originating in large such additions to and improvements of its property, with ___11 communities must be had in order to permit the manufactur­ the expectation that the betterments will add to its earn­ __12 ers, or producers, to do business. This distant distribution is ing power enabling it to earn interest on the investment essential even to the existence of local trade; and we have ___U plus a reasonable profit. therefore a great railroad network spread across the con­ You have the same expectations when you add to your ___16 tinent, organized independently, but acting as a marketing plant facilities. medium for all lines of business. Advertising Program I shall assume that you wish to know how things are In addition to the physical improvements thus briefly ___19 going with this particular 11,000 mile, plant which you and mentioned, the Milwaukee Road is this year carrying out other shippers and consignees jointly keep in operation. a comprehensive plan of advertising intended to impress Keeping P1imt Up To Date residents of the United States as a whole with the fact ____21 Anyone identified with an active growing business finds that the States served by its rails have unlimited resources ___26 it necessary to keep his plant in first class condition and to and unexcelled opportunities for those who wish to engage add to the facilities from time to time to keep ahead of in agriculture, stock rais'ing and various kinds of industry. demands and insure the production of an adequate supply in Pointing out, as well, the scenic attractions of the various case of an unusual demand. sections. In the transportation branch of business the same prin­ These large advertisements have been quite effective. ciples are essential, railroads must keep their facilities in We have received inquiries from every State in the Union first c1~ss condition and make provisions for such general and most foreign countries. development of traffic as is warranted by available data and All the improvements and additions to its property and their confidence in the territory they serve. .. its advertising would be of little value if a railroad did It wonld be of little avail for farms and factories and other not support the expenditures by making the best possible forms of industry to plan on increased production, with its use of the facilities. incidental reduction in unit cost, if the railroads did not For example-a railroad might buy one thousand ·new take like action. box cars and be shorter of equipment than before. Such a situation would result in gradually but surely restricting the movement of traffic and in strangling in­ Facilities Plus Personnel dustry. I t is the personal activity of thousands of employes and Conditions that would exist in this country after a period supervisors that determines whether or not a railroad's of years of insufficient rail service, as to both inconvenience service is satisfactory to its patrons. and financial loss, may not easily be calculated, but may Effective cooperation by men in various departments be summed up in the statement that restricted distribution will make it poss'ible to get trains over the road and through would immediately raise prices of all commodities and terminals without delay so that the equipment can be re­ make it necessary for consumers to do without the articles turned promptly for another load. Lacking this cooperation or pay continuously increasing prices for them. the resultant slow movement would be equivalent to re­ As you know, the operations of the Milwaukee in recent ducing the number of cars available. years have not brought adequate financial return. Regard­ A car shortage; therefore, is not necessarily a lack of less of this important fact, its service has not been permitted equipment.
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