1066 H.O.G. ISSUE 35 - NOVEMBER 2009 EVENTS HOTLINE 07713 266611 www.1066hogchapter.co.uk 1066 HOG NEWS 1066 Chapter Committee Director Skelly’s Report (This is the text of Skelly’s report to the AGM—Ed) Director: Skelly Email: irstly, I would like to welcome everyone here this evening and [email protected] F thank you for coming. As you are all aware I have only been your Director for a little Assistant Director & Webmaster: over four months and as I said in the last Chapter Magazine, David Lewis ‗Thank you for being gentle with me in my early days.‘ This Email: Chapter is known as being a very friendly and sociable club and [email protected] although, as you might expect with 300 members, there have been some ‗blips‘, the club still justifies that excellent reputation. Secretary: Sue Knight One thing that I did make a point of saying when I took over the Email: role was that we wanted to hear from you, the members, about [email protected] your ideas, thoughts and what direction you would want to see the Chapter moving. I am pleased that many of you have spoken to me about various matters, and you will see as I go through Treasurer: Doreen Blunden things, how we have taken onboard what has been said. Tel: 07742 685 231 Email: [email protected] As we look back over the year we have seen the rides at the start of the riding season attracting 50-60 bikes. These were billed as ‗Newcomer‘ or ‗New to Group Riding‘ rides but, under- standably, people were keen to get back on their bikes after the Head Road Captain: Richard Beal winter and were keen to take part. However, for someone who Email: [email protected] was new then, this was obviously going to be a little intimidating. Therefore, the decision was made that these rides will now be for ‗Newcomers‘ only and the ‗Road Crew‘. I hope no-one has Events Officer: Clare Kersley been put out by this decision but it has been done with riders Email: [email protected] safety very much in mind. The ‗Kick Off‘ ride again attracted a large number of riders and ended with a great party at a great location in Cooden. (Although Interchapter Rep: Barry Heasman I‘m not sure that the Air Guitar competition was a good idea after a few hours of drinking). Email: [email protected] With regards to the Ride Outs, throughout the year there have obviously been too many to mention but we should congratulate the Road Crew for the amount of work they put into making sure Safety Officer & Welfare Officer: that we have a safe and enjoyable ride week in, week out. Greg Allcorn One thing that was mentioned by several people was that it was Email: [email protected] not always possible on a Sunday to get out and ride for a full day and that they would like to see some alternatives whereby there Membership Officer: Mike Douglas was a short ride also planned. I have put this to the Road Crew Email: and you will have seen this has begun to take effect and will ob- [email protected] viously feature a lot more next year. Mike Douglas has produced a map of Sussex showing the Ladies of Harley Officer: spread of members throughout the county and this was bought Suzanne Salmon to the attention of the committee. This clearly showed that the Email: [email protected] meeting place in Keymer was in the wrong place and really needed to be moved further west so it became accessible to more members from the West Sussex area. I am working with Merchandise: Richard Kent some of the members from that area and we will hopefully have Email: a new location to try in a short while. [email protected] As you will also be aware, John Pedder stood down last week- end as Head Road Captain and Richard Beal now takes over. It Editor: Michael ‗Hogtog‘ has also been decided that we should run with two assistant Email: [email protected] Head Road Captains, Malcolm Upchurch and Barry Heasman in order to try and share out the massive work load of the HRC. The Road Crew have come a long way over the last few years. Dealers Rep: Gary Ticehurst We have moved well away from the old methods of how people Email: [email protected] came to be Road Crew (ie: who wants to do it?) and we continue Shaw Harley Davidson, Holmes Hill, Near to strive to ensure that we have access to the best training. One Lewes, East Sussex BN6 6JA (Continued on page 3) 2 1066 HOG NEWS (Continued from page 2) Editor has gone to Michael ‗Hogtog‘. The role of Editor, part of the training is the ‗First Person on Scene‘ first aid as Kevin and Sue both know, can be very frustrating at course that is run by two of our members, Maddie Kent times as we have never had full control over the setting up and Clive Butler. In order to recognise the achievements and printing of the magazine. This has now changed. We of those members of the Crew that attended the course have purchased software that will allow Michael to lay out Certificates will be presented later. the magazine himself onto a template and then just send it Once again Bisley was a great success and I was pleased off for printing when complete. Compared to many other to see so many members turn up for the Saturday evening Chapters we have a very high quality magazine and we continue to improve where we can. food/drinks. This is another example of reacting to what you, the members asked for. What we want to know is: When people talk about the Chapter growing they gener- ―What you would like to do next year‖? It has been sug- ally mean in numbers. But there are a lot of other ways a gested that we do something club can grow. Increasing the num- very similar, but lay on some kind bers will not make, in itself, for a of main meal. If you have any Skelly: “Thank you for better club. But what we can look to thoughts on this, then please achieve is the growth in numbers of speak to any of the Committee being gentle with me....” people turning up at rides and members. events. In order to get this right we need your ideas and feedback. I have also discussed with a number of you the European Rally for next year. The initial thoughts were that if H.O.G. This will, in turn lead to other things. Friendships will grow. came up with another rally that was in some far off place How many people are here this evening are now very no-one wanted to visit, then we could look to go to St good friends with others who, a few months ago did not Tropez for the European Bike Fest in May. However, even know they existed? The more support you are able H.O.G. have come up with a really nice location in Swit- to give the club will result in growing confidence of those zerland in July. I think that it is about time that we, as a who are involved in planning rides and events. 1066 at- Chapter, had a good get together at a European Rally and tending rallies in the UK and Europe will see our reputa- as we have so many people here, could I ask for a show tion continue to grow amongst other Chapters. of hands as to what people would like us to organise. (A I started this by saying that 1066 has a very good reputa- show of hands at the AGM indicated good support for both tion - deservedly so. Let‘s not forget that we, as a Chap- events — Ed) ter, are unique. There is no other Chapter out there that is I would like to say a few words about our relationship with identified by a number. We have friends all over the world Shaw Harley-Davidson. When I was in Germany with and they love to be able to say that they know us and are Steve Willis for the H.E.A.T. training earlier in the year, I our friends because of the fact that we are unique. was amazed at the amount of Chapters from all over the You have a dedicated and hard working committee. Sure, world that have big problems with their sponsoring dealer- we may on the odd occasions not get things right but I can ship. Be very sure that we, as a Chapter, are very lucky. assure you that things are discussed at length and all de- David, myself and the rest of the committee work very cisions are made with the utmost honesty and integrity. closely with the dealership and that relationship gets With the benefit of hindsight, you can always look at ways closer all the time. A recent fine example of this is how things could have been approached differently but who Jeff and some of the other sales staff have organised a amongst, us can say that we have always made the right ride for new owners which have ended up at the Six Bells decision with regards to our own lives and businesses. As to meet the Chapter on club night.
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