Section 1 EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL AND EAST AYRSHIRE COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP BOARD JOINT PERFORMANCE EVENT – 19 SEPTEMBER 2019 EAST AYRSHIRE COUNCIL EAST AYRSHIRE COMMUNITY PLANNING PARTNERSHIP BOARD JOINT PERFORMANCE EVENT - 19 SEPTEMBER 2019 COMMUNITY PLANNING DELIVERY PLAN AND LOCAL OUTCOMES IMPROVEMENT PLAN ANNUAL REPORT 2018/19 Report by the Depute Chief Executive (Economy and Skills) and Chief Financial Officer, East Ayrshire Council PURPOSE 1. The purpose of the report is to present for consideration and endorsement, a summary of the consolidated Annual Report for 2018/19 in respect of the Community Plan thematic Delivery Plans and East Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP). BACKGROUND 2. Members will be aware that the 2018/19 annual performance report will represent the first year of reporting against the LOIP and the refreshed Community Plan thematic Delivery Plans 2018-21. 3. The Local Government in Scotland Act 2003 placed a duty on local authorities to initiate, lead and facilitate community planning and a specific statutory duty on Enterprise Companies, Health, Police, Fire Bodies and Strathclyde Passenger Transport Authority to participate in the process. Within East Ayrshire, a successful history of and firm commitment to partnership working was at that time formalised through the community planning process. 4. The Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 placed Community Planning Partnerships (CPPs) on a statutory footing and placed duties on CPPs around the planning and delivery of local outcomes. Under the 2015 Act, community planning is about: “how public bodies work together and with the local communities to plan for, resource and provide or secure provision of services, which improve local outcomes in a local authority area, with a view to reducing inequalities.” The 2015 Act places an equal duty on community planning partners, including local authorities, Health, Police Service, regional colleges, Enterprise Companies, Integration Joint Boards, Fire and Rescue Service and regional Transport Partnerships, to participate in community planning in each local authority area. 5. Section 6(1) of the 2015 Act required each Community Planning Partnership to produce a Local Outcomes Improvement Plan (LOIP). The LOIP (which replaces the Single Outcome Agreement) is a key element in the delivery of public service reform and provides the focal point on which the CPP and partners account publically to local communities in their area, in accordance with section 8 of the 2015 Act. 6. Annual performance reports have been routinely presented to Council and the CPP Board for consideration and endorsement since September 2009, with submission of the first Single Outcome Agreement Annual (SOA) Performance for the 2008/09 reporting year, with the final year of reporting on the SOA in 2017/18. LOCAL OUTCOMES IMPROVEMENT PLAN 7. As previously noted at paragraph 5, the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 provided the statutory framework for the development of the new LOIPs. Members will recall that the East Ayrshire Local Outcomes Improvement Plan 2018- 2021 was developed as part of the 2017/18 Community Plan Review, incorporating the performance indicators and targets identified within the three Community Plan thematic Delivery Plans, and replacing the Single Outcome Agreement. 8. The new Local Outcomes Improvement Plan became effective from 1 April 2018, following endorsement by the Council and the CPP Board on 22 and 29 March 2018 respectively. 9. Members will be aware of the partnership commitment to annual review and as part of that process, over 2018/19, there has been an opportunity for Delivery Plan Working Groups to review and refine the original performance measures identified in the LOIP under the respective Community Plan Themes, namely Economy and Skills, Safer Communities and Wellbeing, to ensure that that they remain fit for purpose. The refreshed measures of success are presented in the LOIP Annual Report 2018/19. STATUTORY REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 10. With regard to performance reporting, the Act requires that each community planning partnership must prepare and publish a LOIP progress report for each reporting year and, specifically, that such performance reports should set out the following: The Community Planning Partnership’s assessment of whether there has been any improvement in the achievement of each local outcome during the reporting year; and The extent to which the Community Planning Partnership has participated with community bodies in carrying out its functions during the reporting year and the extent to which this participation has been effective in enabling community bodies to contribute to community planning. 11. The supporting guidance which accompanies the Act states that each CPP is accountable to communities for the progress it makes towards community planning ambitions for the local area. The CPP, therefore, is required to demonstrate clearly within its annual progress report, the ways in which it has improved the lives of local people. The report should be ‘accessible and readily available to communities in formats which enable communities to understand the direction and scale of progress’ allowing local residents ‘to see and understand the impact of community planning activity on their lives’. 12. The Act also requires community planning partnerships to ‘act with a view to reducing inequalities of outcome which result in socio-economic disadvantage’ and this activity should be reflected within the annual progress report. 13. In addition, the publication of the new East Ayrshire Annual Child Poverty report has been aligned with the wider LOIP annual reporting framework. LOIP ANNUAL REPORTING ARRANGEMENTS 2018/19 14. This report presents a summary of the 2018/19 consolidated annual performance report in respect of the Community Plan thematic Delivery Plans, which were developed as part of the three-year review of the Community Plan in 2017/18, and East Ayrshire Community Planning Partnership Local Outcomes Improvement Plan. 15. Work has been taken forward to prepare the consolidated 2018/19 Annual Report to meet the requirements of our local governance arrangements and the guidance in respect of reporting on Local Outcomes Improvement Plans provided by the Scottish Government. A total of 113 performance measures are included in the Annual Report 2018/19 and progress from an identified baseline position to March 2019 has been measured against a total of 112 measures, which is summarised as follows: Improving progress (67 performance measures – 59.8%) Maintaining progress (11 performance measures – 9.8%) Review or Improvement required (34 performance measures – 30.4%) 16. Data updates are not available at this time for one performance measure, which is currently under review. 17. The information requested from Council services/Partner agencies to complete the reporting templates and meet the requirements of the LOIP guidance includes: progress at 31 March 2019 on local outcomes; progress at 31 March 2019 in respect of Community Plan Delivery Plan actions and outputs; and narrative on the participation and contribution of communities in the community planning process. 18. The following table provides the agreed timescales for annual reporting in respect of the Local Outcomes Improvement Plan to meet the requirements of the CPP Board and the LOIP Guidance. Action Responsibility Timescale Confirm nominated data/information EAC Policy, Planning and March/April 2019 - providers for each thematic Delivery Plan Performance Division (Completed) Community Planning/SOA annual EAC Policy, Planning and 9 May 2019 – performance reporting framework Performance Division (Completed) approved by the Executive Officers’ Group Issue prepopulated reporting templates to EAC Policy, Planning and May 2019 - nominated data/information providers Performance Division (Completed) Data/information providers complete Data/information providers 27 June 2019 – reporting templates and return to PPP (Completed) Division Prepare the consolidated interim EAC Policy, Planning and June 2019 summary annual report for consideration Performance Division (Completed) by the Executive Officers’ Group and CPP Board Circulate interim report for consideration EAC Policy, Planning and July 2019 by the Executive Officers’ Group and Performance Division (Completed) Community Planning Partnership Board Action Responsibility Timescale Consider areas for improvement and Executive Officers’ Group 6 August 2019 identify improvement actions, as required, (Completed) to inform the development of the LOIP CPP Board 16 August 2019 Improvement Agenda (Completed) Submit residual data/information to the Data/information providers July – September PPP Division 2019 (Completed) Prepare consolidated templates for EAC Policy, Planning and September 2019 consideration and approval by Strategic Performance Division (Completed) Lead Officers Prepare the full consolidated CP/SOA EAC Policy, Planning and June – September Annual Performance Report for Performance Division 2019 submission to: Partner agencies/Integration Joint August/September Board 2019 CPP Board/East Ayrshire Council 19 Sept 2019 Joint Event CPP Board 26 Sept 2019 Consider and agree improvement actions, East Ayrshire Council 19 September 2019 as appropriate, to inform the development of an SOA Improvement Plan CPP Board 26 September 2019 19. The Health and Social Care Partnership and Wellbeing Delivery Plan Annual Report 2018/19
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