February 2010 www.hud.gov/offices/pih/programs/ph/phecc/newsletter/newsletter.cfm Volume 8, Issue 2 UPCOMING EVENTS Emerging Job Market is Green Federal Energy Management Program - First Thursday Seminars A growing trend in the US job market is an in- the energy efficiency and renewable energy creased emphasis on green jobs. Green jobs industries.” For descriptions of specific grant February 4 – July 1, 2010 www.tinyurl.com/yhx2hlb or green-collar jobs are defined by the United programs and information on grant recipi- Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) ents, visit the DOL’s green jobs webpage. as “positions in agriculture, manufacturing, BuildingEnergy 10 Conference construction, installation, and maintenance, To further quantify the current green job mar- March 9 - 11, 2010 | Boston, MA as well as scientific and technical, admin- ket and estimate future green jobs, Booz Allen www.nesea.org/buildingenergy istrative, and service-related activities that Hamilton, a strategy and technology consult- contribute substantially to preserving or re- ing firm, prepared a study for the US Green storing environmental quality.” This increase Building Council (USGBC), which calculated National Green Building Conference in green jobs has also been accompanied by the number of jobs attributed to the green May 16-18, 2010 | Raleigh, NC substantial federal funding that is providing construction market for the years 2000-2008 www.tinyurl.com/ngc10 opportunities for green job training. Training and forecasts the number of jobs that will be in this growing field can offer fantastic oppor- created by green construction for the years Five Day Intensive EPC Course tunities for PHA residents to learn valuable 2009-2013. tools which can greatly increase their earning June 14-18, 2010 | Chicago, IL potential. The results of this study showed a substan- Call 312-554-0900 to register or contact tial economic impact from green building Eugene Goldfarb, at [email protected] The President’s Council of Economic Advis- construction between the years of 2000-2008. ers (CEA) July 2009 report, “Preparing the During this period, the green construction Enviro Build Expo Workers of Today for the Jobs of Tomorrow,” market supported over 2.4 million jobs and stated that there is a strong growth potential generated $173 billion dollars in gross do- October 13 - 14, 2010 | Hartford, CT www.envirobuildexpo.com for jobs in fields relating to clean energy and mestic product (GDP), which equated to $123 environmental protection. The Bureau of billion in labor earnings. The study forecasts Labor Statistics (BLS) found that jobs in an that jobs within this industry will continue to environmental-related field, which included grow over the next five years to 7.9 million. Green Degree = Green Job environmental engineering technicians, en- The green building market is estimated to vironmental engineers, environmental sci- generate $554 billion dollars in GDP, which The AASHE website lists over 100 green, higher entists and specialists (including health), and will equate to $396 billion in labor earnings. education programs. Programs are located at environmental science and protection tech- colleges across the country and include minors and certificates as well as Bachelor’s, Master’s nicians (including health), grew faster than Public housing residents can increase their and Doctoral degrees. Certificates and degrees other occupations from 2000-2006, and they marketability for obtaining a green job by can be earned in fields relating to energy and further projected growth through 2016. The utilizing training authorized through the environmental sustainability. figure below illustrates this, showing past and DOL. Residents can utilize the websites be- future growth. low to obtain a higher paying green job once The USGBC’s Career Center connects its members with green employment opportu- Because of the increasing growth in this field Actual and Projected Growth nities and greenjobsearch.org lists energy the BLS has begun to consider a new classifi- of Environmental-Related and environment related jobs and careers Occupations vs All Other Oc- cation to learn more about green-collar jobs. cupations, 2000-2016 throughout the US and worldwide. Green Growth in the green jobs field may have been Sources: “Occupational Employ- Collar Blog has compiled a list with links to stalled by the recession but the BLS states that ment Projections to 2010.” Bureau multiple job boards that would be helpful of Labor Statistics. Monthly Labor the green industry funding associated with Review. November 2001. “Occupa- when searching for a green job. the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act tional Employment Projections to 2016.” Bureau of Labor Statistics. (ARRA) will help this industry grow further. Monthly Labor Review. November ARRA provides funding for green industries 2007. such as clean energy and weatherization and Graph Source: The President’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) also for training in green jobs. July 2009 Report Since November, 2009 the US Department of Labor (DOL) has announced grant programs Years totaling close to $440 million in the green jobs their training is completed. They can also market, which were made possible through use the Association for the Advancement of ARRA. According to the DOL, “[t]hese grants Sustainability in Higher Educations’ (AASHE) are part of a larger Recovery Act initiative — website to find a higher educational pro- totaling $500 million — to fund workforce gram in an environmental field to further development projects that promote economic strengthen their skills. growth by preparing workers for careers in New Construction with LEED for Homes REGREEN Your Next Remodeling Project Leadership in Energy and Design (LEED) for Homes is a guide pro- PHAs planning remodeling projects within their stock this year can vided by the USGBC for the sustainable planning, design, and con- check out the new residential remodeling program REGREEN, struction of single-family homes. The achievement of a LEED cer- that was created through a partnership between the USGBC and the tification is an indication to prospective owners and occupants that American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). the building has met high standards in the follow areas: Before remodeling, the REGREEN Strategy Generator can be 1. Innovation and Design Process - LEED encourages the planning, de- used to identify green measures that can be implemented during sign, and construction team to be active and innovative in developing the project. Enter the scope, type and goal of the project and the new solutions to improve the sustainability of homes. program will generate a list of potential green strategies that are tailored specifically for the remodel. 2. Location and Linkages - A properly selected site minimizes the dis- tance from everyday necessities such as schools and shopping. PHAs can also find green remodeling guidelines, which are free to download and address similar elements as LEED for Homes, includ- 3. Sustainable Sites - Proper site planning minimizes damage to local ing: location, site development, water efficiency, energy and atmo- habitats during and after construction and reduces the amount of water needed for irrigation. sphere, materials and resources, and indoor environmental quality, but within the context of green renovation. The guidelines use case 4. Water Efficiency - A LEED-certified home is designed with water-sav- studies, product selection information, building systems integra- ing features, which may include on-site systems for water treatment and tion and proven green technologies and apply these to a variety of reuse. home renovation projects. These projects range from do-it-yourself small scale projects, such as replacing a dishwasher, to large-scale 5. Energy and Atmosphere – A LEED-certified home optimizes energy professional renovations. performance beyond ENERGY STAR for homes particularly in the build- ing envelope and HVAC design. 6. Materials and Resources - A LEED-certified home is constructed using recycled, reclaimed, sustainably harvested, and locally produced mate- Resident’s Corner rials. Make a Green Resolution This Year 7. Indoor Environmental Quality - A home designed to LEED standards maximizes indoor air quality by minimizing exposure to the toxins and other pollutants found in typical homes. 8. Awareness and Education - This also ensures that the owners and oc- cupants of a building understand the special features of their home and how to maintain them. Within these areas a single-family home can gain points, above a minimum level of performance, toward LEED certification through LEED for Homes. There are four levels of LEED certification de- pending on the number of points obtained, which are Certified, Picture: www.epa.gov Silver, Gold and Platinum. Homes that obtain 45-59 points will be considered Certified, 60-74 are Silver, 75-89 are Gold and 90-136 are A new year is a time for renewal… but you can keep the tradition Platinum. going year-round by pledging to reuse and recycle! Right now, the EPA is challenging YOU to Pick 5 for the Environment – 5 PHAs and developers can begin the certification process for new resource-saving, money-saving resolutions, that is. construction on the US Green Building Council’s (USGBC) website. The USGBC website also includes guidelines and information on Commit to commute. Feel empowered by turning off the power. LEED for Homes certification, the LEED Affordable Housing Initia- Engage in informing yourself and others. However you choose to tive and REGREEN, the LEED site for home remodeling. take part, you will be off to a great start in 2010. ENERGY STAR @ Home – Tips that Save ENERGY STAR has created an interactive tool that you can use to save energy and money in every room of your home. Residents can take the room-by-room tour for daily energy-saving tips and methods to employ during small home-upgrade projects. Picture: www.energystar.gov We want to hear from you! Please send us nominations for Contact us at [email protected] projects to be highlighted in EcoWise. To unsubscribe from this mailing list, e-mail [email protected] with “unsubscribe phecc” in the body of the message.
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