July 15, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H5213 punishment and rehabilitation targeted to get- (e) MALAYSIA.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, this legis- ting young people back on track to productive is authorized to transfer to the Government lation provides for the transfer by sale lives. of Malaysia the ``NEWPORT'' class tank of certain surplus naval vessels. It landing ship BARBOUR COUNTY (LST 1195). would authorize the transfer of 14 ves- Again, I rise in strong support of this bill and (f) MEXICO.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy is I urge my colleagues to support this valuable authorized to transfer to the Government of sels, in all, to 8 countries: Brazil, Chile, piece of crime legislation. Mexico the ``KNOX'' class frigate ROARK Egypt, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Thai- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. CAL- (FF 1053). land, and Taiwan. VERT). The question is on the motion (g) TAIWAN.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy is This legislation was approved unani- offered by the gentleman from Califor- authorized to transfer to the Taipei Eco- mously by our Committee on Inter- nomic and Cultural Representative Office in nia [Mr. RIGGS] that the House suspend national Relations on June 25. the United States (which is the Taiwan in- I would like to underscore that none the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1818, as strumentality designated pursuant to sec- amended. of these proposed transfers is a grant. tion 10(a) of the Taiwan Relations Act) the As a result of these sales, our Treasury The question was taken. ``KNOX'' class frigates WHIPPLE (FF 1062) Mr. RIGGS. Mr. Speaker, on that I and DOWNES (FF1070). will be receiving $162.6 million. These demand the yeas and nays. (h) THAILAND.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy 14 ships involve 5 classes: 7 Knox class The yeas and nays were ordered. is authorized to transfer to the Government frigates, 3 Newport class tank landing The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- of Thailand the ``NEWPORT'' class tank ships, 2 Perry class guided missile frig- landing ship SCHENECTADY (LST 1185). ant to clause 5 of rule I and the Chair's ates, 1 Hunley class submarine tender (i) FORM OF TRANSFERS.ÐEach transfer au- and 1 Kaiser class oiler. prior announcement, further proceed- thorized by this section shall be on a sales ings on this motion will be postponed. It is important to note that our Navy basis under section 21 of the Arms Export expects that by proceeding with these f Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2761; relating to the foreign military sales program). sales, our Nation will realize an addi- GENERAL LEAVE SEC. 2. SENSE OF THE CONGRESS REGARDING tional $195 million for training, for sup- Mr. RIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- TRANSFER OF NAVAL VESSELS AND plies, for support, and for repair serv- INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ices. imous consent that all Members may WITH THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHIL- I would also like to note to my col- have 5 legislative days within which to IPPINES leagues that the proposed legislation revise and extend their remarks on (a) FINDINGS.ÐThe Congress makes the fol- lowing findings: includes language similar to that in- H.R. 1818. cluded in prior ship transfer legislation The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there (1) The United States and the Republic of the Philippines have a long tradition of requiring the Secretary of the Navy to objection to the request of the gen- international cooperation and mutual sup- the maximum extent feasible to re- tleman from California? port. quire that any repair or reactivation There was no objection. (2) The United States strongly desires to work be done in the United States in f continue mutual cooperation as a partner in matters of international security and sci- our own shipyards. It is my under- GENERAL LEAVE entific research. standing from the Navy that each of (3) The President and the Department of the recipient countries have agreed to Mr. RIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- Defense possess assets which can contribute that proviso with respect to these pro- imous consent that all Members may positively to international security and sci- posed transfers. have 5 legislative days within which to entific research. Finally, I understand that our Navy revise and extend their remarks on the (b) SENSE OF THE CONGRESS.ÐIt is the sense strongly supports the transfer of these of the Congress that the President should Senate bill, S. 768. vessels to advance the valuable cooper- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there use the authority under section 21 of the Arms Export Control Act (22 U.S.C. 2761) to ative relationships that we have devel- objection to the request of the gen- oped with each of these nation's navies. tleman from California? transfer on a sales basis, subject to vessel availability, to the Republic of the Phil- Accordingly, I urge my colleagues to There was no objection. ippines, not more than one ``STALWART'' or support this legislation. f ``VICTORIOUS'' class ocean surveillance Mr. HAMILTON. Mr. Speaker, I yield ship (T±AGOS). AUTHORIZING TRANSFER OF myself such time as I may consume. SEC. 3. COSTS OF TRANSFERS. NAVAL VESSELS Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. Any expense of the United States in con- 2035. I want to extend my commenda- Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I move to nection with a transfer authorized by this tion and congratulations to the chair- Act shall be charged to the recipient. suspend the rules and pass the bill man for bringing what I consider to be SEC. 4. EXPIRATION OF AUTHORITY. (H.R. 2035) to authorize the transfer of an excellent bill before the House. naval vessels to certain foreign coun- The authority granted by section 1 shall expire at the end of the 2-year period begin- b 1315 tries, as amended. ning on the date of the enactment of this The Clerk read as follows: Act. I believe because of the gentleman's H.R. 2035 SEC. 5. REPAIR AND REFURBISHMENT OF VES- leadership and the work of the Com- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- SELS IN UNITED STATES SHIPYARDS. mittee on International Relations the resentatives of the United States of America in The Secretary of the Navy shall require, to Congress, over a period of months, has Congress assembled, the maximum extent possible, as a condition been able to effect an important of a transfer of a vessel under this Act, that SECTION 1. AUTHORITY TO TRANSFER NAVAL change in ship transfer policy. VESSELS. the country to which the vessel is trans- Now the clear emphasis, as the gen- ferred have such repair or refurbishment of (a) BRAZIL.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy is tleman from New York has said, in the vessel as is needed, before the vessel authorized to transfer to the Government of joins the naval forces of that country, per- U.S. policy today is on the sale of Brazil the ``HUNLEY'' class submarine ten- formed at a shipyard located in the United naval vessels instead of grants. All 14 der HOLLAND (AS 32). States, including a United States Navy ship- naval vessels in this package are sales, (b) CHILE.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy is yard. and the bill will result in $162.6 million authorized to transfer to the Government of Chile the ``KAISER'' class oiler ISHERWOOD The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. in revenues to the United States Treas- (T±AO 191). PETRI). Pursuant to the rule, the gen- ury. The United States Navy will also (c) EGYPT.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy is tleman from New York [Mr. GILMAN] save money not spent on storage or authorized to transfer to the Government of and the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. scrapping costs. Work in the U.S. ship- Egypt the ``KNOX'' class frigates PAUL (FF HAMILTON] each will control 20 min- yards prior to ship transfer will result 1080), MILLER (FF 1091), JESSE L. BROWN utes. in an additional $190 million in con- (FFT 1089), and MOINESTER (FFT 1097), and The Chair recognizes the gentleman tracts for American workers. Now this the ``OLIVER HAZARD PERRY'' class frig- package also benefits U.S. foreign pol- ates FAHRION (FFG 22) and LEWIS B. from New York [Mr. GILMAN]. PULLER (FFG 23). Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, I yield icy and U.S. defense policy through en- (d) ISRAEL.ÐThe Secretary of the Navy is myself such time as I may consume. hanced navy-to-navy ties and improved authorized to transfer to the Government of (Mr. GILMAN asked and was given interoperability. Israel the ``NEWPORT'' class tank landing permission to revise and extend his re- So, Mr. Speaker, I think the bill has ship PEORIA (LST 1183). marks.) positive benefits for the United States.
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