Aerobask Fokker Dr.I for X-Plane 10 User Manual Aerobask Table of Contents Part I: Historical Background 3 Introduction 4 About the Dr.I 4 The Red Baron 5 The Aerobask Model 6 Final Thoughts 6 Part II: Aircraft Description & Instructions ! Installation and Settings 8 Re uire!ents 8 Installation 8 Settings 8 Aircra"t Di!ensions # Aircra"t S$eci"ications %& '$$er Instru!ents %% (o)er Instru!ents %* +n,Screen Menus %- Starting . Sto$$ing the /ngine %4 Takeo"" . (anding %5 Part III: Air Co#$at in t%e Fokker Dr'I 1( Air 0o!bat in 1,2lane %& %3 4etting and Ar!ing AI Aircra"t %3 Setting u$ Tea!s in 1,2lane %3 Using the Dr.I in Multi$la5er %8 Basic Fighter Tactics %# The Dicta Boelcke %# 0o!!on Maneu6ers *& 2 Part I: Historical Background Historical I: Part )he Red Baron+s Dr'I Baron+s Red )he P%oto: ,ikipedia Aerobask Introduction 0ongratulations on your purchase of the Aerobask Fokker Dr.I for 1,2lane 1&. This aircra"t is 6er5 di"ferent fro! our $re6ious products – usually we o"fer you renditions of very modern *%st century aircra"t8 such as the E$ic 9ictor5: the Fokker Dr.I8 built in earl5 *&th centur58 is the co!$lete o$$osite. And it has a histor5. A$out t%e Dr'I The Dr.I is a tri$lane8 which is a rare thing in itself. The Dr.I is also one of the !ost fa!ous fighter aircra"t. In late ;orld War I it )as an answer to the earlier British So$)ith Tri$lane which had been a real danger to the 4er!ans since No6e!ber 1#%6.% Ant%on4 Fokker- de6eloper of t%e Dr'I The Dr.I )as a successful fighter during the final months of the war8 but it had so!e shortco!ings, such as slo) s$eed8 short range8 unreliable engines and wing failures due to the tri$lane conce$t. Anthony Fokker kne) of these proble!s, but he o$ti!i=ed the Dr.I for the “"i6e or ten minutes of the actual duel in the air?*. Fokker ad!itted that “due to the light weight and !aneu6erabilit58 with which the !achine e@ecuted the !ost daring feats, the Allies ne6er recogni=ed ho) slo) it actually was”-. So!e call the Dr.I “a flying machine gun”4 to refer to its !ain pur$ose. a i d e p i k 1 "astan- .oac%i#: Der Rote Baron' Stuttgart 201(- p' 111' i 0 , Quoted in "astan 001(- p' 110' All quotes translated for t%is #anual b4 Mario Donick' : o 3 t "astan 001(- p' 110' o 5 % I$id'- p' 113' P 4 )%e Red Baron Most of the Dr.IAs fa!e is associated with Manfred 6on Manfred von Richt%ofen- better Richthofen (%8#*7%#%8C8 a fighter $ilot of the I!$erial kno:n as the ;*ed Baron< 4er!an Ar!5. Richthofen is better kno)n as “Red Baron”8 because he was a Freiherr (a Ger!an title of nobilit5 in his da5sC and flying red,$ainted aircra"t. Richthofen had flo)n $re,$roduction versions o" the Dr.I in %#%3 (the F.IC8 but it took months to sol6e the planeAs initial proble!s. When the Dr.I was finall5 issued to Richthofen's fighter squadron in 1#%88 he gained the last %# o" his 8& victories in it8 the first on March 1*th. Onl5 si@ weeks later he was killed. 4er!an historian Joachi! 0astan e!$hasi=es that only a "raction of Richthofen's a % i 6ictories was gained in the Dr.I. For Richthofen's final d e p i !onths, Castan attests to hi! a manic obsession with k i , setting ene!ies on fire instead of Eust forcing the! to : o * t land or lea6e the aircra"t 8 a cruel t5$e of victory in o % aerial co!bat that e!erged both a!ong the Ger!ans P and the Allies during the end o" the war.- 0astan concludes that Richthofen's >body and soul had been broken”4. Castan reEects the legend that Richthofen )as a chi6alric hero.5 According to Castan, Richthofen )as willing to hide the cruelty of war behind a shiny dress6 – a pro$aganda e"fort which continued in ;orld In the pu$lic a:areness- t%e “outstanding< ;ar II and still sho)s in most of the literature8 in !o6ies &okker triplane and the darede6il model hero and video ga!es. Only in recent 5ears a more re"lected *ic%t%ofen merged to an insepara$le unit- 6ie) on Richthofen e!erged8 )ith Castan's Richthofen :%ich initially ser6ed propaganda and later biogra$h5 as one i!$ortant e@a!$le. $eca#e part of the *ic%t%ofen legend' Due to the ene#4+s nu#erical superiorit4- 1 Castan 201(- p' 015' *ichthofen in a signal red Fokker triplane 0 I$id'- pp' 0017031' fought a desparate battle for sur6i6al, w%ic% 3 I$id'- p' 231' 5 I$id'- p' 330' “ :as i#possi$le to :in' 8 I$id' - p' 300' ( I$id' – .oachi# "astan9 9 I$id'- p' 218' 5 +nly 3*& Fokker Dr.I were used by the Ger!an Ar!y Air Aerobask Ser6ice in acti6e dut58 and most of the! were shot do)n I had to get used to the fine control b5 Allied forces during March and A$ril 1#%8.% The Dr.I #o6e#ents- was flying m4 machine )as no ')onder )ea$on' and Richthofen's successes :a4 too bump4 and therefore was )ere an e@ce$tion, based on his indi6idual abilities as a cur6ing to muc%' $ilot. Less e@$erienced pilots had $roblems with the Dr.I8 as the quote b5 $ilot Richard Wenzl (to the rightC sho)s. “7 Bieutenant *ic%ard Wenzl9 )%e Aero$ask Model The kind of flying challenge Fokker and ;enzl described is what our simulation o" the Dr.I tries to deli6er. The Dr.I is a si!$le aircra"t8 but not easy to fl5. You onl5 ha6e basic instru!ents and your vie) is obstructed. S$eed is lo)8 but cli!b and turn rates are high. In si!ulation mode8 the aircra"t sinks when you roll to the right and cli!bs )hen 5ou roll to the le"t. There is no tri!8 and your engine may fail. &inal Thoughts Usuall58 in this $art of our manuals, we wish you lots of fun. That )ould feel strange here – a"ter all the real Dr.I * )as made for a war which was cruel e6en in the air. 1 Castan 201(- p' 015' Militar5 legends, such as the “Red Baron”8 build an 0 "ruel as in s%ooting ene#ies w%o %ad alread4 landed ="astan ahistorical picture of heroism and chi6alr5. Simulations 001(- p' 11?@' Unfortunately- researc% on #ilitar4 %istor4 often and ga!es easil5 fall into the tra$ of a""irming such focuses on tec%nolog4 and tactics- $ut forgets t%e ugly sides of :ar and so#eti#es takes o6erly-positi6e accounts :ritten $4 legends. We at Aerobask do not endorse 6iolence or in6olved indi6iduals for granted' "astan 201( is a rare eAception )ar8 but still belie6e the aircra"t itself is ver5 interesting. :%en he de-constructs t%e legends a$out t%e ;red Baron<' ;e want to gi6e an i!$ression ho) si!$le technology Alt%oug% "astan so#eti#es makes ps4c%ological assu#ptions :it%out furt%er $acking- he also presents facts t%at make it leads to an i!$ressi6e flight beha6ior. Dust ne6er "orget i#possi$le to continue seeing t%e “red Baron< as a %ero' )hy the Dr.I got this beha6ior in the first place. 9 "astan 201(- p' 21(' 99 This introduction and t%e ot%er parts of t%e manual were :ritten b4 Mario Donick- w%o %as a P%D in "o##unication /tep%ane Buon /tudies' /ince 2013- %e+s doing research on t%e affir#ation of Aero$ask- director99 #ilitar4 legends in 6ideo ga#es and si#ulations' 6 Part II: Aircraft Description & Instructions Installation & Settings *equire#ents The Aerobask Dr.I uses HD te@tures: Interior8 fuselage and wing te@tures as well as nor!al ma$s are in 4&#6@4&#6 resolution. With “e@tre!e? te@ture settings and HDR “on” in a sparse scenery the aircra"t alone needs about 9&& MB. A 2 GB video card is therefore the mini!u! re uirement e6en for flying in rural areas. If you video card is lo) on memor58 you can use the o$tional lo),resolution li6eries $ro6ided. Installation /@tract the do)nloaded zi$ "ile into the “Aircra"ts” folder )ithin your “1,2lane 1&? folder8 for e@a!$leH 1,2lane 1&IAircra"ts/Fighters/Aerobask Fokker Dr.I Settings )eAture Resolution Te@ture me!or5 shortage may lead to lo) F2S. You ha6e to reduce the te@ture resolution to >6er5 high” or e6en “high” if fra!e rates are too lo). For better control during landings, $lease assign a key or button to the Dr.%As bli$ s)itch, to easil5 cut o"f the engine during a$$roach. Its custo! co!!and isH aerobaskIBli$S)itch toggle If you want to use the guns, you ha6e to assign a button to X,2laneAs >Fire Guns” co!!and.
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