-36 -g •• ' ' Ci '^ THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA VOL. Ill, NO. 18 HAZELTON, B. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 3, 1914 PRICE $2.00 A YEAR Briton and German Captain Bonser Joins Local and District News Notes LDSON IS Reach Agreement The Great Majority A Constable MacAulay, of Aider- R. E. Allen, forester for this London, Dec. 31:-Great Brit Vancouver, Dec. 27:— Hun­ mere, was in town on Monday. district, is expected to return PLEASED ain and Germany have concluded dreds of pioneers, especially those a comprehensive political agree-' from New Denver about the General Manager of G. T. P. Brewer has been ap- acquainted along the northern Premier and Ministers Re­ ment which will, it is believed, fifteenth, accompanied by Mrs. Speaks Highly of Dis­ anager of the skating coast, will regret to learn of the view Progress of B. C. go far toward the eradication of Allen and their children. They trict After Visit death of Captain J. H. Bonser, During the Year all danger of war between the will reside in Hazelton in future. aged 50, who passed away last Hazelton St. Andrew's Society On his return from a trip to two empires. Part of the agree­ night at his home at Portland, Victoria, Jan. 1:—The premiers will hold its regular social meet­ Bert Schooling and Bert Mar- the end of steel, Morley Donald­ ment, it is understoodj'proyldes Ore. Captain Bonser was the of all the provinces, in their New i ' ^ ing OTI Friday evening next. kell returned yesterday from 20- son, general manager of the first shipmaster to navigate the for the joint purchase\of Portu-, Mile, having freighted the con­ Year messages, sound a note of Grand Trunk Pacific, told an in­ Upper Skeena River and the Up­ The Hospital staff enjoyed a struction outfit from Smithers optimism, predicting record pros­ per Fraser and no man was bet terviewer that the scenery be­ The upper portion of the district, sleighing party on New Years to that point, where it was taken perity for 1914. Premier Mc­ ter known or more highly res­ tween Fraser Lake and the coast it is said, will be taken over by night, as the guest of Hugh in charge by teamsters from the Bride, in a two-column review of pected in the north than he. The would bring many tourists to this Germany, and the lower part by Harris. other end. the year, deals with every phase funeral will be held at Portland. district. Great Britain. The sum of $100,- Constable Peters is preparing of development in British Colum­ The deceased leaves a wife and a Mr, Donaldson and party had 000,000 will be paid to Portugal. apartments over the drugstore " Remarkable improvements bia. He emphasizes the work of daughter, Mrs. Harry Godfrey been gone four days on the trip for his family, which will arrive have been effected on many of railroad building, the greatest in Lisbon, Jan. 1:—The report of Vancouver. and thoroughly enjoyed it. They next week. the Kispiox ranches," says Road any of the provinces. The Grand that the African possessions of were charmed with the magnifi Superintendent Carr, who re­ Captain Bonser was popular Trunk Pacific will be connected Portugal have been acquired by Mrs. Wrathall and children, cent scenery in endless variety cently visited the Kispiox Val­ with old-timers in Hazelton. He in May, providing a new steel Great Britain and Germany is accompanied by Miss Wrathall, which unfolds itself in the 300 ley. A largely increased appro­ came on the Skeena in 1892, highway from the Atlantic to the denied here. It is semi-offiicially left on Thursday for Prince Ru­ miles between the placid moun­ priation for road work in that taking command of the first stern- Pacific. On the Pacific Great stated that Portugal's African pert, where Mr. Wrathall is now tain lakes and the tide water. district has been recommended. wheel steamer on the river, the Eastern five thousand men are in business. "I consider it is the prettiest territory is not for sale, though Hudson's Bay steamer Caledonia, working, and the first passenger it may soon be on the market. stretch of scenery on the conti­ Owing to the lack of ice at The hockey team was out for which had reached Hazelton the train on the road ran today from Smithers, the first hockey match Vancouver to Dundrave, eight nent," said Mr. Donaldson, and Battle is Imminent practice last night. Some of the previous year. He continued \\ of the season for the Ross cup, miles out. The premier reviews he predicts a tremendous tourist El Paso, Dec. 31:—A force of recruits made a good showing, charge of the Caledonia until scheduled to take place there to­ the many activities on the Island traffic in the years to come. five thousand rebels is attacking and there is every prospect 1900, when he took command ol The general manager's party night, has been postponed by the that Hazelton will have a good the Monte Christo, of which hi und Mainland, declaring his con­ the Mexican town of Ojinaga, fidence that the coming year will went out to the end of steel, near the American border. The league executive. chance to retain the champion­ was part owner. Later he com­ manded the Pheasant. He went bring even greater things. where track laying is still in pro­ town is practically the only All are heartily invited to at­ ship, notwithstanding the ab­ to the Fraser river in 1907, re­ gress. The grading is pretty stronghold of the federals in the tend St. Peter's Church on the sence of several of last season's Hon. Thos. Taylor, minister of turning in 1911 to take over thi well completed on that section. north. Huerta is leading the first Sunday of the New Year. stars. railways, says, in the course of Inlander, which was his lasi There is one heavy piece which government troops in person. A Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 an extended review of the year's The climax of the Indian pot­ command. His death will be re 'will be finished about January 10, decisive battle seems imminent, p. m. Holy Communion at the work, that the I anadian North­ latch which ha • been in progress gretted by many throughout thit- when track laying will continue while the whole Mexican situa­ close of the morning service. ern expended $30,000,000 on con­ to Mile 344. Mr. Donaldson ex­ tion is nearing a crisis. for some lime was reached on district. struction in British Columbia last pects the grading to be complet­ J. P. Thorkildson returned on Thursday evening, when the na­ year. tives of the Hazelton village gave ed about the first of April and a Saturday from Los Angeles, MEETING JINNSTITUTE The other cabinet ministers month later the tracks will pro­ MINERS BURYTHEIR BEAD . 'here he established his family an exhibition of their potlatch Annual Gathering of Bulkley Valley also gave reviews of their various Victims of Christmas Eve Panic Laid rites in the big hall on the re­ bably be linked up. It will take for the winter. He will leave Farmeri to be Held at Telkwa departments. Hon. W. R. Ross to Rest—Investigation of serve. Whites were invited, all summer, however, to get the shortly for Tacla lake, where he On January 10 reported that the forest revenue Fatality Ordered and a large crowd attended. The roadbed in shape for traffic. In has a small crew at work on his for the year had exceeded all re­ various shows and dances proved The annual general meeting of fact Mr. Donaldson does not an­ Calumet, Mich., Dec. 29:—Yes­ big copper group. Negotiations cords, reaching a total of nearly highly entertaining, while the the Bulkley Valley Agricultural ticipate that the company will terday was a sad day in the city for the sale of thc property to $3,000,000. During the year one Indian band, in popularselections, Association and Farmers' Insti­ run any high class transconti­ when the victims of the terrible American capitalists are in prog­ made a good impression. tute will be held at Svenson's million acres of land had been nental trains before the begin­ panic on Christmas Eve were ress. hall, Telkwa, on Saturday, Jan­ surveyed, eight hundred thousand ning of 1915. If the traffic de­ buried. The strikers bore the HUERTA LEADS ARMY TYRANNY AND TERROR uary 10, at 2:30 p.m. The atten­ acres being in advance of settle­ mands it they will put through a coffins through the streets and as AGAINST REBEL FORCE RULE IN PORTUGAL dance of all members is specially ment. limited service in the autumn. their arms wearied with the load requested. The year's expenditure on pub­ There are only temporary brid- and their feet tired from the Mexico City, Dec. 29:—Presi­ Lisbon, Dec. 29:- While a large Business:—1. President's Re­ lic works was approximately ten 'ges being put over the Fraser slippery roads their comrades re­ dent Huerta of Mexico has grown part of the world fancies that port and discussion thereon. 2. million dollars. and Nechaco rivers in order to lieved them of their burden. weary of the lack of success of Portugal is now one of the homes Secretary-Treasurer's report and The total mineral production of rush construction. These will Thousands lined the streets. his generals and has decided to of liberty, and a place where adoption of same.
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