Metalworking & Forging Safety and Tool Use Certification (STUC) STUC-at-Home; Fall 2020 Thank you for registering for 1 or more Department STUCs! Fall 2020 OSA dates are September 14- December 23. We look forward to having you in the Shops soon! In this STUC packet, you will find: 1. CIADC Health Safety Guidelines (Before Entering and In-Shop) • Our guide on health safety measures that Staff, Students, Members, and Visitors must follow to ensure the health safety of everyone while at CIADC. We appreciate your cooperation with this! For more details about our Healthy Safety Plan, click here. 2. Metal Shop-Specific PPE – Shared vs. Purchase • What PPE is required in the Metal Shop, and what we require/recommend YOU purchase 3. Metalworking & Forging Department STUC • **NEW** Items in Department • General and Department-specific information for you to know 4. Metalworking & Forging Department Material & Supply Purchase Form • What is currently offered 4-Sale in the Metal Shop 5. Metalworking & Forging Department Resource List • Where else to purchase material, supplies, PPE, etc. specific to Department 6. **NEW** Members: CNC Machining Services 7. OSA Reservation Procedure • To ensure we do not exceed the maximum safe amount of people in Shops during OSA, we are implementing an OSA reservation system 8. Programming Schedule • Class and OSA schedule for the upcoming term To Complete STUC: 1. Submit shop-specific online STUC quiz (click here for link) 2. Pre-Pay for 5-OSAs (Access Members only; will be invoiced) 3. Renew Liability Waiver (as needed; to complete at CIADC) rev090920 PLEASE, SELF-SCREEN PRIOR TO ENTERING Have you had a Have you recently been temperature over in close contact with 100°F, felt feverish someone who has been (e.g., body aches, diagnosed with chills), or used a fever reducer in the previous COVID-19? 24 hours? Do you have a new Do you have a new or cough that you cannot worsening sore attribute to another throat that you cannot health condition? attribute to another health condition? Do you have new Have you recently shortness of breath developed a complete X that you cannot attribute loss of smell or to another health taste? condition? IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, PLEASE STAY HOME! Metal Shop-Specific PPE With health safety in mind, we have made a few adjustments to what PPE CIADC offers. Highlighted items are not provided by CIADC, but select items are available for sale at CIADC, as noted: General • CIADC will have disposable face coverings for sale ALL Shops • CIADC offers shared safety glasses for use • CIADC offers shared clear face shields for use • CIADC offers shared earmuff hearing protection for use • CIADC offers disposable ear plugs for use • CIADC temporarily will not have dust masks available • CIADC temporarily will not have N95 respirators available • CIADC temporarily will not have N95 + Organic Vapor respirators available Additional Metalworking • CIADC offers shared flame-retardant jackets for use • CIADC offers shared #5 shade face shields for use • CIADC offers shared #9-13 shade welding helmets for use • CIADC will not offer all-leather work gloves for common use, but will have them for sale Although all hard-surface shared PPE will be disinfected at the end of every Class and OSA by CIADC Staff, we recommend frequent users of CIADC purchase the following PPE. All can be found easily on Amazon -or- from vendors listed on your Resource List: 1. Unlined, all-leather work gloves (CIADC has these for sale) 2. Safety glasses (ANSI Z87.1 rating) 3. Earmuff hearing protection (only if you prefer earmuffs to foam ear plugs) 4. Flame retardant jacket, leather or treated cotton. Must be full front, back, and sleeves 5. Flame retardant apron, leather or treated cotton. Only when forging and prefer an apron to a jacket 6. #5 shade face shield (oxy/acetylene welding, cutting and plasma cutting) 7. #9-13 shade auto darkening welding helmet (MIG, TIG, and Stick welding) rev090920 Metalworking & Forging Department STUC New in Metalworking & Forging 1. Mitre gauges for 6” belt sander for truing up straight and 45deg. Cuts 2. Plasma water table to contain sparks and reduce smoke/fumes 3. Additional fan in ARC bay to exhaust fumes General CIADC Orientation and Procedures 1. STUC Reminders • Department STUCs must be renewed every Term you want to remain active in a Shop, as a safety refresher and new tool/process orientation • This STUC is NOT intended as instruction, but as a refresher • In general, you should be comfortable working with Department-specific tools and processes, both safely and properly • Learn new tools and processes in Classes/Workshops/Private Instruction 2. Know the Location of these Important Items/Areas in Shop • Announcement Board • Shared PPE • First Aid Kit • First Aid Blanket • Fire Extinguishers • 4-Sale Material and Supplies • Scrap Areas • Student/Member Material and Project Storage Areas • Broom and Dustpans 3. Open Studio Access (OSA) • OSA is NOT instruction time • It’s OK to ask the Monitor for safety and tool setup refreshers • Learn new tools and processes in Classes/Workshops/Private Instruction • OSA is Monitored for safety and proper tools use • Monitor is voice of CIADC during OSA • Pay for OSA at Front Desk before entering Shop • Give Receipt to Monitor rev090920 • If certified, and using more than 1 Department during same OSA work block, take OSA receipt with you from shop to shop; giving to each Department Monitor as you go 4. Material / Supply Purchases • Fill out Department Purchase Form (with Monitor assistance, as necessary) • Make payment at Front Desk • Give receipt to Monitor General and Department-Specific Safety 1. CIADC Safe Practices • Industrial processes: inherently dangerous work environment • At CIADC, safety is priority #1 • Know how to react to accident or injury INSTINCTIVELY; this is why we require STUC renewal • Can have it all: creativity, productivity, fun, AND a safe workplace 2. Best Practices to Prevent Accidents and Injuries • Common sense: Use your head! • Awareness of self and others; make sure you set up so you can work safe and others can work safely around you • If unsure of tool or process, choose another method • Ask Monitor for safety refresher/suggestions • Group environment – ask for assistance if needed! 3. Personal Clothing • Natural fibers (cotton, wool), long pants, closed-toe shoes MANDATORY while working in ALL Departments 4. Department-Specific PPE • Safety Glasses (-or- prescriptions if full eye coverage): wear anytime using hand -or- powers tools where material becomes airborne at LOW velocity o Metal: forge, drill press, bandsaw, corded/cordless drill, etc. • Safety Glasses + Clear Face Shield: wear double eye/face protection anytime using power tools (hand power, or stationary) where material becomes airborne at HIGH velocity o Metal: chop saw, bench grinder/wire brush, Dremel, die grinder, right angle grinder, stationary and handheld belt sanders, etc. • #5 Welding Shade o Metal: anytime using oxy-acetylene torch, oxy-propane torch, -or- plasma cutter • #9-13 Welding Shade o Metal: anytime using MIG, TIG, Stick, -or- Flux-Cored welder • Flame Retardant Jacket o Metal: torch use, plasma cutter, MIG/TIG/Stick/Flux-Core welders, EVERYTHING in Grinding Room, forging (-or- apron) • Flame Retardant Apron o Metal: forging rev090920 • Hearing Protection: Earmuff-style -or- foam ear plugs anytime you say “it’s loud in here” • Respiratory Protection o N95 Respirator - Metal: general fabrication (particulates, welding and brazing fumes) o N95 + Organic Chemical Respirator – ALL Shops: finishing processes using solvent-based products • Monitors will remind for required and suggested PPE, as necessary 5. Minor Accidents / Injuries • First Aid Kit location • Includes items for: minor cuts, burns, particles in the eye 6. More Serious Accidents / Injuries • Call 911 for outside help • CIADC address: posted on First Aid Kit • Notify Front Desk that outside help called • Never leave injured person unattended 7. Emergency First Aid Blanket • First Aid Blanket location • Used to smother flames • Used as warming blanket to prevent shock of injured person 8. Fire Extinguishers • Fire Extinguisher locations in Department • Type A, B, C for all flame sources (combustible, chemical, electrical) • Proper use (P.A.S.S.): Pull pin, Aim at base of flame, Squeeze handles, use Sweeping motion 9. Emergency Building Evacuation • East and west Emergency Exit locations in all Shops • Do NOT use Freight Elevator for emergency exit • Outside Meeting Location: north across Schreiber Ave, at Chicago Streets and Sanitation Recycling Center Drop-Off Area (near large Blue Recycling Dumpsters) 10. All Studio Users: Extra Eyes and Ears for CIADC • Safe work conditions • Tool condition • Material and Supply inventory • Notify any concerns to Monitor immediately! 11. Headphones in Shop • MUST be able to hear Monitor • NO dangling headphone wires 12. Equipment “Cheat” Sheets • Reminders for proper tool use safety, setup, and capacities • NOT to replace instruction rev090920 13. Flammable materials, cleaners, finishing supplies, etc. to be labeled and located in YELLOW Flammable Material Cabinet 14. Clean-Up (10-15 Minutes Before End of OSA -or- before you leave Shop) • Put tools, material, projects, and scrap away • Sweep (Individual and common work areas) • A CLEAN workspace is a SAFE workspace • Many people using facility; keep the common workspace efficient and effective for EVERYONE Personal Deliveries, Personal Tool Use, and Storage 1. Deliveries • No outside material / supply purchases delivered to CIADC unless approved by Department Manager in advance • If approved, delivery MUST be scheduled to be received by purchaser or Department Manager during CIADC open hours 2. Personal Tool Use at CIADC • Personal non-powered hand tool use is OK • Personal power hand tools (electric, pneumatic, other) MUST be approved by Department Manager for safe condition prior to using • Personal powered -or- non-powered, freestanding “shop” equipment NOT allowed at CIADC 3.
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