Advance Publication by J-STAGE Concept of the Intermediate Olympic Games of 1906 Paper : Cultural Anthropology Concept of the Intermediate Olympic Games of 1906: Continuity with the Past Olympics Hisashi Sanada Institute of General Human Sciences, University of Tsukuba 1-1-1 tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki, 305-8574 Japan sanada@taiiku.tsukuba.ac.jp [Received July 6, 2009; Accepted December 22, 2009; Published online April 7, 2010] Recently, some scholars conˆrm that the IOC o‹cially approved the Intermediate Olympics of 1906 and made a decision to hold them. It has also been pointed out that the Intermediate Olympic Games contributed to restoring conˆdence in the IOC following the failures of the 1900 and 1904 Games, which were held as a part of the World Fair. Many IOC members approved the Intermediate Games despite the opposition by Coubertin, and this fact suggests that the Games had a concept with which most of the IOC members agreed with other than Greek nationalism. This research seeks to identify and clarify the concept of holding the Intermediate Olympic Games. The following conclusions were reached. Many of the members of the IOC in the initial stage supported holding the Olympic Games in Greece in the intermediate years. This was because it emphasized the continuity with the an- cient Olympics as a historical presence. The Panathenaic Stadium was a symbol of the con- tinuity with the ancient games. Also, many of the IOC members understood the relationship with the Greek Olympia Games held in the nineteenth century. Respect for Crown Prince Con- stantine, who supported the Olympia Games and devotedly worked for the 1896 Olympic Games, was also a reason for their approval. Because of the concept of continuity with the past Olympics, the 1901 IOC session unanimously approved holding the Intermediate Olympic Games in Greece, leading to the 1906 Olympic Games. Keywords: Intermediate Olympics, modern Greece, Athens, Olympic Games [International Journal of Sport and Health Science] 1. Introduction Games. The Greek people have suddenly fallen under an illusion of their past and become ob- The Intermediate Olympic Games were held in sessed with glory.'' (1932 pp.41-42) He also stated, Athens from April 22 to May 2, 1906. More than ``Greece ignored me and sought an opportunity to 60,000 spectators including the King and Queen of harm me.'' (1909 p.101) British Empire and the King and Queen of Greece Based on these statements by Coubertin, the In- attended the lavish opening ceremony at the termediate Olympic Games were positioned as ex- Panathenaic Stadium. A total of 826 athletes ceptional Olympic Games. However, recent competed in 74 events from 13 sports (Miller p.58). research by Young (1988), Lennartz (2002) and Fin- These Games are currently not recognized as o‹cial dling (2004) conˆrm that the IOC o‹cially ap- Olympic Games. The Brundage Committee de- proved the Intermediate Olympics and made a deci- cided in 1949 not to recognize the Games as o‹cial sion to hold them. It has also been pointed out Olympic Games by referring to Coubertin's writings that the Intermediate Olympic Games contributed (Findling p.47). to restoring conˆdence in the IOC following the Coubertin stated that Greek nationalism inter- failures of the 1900 and 1904 Games, which were fered with him with respect to these Intermediate held as a part of the World's Fair. Olympic Games. ``The royal family requested ex- The members of the IOC approved the Intermedi- clusive control over the restored Olympic ate Games despite Coubertin's opposition, and this International Journal of Sport and Health Science 1 http://www.soc.nii.ac.jp/jspe3/index.htm Advance Publication by J-STAGE Hisashi Sanada fact suggests that the Games had a concept with Olympic Games. Paris has already been selected which most of the IOC members agreed with other by the International Athletic Congress for the at- than Greek nationalism. hletic meeting of 1900, but, as formal decision has This research seeks to identify and clarify the con- been come to regarding subsequent festivals, it is cept of holding the Intermediate Olympic Games, hoped that the paramount claims of Athens will be contrasting the opinions of IOC members with that duly recognized. The idea prevailing at the con- of Coubertin. The letters and writings by IOC gress – that the cause of peace and good will among members and writings by Coubertin regarding the civilized nations would be promoted by holding the Intermediate Olympics are adopted as useful histori- festival in the diŠerent great capitals – is laudable cal materials in this study. and worthy of consideration: but Athens possesses special attractions, and nothing like the Stadion is 2. Developments Leading to the Intermediate found elsewhere. The best arrangement would, Olympic Games perhaps, be to make the games biennial and hold them alternately in Athens and some other Europe- 2.1. Declaration by the Greek King Making Greece an or American city. Thus, on the one hand, the the Permanent Site for the Olympics design of the congress would be carried out, and, on the other, the game would still preserve their Hellen- King Georgios I of Greece made the following ic character.'' (THE TIMES April 16,1896) statement at a banquet on April 12, 1896 following the closing ceremony of the ˆrst Athens Games. 2.2. Coubertin's Response ``Greece, who has been the mother and nursery of the Olympic Games in ancient times and who had Coubertin was opposed to this development. He undertaken to celebrate them once more to-day, can expressed his opinion clearly in The Times.He now hope, as their success has gone beyond all ex- submitted the following statement in opposition to pectations, that the foreigners, who have honoured The Times supporting the continuous holding of the her with their presence, will remember Athens as a Olympic Games in Greece. peaceful meeting place of all nations, as the tranquil ``To the editor of the Times; and permanent seat of the Olympic Games (Couber- An article datelined Athens, no doubt written by tin 1897).'' an enthusiastic Philhellene, informed the European The Athens Games had ended in success, and the press that a decision has been made to hold the GreekKingwantedfutureOlympicGamestobe Olympic Games in Greece from now on. Nothing held in Greece as well. It was Americans who ˆrst could be further from the truth. The Olympic responded to the Greek King's statements. Ameri- Games will move about the globe, as was decided at can athletes and Americans who lived in Athens the international congress held at the Sorbonne two made a statement on April 14, 1896 supporting the years ago. The 1900 Games will be in Paris. In continuation of holding the Games in Greece. 1904, the committee will choose between New York, ``We also desire to acknowledge our entire satis- Berlin, and Stockholm. It is perfectly understand- faction with all the arrangements for the conduct of able that the brilliant success of our undertaking re- the Games. The existence of the Stadium as a cently inspired the Greeks to desire to monopolize it structure so uniquely ahead to its purpose; the to their advantage, but we cannot sanction such a proved ability of Greece to competently administer plan.'' (THE TIMES April 30,1896) theGames,and,aboveall,thefactthatGreeceisthe Coubertin was strongly opposed to holding the original home of the Olympic Games; all these con- Games in Athens following the ˆrst modern Olym- siderations force upon us the conviction that these pic Games. He thought that the Greek people Games should never be removed from their native would monopolize the restoration of the Olympic soil.'' (New York Times May 3, 1896) Games. In addition, The Times also made a statement supporting the continuation of the Games in Greece. 2.3. Discussion by the IOC concerning the The statement is as follows. Proposal to Hold the Intermediate Olympic Games ``The wish is generously expressed that Athens should in future become the permanent scene of the Vikelas did not support the proposal to hold the 2 International Journal of Sport and Health Science http://www.soc.nii.ac.jp/jspe3/index.htm Advance Publication by J-STAGE Concept of the Intermediate Olympic Games of 1906 modern Olympic Games at Athens continuously. approved, consequently, it can be said that the As the ˆrst IOC President, Vikelas was not able to GamesheldinAthensin1906wereoneoftheOlym- overturn the decision made at the 1894 Congress to pic Games o‹cially approved by the IOC. hold the Games at a diŠerent site each time. Vike- Renovation of the Panathenaic Stadium was com- las wrote a letter (May 19,1896) and proposed to pleted in 1905, and the Games were held the follow- Coubertin and the IOC members to hold Intermedi- ing year. The Olympic Games in Athens were con- ate Olympic Games in Greece two years from each ducted from April 22 to May 2, 1906. The 826 at- Olympic Games. This was the same proposal as hletes from 20 participating countries were double that carried in The Times.TheseGameswerelater the number who participated in the Athens Games referred to as the Intermediate Olympic Games. 10 years earlier. The King and Queen of British The background to the IOC approving the Inter- Empire traveled all the way to Greece to attend the mediate Olympic Games was as follows. Games and highly praised them. This led to the The Second Olympic Congress, held at Le Havre strong support from the English Royal Family for from July 23 to 31, 1897, was summoned because of the 1908 London Games. Rowing and soccer were a strong request from Vikelas to the IOC members.
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