VINTAGE & NOVICES MEETING 20 JULY 1969 G.T. VIVA and all other Vauxhalls. Think of Vauxhall — Think of Wallace Arnold Sales and Service. First for the G.T. First for Viva including the new convertible and first for Victor, Ventora and Cresta. Ask for test runs. IftHaEetainM HUNSLET road LEEDS IO TEL:39911 FRANK SOW DEN (Bentley 8 litre ). No. 138 Class B. Photograph by Jeff Binns THE YORKSHIRE CENTRE OF The British Automobile Racing Cliih Ltd. WELCOME YOU TO THE II VINTAGE AND NOVICES II HILL CLIMB R.A.C. Perm it No. RS/5371 SUNDAY 20th JULY 1969 CO M M EN CE 2-15 P.M. HELD AT STOCKTON FARM, HAREWOOD, LEEDS by kind permission of Arnold Burton, Esq. WARNING TO THE PUBLIC Motor racing is dangerous and persons attending this meeting do sc entirely at their own risk. It is a condition of admission that all persons having any connection with the promotion and/or organisation and/or conduct of the meeting, including the owners of the land and the drivers and owners of the vehicles, are absolved from all liability arising out of accidents, howsover caused, resulting in damage and/or personal injury. DOGS ARE NOT AUOWED AT THE HILL CUMB. Stop watctiing your oil Great performance is guaranteed with G T X . i High protection,'' low consumption^ G T X .T he engine protector.'" For a free lubrication chart or information sheet on your car, write to: Dept. M C M , Castrol Limited, High Road, Cowley, Nr. Uxbridge, Middles^'x. RAMBUNGS Today, for the second time we welcome our friends they will find the hill and the atmosphere to their from the Vintage Sports Car Club who bring their liking. From our point of view we feel that the spirit, beautifully preserved examples of the Automobile so typically British, which believes that the best way Engineering of earlier years to join with our own to preserve a splendid piece of engineering from the "Novice" competitors to make up a complete Hill past is to use it, not gently, but in stern competition Climb programme. breeds an atmosphere of sportsmanship which we feel is entirely in line with that which always pervades the As a background, this will be the seventh annual Novices' meeting. Everyone of the Competitors is Hill Climb we have run at Harewood reserved for here to have a really good tim e and the marshals are “ Novice” competitors. A “ Novice” is defined as any all determined to help them do it. We hope that those Club Member who has not won an award in a Hill of you who are just on the sidelines watching will Climb. Sprint or Race Meeting in the previous three share something of the pleasure felt by all the and a half years and w ith 26 or so of the “ Novices” competitors winning awards each time, thus automatically preventing their running in the next three annual events, we had found our entry stabilising on the 70/80 mark. At Apart from the competitive enjoyment, a stroll round the same tim e, we had been receiving requests fo r the paddock this afternoon is also going to be a a special meeting fo r Vintage types and knowing that rewarding pastime. In these days where the British 40/50 cars was the most we could ever hope to raise motor Industry is contracting to the extent that Reliant in this category, a combined meeting looked the obvious have become the second largest 100% British owned solution. manufacturer it will be like a breath of fresh air to see the products of individualists often from firms Last year for the first time we tried the experiment which have now vanished, or just become submerged of a combined “ Vintage and Novices” event and we in a w elter of “ Badge engineering” . fe lt that it succeeded so well tha t it was a natural to be repeated this time and so we welcome you to our second “Vintage and Novices" Harewood meeting. We hope you enjoy your visit to Harewood today and that we shall see you again on September 14th fo r To all our friends of the V.S,C,C, we would like to the final round of the R.A.C. British Hill Climb extend a hearty welcome to Harewood and we hope Championship, Be constructive! Build your own Mini-engined single-seater HIGH SPEED — LOW COST tells, step-by-step, how to build Allan Staniforth's successful Terrapin Min — based mechanically on Mini components — and is crammed with useful gen, from suspension design to supercharging, for all amateur racers. The Terrapin has scored 20 class wins in hill-cllmbs and sprints, and holds three ,1 world speed records. 144 pp, 9|" x , 76 illustrations, 21 diagrams, etc. (Large-scale working drawings — 95s set.) Published by Patrick Stephens Ltd, 9 Ely Place, London EC1 (01-405 2297). (You'd pay more for a part-used Mini racing 45s net tyre — send for leaflet if not convinced.) Copies of HIGH SPEED — LO W COST are on sale today in the main programme tent at Harewood. You can also order a copy through your local bookseller, or (plus 2s 6d for post and packing) direct from the publishers : Patrick Stephens Ltd, 9 Ely Place, London E C l. FOR PERSONAL AND RELIABLE ATTENTION U l S E L E Y IN ARACESL;</. G T U m N G for EARLY DELIVERY of your NEW SERVICING FORD and TRIUMPH REPAIRS includinff the New ESCORT Race, Rally and Hill Climb Preparation Consult . Skayes The small car that isn^t SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF Garage GOOD USED CAnS (F. P. KAYE & N. D. SYKES) FROM £10 to £1,000 Self Drive Hire Cars CHELTENHAM PARADE OTLEY ROAD, GUISELEY. HARROGATE Telephone 2244 Telephone : 69091 (Day) 82647 (Evening) NOTICES JURISDICTION especial order. The West Riding Police, the British This Meeting is held under the General Competition Legion Attendants Co. Ltd.. The Harewood Estate and Rules of the Royal Autom obile Club, the Standing the R.A.C. Yorkshire Area Office for their help with Supplementary Regulations of the R.A.C. and the the parking and traffic admission arrangements, the Additional Supplementary Regulations and Instructions Medical Officers and the St. John Ambulance Brigade of the Yorkshire Centre of the British Automobile (Wetherby Division) for the first aid cover, Garritts Racing Club Ltd., under R.A.C. Permit No. RS/S371. (C aterers) Ltd. fo r the catering and bar services, Guanaria and Sons Ltd. fo r ice cream supplies. The MOTOR RACING IS DANGEROUS British Motor Racing Marshals Club, Appleyard of Bradford Ltd. for the loan of the breakdown vehicle, You are present at this Meeting entirely at your Falrbank Harding Ltd., T. G. Pepper Ltd., our printers own risk and it is a condition of admission that all F. Youngman Ltd., and last, but by no means least, all persons having any connection with the promotion club members and friends who have worked and are and/or organisation and/or conduct of the Meeting, working to make this meeting a success. including the owners of the land and the drivers and owners of the vehicles, are absolved from all liability in respect of personal injury (whether fatal or other­ LITTER wise) to you or damage to your property howsoever caused. W ill all spectators please try to assist the Club by not dropping litter, but by putting it in the containers PROGRAMME provided. All literary matters in this Programme, including the list of competitors and their racing numbers, is copyright. ANIM ALS The Club accepts entries and drivers’ nominations in good faith and every effort is made to adhere to In the interests of safety, dogs are not admitted to the printed programme. The Club, however, cannot the course or enclosures. If you have brought a dog accept responsibility for the failure of any car or w ith you, please see th a t it is secured in your car. driver to appear. Although every endeavour is made to avoid inaccura­ cies in the description of competing cars, the Club COMING EVENTS accepts no responsibility fo r any that may occur. Details of B.A.R.C. Yorkshire Hill climbs for the The Club reserves the right to postpone, abandone, remainder of 1969 are :- or cancel the meeting or any part thereof. Harewood Hill Climbs LOST AND FOUND PROPERTY Sun. 10th August — “ Members’ H ill C lim b’’ w ith all Spectators who find articles are asked to return them your favourite local drivers and cars. to the Clerk of the Course’s office in the Bus in the Sun. 14th Sept. — “ Championship H ill C lim b” w ith Paddock, where those who have lost anything should the final of the R.A.C. British Hill Climb Champion­ also apply. ship and the penultimate round o f the "C a stro l/ B.A.R.C.’’ Championship. MESSAGES The organisers wish to stress that announcements Scarborough Hill Climb to assist spectators cannot be made over the course Sun. 28th Sept. — National Meeting with the final of loudspeaker system except in cases of genuine the “Castrol/B.A.R.C. Hill Climb Championship”. emergency. REFRESHMENTS WHEN DEPARTING Refreshment Services fo r snacks, hot meals, hot drinks, etc. is provided in both the Paddock & Hill W hen leaving Stockton Farm at the end of the Side Enclosure. There are licensed bars open from meeting w ill all traffic fo r Leeds and the South please 11-00 a.m. to 7-00 p.m.
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