¦ÉÉ®úiÉÒªÉ ¦ÉɹÉÉ ºÉƺ £Ö ÉxÉ (¨ÉÉxÉ´É ºÉƺÉÉvÉxÉ Ê´ÉEòÉºÉ ´ÖÓ¡ÖÖ ±ÉªÉ, =SSÉ Ê¶ÉIÉÉ Ê´É¦ÉÉMÉ, ¦ÉÉ®úiÉ ºÉ®úEòÉ®ú) ¨ÉÉxɺÉMÉÆMÉÉäjÉÒ, ¨ÉèºÉÚ®ú 570 006 F.No. 40 -2/06-07/GIA/Grnt Date: 23.03.07 The Grant-in-Aid Committee meeting which was scheduled to be held on 09 th & 10 th Feb.2007 at Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore was cancelled due to disturbances in Karnataka. Therefore, the papers were sent to the following members for taking their recommendations.... 1.1.1. Prof. Indira Goswami (Assamese) # 23, Gandhi Bagh, North Sarania, Umakant Enclave, Bylane – 6, Guwahati – 781 003. 2.2.2. Sri Utpal Kumar Basu ––– (Bengali Expert) Flat No.10 A/1, 18/3, Gariahat Road, Kolkata – 700 019, W.B. 3.3.3. Dr. Chanakya Brahma ––– (Bodo Expert) Principal, DIET, Kokrajhar, PO & Dist. Kokrajhar – 783 370, BTAD 4.4.4. Dr. Shashi Pathania (Dogri Expert) Reader, Dept.of Dogri, University of Jammu, Jammu – 180 006. 5.5.5. Dr. Aravind Bhandari (Gujarati) Registrar, Gujarat University, P.B. No.4010, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – 380 009. 6.6.6. SrSrSriSr iii PPPrasaPrasarasannnnnnnnaa ––– (((Kannada(Kannada Expert) Playwright, Theatre Director, Kavi-Kavya, Heggodu – 577 417, Sagar Taluk, Shimoga Dist. Karnataka. i 7.7.7. Prof. Md.Zaman Azurdah ––– (Kashmiri Expert) Camp: CIIL, Mysore – 570 006. 8.8.8. Prof. Damodar Mauzo ––– (Konkani Expert) H.No.9, Church Ward, Majorda, Salcete, Goa – 403 713. 9.9.9. Dr. Neeta Jha ––– (Maithili Expert) Khaja Sarai, Laheria Sarai, Darbhanga – 846 001, Bihar.... 10. Prof. V.C. Harris ––– (Malayalam Expert) Kannasseril, Kanakkary P.O Ettumanur, Kottayam – 686 632, Kerala. 11. Dr. P. Madhu Bala Devi ––– (M(M(Manipuri(M anipuri Expert) Head Dept. of Linguistics, Manipur University, Canchipur, Manipur – 795 003. 12. Prof. Chandrakant Patil ––– (Marathi Expert) C-3, ‘Godawari’, Tirupati Executive, Ulka Nagari, Garkheda, Aurangabad – 431 005, M.S. 13. Dr. I.B. Rai (Nepali) 2, Loreto Convent Path, Loch Nagar, P.O. & Dist. Darjeling – 734 101. 14. Sri Devdas Chhotray (Oriya) Vice Chancellor, Revenshaw University, Cuttak, Orissa. 15. Dr. Surjit Patar ––– (Punjabi Expert) 46-47, Asha Puri, Near Aggar Nagar, Ludhiana – 141 004, Punjab. 16. Sri PurnPurnaa Chandra Hembram ––– (Santali Expert) 241, Sri Vinayak Apartment, Plot 5 C, Sector – 22, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110 075. ii 17. Sri Neela Padmanabhan Deputy Chief Engineer (Retd.,) (Tamil Fiction Writer, poet & essayist), Nilakant, 39/1870, Kuriyathi Road, Manacand, Thiruvanthapuram – 695 009. 18. Prof. V. Prakasam ––– (Telugu Expert) Central Institute of English & Foreign Languages, Hyderabad – 500 007, A.P. 19. Prof. Ram Dayal Munda ––– (Other Languages) (Former VC Ranchi University) Behind Ranchi College, Hotma, Ranchi – 834 008, Jharkhand. 20. Sri Manglesh Dabral ––– (Hindi Expert) 326, Nirman Apartments, Mayur Vihar, Phase – 1, New Delhi – 110 091. iii Recommendations of 19 ththth GrantGrant----inininin----AidAid Committee Meeting Central Institute of Indian Languages, MysoMysorererere The Committee considered all the proposals received by them. The members have sent their recommendations. The recommendation is as follows :- Scheme II : (a) Purchase of Books: In respect of scheme-II for financial assistance for purchase of books in Indian Languages (other than Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, English & Urdu), a total of 219 books from the following languages were placed before the committee for approval : Bengali - 2, Bodo - 1, Gujarati - 1, Kannada - 64, Kashmiri - 2, Konkani - 4, Maithili - 1, Manipuri - 1, Marathi - 18, Oriya - 3, Punjabi - 19, Tamil - 92 & Telugu - 11. The following books were screened by the committee and their recommendation is given against each book. The cases not recommended are shown as N.R. in the fifth column). Out of the above 219 cases, ------- cases were recommended. ----- cases were Not Recommended. iv Scheme II : (a) Purchase of Books: In respect of scheme-II for financial assistance for purchase of books in Indian Languages (other than Hindi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, English & Urdu), a total of 219 books from the following languages were placed before the committee for approval : Bengali - 2, Bodo - 1, Gujarati - 1, Kannada - 64, Kashimiri - 2, Konkani - 4, Maithili - 1, Manipuri - 1, Marathi - 18, Oriya - 3, Punjabi - 19, Tamil - 92 & Telugu - 11. The following books were screened by the committee and their recommendation is given against each book. The cases not recommended are shown as N.R. in the fifth column). Out of the above 219 cases, 202 cases were recommended. 17 cases were Not Recommended. No. of Sl. Name, Address & File No. of the Price Title of the Book copies/ No. Applicant (Rs.) N.R BENGALI 1 Sri Benoy Kumar Mahata Sonabalir Khonje 75/ - 50 Basanta Kutir, Satish Sarkar Lane, Bhagalpur – 812 001, Bihar. 50-2(6)/04-05/Ben/Grnt 2 Dr. Niladri Sekhar Dash Bhasamsasamgraha 240/ - 50 Ling. Research Unit, Indian Statistical O Adhunik Institute, 203, Bhsabijnan B.T. Road, Kolkata – 700 108, WB. 50-2(9)/05-06/Ben/Grnt BODO 1 Dr. Premalata Devi Bodo Janajatia 600/ - 100 State Resource Centre, North Eastern Samaj Aru Sanskriti Hill University, Bijni Complex, Laitumkhrah, PO. Shillong PIN– 793 003, Meghalaya. 50-23(1)/06-07/Bodo/Grnt GUJARATI 1 The President Sarasvata Pravaso 95/ - 200 Dr. Krishnakanth Kadakia Trust, M-82/385, ‘Swaroop’, Saraswati Nagar, Near Azad Society, Ahmedabad – 15. 50-3(3B)/00-01/Guj/Grnt KANNADA v 1 Dr. T.S. Ramananda Vaidyara Shikari 70/ - 200 No.503, A2, Sharavathi National Games Village, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560 047. 50-4(35)/06-07/Kan/Grnt No. of Sl. Name, Address & File No. of the Price Title of the Book copies/ No. Applicant (Rs.) N.R Kannada Continued 2 Dr. Krishna Kolhar Kulkarni Dviteeya 90/ - 100 No.633, Keerthi Nagar, Mahayudha Bijapur – 586 101. 50-4(54)/06-07/Kan/Grnt 3 Dr. V. Gopalkrishna Kadalodiga 75/ - 100 C/o. SSES Research Centre, 32/2, 2 nd Main Road, Gandhinagar, Adyar, Chennai – 600 020. 50-4(36)/06-07/Kan/Grnt 4 Dr. H.T. Pote, Anweshane 100/ - 100 ** Reader in Kannada, Institute of Kannada Studies, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga – 06 50-4(37)/05-06/Kan/Grnt (see also sl.no.26) 5 The President Manasika Ottada : 50/ - 200 ** Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Yadavagiri, Kaaranagalu Mattu Mysore – 20. Parihara 50-4(19)/06-07/Kan/Grnt (see also sl.no.6) 6 The President Devarodane 240/ - 100 ** Sri Ramakrishna Ashrama, Yadavagiri, Baalidavaru (Part 1 per set Mysore – 20. & 2) 50-4(20)/06-07/Kan/Grnt (see also sl.no.5) 7 The President Nirvanashree 200/ - 50 Sri Degula Mutt, Kanakapura, Bangalore Rural Dist. 50-4(122)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 8 Dr. Venkataiah Appagere, Vycharika 60/ - 100 Area Manager, Chinthane-galu Pragathi Gamin Bank, TAPCMS Complex, Chickballapur – 562 101 50-4(24)/06-07/Kan/Grnt vi 9 Sri Gauri Sunde r Vyasa Sahitya 200/ - 100 Sundara Prakashana, 43, Kalamandir, 5th Cross, Bangalore – 560 019. 50-4(104)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 10 Dr. T.S. Vivekanand Talladeshada 80/ - 200 ** No.281, 2 nd ‘A’ Main, Narabhakshaka I Phase, VBHC, Girinagar, Bangalore – 560 085. 50-4(7)/06-07/Kan/Grnt (Also see Sl.No.23) No. of Sl. Name, Address & File No. of the Price Title of the Book copies/ No. Applicant (Rs.) N.R Kannada Continued 11 Sri P.N. Srinivas Chalanachitra 90/ - 100 No.21, Yellappa Garden, Nirdeshaka 10 th Cross, Malleshwaram, Bangalore – 560 003. 50-4(64)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 12 Dr. G. Gnanananda Vaastu Purusha: 65/ - 100 # 1122, 5 th Main, Brig. Gokhale Road, Nele – Hinnele BEML 3 rd Stage, Rajarajeshwari Nagar, Bangalore – 560 098. 50-4(103)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 13 Sri Sa. Raghunatha Jonnala Rasi 100/ - 100 Sri Lakshmi Provision Stores Road, Ramakrishna Extension Srinivasapura, Kolar Dist.-563 135. 50-4(42)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 14 Dr. Jagannath Sindhe Dalit Chintaka 80/ - 100 Reader & Chairman, Dept.of Sociology, B.Shyama-sundara Gulbarga University, Gulbarga. 50-4(32)/06-07/Kan/Grnt 15 Dr.Shivanand S.Viraktamath Amara Kalyana 100/ - 100 Dept.of Women’s Studies, Kannada University, Hampi, Vidyaranya Campus, Hospet Tk., Bellary Dist. – 583 276. 50-4(137)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 16 Dr. Sh antinath Dibbad Jeevapara Janapara 150/ - N.R Dept. of Kannada, K.U.K.R.C. Post Graduate Centre, PB.No.3, Belgaum 50-4(11)/06-07/Kan/Grnt 17 Sri M.S. Basavarajaiah Keladi Rajavamsha - 95/ - 100 # 58, ‘Chidvilasa, tarangini Simsha Road, Gururaja Layout, Mysore – 11. vii 50 -4(83)/05 -06/Kan/Grnt 18 Dr. Ashok Kumar Ranjere Bhashe Mattu 90/ - 100 HOD of Kan. Language Studies, Shikshana Kannada University, Hampi, Vidyaranya – 583 276. 50-4(101)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 19 Dr. Shanta Imrapur Kuvempu – Bendre 50/ - 100 ‘Chittar’ Nirmal Nagar, 12 th Cross, Dharwad – 03. 50-4(133)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 20 Dr. V. Vanaja Shoonya -vadavalu 50/ - 50 # 2329, 12 th Main, 2nd Stage, Vijayanagar, Mysore. 50-4(136)/05-06/Kan/Grnt No. of Sl. Name, Address & File No. of the Price Title of the Book copies/ No. Applicant (Rs.) N.R Kannada Continued 21 Sri N.M. Ambliyavar Kannada Vyakarana 55/ - N.R ‘Abhinandana’, Near Darpana Kariyamma Temple, Kariyamma Badawante, Gadag – 582 101. 50-4(138)/05-06/Kan/Grnt 22 Dr. D. Sheela Kumari Stotra Deepti 100/ - 50 C/o Chaitra, 37, 5th Cross, Suez Farm Road, Vidyaranyapuram, Mysore. 50-4(13)/06-07/Kan/Grnt 23 Dr. T.S. Vivekanand Muktesarada 80/ - 100 ** # 281, 2 nd ‘A’ Main, Narabhakshaka I Phase, VBHC, Girinagar, mattu Itara Kategalu Bangalore – 85. 50-4(8)/06-07/Kan/Grnt (see also sl.no.10) 24 Vidwan Vasudeva Paranjape Sarala Samskritha 30/ - 100 ** # 745, “Vaibhava”, Vyakaranam 4th Main, 24 th Cross, Vidyaranyapuram, Mysore – 08. 50-4(28)/06-07/Kan/Grnt (see also sl.no.35) 25 Sri Muddu Moodubelle Nadu Nudiyidondu 90/ - 100 ** C.3/2, AIR Quarters, Bage PO.
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