Bachmann & Cabrera: Types of Rev.Chrysomelidae Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s.57 12(1): 57-80, 2010 Buenos Aires, ISSN 1514-5158 A catalog of the types of Chrysomelidae sensu lato (Insecta, Coleoptera, Polyphaga) deposited in the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires Axel O. BACHMANN1 & Nora CABRERA2 1Entomology Division, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. e-mail: [email protected]. 2Entomology Division, Museo de La Plata. e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The type specimens (all current categories) of Chrysomelidae s.l. deposited in this Museum are listed; 125 names are recorded, 85 of them (68 percent) are represented here by name-bearing types (‘primary’ types), five of them dubious. The family is taken in its broadest sense, including the Bruchinae, Hispinae (along with the former Cassidinae), and other groups sometimes considered as separate families. The specific and subspecific names were alphabetically filed, followed by the generic ones as they were spelled in the original publication, or the generic and specific names in the case of subspecies and varieties. Later combinations and/or current binomina are mentioned insofar as these are known to the authors. Two lists are added: 1. of specimens labelled as types of unavailable names, chiefly those not found in the literature, and supposedly not published, and 2. of specimens labelled as types, but not originally included as such, and published or not after the original description. Key words: Chrysomelidae, Coleoptera, type specimens, Argentina. Resumen: Catálogo de los tipos de Chrysomelidae sensu lato (Insecta, Coleoptera, Polyphaga) depositados en el Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires. Se catalogan los ejemplares típicos, de todas las categorías aceptadas, de Chrysomelidae s.l. conservados en este museo; se registran 125 nombres, 85 de ellos (68 por ciento) representados aquí por tipos portadores de nombres (tipos ‘primarios’), cinco de ellos dudosos. La familia se toma en su concepto más amplio, incluyendo a las Bruchinae, las Hispinae (con las anteriores Cassidinae) y otros grupos a veces considerados como familias separadas. Los nombres específicos y subespecíficos fueron ordenados alfabéticamente; a estos siguen los de los géneros, así como se publicaron originalmente, o de los géneros y especies en el caso de las subespecies y variedades. Se mencionan las combinaciones ulteriores y/o los binomios en uso, hasta donde son conocidos por los autores. Se agregan dos listas: 1. de los ejemplares rotulados como tipos, de nombres no disponibles, principalmente aquellos no hallados en la bibliografía, y supuestamente no publicados, y 2. de los ejemplares rotulados como tipos, pero no incluidos originalmente como tales, publicados o no después de la descripción original. Palabras clave: Chrysomelidae, ejemplares tipo, Argentina. ____________ A catalog of the typical specimens (all current specific ones in the case of subspecies and varie- categories) of species of Chrysomelidae s.l. housed ties. An abbreviated bibliographic citation follows, in the Entomological Division of this Museum is as well as a listing of the types, if these were men- presented, referred to 125 names: 25 holotypes (four tioned, starting with those deposited in this Mu- of them dubious, they may be syntypes), 95 syntypes seum. An account of the type specimens actually (six of them dubious) of 55 names, 179 paratypes here housed follows, with their label data. Accord- (which include 6 allotypes). Of these 125 names, ing to the International Code of Zoological Nomen- 85 of them (68 percent) are here represented by clature (4th edition, 1999), allotypes are not ‘name- name-bearing types (‘primary types’). The family bearing types’. If the country is not mentioned, is here taken in its broadest sense, including the Argentina is meant; in every other case, the coun- Bruchinae, the Hispinae (with the former try is mentioned first. Some specimens bear a reg- Cassidinae) and other groups sometimes considered istration number, entered in the Entomology Divi- as separate families. The classification of Lawrence sion register; numbers under 10000 correspond to & Newton (1995) is here followed. the old general register of the Museum. Later Specific and subspecific names are alphabeti- nomenclatural or taxionomical changes are added, cally entered, as is usual in type specimen catalogs; insofar as these are known to the authors. each name is followed by the generic one, and the For the identification of types not formally des- subgeneric one if it was mentioned, spelled as it ignated in the original publication (art. 72.4 of the was in the original binomen, or by the generic and Code), evidences from the labels as they were writ- 58 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 12 (1), 2010 ten in the collections examined by authors of names, Monrós (1954: 99-102), of which some paratypes are considered. When the authors did not formally are said to be in MACN, BRC and GPC; 2. designate a holotype, or its equivalent, and did not Uroplata oglobini [sic] Monrós & Viana (1947: 288- mention how many specimens were examined, it is 289), of which some ‘cotypes’ are said to be in assumed that they had a series of syntypes (recom- MACN; 3. Stereoma laevicollis orophila Monrós mendation 73 F of the Code), eventually ‘sole (1954: 224-225), of which some paratypes are said syntypes’. to be in MACN and BRC; 4. Megalopus schaeferi Some specimens in the collection are labelled Monrós (1947c: 211-212), of which one paratypes as types of names not found in the literature, and is said to be in MACN ex ABC. assumed not to have been published. These names Unless otherwise stated, the specimens are are probably not available in the sense of the Code; glued to cards held by an entomological pin. however, in order to assist in future research, they This Museum is identified by MACN. Reposi- are separately listed. tories of other types are identified as follows: ABC, Specimens labelled as types, but not included Adolfo Breyer coll., in MACN; AMC, A. Martínez in the original publication, and specimens desig- coll., types now in MACN; APC, A. Prosen coll.; BC, nated as types after the original publication date, G. Bondar coll.; BEC, C. Berg coll., in MACN; BM, published or not, cannot be accepted as included in The Natural History Museum, London; BRC, C. the type series; however, also in order to assist in Bruch coll., in MACN; CM, Carnegie Museum; future research, they are included in a third list. CMSM, Colegio Máximo, San Miguel, B. Aires, later Burmeister did not label his types nor other Inesalt, now in Salta National University; CSC, specimens, save sometimes with locality labels; he Campos Seabra coll., Brasil; DC, Diringshofen coll.; put, to the left of the specimens or series, a hand- DEI, Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Berlin- written identification label, fastened with pins to Eberswalde; DZSP, Dept. Zoologia, São Paulo, Brasil; the bottom of the drawer, and added sometimes a EEAT, Estación Experimental Agropecuaria, vague distribution indication, e.g. «Patagonia» or Tucumán, Argentina; ERJ, Instituto Experimental even «Argentina». The type condition is inferred Agrícola, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; FIML, Fundación from the publications, and one of us (AOB) added e Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucumán, Argentina; labels, handwritten on red cardboard, to the speci- FMNH, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, mens deemed to be holotypes or syntypes. U.S.A.; GKC, G. Kuschel coll.; GM, Genf Museum, Brèthes often marked his type specimens with Suisse; GPC, G. Pellerano coll., in MACN; HB, H. a small square piece of red paper, making their iden- Burmeister coll., in MACN; IIE, Imperial Institute tification in the drawers easier. of Entomology, London, U.K.; JBC, J. Bosq coll.; Bruch used to copy the specific names of the JBR, J. Brèthes coll., in MACN; JDC, J. Daguerre types on his own labels, most of them with a red coll.; MAC, M. Alvarenga coll., Brasil; MC, F. Monrós frame (a few with a green frame), and to add to the coll.; MCSN, Museo Civico de Scienze Naturale, same pin a small, folded piece of paper with the Genova, Italia; MF, Museum Frey, Tützing, Ger- name handwritten by the respective author, seem- many, now in NHMB; MG, Museu Goeldi, Manaus, ingly cut from a letter; frequently only a part of the Brasil; MLP, Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argen- generic name, and/or a part of the author’s name tina; MNH, Museum Nationalis Hungaricus, Buda- are legible. pest, Hungary; MNHN, Muséum National d’Histoire Some specimens in the Bruch collection are la- Naturelle, Paris, France; MP, Museum Pragae, Czech belled as ‘cotypes’. If the author did not state how Rep.; MPA, Museu Paranaense; MRB, Musée Royal many specimens he had examined, they must be d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Bruxelles, considered as syntypes. We suspect that some of Belgique; MVC, M. Viana coll., sold to Mr. J.E. the ‘cotypes’ in our Museum were not even included Barriga, Santiago, Chile; MZSP, Museu de Zoologia, in the typical series, but it is not possible to assure São Paulo, Brasil; NHMB, Natural History Museum, their condition. In order to assist in future research, Baden, Suisse; NHMW, Naturhistorisches Museum we include them in the present paper as syntypes Wien, Austria; PC, M. Pic coll., now in MNHN; RCC, or as paratypes, according to each context (Bruch R. Carcavallo coll.; SC, F. Spaeth coll.; SCT, used the term ‘Cotypus’ sometimes in the sense of Seminario Conciliar de Tucumán, Argentina; SKM, syntypus and sometimes in the sense of paratypus). Svenska Koniglik Naturhistoriska Museum, Stock- Lastly, one name (Probaenia crenata ab. interrupta holm, Sweden; USNM, United States National Monrós & Viana 1947: 273, pl. xxii: 91) although Museum, Washington, U.S.A.; WBC, W.
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