Table ID Book Titile Song Title 4 701 - 4 672 "Lo'e me little, and lo'e me lang" 4 707 "O Mither, ony Body" 4 1176 "Saw ye Johnnie comin'?" quo' She 4 766 "The Dream of Life's young Day " 1 2111 "Your Hand is cauld as Snaw " (xxx.) 2 1555 [O] hearken, and I will tell you how 4 596 Whistle Binkies Vol1 A Bailie's Morning Adventure 2 5 Jacobite Relics of Scotland v. 2 A BALLAND, &c 4 845 Whistle Binkie Vol 2 A Bonnie Bride is easy buskit 4 846 A bonnie wee lassie 1 1753 Scots Minstrelsie v. 3 A Braw young Lad o' High Degree (xxi.) 4 597 A British Sailor's Song 1 573 A cogie o' ale an' a pickle aitmeal 4 598 A Cook's Legacy 4 847 A December Dirty 1 574 A famous man was Robin Hood 1 284 A friend o' mine cam' here yestreen 4 477 A guid new year to ane and a' 1 129 A Health 1 1468 A health to Betty, (note,) 2 139 A Health to the Constitution 4 600 A Highland Garland 2 653 A Highland Lad 4 850 A Highland Pilgram's Progress 4 1211 A jacobite Lament 1 579 A' kinds o' lads an' men I see 2 7 A lamentable Ditty on the Death of Geordie 1 130 A Litany 1 1842 A Love-Note a' to yersel' (xi.) 4 601 A Lullaby 4 1206 A lyke wake dirge 1 291 A Man's a Man for a that 4 602 A Mother's Advice 4 989 Whistle Binkie Vol 2 (Songs for the A Mother's Cares and Toil's 4 603 Nursery) A Mother's Duty 4 990 A Mother's Farewell 4 991 A Mother's Joys 4 992 A Mother's Song 4 993 A Mother's Welcome 1 92 A Narrative of the old Plot; being a new Song 1 93 A new Litany 4 1065 Whistle Binkie Vol 2 (Scenes … A noisy Nursery 3 757 Nursery) A puir mitherless Wean 2 1990 A red, red rose 4 251 A Rosebud by my early Walk 4 855 A Scottish Welcome to H. Beecher Stowe 1 1 Jacobite Relics-Hogg v.I A SOUTH-SEA Ballad 1 95 A Tory in a Whig's Coat 2 141 A Trip to the Mountains 4 860 A Voice from Holyrood 4 863 A' wear the Masks 2 395 A weary bodie's blythe whan the Sun gangs 2 1997 Adown weary lot is thine 4 255 A Wee bird cam ' to our Ha' Door 2 1994 A wet sheet and a flowing sea 1 4 A wicked old Peer 2 981 The Songs of Scotland, Volume 2 Accuse me not 1 985 dam Bell, Clym of the Clough & William of 4 599 AdamClou… Glen 2 1996 Adelgitha 1 1345 Adieu, Dundee! 3 555 Adieu, for evermore, my Dear 1 127 Advice to Britons 1 128 Advice to the Tories 3 231 Ae Fond Kiss, and then We Sever 4 848 Ae gude Turn deserves Anither 2 2000 Ae happy hour 2 983 Ae nicht i' the gloaming 1 575 Afore the Lammas tide 1 576 Afore the muircock begin to craw 2 651 Beauties of Scottish Song Aft, aft ha'e I ponder'd 2 652 Afton Water 2 1987 Again rejoicing nature sees 1 578 Again the breeze blaws through the trees 4 851 Ah no ! - I cannot say 2 1816 The Songs of Scotland Ancient and Ah the poor shepherd's mournful fate 1 254 Modern v. III Ah! Chloris 1 1467 Ah, ha! Johnie lad, (note,) 1 1469 Aiken Drum 1 1347 Air by Handel, in his Alcina, (note,) 1 1348 Alace this night yat we suld sinder, (note and 3 732 Alace!App I vyte zour twa fair eyne 2 984 Alas! That I cam' o'er the muir 2 1356 Alastair Macalastair 1 91 Albany 2 1289 Alison Gross 3 804 Alister Macalpines' Lament 4 852 Alla Mia Sposa 1 580 Allan Gray 2 1999 Allan-a-dale 1 289 Allister Macallister 2 1132 Alloa House 1 290 Alma, field of heroes, hail 2 1822 Alone by the light of the moon 1 271 Als Y yod on ay Mounday 2 985 American War (The) 4 853 An Auld Man's Love Song 2 446 An Excellent New Song on the Rebellion 3 831 The Scotish Minstrel v. 6 An gilleadh duth eiar duth 1 586 An' O for ane an' twenty, Tam 1 587 An' O, may I never live single again 1 588 An' O, my Eppie, my jewel, my Eppie 2 986 An thou wert mine ain thing 3 632 An' thou wert my ain thing 3 633 An' was you e'er in Crail toun 3 603 An' were na my heart light I wad die 2 9 An yon be he 1 1350 Ancient French Air, (note,) 2 1358 And are ye sure the news is true? 1 1754 And O, my Eppie, my Jewel (xxi.) 2 2254 And sae ye've treated Me 1 583 And we're a' noddin' 4 248 And ye shall walk in Silk Attire 2 224 Andrew Lammie 1 1229 Andro and his cutty gun 2 1339 Annan Water 2 1993 Annie 1 1470 Annie Laurie 2 1306 Annie of Lochroyan 1 585 Annie's tryst 2 140 Anniversary of Culloden 1 607 Answer to Behave yoursel' before folk 4 8 Archie Armstrong's Aith 4 7 Archie of Ca'field 4 9 Archie O'Kilspindie 1 294 Are ye doing ought weel, are ye thriving, my 1 1586 Areman ye sleepin', Maggie? (v.) 4 250 Argyle is my Name 2 10 Arms and the Man 4 10 Armstrong's Goodnight 4 854 Arniston 1 1668 As I cam' doon by yon Castle Wa' (xi.) 1 2024 As I cam' doun the Cano'gate (xxix.) 1 592 As I cam' o'er the Cairney mount 4 1212 As I gaed Doun Glenmoriston 4 253 As I sat at my Spinning Wheel 1 593 As I was a walking all alone 2 2299 As I was a-Roaring 4 604 As I wend through the wild wood 2 228 As I went on ae Monday 2 2337 As I went out ae May-Morning 1 295 As Jean sat at her spinning wheel 2 1817 As Sylvia in a forest lay 4 856 As the auld Cock craws 1 296 As wand'ring my lane down by sweet 4 252 AshBirkenshaw tree, the 1 2 At Auchindown 2 1364 At gloamin', if my lane I be 1 594 At Polwart on the green 2 1818 At setting day 1 297 At Willie's wedding on the green 4 11 Athol Wood 2 988 Athole Gathering (The) 4 12 Auchindown 2 220 Auld Beard New shaven 4 605 Auld Elspa'a soliloquy 4 857 Auld Eppie 4 256 Auld Fisher, The 1 595 Auld guidman, ye're a drunken carle 4 257 Auld House, The 1 298 Auld Joe Nicholson's Bonnie Nannie 4 858 Auld Johnny to young Maggy 2 992 Auld King Coul 3 81 Auld lang Syne 3 789 Auld Maggy Sharp 2 229 Auld Maitland 2 993 Auld Man (The) 1 1755 Auld Man's Meer's dead, The (xviii.) 1 1214 Auld Matrons 4 859 Auld Nanny Crummie 4 259 Auld Reekie 1 1232 Auld Rob Morris 1 600 Auld Rob the laird o' muckle land 1 597 Auld Robin and laird 1 299 Auld Robin Gray 1 1937 Auld Robin the Laird (xxiv.) 4 483 Auld Scotch Sangs, The 1 1136 Auld Scour Abeen 1 269 Auld Walter 3 506 Auld Wife ayont the Fire 4 606 AuldJohn Nicol 1 2027 Aunty's Sangs (xxviii.) 4 1239 Avont yon Hill 4 861 Awa' wi' your Wisdom 3 236 Awa', Whigs, Awa' 2 1995 Awake, my love 4 862 Away' while yet thy Days are few 1 300 Away ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses 1 601 Away! Clansmen, away! 4 1215 Aye Waukin' O ! 3 899 Ayrshire Lassie 4 14 Baby Lon, or the Bonnie Banks O' Fordie 2 218 Bachelor's Song 4 1289 The Scottish Folksinger Back o' Bennachie, The 4 864 Bad Luck to this Marching 3 381 Baddich na brigan 4 994 Bairnies, come Hame 4 865 Baith Sides o' the Picture 2 449 Baldy Fraser 4 1290 Balena, The 1 603 Baloo, baloo, my wee, wee thing--Duet 2 995 Baloo, my boy 1 1756 Balooloo, Lammie (xviii.) 4 607 Bancrupt and Creditors 4 1291 Band o' Shearers, The 4 1293 Banks o' red Roses, The 4 484 Banks of Allan Water, The 3 482 Banks of Ayr 4 1292 Banks of Newfoundland, The 2 2006 Banks of the Devon 2 996 Banks of the Devon (The) 2 114 Bannocks o' Barley 2 997 Bannocks o' bearmeal 2 1254 Barbara Allan 1 1125 Barbara Blair 3 1027 Barrin' o' our Door, The 4 15 Barthram's Dirge 3 568 Battle o' Bothwell Brig 1 193 Battle of Balrinnes 1 175 Battle of Flodden 1 187 Battle of Harlaw 2 998 Battle of Killiecrankie (The) 2 1134 Battle of Largs (The) 3 931 Battle of Loudon-hill 3 1028 Battle of Stirling, The 2 451 Battle of Val 2 595 Battle Song 4 608 Bauld Braxy Tam 4 866 Bauldy Buchanan 2 596 Bauldy Fraser 4 995 Be a comfort to your Mother 1 302 Be kind to auld grannie, for noo she is frail 2 12 Be valiant still 4 609 Beacon Song 2 2342 Beds of sweet Roses 1 606 Behave yoursel' before folk 1 608 Behind yon hills where Lugar flows 1 301 Behold the hour, the boat arrive--Duet 2 1376 Behold, my love, how green the groves 2 1000 Beneath a green shade 2 2005 Bess and her spinning-wheel 1 303 Bess the Gawkie 2 1135 Bessey's Haggies 1 609 Bessie and her spinning wheel 1 1357 Bessie Bell and Mary Gray 3 523 Bessie's Haggis 4 611 Bessy's wooing 4 612 Betsy Bawn 3 621 Beware o' bonnie Ann 2 1136 Bhannerach dhon na chri 2 663 Bide ye yet 2 1333 Binnorie 2 1002 Bird of the Wilderness 4 1295 Birken Tree, The 1 1591 Birks o' Aberfeldie, The (I.) 1 2028 Birks o' Invermay, The (xxxiii.) 4 416 Birks of Aberfeldy, The 3 707 Birks of Invermay 4 1296 Birnie Bouzie 1 5 Bishop Burnet's Descent into Hell 4 16 Bishop Thurstan, and the King of Scots 4 17 Black Agnace of Dunbar 4 1297 Blackbird, The 1 1106 Blancheflour and Jellyflorice 1 1472 Blink o'er the burn, sweet Betty 3 240 Blithe Hae I Been 2 2003 Blithe was she 1 1939 Blithe was the Time (xiv.) 1 1940 Blude-red Rose, The (xxiii.) 4 488 Blue Bells of Scotland, The 3 768 Blue bonnets over the Border 1 1118 Blue Flowers and Yellow 4 613 Blythe are we set wi' ither 1 2112 A New Book of Old Ballads Blythe Jockie 1 613 Blythe was the time 1 305 Blythe young Bess to Jean did say 1 611 Blythe, blythe and merry was she 1 612 Blythe, blythe around the nappie 4 264 Boatie Rows, The 4 1137 Boatman, The (Fhir a' Bhata) 3 1032 Boatmen o' the Forth, The 2 1137 Bob at the Bowster 2 222 Bobbing John 3 743 Bodhan an Eassain 4 1298 Bogie's Bonnie Belle 2 453 Bogieside; or, Huntly's Raide 1 2131 Bold Rankin 4 19 Bondsey and Maisey 4 21 Bonie Lizie Lindsay 4 415 Bonie Wee Thing 3 1033 Bonnets of Bonnie Dundee, The 2 231 Bonnie Annie 4 20 Bonnie Baby Livingstone 4 1299 Bonnie Banks o' Airdrie, The 4 490 Bonnie Banks of Loch Lomond, The 3 243 Bonnie Bell 1 307 Bonnie Bessie Lee had a face fu' o' smiles 4 867 Bonnie Bessy Ballantine 1 614 Bonnie Bonaly 2 142 Bonnie bonnie Beef 2 1138 Bonnie breast-knots 3 244 Bonnie Brier-Bush, The 1 1760 Bonnie Briest-Knots, The (xx.) 4 1300 Bonnie bunch Roses, The 2 13 Bonnie Charlie 2 1824 Bonnie Christy 4 869 Bonnie Coquet Side 2 1139 Bonnie Dundee 4 1301 Bonnie Fisher Lass, The 2 232 Bonnie George Campbell
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