Mark Frost Corporate Director Bang Order today 1. Vision Priori5es Plans 2. How well are we doing? 3. Big Issues 4. BeBer sports organisaons 7 Clear Business Plan Measures Naon of •Medals cHampions •Per capita posi5on Every child •CHildren doing 3 occasions a week • hooked Club membership on sport •15-24 Adult measure for life •KS3 ABainment (KS2) •Adults volunteering in Wales Our Strategies elite No. 1 coacHing community sport BIG PRIORITIES Annex 1. Sport Wales Business Plan 2013-14 In delivering our business objec5ves, we will, over the course of 2013-2014 undertake the following ac5vity. Please note that more detailed ac5ons sit with teams for implementaon In delivering our work. All these items are important, However the HigHligHted items will steer our resource and focus. Please note that items in bold are specific requirements as set out by THe WelsH Government. EQUALITY women and girls communicaons campaign 1 Work with 10 sports; 5 to acHieve foundaon level of equality standards; 5 to report progress against preliminary level 49 partners to complete the self-assessment 1 Set baseline target for 28 Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs) to establisH appropriate representaon on Boards (e.g. improved the 10 focus sports; co-ordinang naonal and gender balance) to enable decision making to beBer reflect the development of the sport regional planning 1 The Welsh Government’s School & Physical AcRvity Deliver a women and girls communicaons campaign to influence and increase par5cipaon levels Task and Finish Group SPORTING INNOVATION UK Leadership Development Programme & 1 Partner Investment Principles: 49 partners to complete the self-assessment process to inform Board investment Women in Leadership Programme Up-skill sector to base their guidance and decisions on 1 Support the work of the Sports Advisory Group in informing future sports planning and prac5ce, and influencing a rise in the levels of par5cipaon amongst the less ac5ve high-quality evidence to improve sporRng outcomes COMMUNITY SPORT Elite: -all Priorised Sports score highly for ‘system 1 Work with the 10 focus sports; co-ordinang naonal and regional planning to maximise collaborave delivery of community health & base medal target’ sport outcomes 1 Undertake a loBery Investment review to assess the impact on community sport outcomes and drive enHanced investment To increase the number of athletes selected on to GB returns pathways and UK sport World Class Programme. 1 Develop a joint ac5on plan with Public Health Wales to influence the provision of, and par5cipaon in sport and pHysical ac5vity by the less ac5ve 1 Developing 4 area score cards and u5lise the Sport Wales Self-Assessment Tool in the scru5ny of 22 local plans, in order to support THe WelsH Government’s drive in encouraging greater efficiency and collaboraon between local authori5es (the Simpson Compact) 1 Provide THe WelsH Government with evidence of sport’s posi5ve impact on eradicang cHild poverty SKILLS FOR A LIFE IN SPORT 1 Review and impact-assess our scHool sport programme. Produce a report with recommendaons for enHancing scHool sport outcomes, for Board’s consideraon 1 Consider and support the implementaon of the relevant recommendaons from THe WelsH Government’s School & Physical Acvity Task and Finish Group 1 Support the regional PESS teams and establisH an exit strategy for PESS within eacH region, to ensure the work of improving pHysical educaon and scHool sport is con5nued 1 SHowcase the impact of the Young Ambassador movement, and support the embedding of their work across Wales 1 Develop the Free Swimming Ini.a.ve and advise THe WelsH Government on evidence from pilot scHemes tes5ng the feasibility of extending the ini5ave to veterans and serving armed forces personnel on leave: May 1 Develop proposals for THe WelsH Government as to wHat ac5on migHt be taken to increase par5cipaon amongst the FE & HE populaon: Dec. GROWING A SKILLED & PASSIONATE WORKFORCE 1 Support the work of partners to integrate workforce planning into their strategic plans; priori5sing an increase in the number of coacHes, volunteers and young leaders 1 Develop our approacH to leadersHip in sport; focusing on the UK Leadership Development Programme and the revised Women in Leadership Programme 1 Up-skill staff and sector colleagues; enabling them to base their guidance and decisions on HigH-quality evidence to improve spor5ng outcomes SPORTING EXCELLENCE 1 To ensure, througH appropriate support and cHallenge, that all Category A Sports are at least green for the RAG rangs, for both overall system Health & base medal target. Similarly, Cat B to be green for the base medal target 1 To implement a new investment programme in iden5fied Olympic sports to increase the number of athletes selected on to GB pathways and UK sport World Class Programme. EstablisH, in partnersHip with UK Sport, a talent development programme in Wales, with focus on systemac success at the Commonwealth Games post 2014 1 Support the delivery of annual youth games (Gemau Cymru) and major events to sHowcase WelsH spor5ng talent and maximise compe55on opportuni5es in Wales CUSTOMER FOCUS 1 To provide effec5ve leadersHip and management througH embedding the core beHaviours, implemen5ng a new performance management tool and providing effec5ve one-to-ones, to improve staff engagement and successful delivery across the organisaon 1 Improve our data management, so as to enable more efficient processes and effec5ve funding decisions, througH implemen5ng a new online grants tool 1 Review our communicaons to boost both staff and stakeHolder understanding of Sport Wales’ role in delivering outcomes for sport 1 AcHieve an ‘excellent’ QUEST rang for the two Naonal Centres 1 Inves5gate and deliver improved support by the finance team to internal customers The Welsh Government Remit LePer AddiRonal Reports Report to THe WelsH Government on the Community Strategy: December 2013 Report to THe WelsH Government on the CoacHing Strategy: June 2013 Report to THe WelsH Government on the Strategic Investment Plan: September 2013 Report to THe WelsH Government on Naonal Governing Bodies’ progress re par5cipaon, funding & baseline data/targets : by end June 2013. 2) How Well are we doing? Are we on track ? OUTCOMES (aspirations) “Every Child Hooked on Sport for Life” / Nation of Champions INDICATORS x7 “e.g. % of young people wHo take part in sport on 3 or more occasions per week” PERFORMANCE MEASURES Outputs within Quarter reports “e.g. NGB club membership” “Every child” Club par5cipaon for primary scHool pupils is HigHest level since 2000 at 85% (84% for girls and 87% for boys). Levels Have dropped for secondary pupils to 68% (65% for girls and 72% for boys). Par5cipaon levels are lower among older pupils – from 76% in Year 7 compared to 63% in Year 10. Every CHild ….Hooked… 3 ACTIVITIES PER WEEK 100 100 80 80 % 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Male Female Male Female • 28% primary pupils par5cipate on at least 3 occasions per week. • Girls less likely to par5cipate across all age groups. • At secondary scHool gender gap more no5ceable (and increases with age). Every Child….For life… • Fewer par5cipate beyond the age of 15, • more pronounced for girls. • At every age group, women are less likely to be Hooked on sport. • Par5cipaon by adults remained stac over the last ten years. • Tradi5onal model of sport – limited opportuni5es for those people wHo cannot make tradi5onal teams, lacking appropriate compe55on for all. Volunteering and Leadership Percentage of adults volunteering in sport and setting 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Any sports Auer-scHool sports Community sports club volunteering club All Male Female Source: Ac5ve Adults 2008/09 Naon of CHampions 30 2000 Sydney 35 31 25 30 25 2002 MancHester 20 2004 Athens 25 19 19 2006 Melbourne 20 15 2008 Beijing 15 2010 DelHi 10 10 5 2014 Glasgow 2012 London 5 (target) 0 0 Olympic Medals Paralympic Medals Commonwealth Games 2016 Rio (target) Medals 0 1 2 3 4 Commonwealth Games Per Capita placing 2nd 3rd 4th 1st Local Authority Landscape 22 Local Authorities -Focus - Leisure and Sports Development • Support: – Dragon Sport 5x60 PESS Young Ambassadors Free Swimming • Funding: Schools & Pools £13.3m • Leisure Provision 250,000 200,000 Dragon RegistraRons Trend 150,000 100,000 RegistraRons 50,000 0 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 Total 12,507 41,622 73,437 76,611 99,585 101,002 118,533 149,621 170,473 179,418 209,804 223,755 Dragon RegistraRons Boys v Girls 140,000 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 RegistraRons 40,000 20,000 0 00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07 07/08 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 Boys 6,397 21,465 36,766 38,727 52,881 54,414 65,667 85,737 99,125 105,587 122,114 131,067 Girls 6,110 20,157 36,671 37,884 46,704 46,588 52,866 63,884 71,348 73,831 87,690 92,688 5x60 Aendances 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 5x60 ABendances 400,000 200,000 0 08/09 09/10 10/11 11/12 Total ABendances 672,531 946,141 1,057,603 1,258,615 5x60 ParRcipaRon & RetenRon 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% Parcipaon 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% % CHildren aending 1 session 08/09 09/10 % CHildren aending 5 sessions or more 10/11 11/12 % CHildren aending 20 sessions or more Learn - Every child can swim by the age of 11 by 2014 76% 74% 72% 70% 68% Learn - Every cHild can 66% swim by the age of 11 by 2014 64% 62% Sep09- Sep11- Sep 11- Jul10 jul12 Jul 12 Yr 6 All Swims Rate per 1000 1500 1450 1400 1350 1300 All Swims Rate per 1000 1250 1200 1150 1100 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 National
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