C4 | Tuesday, December 8, 2020 |beaumontenterprise.com |BeaumontEnterprise SPORTS DICK ALLEN: 1942-2020 Phillies legendrememberedas‘courageouswarrior’ By RobMaaddi parkevery dayand just play were 56-106 and only AP SPORTS WRITER baseball.” 495,000 people came out Allen wasMiddleton’sfa- to Comiskey Parktosee DickAllen hitthe ballso vorite player as akid. He them. hard, fans in Philadelphia called the abuseAllenre- “It wasone of those startedshowing up in bat- ceived“horrific” and point- things wherethe fans were ting practice during his ed outhis accomplish- kind of down in the rookieseasonjusttowatch ments areevengreatercon- dumps,”Bill Melton, hisAll- him hammer shots overthe sidering the racism he en- Star teammate in Chicago, Coca-Cola sign atopthe left- dured. recalled Monday. “Things center field roof at Connie Allen batted .292 with 351 were bad. The economy Mack Stadium. home runs, 1,119RBIs and wasbad,everything.” The rousing attention, he .912 OPSin15seasons.He “I think Dick just brought gotthatearly.The rightful playedfirst base, thirdbase aflavortothe WhiteSox. acclaim,sadly,hehad to and left field. And the flavorwas this: na- wait much longer. Afterseven years in Phil- tional attention. We’d go in- Allen, aseven-timeAll- adelphia, Allen playeda to NewYork, we’d finally Star sluggerwhose fight season each with the Cardi- getwriters,press, pictures against racism duringatu- nals and Dodgers. back to Chicago. …Wewere multuoustime with the In 1972, he joined the starting to draw attention, Philliesinthe 1960scost WhiteSox andwas an im- magazine covers,”hesaid. him on and off the field, mediate hitinwinningthe Melton said Allen would died Monday.Hewas 78. AL MVP.Allen led the AL in always shrug off theHall of The 1964 NL Rookie of Matt Slocum /AssociatedPress homers(37), RBIs (113), on- Fame vote,sayingitwasn’t Year and1972 AL MVP hada Former Philadelphia Phillies greatDickAllen, pictured in 2017,aseven-time base averageand slugging meant to be. But he wasn’t lengthy illnesswhile at All-Star,the 1964 NL Rookie of theYear and the1972ALMVP,has died at 78. percentage. sure howhis former team- homeinWampum, Penn- Hisimpactwas felt on mate reallyfelt. sylvania. erful connection to,and maker.” “Imagine what Dick the diamond and in the “Weprobablyweremore “Dick willberemem- pridein, Dick leaves all of “Dick wasasensitive could’veaccomplished as a stands. Chicagofinished angrythanhewas,”hesaid. bered as not justone of the us in astate of mourning. Black man whorefused to playerinanother era, on second in theALWestthat “There’salot of badcharac- greatest and most popular He will be remembered not be treatedasasecond-class another team,left alone to year with 87 wins and drew ters in baseball. Dick wasn’t players in ourfranchise’s onlyfor hisextraordinary citizen,”Schmidt said in a honehis skills,tobeconfi- nearly 1.2million fans; two one of them. He wasbe- history, but alsoasacoura- baseball skills and accom- speech. “Heplayedinfront dent, to come to the ball- years earlier,the WhiteSox lovedbyhis team.” geouswarrior whohad to plishments, but equallyfor of home fans thatwere overcome far toomanyob- hisstrengthofcharacter. products of thatracistera CLASSIFIED Merchandise | Real Estate | Auto | Auctions | Business Opportunities stacles to reach the levelhe Hishumility, gratitudeand (with) racist teammates did,”the Philliessaid in a compassion were so evi- and different rulesfor statement. dent when we retired Dick’s whites and Blacks.Fans Allen’s No.15was retired number just three months threw stuff at himand thus by the PhilliesinSeptem- ago. Iamgrateful he was Dick wore abattinghelmet ber,anhonorthatwas con- able to participate in the throughout the whole TO ADVERTISE: Call (409) 838-2888 or Email [email protected] sidered wayoverdue by ceremonyand experience game.Theyyelled degrad- manyfor one of the fran- theoutpouringofaffection ing racial slurs. They How to pay for your ad: All payments due upon receipt of your ad. Payment chise’sgreatestplayers. andrespectwehavefor dumped trashinhis front methods accepted: VISA, MC, AMEX, Discover, check by phone. You may cancel Philliesmanaging part- him,”Middletonsaid. yard at hishome. In gener- your ad at any time, however, cost will remain the same. Rates are ner John Middleton broke Mike Schmidt,aHall of al, he wastormented and it non-transferable to new ads. Some restrictions apply. from the team’s longstand- Fame thirdbaseman who came from all directions. Business Hours: ing “unwritten”policyof helped lureAllenout of re- And Dick rebelled.” Classified Dept. 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday onlyretiringthe number of tirement to return to Phila- Allenanswered in his Publication Dates: players whoare in the Hall delphia forasecond stint ownway,sometimes Monday - Sunday (7 days a week) of Fame to honorAllen. In with the team in 1975,was scratchingout “Boo”or 2014,Allen fell one vote amongthe former players “No”with hiscleatsinthe shortofCooperstownina whoattendedthe ceremo- dirtaround the bases. Real Estate For Sale | For Rent | Services Hall committee election. ny.Theyworemasks and Schmidt pointed outAl- “I thank the city of Phila- satseveral feet apartduring len didn’thaveanegative delphia. Even though it was thecoronavirus pandemic reputation playing forthe rough, I’vemadesome that shortened the major St.Louis Cardinals, LosAn- friends along theway,” Al- leagueseason to 60 games. gelesDodgers and Chicago len said in an emotional cer- ThePhilliesplanned to WhiteSox.Healso cam- emonyonawarm,sunny honorAllen again in 2021 paigned forAllen’s induc- SOUTHEAST Accepting Applications | SENIOR Citizens 62 &uporhandicapped. Now available afternoon. with fans in attendance. tion intothe Hall of Fame. Low income, Efficiency, 1&2Bedroom Apartments. Applyat3030 French Rd. Middletonsaid he was Schmidtcalled Allen “an “Myfriends, these (nega- Call: (409) 892-0196 Raintree Tower Apts Equal Housing Opportunity “bereft to learn of Dick’s amazing mentor”who was tive)labelshavekept Dick passing today.” wronglylabeled a“bad Allen outofthe Hall of SOUTHEAST NEAR Lamar |Hacienda Apt. 1bedroom start.... $575. “Our community’s pow- teammate”and “trouble- Fame,”Schmidt said. 2bedroom start.... $700. Call 409-832-0034. SOUTHEAST PLYMOUTH Village Apartments | 5080 Helbig Rd. 409-892-2532 OLYMPICS 3 -Bedroom Now Available. Accepting applications for 1, 2, 3&4Bedroom Apts. All Bills Paid. Section 8, Mon.- Fri. 9am- 2:30pm. Equal Housing Opportunity Agency Breakdancing gets status Autos & More Vehicles | Boats | Motorcycles | RVs | Misc. to debutatParis in 2024 WANTED CASH Paid | FOR Junk Cars and Pick-Ups. By Graham Dunbar equalparticipation by men events is akey element in Free Towing: 409-540-3344 AP SPORTS WRITER andwomen athletes,and curbingthe growth of the moreurbanizedevents. Olympic programaswellas GENEVA—Breakdancing With Paris organizers additional costs.” became an official Olympic needing time to prepare In otherIOC business, WANTED CLEAN RV or Class CMotor Home |Pay Cash. Can be expensive. 409-781-1630 sportMonday. their project, the IOC kept Bach confirmed the more The InternationalOlym- to its pre-pandemicsched- than 11,000 competitors at pic Committee’spursuit of ule to confirm the 2024 the TokyoOlympicsshould urbanevents to lureayoun- sports lineupthismonth not stay in the officialath- geraudiencesaw street even beforesome aretested letevillage forthe entire Legal Notice dancebattlesofficiallyadd- in Tokyo. games, to helplimit the risk Request for Proposal ed to the medal events pro- Breakdancing will be of COVID-19infections. Notice is herebygiven that Nederland ISD gram at the 2024 Paris called breakingatthe Teams will be advised of will accept sealed proposals for Property &Casualty Insurance coverage until 2:00 Games. Olympics,asitwas in the apolicythatathletes pm CST, Thursday, January 14, 2021. RFP packets will be released Tuesday, Decem- Alsoconfirmedfor Paris 1970sbyhip-hop pioneers should arrive at theirac- ber 1, 2020. Interested agents must con- by the IOC executive board in the United States. commodationnomore tact the District’s insurance consultant, Cyndi White at (210) 220-6433orrequest were skateboarding,sport It wasproposedbyParis than five days beforethe by email ([email protected])to climbing, and surfing. organizers almosttwo startoftheir competition receive acopy of the RFP packet. Those three sports will years agoafter positive tri- and have left twodaysafter The original proposal should be sent to Nederland ISD, Attn: Edie Cessna, Pur- maketheirOlympic debuts als at the 2018 Youth Olym- it ends. chasing Agent, 220 17th Street, at the TokyoGames,which pics in Buenos Aires.Break- Boxing is on the Tokyo Nederland TX 77627 with aduplicate copy of the proposal sent to FrostInsurance were postponed because of ing passedfurtherstagesof programdespite its govern- Agency, Attention: Cyndi White, 111W. Houston Street, Fourth Floor, SanAntonio, the coronavirus pandemic approval in 2019 from sep- ing body, known as AIBA, TX 78205. Proposals must be received by one year to open on July aratedecisions by the IOC beingderecognized by the no later than 2:00 pm CST, Thursday, January 14, 2021.The sealed proposals 23,2021. boardand full member- IOC last year. must be clearly marked on the outside of the envelope “Request for Proposal for Alongside the additions, ship. Aseven-candidate presi- 2021 Property &Casualty –Nederland the IOC made subtractions: In Paris,breaking has dential election is being ISD”.Proposals will be publicly opened and only the firm’s name will
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