
NA TIONAL REF ER ENCE CEN TER FOR BIOETHICS LIT ER A TURE THE JO SEPH AND ROSE KEN NEDY IN STI TUTE OF ETH ICS GEORGETOWN UNI VER SITY, WASH ING TON, DC 20057 NEW TI TLES IN BIOETHICS An nual Cumulation Volume 28, 2002 Lucinda Fitch Huttlinger, Ed i tor Kathleen Reynolds, Man ag ing Ed i tor ISSN 0361-6347 A NOTE TO OUR READ ERS . Because funds are limited, we are very grateful for your dona tions, as well as your recom men - da tions to your pub lish ers to for ward re view cop ies to the Edi tor. In ad di tion to be ing listed here, all Eng lish-lan guage ti tles ac cepted for the col lec tion will be con sid ered for in clu sion in the LOCATORplus data base, aug mented at the Ken nedy In sti tute of Eth ics by con tract with the Na tional Li brary of Med i cine. Your ef forts to sup port this pub li ca tion and the dis - sem i na tion of bioethics in for ma tion in gen eral are sin cerely appreciated. NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is published four times per HG01115 from the Na tional Hu man Ge nome Re search year (quarterly) by the National Ref erence Center for Insti tute, National Insti tutes of Health; and the member - Bioethics Lit er a ture, Ken nedy In sti tute of Eth ics. An- ship pro gram of the Ken nedy In sti tute of Eth ics. The nual Cumulations are pub lished in the fol low ing year as items cited are pro vided in part by the grant and con tract sep a rate pub li ca tions. NEW TI TLES IN BIOETHICS is noted above, as well as by the Na tional En dowment for a list ing by subject of re cent ad di tions to the Na tional the Hu man i ties, the An der son Part ner ship, the Ref er ence Cen ter’s col lec tion. (The sub ject clas si fi ca- Kampelman Col lec tion of Jewish Eth ics, and the pub - tion scheme is re pro duced in full with each issue; it can lish ers and in di vid ual do nors noted. also be found at the end of the cu mulated edi tion.) With the ex cep tion of syl labi listed as part of our Syl la bus Ex - change pro gram, and doc u ments in the sec tion New Pub li ca tions from the Ken nedy In sti tute of Eth ics, ma te - In qui ries re gard ing NEW TI TLES IN BIOETHICS rials listed herein are not available from the National should be addressed to: Ref er ence Cen ter. They are avail able from the pub lish - Kathleen Reynolds, Man ag ing Ed i tor ers listed in each cita tion. Many titles are avail able (re gard ing sub scrip tions and claims) from Am a zon.com. (202) 687-6689; (888) BIO-ETHX (U.S. and Can ada); FAX 202-687-6770, Subscrip tion to NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS is $25.00 e-mail: [email protected] per calen dar year in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, and $35.00 else where. Back vol umes are avail able at $20.00 OR per vol ume in the U.S., Can ada and Mex ico, $25.00 per vol ume else where. All or ders must be pre paid. Lucinda Fitch Huttlinger, Edi tor (re gard ing re view cop ies, gifts, and ex changes) As so ci ate and in sti tu tional mem bers of the Ken nedy In sti - NEW TI TLES IN BIOETHICS tute of Ethics receive NEW TITLES IN BIOETHICS Ken nedy In sti tute of Eth ics (quar terly is sues) as part of their mem ber ship ben e fits. Georgetown Uni ver sity In qui ries re gard ing the mem ber ship pro gram should be Box 571212 ad dressed to: Wash ing ton, DC 20057-1212 (202) 687-6433; (888) BIO-ETHX (U.S. and Mem ber ship Pro gram Can ada); FAX 202-687-6770; Ken nedy In sti tute of Eth ics e-mail: [email protected] Georgetown Uni ver sity Wash ing ton, DC 20057 (Note: If ship ping by any thing other than US postal (202) 687-8099. service, please drop “Box 571212" and use the fol - low ing street ad dress: 37th & O Streets, NW, Healy This pub li ca tion is sup ported by Con tract Hall, Rm. 412.) NO1-LM-4-3532 from the National Li brary of Med i - cine, National Insti tutes of Health; Grant Number P41 © 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.1 Philo soph i cal Eth ics ............................... 1 1.2 Re li gious Eth ics ................................. 4 1.3.1 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics (Gen eral) ................... 7 1.3.2 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: Busi ness ................... 8 1.3.3 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: Ed u ca tion .................. 9 1.3.4 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: En gi neer ing ................. 9 1.3.5 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: Gov ern ment .................10 1.3.6 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: In ter na tional Af fairs .............10 1.3.7 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: Jour nal ism ..................11 1.3.8 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: Law......................11 1.3.9 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: Sci en tific Re search..............12 1.3.10 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: So cial Work .................13 1.3.11 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: Ag ri cul ture ..................13 1.3.12 Ap plied and Pro fes sional Eth ics: In for ma tion Sci ence .............13 2.1 Bioethics (General) ...............................14 2.3 Bioethics: Ed u ca tion/Pro grams .........................18 3.1 Phi los o phy of Bi ol ogy (Gen eral) ........................19 3.2 Evo lu tion and Cre ation .............................19 4.1.1 Phi los o phy of Med i cine, Nurs ing, and Other Health Pro fes sions (General) ....................................20 4.1.2 Phi los o phy of Med i cine .............................21 4.1.3 Phi los o phy of Nurs ing..............................22 4.2 Concept of Health ................................23 4.3 Concept of Mental Health ............................23 4.4 Quality/Value of Life ..............................23 5.1 Sci ence, Tech nol ogy and So ci ety ........................24 5.3 So cial Con trol of Sci ence/Tech nol ogy .....................25 6 Codes of Profes sional Eth ics ..........................26 i 7.1 So ci ol ogy of Med i cine (Gen eral) ........................26 7.3 Pro fes sional-Pro fes sional Re la tion ship .....................28 8.1 Pro fes sional-Pa tient Re la tion ship (Gen eral) ..................28 8.3.1 In formed Con sent (Gen eral)...........................29 8.3.2 Mi nors/Pa ren tal Con sent ............................29 8.3.4 Right to Refuse Treat ment............................29 8.4 Con fi den ti al ity..................................29 9.1 Health Care (General) ..............................30 9.2 Right to Health Care...............................32 9.3.1 Health Care Econom ics (General) ........................32 9.3.2 Man aged Care ..................................33 9.4 Allo ca tion of Health Care Resources ......................33 9.5.1 Health Care for Specific Diseases/Groups (General) ..............33 9.5.2 Health Care for the Aged ............................34 9.5.3 Health Care for Men tally Dis abled Persons ...................35 9.5.4 Health Care for Minor i ties............................35 9.5.5 Health Care for Women .............................36 9.5.6 HIV In fection and AIDS.............................36 9.5.7 Health Care for Minors .............................37 9.5.8 Health Care for Em bryos and Fetuses ......................38 9.5.9 Health Care for Substance Abusers .......................38 9.5.10 Health Care for Indigents ............................38 9.6 Eth ics Com mit tees/Con sul ta tion ........................39 9.7 Drugs and Phar ma ceu ti cal In dus try .......................39 9.8 Quality of Health Care..............................39 10 Sex u al ity/Gen der ................................40 11.1 Con tra cep tion (Gen eral) .............................41 11.3 Ster il iza tion ...................................41 12.1 Abor tion (Gen eral) ...............................42 12.3 Abor tion: Moral and Re li gious As pects .....................42 12.4.1 Abor tion: Le gal As pects (Gen eral) .......................42 12.4.3 Abor tion: In ter ests of Health Per son nel/In sti tu tions ..............42 12.5.1 Abor tion: So cial As pects (Gen eral) .......................42 12.5.2 Abor tion: De mo graphic Sur veys ........................43 13.3 Pop u la tion Pol icy ................................43 ii 14.1 Re pro duc tion/Re pro duc tive Tech nol o gies (Gen eral) ..............43 14.4 In Vi tro Fer til iza tion and Em bryo Trans fer ...................45 14.5 Clon ing .....................................45 15.1 Ge net ics, Mo lec u lar Bi ol ogy and Mi cro bi ol ogy (Gen eral) ...........46 15.2 Ge netic Coun sel ing/Pre na tal Di ag no sis .....................50 15.4 Gene Therapy ..................................51 15.5 Eu gen ics .....................................51 15.6 Be hav ioral Ge net ics ...............................52 15.7 Biohazards of Genetic Research .........................52 15.8 Pat ents ......................................52 15.9 Sociobiology...................................52 15.10 Ge nome Map ping ................................53 16.1 En vi ron men tal Qual ity (Gen eral) ........................53 16.2 Nu clear Power ..................................54 16.3 Oc cu pa tional Health ...............................55 17.1 The Neurosciences and Mental Health Thera pies (General) ..........55 17.2 Psy cho ther apy ..................................57 17.4 Psychopharmacology ..............................58 17.5 Elec tri cal Stim u la tion of the Brain .......................58 17.7 In vol un tary Civil Com mit ment .........................58 18.1 Hu man Ex per i men ta tion (Gen eral) .......................58 18.2 Hu man Ex per i men ta tion: Pol icy Guide lines/IRBs ...............59 18.3 Hu man Ex per i men ta tion: In formed Con sent ..................59 18.4
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