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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86292-9 - Parish and Belonging: Community, Identity and Welfare in England and Wales, 1700-1950 K. D. M. Snell Index More information Subject and persons index Adair, R., 180 badging the poor, 92 Adamson, J., 247, 331 Bamford, S., 140 Additional Curates Society, 396 Baptists, 167, 422, 430, 469, 473, advertising, 487 482, 494–5 advowsons, 373, 397, 402, 414–15 Baring-Gould, S., 390 agricultural change, 9, 61, 275, Barnes, J., 287 328, 433, 437, 486 Barrett, T., 485 agricultural labourers, 75–7, 434 Bates, H. E., 59 Akroyd, Sir E., 444 bath-houses, 355 Alcock, T., 154 Beadon, Revd G. G., 343 Alexander, N., 113 Beavan, F. J., 299 allotments, 350 Bell, A., 9, 10, 43, 437–8, 455–6 almshouses, 20, 375, 382, 445 belonging see also housing and administration, 445–7, 496–504 Ambler, R., 446 and community, 1–27, 341, 347, 367, American Civil War, 217 370, 428–9, 439, 444–7, 456, 479, American States, structures of, 372 488–91, 496–504 Andrews, C., 144 criteria of, 93–109, 158–9, 210–11, 271, animal insults, 42 297–8, 311–13, 318, 468, 477–78, 496, Anti-Centralisation Society, 5, 397–8 498; see also settlement, heads of anti-clericalism, 414–5 dual or multiple, 2–3, 418–19, 442, anti-poor law movement, 72, 231, 337 445–6, 464, 486–7; see also county see also new poor law identity; nationalism apprenticeship, 32–3, 86, 91, 99, and the family, 457–58, 463, 467, 475, 101–2, 104, 108, 115, 118, 129, 478–9, 485, 487–9 130–1, 133, 134, 135, 145, 148–9, and farms, 462–3, 475, 488–9, 492 196, 353, 498 general issues, 1–27, 445–7, 477–78, 496; see also artisans; settlement, heads of see also localism; parish, ‘home’ Arch, J., 77 and gravestones, 454–95, 502 Archer, J., 54 language of, 88–9, 95–6, 101, 103, 171–6, ardal, 12 476, 454–76, 482, 487–8; armed forces, 237, 307, 357, 376 see also core inhabitants; Armstrong, Revd B., 370 deserving and undeserving poor; artisans, 32–3, 43, 130–1 ‘foreigners’; localism; parish, see also apprenticeship ‘home’; pauper letters asylums, 328, 343, 358, 382 and local xenophobia, 28–80 see also insane and marriage, 162–206, 501 Atterby, S., 53 and office-holding, 339–65 Attlee, C. R., 501 and parochial poor relief, 207–338; Austin, A., 330 see also new poor law; old poor law; automobile, 9, 499, 504 settlement 519 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86292-9 - Parish and Belonging: Community, Identity and Welfare in England and Wales, 1700-1950 K. D. M. Snell Index More information 520 Subject and persons index belonging (cont.) Buller, C., 82 and religious faith, 439, 442, 504; Bulmer, T. F., 500 see also parishes, new Burge, T., 144 roots of, 111, 158, 447, 458 burgess lists, 355 Bentham, J., 15, 246, 267, 370 burial, 37, 353, 373, 383, 396, 404, Berkin, Revd H., 431 415, 446, 454–95 Best, W., 322 Nonconformist, 469–77, 482 Bible, the, 11, 39, 416, 454, 479 rights to, 459 Bible Christians, 74, 422, 430 see also churchyards; cremation Bicheno, J. E., 91 Burial Acts, 455, 477 bicycle, 62, 165, 200–1, 502 Burial Grounds Act (1890), 469 bigamy, 144 Burial Laws Amendment Act (1880), birds, 50, 61–2 446, 469 Bishop of Worcester, 439 Burn, R., 11, 68, 85, 91, 143, 159 bishops, 414, 416–17, 420, 437, 439, 474 Burrow, Sir J., 148 see also Church of England Bushaway, B., 37 Blackmore, R. D., 49 Bushfield, T., 93, 125 blacksmiths, 33 Butler, E., 141 Blandford, Lord, 403 Blanesburgh Report (1927), 222 calendrical cycles, 67, 496 Bleak House, 400 see also folklore Blomfield, Bishop C., 15, 390, 397 Calvinistic Methodism, 73–4 Blythe, R., 43, 162, 504 Cambridge Camden Society, 369, 395 Boer War, 480 Cambridge Group for the History of bombing of churches, 436–7 Population and Social Structure, Booth, C., 49 63, 163, 195 borough rates, 355 Campbell, Revd A., 269, 290 Borrow, G., 57, 59 canals, 343 Bosanquet, H., 71, 207, 253, 290, 296, 300 capitalism, 2, 8, 24, 25, 97, 109, 111, 158, 456 Bott, E., 148 Captain Swing, 76, 197 boundaries, 14, 30–41, 55, 56, 72, 73, car manufacturing, 497 139, 142, 156, 252, 254, 354–5, Carlile, W., 52 357, 367–8, 370, 373, 375–6, 383, Carr, G., 267, 269, 335 385–6, 404–5, 409, 412, 421, 424, Carr, Revd C., 294 428, 432–3, 439, 444–6, 480, 500 Carr, T., 109 see also parishes, new; settlement, casual poor, 346 disputes; xenophobia casual relief, 132–3 Bowring, J., 265, 312–13, 317, 348 cathedrals, 375, 381, 392 Brammer, B., 382 cemeteries, 466, 469, 473, 490 Bread or Blood riots, 197 census, nineteenth-century, 366–8, 372, Brereton, Revd C. D., 191, 201 378, 385, 444 brick-making, 33 Census of Religious Worship (1851), briefs, 70 170, 188, 344, 405, 411 Briggs, K., 44 centralisation, 4–7, 20, 71, 336–7, 397–8, British empire, 111 477, 479–84, 497–8 Bronte¨, C., 366 Chadwick, E., 15, 238, 250, 252, 255, Brooke, R., 43–4, 47, 485 258–9, 268, 278, 291, 337, 359, Brooks, C., 444 361, 397, 486, 490–1, 504 Brose, O. J., 447 Chadwick, O., 447 Brown, J., 88 Chalmers, T., 388–9, 437 Brown, M., 37 Chamberlain, J., 279 Brown, T., 147 Chamberlain, N., 223 Bryant, H. C., 485 Chambers, R., 41 Buckingham, Duke of, 46 Chambers, W., 144 Bull, S., 316 Changing Village, The, 201 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86292-9 - Parish and Belonging: Community, Identity and Welfare in England and Wales, 1700-1950 K. D. M. Snell Index More information Subject and persons index 521 chapel closures, 431 class, 16, 19, 23, 29–31, 72, 75–80, chapels of ease, 370–1, 400–1, 121–2, 132, 159, 160, 197, 259–60, 404–5, 412, 417 265, 297–8, 435, 457–58, 467–70, charities, 64, 114, 123, 149, 262–3, 472, 481, 484, 499, 501 274, 291, 294, 315, 328, 334, 342, 353–4, see also artisans; gentry; working class 369, 373, 414–15, 441, 445–6, 479 Cleaver, W., 269 Charity Organisation Society (COS), clergy, 36, 38, 81–2, 175, 179–80, 357, 358, 216, 263, 276, 328 369, 371, 389–90, 392, 399, 402, 405–6, Charles I, 430 409, 414–17, 425, 433–4, 437, 439, 442, Charles II, 46 445, 446–7, 473 Chartism, 72, 114, 209, 231, 337, see also Church of England; glebe land 375, 398, 414 Clergy List (1896), 409–14 child paupers, 222, 294, 358 Clergy Sustentation Fund, 433 Children’s Act (1908), 221 clerical freehold, 414 church clerical income, 179–80, 188, 399, 402, bells, 67 404–5, 409, 414–5, 417, 433–5 bequests, 490 clerical magistrates, 369 building, 367, 369, 373, 388–421, coal mines and miners, 33, 40, 336, 342, 427–32, 441–3; geography of 384, 387, 422, 426–7, 431–2, 497 church building, 405–21 see also Forest of Dean doors, 342, 344, 354–5, 357, 361, 364 Cobbett, W., 10, 34–5, 49, 382 extension, 366–455 Cohen, A., 23 patronage, 416–17 Colls, R., 54, 497 rates, 37, 96, 373–4, 414, 418–21, 446, 484 common people, the, 79–80, 110, 113 reform, 370, 387–406 commons, 36–7, 64–5, 72, 122, 133, 134, restoration, 430–1, 440–1, 500 197, 374, 381, 384, 424–5 seating, 387, 389–90, 414, 416, 420–1, 476 Commonwealth, the, 372 Church and State, 15, 442 communications, 6, 8, 27, 104, 498 Church Assembly, 433 community, 1–27, 85, 196, 210–11, Church Building (Banns and Marriages) 274–5, 297–8, 341, 412, 444, 456, Act (1844), 402 481, 485, 488–91, 496–504 Church Building Acts, 371, 393–405, defined, 10–14, 23–4, 496–7, 499–500, 503 412–13, 417 memory, 8, 109–10, 498 Church Building and Endowment occupational, 488, 496–7 Fund, 396 rituals, 488, 496, 498 Church Building Commission, see also belonging; boundaries; 372, 393–7, 400–3 ‘foreigners’; insider–outsider Church of England, 3, 15, 18–19, divisions; office-holding; parishes, 21, 37, 74, 122, 141, 160, 170, new; parish, ‘home’; settlement; social 180, 366–455, 454–95, 504 capital, parochial see also bishops; churchyards; clergy; Congregationalists (Independents), 422, parish, registers; parishes, new; tithes 426–7, 430, 473, 482, 494–5 Church Pastoral Aid Society, 396 Constable, J., 35, 382 churches constables, 37, 109, 139, 140, 142, 355–6, 362 destruction of, 432, 436–7 Constant, A., 164–5, 182, 199 redundant, 431–2 Coode, G., 69, 101 rural scarcity of, 392 Cooper, T., 375 churchwardens, 100, 341, 367, 447 Cooper, T. and A., 88 churchyards, 19, 67, 82, 342–3, 353, Coppock, H., 142, 276 416, 432, 446, 454–95, 500 Copyhold, Inclosure and Tithe civil service, 479 Commission, 386 Civil War, 380, 430 Corder, J., 107, 126, 318, 320 Clare, J., 10, 21, 35–6, 49, 50, 63, core inhabitants, 63, 94–5, 108, 115, 79, 197, 456, 502 121, 159, 196, 198 Clark, Revd J., 478 Cornell, S., 245, 283 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86292-9 - Parish and Belonging: Community, Identity and Welfare in England and Wales, 1700-1950 K. D. M. Snell Index More information 522 Subject and persons index coroners, 291, 357, 362, 377 Ecclesiastical Commission, 15, 367, costume, 34 372, 397–8, 400, 402, 404, cottage destruction, 153–5, 381 409–11, 416, 420, 433–4 cotton industry, 497 ecclesiastical reform, 4, 18, 19, 366–455 famine, 217 Ecclesiologist, The, 369 spinners, 33 Eden, Sir F., 100, 110, 301 County Borough Councils, 208 education, 5, 165, 369, 387–9, 393, 427, 430, County Councils, 208 435, 439, 441, 479–80, 484, 498 county identity, 21, 34, 57, 464 see also pauper children; Sunday county rate, 345, 355–6, 377 schools; urban ‘heathenism’ Courtney, M.

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