PUBLIC ACCOUNTS 1998-1999 Published in accordance with section 71 of the Financial Administration Act (R.S.Q., c. A-6) Volume 2 REVENUE, APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURE OF THE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OF THE GOUVERNEMENT DU QUEBEC Fiscal year ended March 31,1999 Quebec "" Ministere des Finances 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION EXPLANATORY NOTES Contents of volume List and definition of expenditure supercategories and categories Summary of revenue, appropriations and expenditure, report of excess of expenditure over appropriations and statement of use of appropriations 1 Revenue, appropriations and expenditure by portfolio 2 Information on remuneration, suppliers and beneficiaries 3 SECTION 2 REVENUE, APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURE BY PORTFOLIO CONTENTS PAGE Affaires municipales 2-3 Agriculture, Pecheries et Alimentation 2-20 Assemblee nationale 2-33 Conseil du tresor, Administration et Fonction publique 2-43 Conseil executif 2-55 Culture et Communications 2-65 Education 2-79 Emploi, Solidarity et Condition feminine 2-93 Environnement et Faune 2-104 Famille et Enfance 2-115 Finances 2-122 Industrie et Commerce 2-137 Justice 2-147 Mdtropole 2-157 Personnes ddsignees par I*Assemblee nationale 2-165 Recherce, Science et Technologie 2-172 Regions et Affaires autochtones 2-179 Relations avec les citoyens et Immigration 2-187 Relations Internationales 2-197 Ressources naturelles 2-205 Revenu 2-216 Santy et Services sociaux 2-225 Security publique 2-238 Tourisme 2-249 Transports 2-256 Travail 2-267 2-3 AFFAIRES MUNICIPALS Breakdown of revenue by category, subcategory and sub-subcategory Fiscal year ended March 31,1999 (In thousands of dollars) 1999 1998 Duties and permits Other Real estate assessment review 197 Rrigie du logement fees 3 061 3 013 Miscellaneous 31 3 061 3 241 Miscellaneous revenue Sales of goods and services Concession fees 47 78 Financing of certain agencies, projects and activities in the recreation and sports sector 800 Miscellaneous 19 35 866 113 Less: Amount entered in specific purpose account Account for the financing of certain agencies, projects and activities in the recreation and sports sector ___________ 800 ,113 Interest Loans to municipalities and municipal bodies 2044 2 314 Accounts receivable 222 104 Miscellaneous 7 7 __________2273.. __________ 2425 Recoveries Prior years' expenditures 1254 55 Prior years' subsidies __________ 1734 __________ 1 223 __________2.988. 1278. __________5 327 __________ 3 816 Total own-source revenue __________8 388 __________ 7 057 Government of Canada transfers Other programs Subsidiary Agreement on the Economic Development of the Regions of Quebec 20 Infrastructure improvements 41 938 (1) _________ 66 859 41 938 66 879 Less: Amounts entered in specific purpose accounts Subsidiary Agreement on the Economic Development of the Regions of Quebec account 20 Infrastructure improvements account 41 938 66 859 Total Government of Canada transfers Total revenue 8388 7 057 (1) The decrease is attributable to the reduction in eligible work performed by the municipalities during fiscal 1998-1999. 2*4 AFFAIRES MUNICFPALES BREAKDOWN OF AUTHORIZED APPROPRIATIONS AND EXPENDITURE BY PROGRAM, ELEMENT AND SUPERCATEGORY Fiscal year ended March 31,1999 (in thousands of dollars) CHARGES Loans, Investments, PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED advances & Elements APPROPRIATIONS others Fixed assets Expenditure REMUNERATION PROGRAM 1 MUNICIPAL DEVELOPMENT Summary: page 1-16 1. Assistance for Land Reorganization 12 796 6 086 TOTAL 12 796 6 086 PROGRAM 2 RNANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR MUNICIPALITIES AND Summary, page 1-16 NORTHERN VILLAGES 1. Financial Assistance to Municipalities 9608 9 582 Permanent (1) 840 133 2. Financial Support to Northern Villages and the Kativik Regional Government 19 648 19 645 3. Infrastructures 72 035 34 68 687 279 TOTAL 102131 34 98 047 279 (1) Act respecting the town of Schefferville, S.Q., 1986, c. 51. 2-5 DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS ALLOCATION TO OPERATING AND OTHER PROVISIONS TRANSFER A SPECIAL FUND DEBT SERVICE The objective of this program is to provide municipalities with financial and technical assistance on territorial restructuring and to specify the Government position in this regard, it also helps promote the pooling of municipal services. 6 086 6 086 The objective of this program is to provide municipalities, urban communities, northern villages and the Kativik Regional Government with financial and technical assistance, and provide a contribution to the repair of municipal infrastructures. 9 582 133 36 19609 66 ________________________ _________________68 342 ________________________ 102 97 666 2-6 AFFAIRES MUNICIPALES (in thousands of dollars) CHARGES Loans, investments, PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED advances & Elements APPROPRIATIONS others Fixed assets Expenditure REMUNERATION PROGRAM 3 RNANCIAL COMPENSATION Summary: page 1-16 1. Compensation in lieu of Taxes on Government Buildings 20 476 20 476 2. Compensation in lieu of Taxes on Buildings of the Health and Social Services and Education Networks 246 270 246 270 3. Compensation in lieu of Taxes on Buildings of Governments of the Other Provinces, Foreign Governments and International Organizations ________ 3 883 ______________ 3 883 _________________ TOTAL 270 629 ______________ ______________ 270 629 _________________ PROGRAM 4 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Summary: page 1-16 1. Administration 4 886 1 65 4 749 2 071 Permanent (1) 10 10 2. Management 32 464 26 952 30 878 23 349 TOTAL 37 360 27 1 017 35 637 25 420 (1) Executive Power Act, R.S.Q., c. E-18. PROGRAM 5 C) DEVELOPMENT OF RECREATION AND SPORT Summary: page 1-10 Promotion of Recreation and Volunteer Activities 31 434 31 420 Promotion of Sports Activities and Safety 12 383 12 383 TOTAL 43 817 _______ 43 803 2-7 DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS ALLOCATION TO OPERATING AND OTHER PROVISIONS TRANSFER A SPECIAL FUND DEBT SERVICE The objective of this program is to provide municipalities with compensation in lieu of taxes on buildings belonging to the Government, to the Health and Social Services and Education networks, and to foreign governments. 20 476 246 270 3 883 270 629 The objective of this program is to plan, administer and coordinate the human, physical and financial resources required for the management of the Departments programs and ensure the Departments representation in outlying regions. It also seeks to develop policies concerning the development of the municipal system, municipal taxation, property assessment and municipal financing. 1435 1 243 10 7 529 8 974 _______ 1 243 The objective of this program is to promote and encourage recreation, sport and outdoor activities by supporting community organizations and specific clienteles. It also seeks to support volunteer activities, with a special focus on safety in recreational and sports activities. 31 420 12 383 43 803 2-e AFFAIRES MUNICIPALES (in thousands of dollars) CHARGES Loans, investments, PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED advances & Elements APPROPRIATIONS others Fixed assets Expenditure REMUNERATION PROGRAM 6 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF WATER Summary; page 1-12 AND SEWER SYSTEMS AND FOR SEWAGE TREATMENT 1. Construction of Water and Sewer Systems 11 876 59 7 950 2. Quebec Sewage Treatment Program 161 064 197 134 375 687 TOTAL 172 940 256 142 325 687 PROGRAM 7 ADMINISTRATIVE AND QUASklUDICIAL AGENCIES Summary, page 1-16 1. Commission de la capitals nationale du Quebec (") 13 240 13 240 2. Commission municipal du Qu6bec 2 473 79 2 391 1727 TOTAL 15 713 79 15 631 1 727 2-9 DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS ALLOCATION TO OPERATING AND OTHER PROVISIONS TRANSFER A SPECIAL FUND DEBT SERVICE The objective of this program is to fund the Governments participation in order to facilitate the construction of water and sewer systems, treatment of municipal waste water and application of the special Lower North Shore Water and Sewer Program, and to pay the contributions required by the Special Local Activities Financing Fund. 89 7 861 118 68 329 65 241 207 76190 65 241 The objective of this program is to provide financial assistance for the Commission de la capitaie nationale du Quebec, and provide the required financial and administrative management supervision for municipalities. 13 240 664 664 13 240 2-10 AFFAIRES MUNICIPALES (in thousands of dollars) CHARGES Loans, investments, PROGRAMS AUTHORIZED advances & Elements APPROPRIATIONS others Fixed assets Expenditure REMUNERATION PROGRAMS SOCIETE D'HABrTATlON DU QUEBEC Summary page 1-12 1. Soci6t6 cfhabitation du Quebec 348 379 342 063 TOTAL 348 379 342 063 PROGRAM 9 REGIE DU LOQEMENT Summary page 1-16 1. Regie du logement 13 549 429 13 070 9 675 TOTAL 13 549 429 13 070 9 675 TOTAL FOR THE PORTFOLIO Voted 1016 464 27 1 815 967 148 37 788 Permanent 850 143 TOTAL 1 017 314 27 1 815 967 291 37 788 (1) (1) Including 6 949 for 88 executives (deputy ministers, chief executive officers of agencies, managerial staff and other personnel of equivalent standing) whose salary ranges as at March 31,1999 appear on page 3-4. Since December 15, 1998, under section 9 of the Executive Power Act (R.S.Q., c. E-18), amended by chapters 58, 63 and 91 of the 1997 statutes and Orders-in-Council 1499-98 and 1515-98, the following duties are under the responsibility. (•) of the Minister of State for Education and Youth for Program 5 “Development of Recreation and Sport"; (—) of the Minister of the Environment and the Minister for the Quebec region for Program 7 - Element 1 - ‘Commission de la capitate nationale". 2-11 DOUBTFUL ACCOUNTS ALLOCATION TO ___________ OPERATING AND OTHER PROVISIONS TRANSFER A SPECIAL FUND _________ DEBT SERVICE The objective
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