Agency for International Development Ppc/Cdie/Di Report Process;Ng Form Enter Information Only If Not Inci 1.Jded on ('Over Or Title Pag F of Document 1

Agency for International Development Ppc/Cdie/Di Report Process;Ng Form Enter Information Only If Not Inci 1.Jded on ('Over Or Title Pag F of Document 1

AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PPC/CDIE/DI REPORT PROCESS;NG FORM ENTER INFORMATION ONLY IF NOT INCI 1.JDED ON ('OVER OR TITLE PAG F OF DOCUMENT 1. Prqject/fu !je~_umber 2. CortractL Grant NunaL.-- ~ ________ 3. PublicationDate ______________IPK 0491-P-IF-5017-03 7187 4. Doamen, TitleLTran-lated Title Control of vertebrate pests in Pakistan S. Author(s) 1. Hussain, I. 2. Ahmad, E. 3. Brooks, .. E. 6. Contbri Or aniationfa) _ Denver Wildlife Research Center and Pakistan Agricultural Res,-!arch USDA/APHIS Council-- National Agricultural Re:earch Centre International Programs Research Section Islamabad 7. Pa nation -- 8. Repor Number J.Seonoring A.I.D. Office pp. 349-370 IP-340 7 r USAID/Islamabad 10. Abstract (Jptieral - 25O word lUmi__ The control oF vertebrate pests is important to prevent economic losses and to safeguard human health. The usual control practices involve the protection of food either at Dreharvest; or at poutharvest stages by chemical and nonchemical or mechanical means. Sometimes good control cai be achieved by employing one method onv, but effective and lasting results are more usually dependent on the application of different methods eicher in co:'i.ination or in sequence, that is by integrated pest management. 11. Subject Kcyword (op'.ion. I 1. 4. 2. 5 °3. 6. 12. Supplementary Noted 13. Submitting Official _ d _ _14. Telephone Nurnoe 1I5.To ay 's Date Richard L. Bruggers 303-236-7850 (FFS: 776-7850) 12/1/88 ........................... DO NOT write below tnis line .............................................. 16. DOCID 17. Document Ditposition D [) INV DUPLICATE WORK SHEFT COMPILED BY DR CHAUDHIRY INAYATULLAH DIRECTOR PEST 'AtAGE, EN & INCHARGE ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LABS M AIRT/PA R C It .. .. T ' ' - " .. ¢', ,.I ., 11/ -A7 ISL/."..W D PAKISTAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COUNCIL ISLAMAIBAD , PAKISTAN r aa~a~ ~;~~.a4a ~a ~a~ -~ ~ ~ ~ a. a>~a.a 'aaa~ aap. ~ a~a~,' 1 a1 ;.a ~ A ~ a a~aaA..aaI .. ~ .~ ~ ~ a>1~ ' 7a~aa.aax~a ~ ~A _____ ~ ~ ~ ~a>4~* ~ -~ ~<a> a ~ ~aaa.~ ~ -'a-a, .4. > 'a' .a.aaaaaa a~. a .a~. (Jla ~a '~'*" 1;~ a'a .aaa~4aa ~ A -a> ~. .a .... .-. aa-a;a..aa -aj-aa-~ ~ a­ a,-,, 4, a' ~~~a~~... aaa~ -;~v~i­ a' a~a1aA~a a> ,~, ~!2V~'~ a' r 'a' ~ ~'7;~%.W ': '",a - 1 ~a~aaAa'....., . copy'rigbt(C)' 1987 by Pakistan Agricultural Research Council, Islamabad. ISBN 969-4O9-~O44-X~.~.~ -a> a~ ~274a . a; a a' a 4aa' a" a a' aa' aaaa-'--­ aa-a-.aa.a 4,a-'-a aa a--' a aa~- a a--~ a a..' aaa-ta. -a-aca-- a a a~a ,aa ',a>a aa,'a 4-~ a> A-' - a a a4a.a aa>aa a>--. aa .. a--- .~aa. 4a~a'a -, - .. - a a '~a~a- a ~ ''t *1 ~ '' ..-~.~ 4't,~' a"\ a'a'~a aaaa a' aaa' ~,a~;a>a-aa.a. "a* a~3..! ~ a ~ ~ a~a a 'a"'' *~*~**a-**~* -* ~ - ~ ~ ~* '~''~ ~ ' -~'~'' a a) 4 ...... *a-~ a' a'-~a a a a a, ~ " a a 4;~'~-. --a,~, , ' ' a ' a a- a a~' 0aX- a a a' -, "~ja-aaaa;aaaa~-a.-a-aa-a 44a'a 4 ~ a 'a , -- a -a-a',--ai'< 4.~---~a~, al'aaa-a~-aaaIaTi1a a aa a' a a-a,U~~a'~-'a- a'1~~)aaa'ia'a'-a'a' a a-~ a-~ -aaa~'a--~-:a~iaa f~A,-~a. a0a'aa~a'a a.4-a.a-a a-a'~a'~4aa-a'a J- ' a aa' a a.a',' aa. aa'aafaa-. 4~ 1 ~' a aa a a>-4a-~-.. 4'a'a.aaaa4aaa~ .fa-aaaaa;a4a.-a- a-a-a..--Ia'~a 4 aa- a­ a ,a~a'aa'~~~ i~aa>l~a-4;a, 'a' a4aka'a'-Iaaaaaaa'aaaaaalaa'a. >4Iaa~a' 4 a~ a a- I a a'a"~ a a.a>aaa'a-~'~~ -a aP 4a a..aaaaaa'a>aA'aa'a ~ a~~:)~aa''aa- aa. aa'a'>44~ - a- a-a' a-a.A:'aa a-4 a'aa)a'I>a'a-.a.--C a > .' a'~--'a'a'a' - ~.- A-' a-a'a a' , -4~,a4~.4a-ia'a'.a'aa'a a'aa'4'a--aa-a.aa.a,>a' a-a...- a'I~A-aaa'a',aa4 a-a aa­ 44~aa-.a.Aa'a-'141 a aa,-'~a-I',aaA:- ;a~ a aaa.a.a'aaa-"'a-'a-(,a-~a'a'-'~aa-~aaa"a ~'' a--a- 'a ~, ~4a-,a a" 4 a' a-,-.a­ a -- ~aa~aa'~a'- ~,4/~a4~aa'aa'a~ ~,- a''a a. a,a'a ava' ~a-'-aa'l'a'aIaA,~jaaa'a-~, "-a.- a-a a.Iaaa'aaa ~, a'a-aa-.~a,a,0a-'~aa'~'aa' 4A-a"-. ~a'aa,4a-laa ~ La- A 41,I-a-~a.a'.~j a 4~ a4'a'a'%4,~j74a'V'A:a~la4~ a'5I4a~~4)2a'.4i~0I44a I a.~ a-4~a>-~~a'-a'-.a'' ~ a4a'AI4a'iaaa'4 a'4~~ ­ a,4,41a~aaa'aa'a;ja'aa~a"a'aaa'a'I.-aI~a'-aa'a~I~4~ a a.>a-a- ajI44aa~1la.4aaaaa4'4a,a.4aIaf )~~ia'4~iAa'Iaa.4iaa'a' ~Va-aaa a'~aji1)a-~a~.a-a'aj4aa-a~'~~'4a--~2aa'-a(at- a'a-a" ­ ~ y{ ,aI~- ~ -­ a. ~--a-j~a;a-a'a'~i-~a'a'~1a'aa~a;a:o.-aa'Ia',a;~a-~-a'-a'2a'~0a-a,a-aia':4aca' .~.a'aa'a -aa'a'a "' a, a ~A-aa-~~~a-4 -r -'a-aa'0140-~-a'a--------- 4~a-a>~-a- ~aa''aaa'­a­ ~aaaa'aIa;-- a-~a~a~cj~ a.aaaa4?a'~o'a -- a a' 4a'a-~a ~ "0a'Iaaaa-a'.. 41a'Ia'j -'0,-a,. a' 4 CONTROL OF VERTEBRATE PESTS IN PAKISTAN By Iftikhnr 1. n , Ylz Ahmad and Joe E. Brooks Vertehr..tO iest Control Project National ArlcuLtura Research Centre I'lrunabad INTRODUCTION The cop:2rol of vonebrate pests is "7p>prtant to prevent economic losses and to snaf-q'uard hunvn h -lth. Tho usual control practicu. involve the protection of food either at pre-harvest or at po:i-harve:t stunes by chemical and non­ chemical or mchnnica] means. Somet:imes ;PQ"2.d cotnrol can be achieved v e:ployin one metLod on ly, but affective and last­ in ]esul]-ts{r a!rc more usi lly.! dep~enden:l t on] Qu. ..... a io ofI different .at0ods cit,r in combination or i.n seeuenco., that is by integrated pest management. C[IEMICALS IN VERTI[ERATE PEST MANAGEMENT Cheminals used in vertebrate pest maa-nnement are classed in sevetal categories, such a; rodcnticdaes, fumigants, repe­ llents, avicides, cheoasterilants, etc. They are used against several kinds of vetebrates such as rodents, birds and other pests 20:e, wild hoAr. Rodenticides, which are comnonly organic or in organic compounds are classified arbitrarily (based on action) into four groups: 1. Acuce or single dose 2. Chronic or multiplo dose e.g. anticoagulants 3. Fumigants 4. Chemosterilants 1. ACUTE RODENTICIDES (TABLE 1) An acute rodenticide can be lethal following the consump­ tion of one feed of )ait. ost of the acute poisons currently marketed for the control of rodents have proven to he fairly effective but, at the same time they are highly toxic to non­ target animals such as birds and wildlife of national importance. Therefore, There can be high risks of accidental poisoning. Their use is less expensive, however, the continuous use can 349 350 Table I: Acute (Single Dose) Rodenticides and the PercenL of Active Ingredients Commonly Used in Baits for Rodent Control Percentage Common Name Active Chemical Name & Formula Ingre ients Reco­ mrended in Baits Zinc or Zinc Phosphide Zinc Phosphide, Zn1 P 2 1.0 - 2.0 Red Squill Scillirosice Glycoside 10.0 C3 2I4 601 2 1080 Sodium Fluoroacetate or 0.22 Sodium Nonofluoroace- 0.03 for wild tate, FCH 2 bcar control 1081 Flouracetamide 1.0 - 2.0 Thallium sulphate Thallium Sulphate Restricted Strychnine Strychnine Alkaloid or Not recommended Strychnine Sulphate for rat control Arsenic Arsenic Trioxide Rarely used Norbormide 5 (a hydroxy-a-2-pyri- 0.5- 1.0 dylbensy I- 7 -(a-2-pyridyl­ bei.:sylidene)-5-norbornene­ 2-3-dicarboxide " Antu Alpha Naphthylthiourea 0.75 - 3.0 Vacor (DLP787) l-(3-pyridylmethyl)-3- 1.0- 2.0 (4-nitropheoyl) urea Phosphorus Phosphorus I t3 3%. Seldom used Barium Carbonate Barium carbonace Rarely used Bromethalin C14 H7 Br, F3 N3 04 0.1% or 100 ppm ca"j''cbat hn,'sad this adds cost to, Lhe controlopera-. 'K ~A~J tions. Ther' is'n~c, perfect antido te fo.- thpse poi'sons in K'~~ case of accidents.~ '' 2. ANTIC0.LANT RODENTICIDES The various anticongulant rodentcides have a similar physiological reactionginthat they disrupt the mechanism that controls blood-clotting and. cause fatal .nternal haemorrhiges to develop. Their~ action is cumulative andiimost, except for certain ofsthe second-gcneration materials, need to be ingested, ~-~'' over a period of' seea ast be efEfective. Anticoagulants'" possesses wo main; advmhtheamover acute rdenticides: i) they rarely, if"ever, cause ba Wns, n ii)primnary' and'second­ ay poi:n z to nn-target species are reduced and in effective antidote, vitamin K1 , is available. The older anticoagulants, introduced prior to' 1975, havce come to be called the "fionrst generation" anticoagulants because of their lower toxicity~ to rodents. and-need for cumulative or. multiple dosing. After 1975, a new toxic anticoagulants were introduced, and theseclass haveof much become more knownas. "second generation" anticoagulants.' Among these, some. require only one dose to kill all test rodents. The time to death is still aout the saie to 10 days, whether using "first generation" or "second generat'ion" materials.

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