JUNt:::, 1~U4 ---THE:- ILICT~!~~~!OIlKER INTERNATIONAL BR2THERtiOODOF ELECTRICAL WORKERS. " Keeping Up with the Times is imperati"e for an ambitious wireman. The line of supplies that is MODERN is the" P-K" Line. I.ook at our "P=K" PUSHIN attachment plug and see how far ahead it is. If you are interested in such thillgs send for our bulletin. ~. T. Paiste CO., Phila., Pa. Benjamin Wireless Clusters Our Clusters are STANDARD. Being con- structed in a workmanlike manner they give per­ fect satisfaction where used. They are both sub­ stantial and ornamental. BENJAMIN ELECT. MFG. CO. CHICACiO: NEW YORK: 42 W. Jac:kson Boul. 27 Thames Street. ANDREW HOWARD, President A. H. PATTERSON, V. Pres't and Manager E. P. EBBERTS, Sec'y and Treas. [+mi~:ii5.1:(ilIJii~I)1 THE fU OR. FEE RETURNED. Send model or sketch for FREE opinion as to patentabil- Ity. Send for onr illustrated GUIDE BOOK, finest puhlica- PH 0 EN I X GLASS tion iBSued for free distribution. Contains 100 meeilflnical movementa. Tells HOW TO OBTAIN APATENT,HOW AND WHAT TO INVENT FOR PROFIT. HOW TO con PANY SELL PATENTS, LAW POINTS FOB INVENTORS, Etc. Patents secured through us advertised without charge In the PATENT RECORD. SAMPLE COpy FREE. We Manufacturers of aJeo send free our LIST OF INVENTIONS WANTED. Address, EVANS, WILKENS & CO., Pa1;entAttorneys. Wasbio&,ton, D. C. Electric and Gas Globes, Shades, &c. New York Fine Decorated Vase Lamps. .. Globes and Shades HERE'S THE ADVANTAGE of wearing an em­ General Offices blem. It gives you a standing among 413 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Union men. For SOc. we will send General Show Rooms this beantiful gold filled pin or button 15 Murray Street, New York (No. 395). Same in 875 5 solid I:old, $1.00. No. 875, But 39 ton only, solid I:old. 7Sc. Send Chicago, Ill. -for complete catalogue oflabor emblems, FREE. J.d.. 1 E.~I'II Ca., RIGII 616, 126 Stlt, Str.. t, Chiclgo, 111. 206 Wabash Avenue THE ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS OWNED AND PUBLISHED BY The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Edited by H. W. SHERMAN, Grand Secretary General Offices, 104 Corcoran Building, Washington, D. C. --75he-- ELECTRICAL WORKER OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS. Entered at the Post 01fice at Washington, D. C., as second-class matter. Single copies, 10 cents VOL. IV. No.8. W ASHJ.NGTON, D. C. JUNll, 1904. $1 per year in advance -. MAIN" SWITCHBOARD, LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION, ST. LOUIS, MO. By H. J. HURD HE main switchboard for lighting and switches are mounted upon brick stands T power of the World's Fair is located with all high tension parts inclosed, capped in the west end of Machinery Hall, upon upon top with soapstone slabs, and doors two, galleries. The first or lower gallery lined with fiber; the plungers of Westing- is for the bus bars, instrument transformers , house are controlled by cellinoids, operated and motor ~ontrolled rheostates; the lower from the marble switchboard in front, with gaJ,lery is divided by two brick walls into 1 IO volt direct connected current. All cir­ three parts, running the length of it, which cuit switches are connected with overload is 120 feet long by 32 feet wide, with relays, through series of transformers shelves along the sides of flat soapstone placed upon the back wall of lower gallery. slabs, suppor,ted by brick pillars on the The leads from bus bars come first to sin­ walls. The bus bars are fastened by being gle pole knife switches, through oil switches, clamped through a soapstone bushing set and distributed to various parts of the into the brick wall, with leads running up grounds. The t,wo General Electric com­ through the floor to switches upon second panies 'work practically the same, with the gallery. Each lead is divided by a slab on exception of being controlled by cellinoids; walls and ceilings, of a composition of saw­ they are motor controlled. There are thirty dust, cement and soapstone; ceilings lined marble' .panels running on the front of the with sheet, asbestos, one-half inch thick, gallery, 70 feet long, comprising three the front of gallery. All instrument trans­ exciter panels, 125 volts djrect connected, formers are placed with non-arcing fuses mounted with ammeters reading 0 to 1,2(){'I; in receptacles built of brick and soapstone circuit breakers, main switches, volt meter,;, slabs,. Bus bars are in duplicate. Upon plugs, controllers for equalizer, switches' and the second gallery is placed the high ten­ field rheostate handles, two General Elec­ sion oil switches and mar:ble switchboards. tric Company panels, each mounted with The oil switches are in two rows behind 3-phase 6,600 A. B. & C. ammeters; power the ma1"ble panels, composed of seventeen factor meters, indicating wattmeters, po!y­ for circuits, two for current, to come in phase wattmeter, field switc!l motor. con­ from Citizens' Lighting Company, for trolled switch for field rheostate for A. C. emergency; four for generating circuits, generator, direct connected field ammeters, with a duplicate number running parallel, two switches for controlling high tension, so in case of a breakdown they always have quick breaking oil switches, engine regula­ an extra switch to throw in while the de­ tor switches for raising or lowering speed fective one IS being repaired. These of engines for synchronizing, pilot lamps, 4 THE ELECTRICAL WORKER which show what generator is in commis­ meter, reading 0 to 1,200; static ground sion and upon what bus bar the current is detector, double throw 110 volt switch for feeding into; volt meter .plugs each releasing, interlocking device for throwing phase A. c.; plugs for releasing interlock­ high tension generators together or chang­ ing d~vice when you wish to change from ing from one bus bar to the other, one bul­ one generator or one bus bar to another; lock panel mounted with volt meters, kilo­ two Westinghouse machine panels, mounted wattmeter, reading 0 to 8,000, one overload with quick breaking diDect connected cur- relay switch for throwing high tension oil Photo by Hurd. MACHINE PANELS OF MAIN SWITCHBOARD, MACHINERY HALL, LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION rent; A. C. generator, field switches, 3-A. switch, danger lamps, volt meter plugs; C. 6,600, ammeters, power factory meters, plugs for releasing interlocking device. kilowattmeters, indicating wattmeter, This panel is used exclusively for the deco­ direct conneoted ammeter, meter for A. C. rative lighting; two panels reserved for field controller for motor drivers, A. C. power from outside electrical company; one field rheostate controller for engine speed; panel for controlling water; rheostate for regulation .controllers for operating high dimmer effects of the decorative lighting tension oil switches, volt meter plugs, two on the Pike or Midway; seventeen circuit bus bar panels, mounted with ammeters, pa.nels each mounted with ammeters, poly­ reading 0 to 1,600; 6,600 volts kilowatt- phase meters, controllers for high tension THE ELECTRICAL WORKER 5 oil switches, with pilot lamp. These lamps Some will hurry home to w(ep till they lose are wired so that when switch is in com­ their cares in sleep, mission the lamp is dead; one swinging Some will carry home the sunshine that the panel on end of board mounted with 3- waiting loved ones need, A. C. volt meters, two direct connected volt 'Tis the open hook of life with its tale of meters, one synchroscope, Westinghouse. Jove and strife, On top of General Electric Company's gen­ Written large and clear and simple so that erator panels is mounted one General Elec­ he who runs may read. tric synchroscope. -So W. Gillian, in Baltimore American. AT SIX O'eLOeK. BETTER THAN MAReONI'S. On the street.Jlt six o'clock wheri the people A dispatch from Wilkesbarre, Pa., May homeward flock IS, says that Rev. Joseph Murgas, of the There is something fascinating for the lover Sacred Heart Ohurch of that city, has re­ of his kind; ceived notjfication from Washington that There is every sort of face in that anxious the sixth and seventh patents have been homeward race granted him on a wireless telegraphy sys­ That the wisest physiognomist could e'er tern he has invented. He says it is better expect to find. than Ma1rconi's, because it can send and re­ There's the face that's fiUed with joy like ceive messages in half the time. He has a child with latest toy; been engaged on the invention seven years. There's the face that's all preoccupied with business or care, A GREAT BOOM IN BUILDING. There's the face that bears its pain with a In the matter of building operations, smile that's all too plain; Brooklyn, accordmg to statistics just com­ There's the face that has the hallowed look piled, is forging ahe3.c of every other large that pictured angels wear. city in the United States by leaps and bounds. Bu.ilding permits issued in the 'l'here are faces crafty, hard; there are love­ borough for the month of April this year ly faces marred show an increase of 136 per cent over With a look of hate and cunning that the April, 1903._ Father never gave; Offici-al figu.res from 23 of the largest There are faces_ filled with woe, in this cities in the country for April show an in­ human torrent's flow; crease il11 13 o-f those with the greatest popu­ There are faces with the harried look of lations, but the boroug.h of Brooklyn is far hireling or of -slave; ahead of all of them.
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