ECONOMIC SURVEY OF MAHARASHTRA 1998-99 ai«J ? (itiwHWJi, ECONOMIC SURVEY OF MAHARASHTRA 1998-99 NIEPA DC D10222 udiAiY i wmmmkrm mm- lostACtite of Sducatioo*) nail A4auistrati«n. i7*% Sri Aiitr*btii4o Matf, •••'•"rrrjii2jr=v . 5[T^rfW ^. W W 9R qr^n^f^TR T^^irrift^^T^ cT^ cb<«i^ld ^ 3T^ ^ qr ^ c m ^ 3TTt. H^ICF^ < l^ ^ l >3T2fcqci#^ tf^T ^ 5[^§HT^2TT w m H F M ^ ^ 07T^WcIT W ^ ^ J ^i^fer !?"ch7U|id ^ '3TTt. ^ O T ilf^ tTtM 5PT?^ ^ tooft 3T^m4t ^TTcfjtcnft < s ^ ant. 'Stf^ jttM ^§tt # jG r ^ $TTOfT '3#. Hl.RT.’TRl^ ^s{ ^ ^tlHcb f^*5H f^mPT f^HTGj *n^, 'i'K'K'K Hlc 4231—Aa PREFACE The Directorate of Economics and Statistics brinGs out a publication “ Economic Survey of Maharashtra ” every year. The present publication for the year 1998-99 is the 38th issue in the series and is prepared in combined form in Marathi and EnGlish. 2. The salient features of the State’s economy are given in Part-I and statistical tables are presented in Part-II of this issue. Graphs and charts are Given in respective chapters. 3. In attemptinG to Give up-to-date data in this publication, provisional fiGures have been included at some places and those are likely to be revised after final data become available. B.M.NaGrale Director of Economics & Statistics PlanninG Department Mumbai Mumbai, Dated 15th March, 1999 V CONTENTS PaGe No. SUBJECT |fe#TT?r ix Maharashtra at a glance xii Maharashtra’ s comparison with India HKdl^H TT^i^ ^ b1lf^<ib \^hv<^ xiv Selected socio-economic indicators of States in India ^ — ^w ^ PART I—SURVEY 1. 3Tl(i|cjr 1 General appraisal 2. dWnoqi 7 Population 3. '{T '-^l "vi '^H 12 State income 4. f^‘TaiT^M'4^ 16 Price situation 5. TTjTJTR 23 Employment 6. ^ c£|cjyi^— 35 AGriculture and allied activities— (1 )^ AGriculture (2) wraH Horticulture (3) IrriGation (4) ^ ^ . Forests and social forestry (5) H^od4cJ<^N Fisheries (6) Animal husbandry Dairy development 7. y^cbH. 59 Co-operation 8. 67 EnerGy 9. 'i^ l 74 Industries 10. ^ <?a5U|c|o!)U| 89 Transport and communications 11. \^im 98 Education r 1^ % A r^ rv 12. yiqjjlHcj) 'cHkm^, ^3^l^l| <ilHlM«b 106 Public health, water supply and other social ^cJl services. 13. ^m(t ^(ci<d;r 117 Civil supplies 14. RlfT 123 Institutional finance 15. .. 128 Finances of local bodies 1 6. 135 Special studies W\ ^ PART n—STATISTICAL TABLES 1. H ^Kdl^l , T-1 Population of Maharashtra and India 2. TR«IT^ iJI^ '3!l1^l ^IMf^ T-1 Rural and Urban population in the State 3. TTHJT^ ’TT^srr T-2 Birth rate, death rate and infant mortality rates based -cl on Sample ReGistration Scheme, Maharashtra Stale VI CONTENTS—contd. SUBJECT Page No. 4. ^ cb^-0(PTT HicbitJ) WFT%3^ 3TT^ T-3 Economic classification of workers as p<er population census, 1991 5. sfNitte yldf^^K tfht . T-4 Net State domestic product by industry of oriGin at current prices 6. 3fNrtf^ TT^ 3^,60-63 T-5 Net State domestic product by industry of oriGin at fMtGmr Constant 1980-81 prices 7. '3Mtte #cn^ TT#I ^§TTcPT?T ^ T-6 Net National domestic product by industry of oriG;in TT^ ^3^— and National income at current prices 8. 'S M to «VdT^<HK ^ T-7 Net National domestic product by industry of oriG;in TT^ ^hi^Gmr and National income at constant prices T-8 Revenue receipts from taxes on aGriculture sector in Maharashtra State 10. ^ cfj^ T-9 Trends in receipts on revenue and capital accounits 11. ^ ^ T-10 Trends in expenditure on revenue and capital accounts 12. ^TfRT^TF^§TRRTW T-12 Economic and purposive classification (of =nff=fRW Maharashtra State Government budGet T-14 EiGhth/Ninth Five Year Plan—Yearwise and Sulb- f^ - ^ 3#T ^ sectorwise outlay and expenditure 14. HFTTT^ TT^f^W 3 M f ^ T-15 Consumer price index numbers for industrial cbiHMKicbRdr workers at selected centres in Maharashtra State 15. WT^ cb4^r^|cbRdi htpp f^9Tt^ T-17 Consumer price index numbers for urban noin- manual employees T-17 Consumer price index numbers for aGricultural labourers in Maharashtra and All-India 1 7. '3fNrte cblHJ|Ki=bRdl '3Tfe^ UTF^ T-18 All-India consumer price index numbers for industrial workers 18. 3if^ T-18 All-India wholesale price index numbers 19. H^T^Mr '3Tmrf^ ^ T-19 Inflation rates based on important price indices 2 0 . n m ^ < I^ M ^ «SFK<£lrt ^ ^?7T^ tW tr T-20 Working factories and factory employment in Maharashtra State 21. w n ? TP^T*f TtaR T-22 Employment in different industries in Maharashtra State 22. afl^lPlcb T-24 Industrial disputes in Maharashtra State 23. n m ^ <MI^H ^c|l4)^^^^lqi|cb '3^|cbic|Tft T-25 Employment exchanGe statistics in Maharashtra State 24. Tt^JTTR ^ThrT^TIT^ ^TFRT^ TPm 3TTM T-26 CateGorywise number of works and expenditure ycbRi^^K ^ ^ c^hrf^ incurred thereon under the Employment Guarantee Scheme in Maharashtra State Vll CONTENTS—contd. ^ JFTra; SUBJECT Page No. T-27 Total number, area and averaGe size of operational hold­ inGs in Maharashtra accordinG to AGricultural Census 26. vTf^ftw wrrMt an^ltnfi T-28 Land utilisation statistics of Maharashtra T-29 Area under principal crops, production and yield per 3m^ ^ 3?7T^ hectare in Maharashtra State 2 8. RWm^ (I'J^ldld m T-31 Area irriGated by various sources in Maharashtra State 2 9. ’T?RT^ TF^*T ^ ^3?TR^ % R ter f^5lt^ T-32 Cropwise index numbers of aGricultural production in Maharashtra State 3 0. w rr^ ITHTRftW ^ ’^r?qT 3TTf^ ^ T-34 Livestock and poultry in Maharashtra State 3 1. HWRF^ WOT (3®^ . T-35 Co-operative societies in Maharashtra State (Salient features) 32. '<7^1^ cT|j|'i<c|c!>l T-37 Electricity supply in Maharashstra State 3 3. ^KdlrfH 'viTK^l^ T-39 Index numbers of industrial production in India 34. H m ^ TFHir^^ ^ifFli’^l q^vcjl^l T-40 Important characteristics of industries in Maharashtra State 35. ^3* TTZtc^ T-42 PercentaGe distribution of factories by size class of employment in selected industry Groups in Maharashtra 1996-97 36. viviHi i\i\^ ^ cbK^aHit^l T-43 PercentaGe distribution of factories by size class of investment in plant and machinery in selected industry Groups in Maharashtra 1996-97 37. q^l{T^ TTf^ ^ T-44 Financial assistance sanctioned and disbursed by '3T?f^TWF2T financial institutions in Maharashtra State 38. ^ m ^ Tpqr#^ T-45 Major mineral production in Maharashtra State 3 9. TT^Tcft^ ST^fjRT^HTT ^T^t T-46 Road lenGth by type of roads in Maharashtra State (Maintained by P.W.D. and Z.P.) 40. HWRF5 TP^i*r ^rmrcT qferr ^iTf% .. T-47 Number of motor vehicles in operation in Maharashtra State 41. ^ttM ^ T-48 Growth of education in Maharashtra 42. TTHi*f ^?JT f-4 9 Medical facilities available in Maharashtra State 43. 'STfll^ f^Tm^SHCT/TR^ I^BRHT T-50 Quantity of rice and wheat issued to authorised '371^ ^ ^ ration/fair price shops in Maharashtra 44. TP^TM cTT^ ^ ^ T-50 Quantity of rice and wheat allotted by Government of India to Maharashtra State 45. iTFm^ T T ^^ f¥plFTfr ^ ^fFlft/H^mT T-51 Deposits and credits of all scheduled commercial ^ '3^3^?!^ fezjT M ^ banks in rural, semi-urban and urban/ metropolitan areas of Maharashtra State viii CONTENTS concld. SUBJECT PaGe No. 46. PkRiIoS^I HiRlcb- . T-52 Monthly per capita expenditure on different itjmis of consumption 47. HiRlcb (slTOftm '<i'<Wjc||fT T-54 PercentaGe distribution of population accordinG to monthly per capita expenditure classes 48. 'Snf^ J|U|H| 3nf^ T-55 Economic census 1980 and 1990 at a Glance 49. visfi’ i mv-^m ^MsbHtt^i biijiJf w t r Mi ^<^1 T-56 Number of enterprises and persons usuilly workinG accordinG to major industry Groups Graphs After PaGe No. 1. c| 5HTI0I 8 Population and literacy rate (As per population census) 2. TF^ 14 State Income 3. f^mMr 14 Composition of State Income by Industry of oriGin 4. <1^ <=< 14 Per capita State and National Income 5. 3 ^ Pl$i?licb 22 All-India wholesale price index numbers 6. '3fieitf>icb- cRrqvn^f^RRdf .. 22 Consumer price index numbers for industrial workers 7. cbK^sll^ m\^\ O^JIK 24 Factories and factory employment 8. 38 FoodGrains production 9. Pl5i^licb 40 Index numbers of aGricultural production 10. ^^chlO ^141 cJIcJ 60 Growth of co-operative societies 11. 5n?rte qcT ^ R d r\_rv 62 Position of advances disbursed by prinrary TFTm aGricultural credit societies 12. m K 70 Electricity consumption IX / MAHARASHTRA AT A GLANCE «fR 1960-61 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 1997-98* Item (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) 1. ^ - (fW? 306 308 308 308 308 Geographical Area - (Thousand Sq.Km) 2. - Administrative Set up - 4 4 6 Revenue Divisions 26 26 28 31 31 Districts cl6<?lo1 229 235 301 303 325 Tahsils 3RTef^ 35,851 35,778 39,354 40,412 41,251 Inhabited villaGes 3,016 2,883 2.479 2,613 2,613 Un-Inhabited villaGes 266 289 307 336 336 Towns 3. vjiH<|U|^j‘>HK cfhinhsm-(F^aRra) (1961) (1971) (1981) (1991) :i-3-1998)€ Population as per Census • (In thousand) 39,554 50,412 62,784 78,937 89,052 Total 20,429 26,116 32,415 40,826 46,001 Males 19,125 24,296 30,369 38,111 43,051 Females ITPfiTT 28,391 34,701 40,791 48,395 52,216 Rural 11,163 15,711 21,993 30,542 36,836 Urban 3T5^qflRT ^iTRft 2,227 3,177 4.480 8,758 N.A.
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