Municipality of Hastings Highlands Regular Meeting of Council, Operations AGENDA Today's meeting proceedings will be recorded and live-streamed on the municipal YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKvxLBeiJzVbvJz8vH29ftg Individuals who submit letters and other information to Council should be aware that any personal information contained within their communications may become part of the public record and may be made available to the public through the Council Agenda process. Date: September 23, 2020 Time: 9:00 AM Staff - Hastings Highlands Council Chambers and/or Teleconference Public: Teleconference on YouTube Page 1. Call to order a To assist with background noise: Council and Staff - Please turn off or place on silent mode all cell phones. Please place any laptops on mute by pressing F1. Please be aware that today's meeting is being live-streamed and picks up all noise and talking, possibly even during recess. 2. Opening Ceremonies a We acknowledge that we are gathered on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabeg, which is known by Indigenous peoples, who have been stewards of the land since time immemorial and as such we treat the land, its plants, animals, stories and people with honour and respect. b National Anthem 3. Roll Call Page 1 of 168 a The Clerk will call the names of each Member of Council and record the Roll to determine if a quorum has been achieved: -Mayor Bodnar -Deputy Mayor Hagar -Councillor Davis -Councillor Fitzgerald -Councillor Gerrow -Councillor Matheson -Councillor Walder The Clerk will call out the Staff Members that are scheduled to be in the meeting: -CAO David Stewart -Operations Manager Adrian Tomasini -CBO Martin Cox -Fire Chief Jason Post -Deputy Treasurer Tanya Dickinson -Administrative Assistant Chantelle Beaumier 4. Clerk's Comments a The rules for voting for today now that Council members have returned to in-person meetings are as follows: The Mayor will read the item on the agenda, read the recommended motion and ask for a mover. The member that wishes to move a motion will state their name for the record. The Mayor will ask for a seconder, and the member that wishes to second the motion will state their name for the record. The Mayor will call on the mover to see if they wish to comment. He will then call on the seconder for comments. He will then ask if there are comments from the remaining members who will raise their hand to be recognized and await to be called on. The Mayor will state the name of the member he is calling upon, so the public recording can identify who is speaking. The mover will be called upon last for the final chance to speak before voting. Lastly, the Mayor will call the question and the Clerk will take a recorded vote. If members would please answer with ‘FOR’, ‘AGAINST' or 'ABSTAIN' when their name is called. 5. Deletions or Additions to the Agenda Additions or revisions to the agenda may occur at a meeting if it is matter of Page 2 of 168 urgency that cannot wait until the next meeting. 6. Approval of Agenda a Approval of Agenda THAT Council approves the agenda for the September 23, 2020 meeting. 7. Disclosure of pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof 8. Delegate Alternate Deputy Chair Authority a In the case the Deputy Chair must leave her seat THAT Council appoints Councillor Fitzgerald as Alternate Deputy Chair for today's meeting. 9. Adoption of Minutes 10 - 26 a Draft Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, Planning THAT Council accepts and adopts the draft minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council, Planning, held on September 2, 2020 as submitted. 10. Announcements and Community Events Please Note: Members may speak for no more than Three (3) Minutes each on announcements and/or community events. No action shall be take on these items and they do not form part of the minutes. 11. Public Input Please email the Clerk at [email protected] in order to provide public input. Members of the public may comment or ask questions to Council, through the Chair, without debate or criticism, regarding any matter on the agenda. These comments and questions are to be received by Council and there will be no expectation for Council to reply to each comment or question. This portion of the Agenda should not exceed a total of Fifteen (15) minutes. 12. Presentations and Delegations/Petitions Presentations and Delegations may now be given the call-in number to join the meeting and present over the teleconference. There are no Presentations/Delegations scheduled for today's meeting. 13. Consent Agenda A member may make brief comments to consent item prior to the consideration of the adoption of the matters listed, however, if a member wishes to debate or amend the recommendation of an item; or if the member declares pecuniary interest, the item shall be removed from the consent agenda list and dealt with as a separate item with its own motion. Page 3 of 168 a The Clerk is requesting that any Council Members who wish to make more than brief comments during debate on any of the consent agenda items that are listed here to please email the Clerk and advise. The Clerk will remove the item off the consent list, remove the yellow highlighting on the item down in the agenda, replace the item with a mover and a seconder and republish the Agenda. The purpose of this is to make the Chair's job less difficult while moving through the agenda. Consent Items: Monthly Bylaw Enforcement Report Monthly Fire Report Library Cultural Report Monthly Operations Report Resolutions from other Municipalities - Township of Huron-Kingloss Resolutions from other Municipalities -Loyalist Township Future Municipal Events Review THAT Council accepts and approves the items listed under the Consent Agenda. 14. Tenders/Requests for Proposal None. 15. Reports and Bylaws from Departments Planning None. Building Department 27 - 30 i) Monthly Building Report THAT Council accepts the Monthly Building Report as information only, as submitted by the Chief Building Official. Bylaw Enforcement 31 - 33 i) Monthly Bylaw Enforcement Report THAT Council accepts this report “Monthly Bylaw Enforcement Report,” as submitted by the Chief Building Official/Bylaw Enforcement Officer, as information only. 34 - 47 ii) DRAFT Bylaw 2020-062 Amendment to Noise/Fireworks Bylaw THAT Council accepts this report "DRAFT Bylaw 2020-062 Amendment to Noise/Fireworks Bylaw" as submitted by the Chief Building Officer and the Bylaw Enforcement Officer; and THAT Council reviews and provides changes as required to the DRAFT Bylaw 2020-062 being a bylaw to prohibit and Page 4 of 168 regulate noise and the use of fireworks in the Municipality of Hastings Highlands and instructs staff to bring back to Council for final passage. Fire Department i) Monthly Fire Report THAT Council accepts this Monthly Fire Report as information only, as submitted by the Fire Chief. Community Services None. Library/Cultural 48 - 49 i) Library Cultural Report THAT Council accepts the Cultural Report as information only, as submitted by the Library CEO. Finance Department 50 - 56 i) Bylaw 2020-083 Agreement with GrantMatch Corporation THAT Council accepts this report Bylaw 2020-083 Agreement with GrantMatch Corporation as submitted by the Deputy Treasurer and CAO/Treasurer; and THAT Council passes Bylaw 2020-083 being a bylaw to authorize an agreement between GrantMatch Corporation and the Municipality of Hastings Highlands for grant management services. Operations Department 57 - 61 i) Monthly Operations Report (August 2020) THAT Council accepts this Monthly Operations Report (August 2020) as information only, as submitted by the Operations Manager. 62 - 68 ii) Musclow-Greenview Bridge Repair THAT Council accepts this report, "Musclow-Greenview Bridge Repair" as submitted by the Operations Manager; and THAT Council approves Option ____ 69 - 72 iii) Five (5) Year Capital Road Plan THAT Council accepts this report "Five (5) Year Capital Road Plan" as submitted by the Operations Manager; and THAT Council approves the "Five (5) Year Capital Road Plan" Page 5 of 168 from 2021 to 2025. 73 - 107 iv) DRAFT Bylaw 2020-069 Level of Service for Winter Road Maintenance THAT Council accepts this DRAFT Bylaw 2020-069 Level of Service for Winter Road Maintenance, as submitted by the Operations Manager and the Bylaw Enforcement Officer; and THAT Council reviews and provides changes as required to the DRAFT Bylaw 2020-069 being a bylaw to establish a level of service for winter road maintenance in the Municipality of Hastings Highlands and instructs staff to bring back to Council for final passage. Clerks Department None. Administration 108 - i) Operations - Fleet Management 112 THAT Council accepts this report "Operations - Fleet Management" as submitted by the CAO/Treasurer; and THAT Council approves option ______. ii) DRAFT Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy THAT Council accepts this report “DRAFT Workplace Violence and Harassment Policy” as submitted by the Clerk and the Administrative Assistant; and THAT Council reviews and provides changes as required to the DRAFT Policy, subject to the Occupational Health and Safety Act requiring employers to develop policies and programs to prevent harassment, including sexual harassment, in the workplace; and FURTHERMORE THAT Council instructs staff to bring back to Council for final passage. 16. Mayor's Report's 113 - 117 a Mayor's Monthly Report THAT Council accepts the Monthly Mayor’s Report as information only, as submitted. 118 - 121 b Feasibility Study Follow-Up THAT Council accepts this report "Feasibility Study Follow-Up" as submitted by the Mayor, with information provided by the Page 6 of 168 Operations Supervisor, as information, as requested. 17. Council Members Reports/Committee Minutes Councillor Fitzgerald 122 - i) North Hastings Community Centre Arena Commission Meeting 127 Minutes - August 12, 2020 and September 2, 2020 THAT Council accepts the North Hastings Community Centre Arena Commission meeting minutes from August 12, 2020 and September 2, 2020 as information only.
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