Rocky. il */W. Mountai S KAILTHE ROCKY MOUNTAINREPORT RAILROAD CLUB MEETING SCHEDULE: January, 1996. .................... No. 436 Club Telephone ........ (303) 431-4354 P. 0. Box 2391 January 9, 1996 -- 7:30 p.m. Denver, CO 80201-2391 CURRENT NEWS AND HISTORICAL NOTES OF ROCKY Southeast wing of Christ Episcopal Church, MOUNTAIN RAILROADING PUBLISHED MONTHLY FOR 2950 South University at Bates. Off-street ITS MEMBERS BY THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN RAILROAD parking at rear (east) of meeting hall, CLUB. ease use the building's south entrance. CLUB MEMBERSHIP Jim Trowbridge... .......... Editor Mike Johnson....... .... President Roger Cal 1ender.. Vice President Membership in the Rocky Mountain Railroad Bill Gordon........ .... Secretary Club may be obtained by sending $24.00 Ardie Schoeninger .... Treasurer ($20.00 annual dues plus enrollment fee of $4.00) to: ROCKY MOUNTAIN RAILROAD CLUB, Send all items for publication to: Rocky P. 0. Box 2391, Denver, CO 80201-2391. An Mountain Rail Report, c/o Jim Trowbridge, Associate Membership for Spouses and Editor, 502 South Cody Street, Lakewood, Children is also available for a yearly Colorado 80226-3048. rate of $10.00. On regular memberships, new members joining after April of each year COPY DEADLINE ALL copy for publication may obtain membership for a payment of in the February, 1996 Rail Report is due $4.00 enrollment fee plus $1.25 for each no later than January 9, 1996!! month remaining in the calendar year. Dues for the next year are solicited in November of the current year. JAMUARY 9 PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES 1996 appears to be starting out with a "bang" as long-time member, Hatch Wroton, Please refer address changes, new member­ presents 16mm films by himself, and, one ships, dues payments, lost newsletters, by Bob Richardson. issing newsletter pages, and, any other ,iembership related matters to: Hatch will present four films including the following: Linda Johnson, Membership Chairperson 1) C&S #638, showing scenes from the 1935 Independence Rocky Mountain Railroad Club's trip Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920-3705 to Trinidad in December of 1962, along with other excursions; a special excursion train, including 2) Union Pacific #8444 on a rare NRHS footage from the Fireman's side of the excursion to Julesburg, Colorado in steam engine's cab. 1967 ; 3) 1968 scenes of the D&RGW narrow SHERM CONNERS: Modern railroading action gauge yards in Durango in the on Crawford Hill, Wyoming, on the December snow; and, Burlington Northern in July, 1994. 4) A Colorado Railroad Museum archives film of C&S, D&RGW, and RGS narrow FRANK STAPLETON: Coverage of the Trains gauge trains, filmed and narrated Uniimi ted Tours' Steam in the Andes '95 by Bob Richardson, including .South tour of Columbia and Equador, featuring Park River operations and Bruce narrow gauge steam, including the last Triplett's footage of the Clear steam engine built by Baldwin Locomo­ Creek Line in 1936 (or 1937). tive Works. [Editor's note: Frank will expand on this material at one of our Neither Rain, Snow, Hail, or the Dark of monthly programs in 1996] Night should keep members from starting the new year out right by attending the Our "Thanks" to Sherm Conners for his time January meeting! SEE YOU THERE!! and effort in arranging this program; a special "Thanks" to the four members who PUBLISHER'S STATEMENT provided the video, as well as to Ronnie Bill and the Bronco football organization The Rocky Mountain Rail Report (ISSN 1040- for the use of their Video Projection 9223) is published by the Rocky Mountain equipment. Railroad Club at 212 Union Station, 17th and Wynkoop Street, Denver, CO 80201-2391 DECEMBER PROGRAM AND MEETING for $14.00 per year which is deducted from member's dues. First Class postage paid at Denver, Colorado. Postmaster: Send The first order of business at the Decembt. address changes to the Rocky Mountain Rail meeting, after the traditional welcome to Report, Box 2391 , Denver, CO 80201-2391. new members and guests, was to breeze through such formalities as the reading of the roll call and reports by various officers NOVEMBER PROGRAM AND MEETING via a motion to "for-go" these matters and get on with the elction of officers and The December Rail Report was completed directors for 1996! [Editor's note: The prior to the November meeting due to the treasurer, Ardie Schoeninger, did have copies Club's By-Laws regarding Elections and of the Club's end-of-the-year financial early mailing of the December newsletter. statements for members who wished to take Since our Mailing Committee, by tradition, the time to review the Club's financial meets prior to Thanksgiving for a special position; and, President Mike Johnson will mailing night get-together and dinner, have a message/report in the February issue the Rail Report was required to be done of the Rail Report] Elections were quickly especially early this year. We will catch dealt with (results being published else­ up on the November Program notes as well where in the newsletter) and we proceeded as such other material as the November to our program for the evening. Book Drawing results in this issue. The program was entitled "The Trolley--By The November 14th program presented the Golly." This 16mm film (in color) gave a 2nd Annual Video Potpourri Night. Members first-hand history of how trolley systems and guests were treated to four very began in the late 1800's and continued to interesting videos including the following expand from horse drawn trolleys to the Presenters and material: modern electric trolleys we knew, loved ar ' used through the fifties. While this story RON BOOTH: Chasing the "City of Portland" was viewed from the perspective of a young 60th Anniversary Train, run on 9/15/95. boy, remembering his early encounters with trolleys and trolleymen, the history paral- IRA SCHRIBER: Railroading in Russia aboard led the trolley's development in towns and 2 cities all across the United States. The railroad family with over 150 years of ,ovie was fun, entertaining and educational service with the Colorado & Southern Our "Thanks" to Roger Callender for secur­ Railroad, including his great grand­ ing this film at the last minute when the father, grandfather, father, great scheduled program was unable to be shown, uncle, uncle and cousins! John is an and, "Thanks" to Erwin Chaim for running avid collector and history buff. the 16mm projector. Don Zielesch -- Don became a RMRRC member in 1974 and has participated in Club The evening was completed with a presenta­ activities, especially excursions over tion of a "Lifetime" membership card to this time period. Don's greatest Secretary, Bill Gordon, who has become interest is in riding trains, especial­ member No. 10 with the death of fellow ly unusual trains to unusual destina­ member Ernest S. Peyton in October of this tions. Besides Amtrak, Don has ridden year. Food and fellowship followed as is extensively in Germany and Austria, tradition at the December meeting. Our and to a lesser extent in Poland and additional "Thanks" to all who helped in Switzerland. Some of the more'unique the kitchen and on the serving line. trips included riding across Australia on the Indian-Pacific and across New ELECTIONS - THE RESULTS Zealand on the Tranzalpine Express. Don would like to work on extending Rich Berens presided over the Elections the RMRRC more to new members and pro­ of officers and directors for the 1996 spective members and incorporating the leadership of the Club. Rich and fellow Club's regular membership into Club hold-over board members, Art Ives and activities. Ron Keiser presented a fine slate of candidates and this slate was accepted by As Mike Johnson related at the December the membership by unanimous motion and meeting, the Club wishes to "Thank" the vote. The results are as follows: out-going board members, Keith Goodrich, Bill Gould and Chip Sherman for their President -- Mike Johnson service to the Club and hope that they Vice President -- Roger Callender continue to participate in Club activities. Secretary -- Bill Gordon Treasurer -- Ardie Schoeninger [Editor's note: We will not have to pro­ vide biography for these men as they have served well in 1995 as well as previously; however, members will probably want to know something about our new board members; and so, we offer the following information: ANNUAL NEAL MILLER PHOTOGRAPH Jim Blouch -- A long-time member of the Club, Jim was raised in a railroad As has been Neal's personal tradition since family, growing up next to the tracks 1952, he handed out his annual "Christmas" in a Rio Grande Railroad section house. present to all who attended the December Jim has worked for the Rio Grande/ meeting. This year's photograph is of the Southern Pacific railroads for 38| Union Pacific No. 9000 at Cheyenne, Wyoming years. Jim is an avid railfan and on March 11, 1956. collects "everything" connected with rail roads. A copy of this photograph is printed in John Hallinan John has been a member of this issue of the Rail Report for members the Club since 1978. John is a painter outside the immediate Denver area who are by trade and lives in Mt. View with unable to attend the meetings. his wife Kenda and two girls, Jacque and Jeanine. John also grew up in a Out "Thanks" to Neal. 3 ANNUAL BOOK DRAWING ANNUAL DUES The Annual Book Drawing, held at the April We would like to encourage members to re­ Regular Club Meeting, provides additional new their membership as soon as possible. funds used toward the preservation of the Dues for 1996 are $20.00 for Regular mem­ Rocky Mountain Railroad Club's historical berships and $10.00 for Associate member- railroad equipment at the Colorado Rail­ ships.
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