PEACE Info (March 7-9, 2020) − Implementation of the National Cease Fire agreement makes progress says NCA-S EAO leader − NCA meeting to be held this month − UPDJC secretary’s group meeting, UPDJC meeting to be held on 10, 12 March respectively − Message of Greetings sent by Chairperson of National Reconciliation and Peace Centre Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on the occasion of the 71st Anniversary of the Pa-O National Day − Shan national dialogue may be cancelled over COVID-19 fears − Burma Army, RCSS Clash Nearly 20 Times—After Peace Meeting − Burma Army Enforces Strict Checkpoints on Northern Shan State Highway − Mong Kung IDPs Return Home − Arakan Army allows rice into Myanmar’s Paletwa − Chin woman recovering after shell hits village in Rakhine State − Shadowy Drug Lord Wei Hsueh-kang’s Influence Still Felt in Myanmar’s Wa Region and Beyond − Sea of meth as Myanmar army smashes three drug labs − Over 200 kg of "ice," stimulants seized in E. Myanmar − အစ���ရ��င�� NCA- S EAO မ���၏ �တ��ဆ�ံ�ဆ������ပ��မ��� မရပ�တန��ရ�အတ�က� ��စ�ဖက�အဖ���အစည��မ��� တစ�ဖက���င��တစ�ဖက� အခ�င���က�င��မယ�ဘ� �ရ��ဆက��ဆ�င�ရ�က�သ���ရန� လ��အပ���က�င�� �ပည��ထ�င�စ��ရ���နခ��ပ� ��ပ��က�� − ၂၁ ရ�စ�ပင�လ�ံ စတ�တ�အစည��အ�ဝ� ဧ�ပ�လအတ�င��က�င��ပရန�မ�သခ���သ�ဘ� ဧ�ပ�အတ�င���ပ�လ�ပ�မည�� အစည��အ�ဝ�မ���၏ဆ�ံ��ဖတ�ခ�က�မ����ပ� မ�တည��နဟ�ဆ�� − ပအ��ဝ��အမ����သ��မ��� ၂၁ ရ�စ� ပင�လ�ံည�လ�ခံတ�င� ဆက�လက� ပ���ပ�င�����င�ရန� �ဒ��အ�င�ဆန��စ��ကည� �မ���လင�� − ဖက�ဒရယ�အ��ခခံမ���င��ပတ�သက�၍ အစ���ရ��င�� NCA �ရ�ထ���ထ���သ� တ��င��ရင��သ��လက�နက�က��င� အဖ��ဲ�အစည��မ����က�� အလ�ံ�စ�ံတ�ည�သည�� အ�နအထ��မ����မဟ�တ��သ���က�င�� ALP ဗဟ���က��မတ�ဝင� ��ပ��က�� − ရ�မ��အမ����သ��အဆင�����င�ငံ�ရ��ဆ������ပ��က�င��ပ�ရ� RCSS �ပန�လည�သ�ံ�သပ��န − JMC အ��က�င�� က�ယ�က�ယ��ပန���ပန��သ�ရ��ရန� �ပခန���ဖင�� �ပသ − �င�မ��ခ�မ���ရ��ဖစ��ပ�တ���တက�မ�အတ�က� ထ��တ��ဆက�ဆံမ�မ��� ပ��မ��လ��အပ�ဟ�ဆ�� − “၀” သ�ံ�ပ�တ� ပ���ပ�င��ထ��သည�� “၀” အမ����သ��ပ�တ� �ပည��ထ�င�စ��ရ���က�က�ပ�� �က��မရ�င�ထံ ပ�တ�မ�တ�ပ�ံတင� �လ��က�ထ�� − ရခ��င�အမတ�အ�ပင� ���က�တ�သတင��ဌ�နက��ပ� အမ�ဖ�င��ထ����က�င�� ရ�အတည��ပ� − သတင���ထ�က���စ�ဦ�က�� ထ�န��သ�မ��ခ��သ�မ���အ�� အလ�ပ��ကမ����င�� �ထ�င�ဒဏ�ခ�မ�တ�ထ��ဟ� BGF ��ပ� − မ��င��က��င�ရ�� စစ��ရ��င��နအ�မ� ရ��လ�ံ�က�တ� �ဖ�က�ထ�င��ခံထ��ရ − ကခ�င��ပည�နယ�က တ��က�ပ���ရ��င�စခန��မ���မ� ရ���ပ�င�� ၁၇ ရ��က�� �နရပ��ပန����င�ရန� ည����င���န − ရခ��င���မ�က�ပ��င�� လ��အခ�င��အ�ရ� ခ�����ဖ�က�ခံရမ��တ�က�� တင��ပဖ��� ဆ�ံ��ဖတ� Page 1 of 50 − �အ�အအဖ���က တ��စ��က����က� ဖမ��ဆ��ထ��သည�� �က��ရ��အ�ပ�ခ��ပ��ရ�မ�� ၁ ဦ� �ပန�လ�တ�လ� − �က��က��တ��၌ ��စ�ရက�ဆက�တ��က� တ��က�ပ���ဖစ� �နအ�မ� င��လ�ံ�မ���လ�င� − ရခ��င���င��ပလက�ဝတ�င� ဓ�တ�ဗ�ံ�အသ�ံ��ပ���က�င�� �အ�အစ�ပ�စ��ခ�က� တပ�မ�တ��ပယ�ခ� − ��မ�က�ဦ�တ�င� တပ�မ�တ����င���အ�အ တ��က�ပ���ဖစ�၊ အရပ�သ�� ၄ ဦ�ဒဏ�ရ�ရ − ရခ��င���မ�က�တ��က�ပ�� အရပ�သ��ထ�ခ��က�မ� တ���လ� − ပလက�ဝ�မ ���နယ�မ�� ဆန��ကမ��တစ�အ�တ�က�� က�ပ� ၉၀၀၀၀ အထ�ရ���န�ပ�� ဝယ�ရန� ခက�ခ��နဟ�ဆ�� − ပလက�ဝသ��� ဆန�အ�တ� ၆ဝဝဝ တင�ပ���ရန� AA ခ�င���ပ� − ပည��ရ�ဝန�ထမ��တစ�ဦ� စစ��တ��မ ��� စစ��ဆ��ရ�ဂ�တ�မ�� ပစ�ခတ�ခံရ − �မဝတ�တ�င� DKBA ဗ��လ�တစ�ဦ�၏�နအ�မ�မ�လက�နက�ခ�ယမ����င�� �လ�င��ကစ��ဂ�မ��စက�မ���ဖမ��မ� − က�တ�ခ��င��မ ���နယ� လ�ယ�ခမ��က��ရ��အတ�င�� က�ပ� ၂၄ ဘ�လ�ံတန�ဖ���ရ�� မ��ယစ��ဆ�ဝ��မ�����င�� လက�နက�၊ ခ�ယမ��မ��� ထပ�မံသ�မ��ဆည��ရမ���က�င�� တပ�မ�တ�� သတင��ထ�တ��ပန� − က�တ�ခ��င��မ ���နယ� �က�င��ခ��ရ����င�� လ�ယ�ခမ��က��ရ��အန��တစ�ဝ��က� မ��ယစ��ဆ�ဝ��ခ�က�လ�ပ�သည��လ�ပ�ငန��တ�င� လ�ပ�က��င�ခ��သ���စ�ဦ�က�� ဖမ��ဆ��ရမ��ပ�� ပ��င�ရ�င��ဖစ�သ�အ�� ဖမ��ဆ��ရမ��ရ� �ဆ�င�ရ�က��နဟ�ဆ�� − လ�ယ�ခမ��က��ရ��အတ�င�� တစ�အ�မ�တက�တစ�အ�မ�ဆင�� လ��က�လံစစ��ဆ��နဟ� �ဒသခံမ���ဆ�� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 2 of 50 Implementation of the National Cease Fire agreement makes progress says NCA-S EAO leader monnews | 9 March 2020 Negotiations at a recent Joint Implementation Coordination Meeting (JICM) have resulted in positive steps towards reaching agreements with the government, according to the Col. Sai Ngern, a leader with one of the Ethnic Armed Organizations who are a signatory to the National Ceasefire Agreement (NCA-S EAO). The negotiation meeting between the Government and NCA-S EAO was held at the National Reconciliation and Peace Center located in Yangon on the 6th and 7th March. Photo – Negotiation meeting between the government and NCA-S EAO (Hla Maung Shwe) “At this meeting, negotiators from both sides were able to discuss the details of their proposal, and more agreements were reached,” said Col. Sai Ngern. He added that the negotiation meeting agreements included, i) plans to sign the the third segment of the Union Accord (UA), ii) an adaptation of a step-by-step work plan, iii) stages of an implementation strategy for the peace process beyond the year 2020 and iv) an agreement on basic federal principles. Respective organizations will bring these agreements for further discussion and approval at the Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC) meeting to be held in Naypyitaw from 10th to 12th March. After that, the 21st Century Panglong meeting will be convened following national-level political dialogues, according to the U Hla Maung Shwe, an Advisor to the Myanmar Peace Commission (PC). “We will be in Naypyitaw for the UPDJC Secretariat meeting on March 10th and the UPDJC meeting will take place on March 12th. After that, we will continue with national-level political talks, working committee and conference,” he added. However, the representative of the Arakan Liberation Party, Daw Saw Mya Yazar Lin, offered a different opinion. He told the media that the plan for the fourth meeting of the 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference is unlikely to work. “There are still things that cannot be done on time. Therefore, it is not sure whether the UPC will be held in April. However, there will be a meeting in April, and it depends on the decision of the meeting,” said Dar Saw Mya Yazar Lin. After the Third meeting of the 21st Century Panglong Peace Conference held in July in 2018, the peace process has been stalled for more than a year and a half. The government, Tatmadaw, and ethnic armed organizations had been negotiating with the hopes they could Page 3 of 50 resume the implementation of the peace process followed by the 8th JICM meeting that was held in January. http://monnews.org/2020/03/10/implementation-of-the-national-cease-fire-agreement- makes-progress-says-nca-s-eao-leader/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCA meeting to be held this month By Mizzima | 09 March 2020 Government representatives and the representatives of (NCA-S EAO) hold the bilateral coordination meeting at National Reconciliation and Peace Centre in Yangon yesterday. Photo: MNA Government representatives and the representatives of (NCA-S EAO) held a bilateral coordination meeting at National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) in Yangon to implement the minutes of the 8th Joint Implementation Coordination Meeting (JICM) on Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NA), state media reported. In his concluding address, Vice Chair of National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) Union Attorney General U Tun Tun Oo said during the two days the meeting discussed the phase-wise work programs beyond 2020 of the framework agreement on the implementation of NCA and the progress in realizing them. The two-day meeting could produce many agreements as well as issues that need further negotiations. It is believed that gradually, those issues can be settled. The bilateral coordination meeting reached an agreement to hold the UPDJC secretary’s group meeting on 10 this month and UPDJC meeting on 12 this month. http://www.mizzima.com/article/nca-meeting-be-held-month ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDJC secretary’s group meeting, UPDJC meeting to be held on 10, 12 March respectively Posted by Myanmar News Agency | Date: March 08, 2020 Government representatives and the representatives of (NCA-S EAO) held a bilateral coordination meeting at National Reconciliation and Peace Centre (NRPC) in Yangon at 10 am yesterday to implement the minutes of the 8th Joint Implementation Coordination Meeting (JICM) on Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement. Page 4 of 50 Government representatives and the representatives of (NCA-S EAO) hold the bilateral coordination meeting at National Reconciliation and Peace Photo: Phoe Htaung Centre in Yangon yesterday.
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