www.thecommunists.net No. 33 March 2015 Arab Revolutions at the crossroad Price: €5 / $7 / £4,5 2 Contents RevCom#33 I March 2015 Revolutionary Communism No. 33, March 2015 Revolutionary Unity to Advance the Struggle for Liberation! p.3 General Sisi, Hollande, Obama: Hands Off Libya! p.6 Israel: Ten Years of Struggle against the Theft of Bil’in’s Land p.10 Elections in the shadow of a coming Intifada p.13 Egypt: Down with the Military Dictatorship! Report from protest (Vienna) p.14 For Women’s Liberation - against Imperialism! p.15 The Minsk Agreement and the Civil War in the Ukraine p.18 Greece: No to the Surrender of the SYRIZA Leadership! p.22 Freedom and Self-Determination for Kosova! p.24 Austria: Solidarity Campaign with Muslim Migrants Attracts Wide Attention p.26 Resignation from Socialist Fight (Britain) and Joining the RCIT p.27 Liberation Struggles and Imperialist Interference p.30 Soviet Constructivism – The Revolutionary Development Of Artists p.42 Socialist Realism, Soviet Art and Stalinism - A Marxist Critique p.44 RCIT Publications on Russian Imperialism p.29 NEW BOOK: Building the Revolutionary Party p.9 Books from the RCIT p.44 RCIT: What do we stand for p. 47 Published by the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency (RCIT). The RCIT has sections in Pakistan (Revo- lutionary Workers Organisation, RWO), Sri Lanka (United Lankan Workers Party, ULWP), Brazil (Corrente Comunista Revolucionária, CCR), Israel/Occupied Palestine (Internationalist Socialist League, ISL), USA (Revolutionary Workers Collective, RWC), and Austria (Revolutionary Communist Organisation for Liberation, RKOB). In addition the RCIT is collaborating with socialists in Yemen and Britain. www.thecommunists.net - [email protected] Füchselhofgasse 6, 1120 Vienna, Austria RevCom#33 I March 2015 Middle East 3 Revolutionary Unity to Advance the Struggle for Liberation! Open Letter to All Revolutionary Organizations and Activists at the WSF-Meeting in Tunis 24-28 March 2015 Statement of the Revolutionary Communist International Tendency, March 2015 n this open letter, the Revolutionary Communist Interna- from the River to the Sea! No to the recognition of the Zi- tional Tendency (RCIT) calls upon all revolutionary or- onist state by the reformist Party of the European Left, the Iganizations and activists to work together on the basis Stalinists or the CWI led by Peter Taaffee! of a joint strategy against capitalist exploitation and impe- * Down with the military dictatorship of General Sisi rialist oppression. in Egypt! Support the workers’ strikes and mass protests We live in a world of increasing inter-imperialist rival- against the dictatorship! Defend the Muslim Brotherhood ry, revolutionary uprisings, and counter-revolutionary against repression, but give no political support to their threats. In this period of history, so revolutionary in na- bourgeois leadership! Denounce the support of the Egyp- ture, which commenced in 2008 with outbreak of the Great tian Communist Party for the Sisi regime! Shame on those Recession, it is more urgent than ever to unite all authentic pseudo-revolutionaries who failed to condemn the coup revolutionaries and to build new, truly revolutionary par- d’état on 3 July 2013 and who failed to defend the mass ties in every country and to strive for the foundation of a protests led by the Islamists when thousands of they were Fifth Workers’ International. slaughtered by the army (e.g., Revolutionary Socialists/ Such a new World Party of Socialist Revolution must be built IST, IMT led by Alan Woods, 6 April Movement)! as a clear and unequivocal alternative to the current of- * Support the revolution in Syria! Down with the Assad ficial leaderships of various camps – treacherous labor bu- regime, a puppet of Russian imperialism! No to any inter- reaucrats, leaders of the Social Democratic parties, heads vention from US and EU imperialism! No to any collabo- of Stalinist parties, Bolivarianism, parties representing pe- ration with the imperialists! Support the rebels against the tit-bourgeois nationalism, and parties based on Islamism. Assad regime but no political support for the pro-Western These current leaderships consciously or unconsciously FSA or the Islamist leaderships! For workers’ and popular mislead the workers and oppressed. To replace such lead- councils and militias to organize the civil war against the erships it is, first of all, urgent to openly denounce them. Assad dictatorship! For international solidarity brigades! However, at the same time, it is absolutely necessary for Defend the right of the Kurds to national-self-determina- revolutionaries to fight inside existing mass movements tion! and to apply the united front tactic towards their leader- * Defend the Sunni popular insurrection against the ships. Iraqi army! Down with reactionary sectarianism! Drive IS/ In the context of today’s complex class struggles and world Daash forces out of the resistance movement! Defend the political events, revolutionaries can only fight for the lead- Kurdish and Yazidi people against IS/Daash forces! Sup- ership of the liberation struggle if they pursue correct tac- port the Kurdish people’s right of self-determination! For tics and a clearly defined program. Time and again, we a united and socialist Kurdistan! have seen that all centrist organizations, which purport to * Stop the counter-revolution of the old elite in Tunisia! represent an alternative leadership, have failed miserably No support for the bourgeois, pro-imperialist government in their evaluations of which side to stand on when the led by Nidaa Tounes or the bourgeois Ennahda party! So- barricades are drawn. In a world of increasing imperialist cialists must not form joint parties with petty-bourgeois- rivalry and tremendous class polarization, only an inter- nationalist groups as we witness in the case of the Front national revolutionary organization based on a solid pro- populaire pour la réalisation des objectifs de la revolution (al- gram and encompassing an internationalist working class Jabha)! For an independent Workers’ Party based on a cadre can lead the working class along the correct path revolutionary program! towards socialist revolution. * Defeat General Haftar and his pro-imperialist clique in The RCIT calls upon all revolutionaries to take the follow- Libya! Fight against the attempts of the imperialist powers ing stands regarding current hotspots in the international and their lackeys to bring Libya under their control and to realm: annihilate the achievements of the unfinished democratic * Defend the Palestinian people against Israel, the Zion- revolution against the Gaddafi dictatorship! While cur- ist Apartheid state! In any conflict we stand for a mili- rently the main enemy is the pro-imperialist General Haf- tary victory of the Palestinian resistance and the defeat of tar clique, socialists must work towards the formation of Israel! For an international workers’ and popular boycott popular councils and militias which are independent from campaign against Israel! No political support for the Ab- the Islamists! bas/Fatah collaborationist leadership or for the bourgeois * Stop the derailment of the democratic revolution in Hamas leadership! For the unrestricted right of return for Yemen into a sectarian civil war! The popular uprising all Palestinians and their descendents who have been ex- in Yemen in autumn 2014 against the government and its pelled by the Zionists since 1948! For a Free, Red Palestine scandalous price hikes were absolutely justified. How- 4 Middle East RevCom#33 I March 2015 ever, there now exists a danger that the country is being * Stop Islamophobic racism against Muslim migrants in plunged into civil war between the petty bourgeois Shia Europe and North America! Defend the Muslims against Houthi movement and pro-Sunni groups. For indepen- racist attacks! For self-defense units of Muslim and non- dent workers’ and peasant councils and militias across Muslim workers and youth to defend migrant living ar- religious lines! eas, schools, and mosques! Removing the ban on wearing * Defend democratic protests against the Erdogan regime the hijab or burka! in Turkey! No support for the equally reactionary move- * France: No to “l’unité nationale” with the Hollande ment of Fethullah Gulen or for the CHP! For the right of Government and the Capitalists! Down with the Police national self-determination of the Kurdish people, includ- State! No to the deployment of soldiers on the streets of ing their right to an independent state! France! Denounce the PCF’s support for the 11 January * Down with Obama’s crusade in the Middle East! Defeat “national unity” demonstrations! the military intervention of US imperialism and their allies * “Je ne suis pas Charlie” – We are NOT Charlie! Oppose in all countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Somalia, individual terrorism like the attack on the office of the etc.)! Side with the resistance struggle against the US-led French magazine Charlie Hebdo! But no solidarity with the war of aggression even if it is led by Islamist forces! But sexism of Charlie Hebdo nor with its racism against Muslim give no political support to such leaderships! For the in- people and their religion! The workers’ movement should dependent mass struggle led by the working class against boycott the distribution of Charlie Hebdo – don’t transport, the imperialists and their stooges! Denounce the social don’t sell, and don’t buy this magazine! No to the solidar- democrats, Stalinists, and
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