* TODAY: DEAD TCL.MINERNAMED * UPROAR":AT 0MEGA'*·StJPER WEEKEN-D SPORT * ~ I ,J ," , ; . i Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.41 0 SOc (GST Inc.) Monday September 16 Sick Sunday 'sport' shames Windhoek Naked man 'hunted', beaten and kicked KATE BURLlNG LIKE a scene from some slave-hunting movie is how one resident described Sunday after­ noon in Hochland Park yesterday, where a number of white men chased and beat a men­ tally retarded black man running naked through the streets. Petronella Coetzee, conunu­ like a hunting ritual," sairt nity activist ,md p ~r solUll a)­ C;:,:..,:;;ee. "Icouldn't1eli~veit A GIANT Indian company sistant to Health Mini!>ter Nicky was happening. It was like it called Tata plans to set up Iyanlbo, was horrified to see a movie about the slave age. " young man, known only as The hardest thing to accept shop in Namibia and is African vehicle manager •Atikap' , chased and kicked in· was the apathy of other resi­ Prakash Shende last night. looking at projects includ­ Maraboe Way, Tauben Glen, dents, white and black, who Its other projects include ing building buses and outside her home. seemed prepared to watch the making computers, telecom­ trucks or involvement in "The first I knew of the whole episode without trying munications and many indus­ diamonds. incident was when some chil­ to intervene, she said. trial products. It has already So far only the first stage has dren came and told me a white "Nobody said stop; nobody setup a vehicle assembly plant been reached. The Indian man was chasing a naked black covered his nakedness. it was in Zambia where tyres, batter­ Government has given approval man with his car. When I went as though he wasn I really a ies and bodies are added to for the company to invest here, outside, Atikap was lying down human being but just some imported chassis and then re­ but no projects have been and the white guy was stand­ 'madman' they didn't have to exported to Zimbabwe, Malawi, picked. ing with his foot pressed onto care about. " Mozambique and other coun­ Tata has annual sales of some Atikap's side." She described the look of tries. $3 billion (R8,6 billion) and is When she asked the rniddle­ amusement on people's faces The first step will be to set best known for its buses and aged attacker what he was doing, as they watched Atikap's plight. up a company here and to speak trucks - in some African coun­ he said he was sick of the sight "It's such an easy thing tocall to the Government about its hies the word' 'Tata" is used of someone-mnning "kaalgat an ambulance or the police, " priorities, as well as to talk instead of' 'bus". It expolts to in die straat" (naked in the she said, adding that one of the with potential local co-inves- _ 57 countries and is interested street). onlookers was himself a po­ tors. .in Nanubia as a possible way When Atikap got away, he liceman who lives in the street . If vehicle assembly does in to the Southern African 'ATIKAP' on his way to hospital yesterday after a de­ was chased again by three other Customs Union, said southern continued on .page 3 cidedly unChrhtian Sunday at Hochland Park. men and recaptured. " It was continued on page 2 Dead TCL Illiner nallled POLICE at Omega have de­ Hamukoto Taleni was de­ He condemned them as the cause cided they need no longer tained by police for three days of rape, fighting, misbehavi­ Situation returns to normal protect the Director of the last week after police deemed our and absenteeism, and or­ local Development Brigade his life to be in danger from dered their closure. nline. from some 350 residents local residents. His remarks angered Devel­ MBATJIUA NGAVIRUE Two other miners working in the same area incensed at his order to close The action followed Taleni 's opment Brigade members, who wererniraculously saved when they left the ore all the cuca shops in and declanition that cuca shops were PRODUCTION at the TCL copper mine face to go somewhere else, two minutes before around the former army base. the root of all evil at Omega. continued on page 2 is back to normal after the rockfall at the earth tremor. the mine on Thursday morning wWch This source also refuted an NBC report, in 'r ;.,- "---. - - ----.---- killed one miner, according to Manag­ which it was claimed that senior management ing Director Peter Kinver. at the mme had only bothered to turn up at the CLEANLINESS: Kinver said clearing up work at the mine scene one or two hours after the accident. started almost immediately after the body of He said a complete team of company offi­ - IN SCHOOLS the killed nUner was recovered. cials, including senior management, were in However, because ofthe size of the rockfall, place at the scene less than four minutes after - IN HOSPITALS . the clearing-up work would continue for sev­ the rockfall. - FOR ALL PEOPLE eral more days. They entered the area despite the fact that Meanwhile Kinver named Thomas Mufeni rocks were still falling, and had done this at as the miner k!,lled in the roekfall, and added considerable risk to their own lives, he said. CLEANLINESS: that he had died instantly. Kinver himself w.as not prepared to com­ Another highly placed source at mine stressed ment on the report. He merely described it as - THRU IN-SERVICE TRAINING that the rockfall was caused by a natural earth­ "ridiculous", and indicated that he would quake, and not by blasting activities at the issue a press statement on the lJ.ccident today. 2 Mariental hotel assault hearing ends JUDGEMENT in the alleged Mariental hotel ass~uIt the hearing that it could not be missed certain details. case has been set for September 18 after the cbarge was proved beyond reasonable doubt JOSEPH MOTINGA at Mariental Defence counsel then argued last week changed to one of group assault. that Cloete had laid into the that it could not be proved men, only that he had been bar from 14hOO up to about the police. beyond reasonable doubt that Originally a barman at been accused of assaulting threc among the group which car­ 23hOO. One their way home The police had taken a state­ Cloete had assaulted any of the Mariental's Sandberg Hotel, men on' May 24 this year. ried out the assault. they had met the two Germans ment from him only a week victims. Rene Christoffer Cloete, had However, it emerged during When the case resumed last who had asked them where afterwards, and had written the In response, Jooste argued Thursday, September 12, they could have a drink. They statement themselves. that the principle of group Constable Corneels Aiman, had also invited them for a During cross-examination by assault would apply as it had Warrant Officer Augus Kaoseb, drink. Van den Heever, Brandt said been proved that Cloete was Property and one of those allegedly beaten Brandt said that inside the he hadn't told the police eve­ among the assailants. He up, Jan Brandt, were called to bar he had asked Cloete for a rything because Inspector charged that Cloete' s version . give evidence. beer. The barman had alleg­ Mostert had only asked him was unknown as he had not During cross-examination by edly responded by saying: "In "to give an idea of the inci­ pleaded nor stood for cross­ Services State Attorney Johan Jooste, this bar we don't serve kaf­ dent". He had also feared that examination. He had only put Aiman said he had driven to firs". Brandt had replied that a certain policeman, who he forward his defence. the scene of the incident to­ they had been invited, to which understood was a membcr of For this reason, Joostc ar­ Danny Titus gether with the two Germans Cloete allegedly retorted: the hotel club, might inform gued, the defence must be hiding Sole Mandate who reported the matter. "Kaffus and Germans have Cloete. something. Defence counsel Aiman said he had seen blood been having affairs for years. " Van den Heever argucd that argucd that the State had never · Khomasdal on the walls of the hotel out­ Cloete had then allcgedly thcre were differences between informed Cloete from the start Brand New side, while the floor had been moved out from behind the Brandt's statements and those that the principle of common wet. counter, and together with four of the witnesses. He listed these purpose would apply. Initially -, The two German citizens had or five others had attacked him. as including the Gennans having Cloete had been unrepresented only identified the barman; As he had been unabled to said that they only wanted and thus prejudiced, he argued. Cloete, Aiman said. He added defend himself, he had cov­ accommodation, not having Defence counsel Van dcn that he neither kD:w what Ooete ered his face with his hands " mentioned they invited the Hee'vet hit back by saying that had said at the time as it was a and turned towards the wall. victims and never mentioning the State must also have some­ long time ago, nor had he re- Brandt said that for this reason the 'kaffu' story. thing to hide as it had not called . corded findings, nor entered he could not give details of Brand! argued that he had the second alleged victim, the bar. - Cloetc's role. only related what he could recall. Isaack Witbooi, to testify.
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