American Mineralogist, Volume 62, pages 1259-1262, 1977 NewMineral Names* MtcHe.rr-Flrlscsnn, Lours J. CesRrAND ADoLF Pe.ssr Franzinite* Six microprobe analyses gave (range and av.): AsrOu 44.96-45.68,45.36; CuO 16.84-20.22,18.81; ZnO 16.78-18.57, Stefano Merlino and Paolo Orlandi (1977)Franzinite, a new min- 17.90;CdO l3 58-14.93,14.08; CaO 0.41-l.ll' 0.80; PbO 0.14- eral phase from Pitigliano,ltaly. Neues Jahrb. Mineral. Mon- 1.42,0.63: MnO 0.'79-1.27,1.07; sum 97 8l-99 54' 98.65 percent, atsh., 163-167. corresponding to (Cu,Zn,Cd).(AsOa), with Cu:Zn:Cd : 1.19: Microchemical analysis gave SiO, 32.44, Al2Os 25.21, Fe"O" Lll:0.55. The mineral is readily dissolvedby concentratedacids 0.04,MgO 0.14,CaO 12.08,Na,O 11.50,K,O 4.24,SOa 10.65, CO, X-ray study showsthe mineral to be monoclinic,space group 12' 154, Cl 036,H,O 1.88,sum 100.08- (O:Cl,) 0.08 : 100.00 Im. or 12/m, a ll.65, b 12.68,c 6.87(all + 0.01A)' B 98 95 + 0.05'' percent. "SiO, and AlrO, were determined by X-ray fluorescence, Z = 6, G calc 4.95 The strongest X-ray lines (46 given) are 6.41 (vvs) account being taken of the proper correction factor for S and Cl (MS) (020, l0T), 3.29 (vSXll2), 2.876 (vSX400), 2.79s and assuming that the weight percentages sum up to 100 0." (222, 321, 240), 1.644(MS). (max.0.25 X 0.1 X 0.04 mm)' This gives the unit-cell content: (Na1 urCa, uoMgoroFoo or) The mineral occurs as crystals to tabular showing forms (si3r3rAl2s 6s)o1ro(Son)r rr(co.), os(oH), nrclour. 4.31 HrO. It is a prismatic [001] {010}, {010}'{210}' {01l}' member of the'cancrinite group, compositionally similar to davyne perhaps {t0l}. Cleavage{001} good. Color deep sky-blue,streak but differing in having sulfate as the dominant anion. pale blue H 3 Vr-4 Optically biaxial, sign and 2V not determined, greenish Weissenbergand precessionphotographs show the mineral to be a I 80, "y | 87, Y:b, strongly pleochroic, X pale blue, I/ = hexagonal, spacegroup P3ml, P3m1, or P321,a 12.884* 0.009, c blue, Z deep blue,absorption ZIY)X. Dispersionstrong, XAc 26 580 + 0.021.4 The strongestX-ray lines (32 given) are 3.81 l\Vz" (Cd red), llVz" (Hg yellow), l2Vz' (Hg green), 972' (Hg (42)(213),3.72 (r00X300), 3.59 (43X107), 3.s6 (39X214), 2 t48 violet) (2e)(330). The mineral occurs in cavities in tennantite ore from Tsumeb, The mineral occurs as squat pearly white prisms up to I cm in S.W. Africa, associatedwith schultenite and zincian olivenite. diameter.G 2.49 meas,2.52 calc. H : 5. Optically uniaxial posi- The name is for Charles L. Key, mineral dealer' of Canton, attention to the mineral. Type mate- tive, o 1.510,e 1.512.It occurs with afghaniteand liottite [lm. Connecticut, who first called Mineral , 62, 321, (1977)l in ejected blocks in a pumice deposit, rial is in the British Museum, London. Pitigliano Tuscany, Italy The name is for Marco Franzini, profes- Note Keyite is similar in composition and appearanceto stranskiite sor of mineralogy, University of Pisa, Italy. Type material is at the lAm. Minerat.,4J, l3l5 (1960)1,but the symmetryand strongestX- University of Pisa and University of Modena. M.F. ray lines are different. M.F. Hexahydroborite* Leiteite* M. A. Simonov, N. A. Yamnova, E V. Kazanskaya, Yu. K F. P. Cesbron, R. C. Erd, G. K. Czamanskeand Helene Vachey Egorov-Tismenkoand N. V. Belov (1976)Crystal structureof a (1977) Leiteite, a new mineral from Tsumeb. Mineral. Record,8, new natural calcium borate, hexahydroborite, CaBzOr.6HrO = 95-97. Ca[B(OH)n],.2H,O Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR, 228, 1337-1340 Electron probe analysesgave Zn 23.6,23.6, As 53.7, 53.4 per- (in Russian). cent; microchemical analysis gave ZnO 28.5, FeO 0 5, AszOa7l .4 X-ray study showed the mineral to be monoclinic, space group percent, corresponding to ZnAsrO. (zinc arsenite)' DTA and TGA P2/a, a 8.006,b 8.012,c 6.649A,7 104.21",Z = 2, G calc 1.88. curves are given. When the mineral is heated, part of the AsrOr is Structural details but no powder data are given. Crystals are color- lost, part is oxidized [formation of Znr(AsOo)r]. The DTA curve in peak 507o(loss of AsrOe)and a less They occur with pentahydroborite [Am. Mineral., 47, 1482 air shows a small endothermic at (1962)l at the Solongo deposit, Urals. large one at 5'16":in N, there are 2 endothermic peaks at 500o and Discussion 546o. Incongruentmelting occurs at 900-1000"C. It would be better to publish the full description ofthe mineral. The mineral is monoclinic, pseudo-orthorhombic, space group : M.F. P2,/a, a17.645,b5.019, c 4.54'7A, 0 90"59',Z 4,G calc4.61, obs 4.31. The strongest X-ray lines (30 given) are 4.833 (3lXll0)' Keyite* 3.320(39XTll), 3302 (32Xll l), 3t63(76)(2tl ), 3.133(100x211), 1.685(49Xell). P. G. Embrey, E. E. Fejer and A. M. Clark (1977) Keyite: a new The mineral occurs as a single specimenin cleavablemasses, 7 X mineral from Tsumeb. Mineral. Record. 8.87-90. 4 X 0.3 cm. It is colorless to brown, luster pearly on cleavages,H lVz-2. Cleavage {100} perfect, cleavagelamellae flexible, inelastic' *Minerals marked with an asterisk after the name were ap- somewhat sectile.Optically biaxial,a 1.87,B 1.880'7 1.98'2 V: proved before publication by the Commission on New Minerals -l26Vzo,Y : b, XLa = llo, Zlrc = l0', r < u very strong. and Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Associa- The mineral occurs associated with tennantite, chalcocite, *ron smithsonite, and schneiderhdhnite at Tsumeb, S. W. Africa. The t259 t260 NEW MINERAL NAMES name (pronounced la'tit) is for Luis Teixeira-Leite, mineralogist, honor mining enterprisein the Noril'sk region. Majakite samples Pretoria, S W. Africa, who first found it. Type material is at the are preservedin the MineralogicalMuseum, Academy of Sciences, SmithsonianInstitution, British Museum, and the Paul and Marie U.S.S.R., and in the mineralographiclaboratory, IGEM, Acad- Curie University, Paris.M.F. emy of Sciences,U S.S.R Discussion Machatschkiite* It is not clearwhether the calculateddensity of 10.5g/cm3 is for K. Walenta (1977)Machatschkiit, ein neuesArsenmineral aus der the mineral or syntheticPdNiAs, using the cell parametersof the Grube Anton im Heubachtalbei Schiltach(Schwarzwald, Bun- mineral Recalculationgives 10.3,l0 2, and l0 4 g/cml for analysis desrepublikDeutschland). No I, analysisNo. 2, and syntheticPdNiAs Also d(calc)(002) : Tschermaks Mineral. Petrogr Mitt., 24, 125-132 3 60 and (ll0) : 3.034, slightly different from reported values. L.J.C. Chemical analysis, following recalculation, gave CaO 29.5, As,Ou40 8, SOr 0 5,H2O 29.2,sum 100.0percent, in good agree- ment with the formula Car(AsOo),.9HzO. Machatschkiiteis rhom- Sarabauite bohedral, the characteristicform being {10T21;the dimensionsof Izumi Nakai, Kichiro Koto, Kozo Nagashima and Nobuo Mori- the hexagonalunit cellarea 15.10,c2259 A,Z = 12,G :2.50. moto (1977)The crystal structureof sarabauite,CaSb,oO,oSu, a The diffraction symbol is RE*. The strongestlines in the powder new oxide sulfide mineral Letters (Japan),275-276 patrernare 8 59(t0x0lT2). 5.34 (8x I t23).3 59(sxt34t). Chemistry (in English). Machatschkiitedissolves readily in dilute HCI or HNO. There is no cleavage,fracture is conchoidal, H : 2-3 The mineral is The mineral, from the Sarabau mine, Sarawak, Malaysia, is : colorless,translucent to transparent,weakly biaxial negative,€ monoclinic, a 25 33, , 5.655,c 16.88.4,B ll7 5l', Z = 4, space L585(2)c.r = 1.593(2)It occursas a secondarymineral in crustson group C2/c, G calc 4 99 Atomic coordinatesare given. granite with gypsum, pharmacolite,picropharmacolite, and sarn- feldite. Discussion The name is for the late Felix Machatschki,professor of mine- Seecomments under velikite M.F. ralogy successivelyat Tiibingen, Munich, and Vienna. A.P. Velikite Majakite* L. N. Kaplunnik, E. A. Pobedimskayaand N V Belov (1977)The A D Genkin, T. L. Evstigneeva,N. V. Troneva and L. N. crystal structure of velikite, Cu. ruHg, ,uSnrS".Krislallografya, Vyal'sov (1976) Majakite, PdNiAs, a new mineral from copper- 22, 175-177(in Russian). nickel sulfide ores.Zap Vses.Mineral Obshch.,105,698-703 (in Microprobe analysis by V. S. Gruzdev gave the formula Russian). (Cu316Hgr ,rZn, nn) (Snr orSboor)S. rn (analysis not given). "oAso Microprobe analysesof two grains gave Pd 41.3,41 2; Ni 27 0, Single-crystalstudy showed the mineral to be tetragonal,space 27.4; As 31.0, 30.9; sums 99.3, 99 5, correspondingto Pdo,,Ni, o. group l4/mmm, a 5.542 + 0 003, c 10.908+ 00074., G meas5.59, Aso", and Pdoe2Ni.oAso""(recalculated on basis of 3 atoms by G calc 5.48, Z = | The structure is that of stannite, with Hg L.J.C ) The ideal formula is either PdNiAs or (Pd,Ni),As. Traces occurring in 7/sof the Fe positions The strongest X-ray lines (46 of Bi were found (not. quantified) and other elements,with detec- given) are 3.17 (100)(ll2), 1.958(23)(220), I 941 (80)(204),I 671 tion limits 0.1-l weight percent,were not detected.
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