OF _THE 'VOqJME XVIII. PARI1. ,PObNA..' -· ... -. (· . Under Governmarvt Orders.·· ··--~·.~· - .;..,._.._...__ . t 'i. -~~.......... ,""'~ THE names of contributors are given iii the body of the book. · Spacial acknoivledgmen~s are. due to Messrs. J. G. l\fooro, C. S., A. Keyser, C.S., John McLeod Campbell, C. S., W. M. Fletcher, Superintimdent Revenue Survey, and to Rav 8aheb Narso Rarnchandra, Secretary- Poona City Municipality. T]le papal'S written by the late Mr. G. H. Johns, C. S. on the Places of Interest were of the greatest value. ;,. Much help was also received· -from Mr. H. E. Winter, C.S., Colonel C. D'U. La'l'ouche, Cantonment Magistrate,· and Messrs.­ yrr, Jr. A. Wallinger, District Forest Officer, A. H. Plunkett, City Magistrate, and S. Kyte, Police Inspector. Oclobel' 1881,.. CONTENTS. POONA. Chapter I.-Description. PAOB Position and Area; Boundaries; Sub-Divisions; Aspect 1-2 Hills ; Rivers ; Lakes 3-8 .Geology 9-12 Climate: Seasons ; Rninfall ; ·. 'I' em perature ; Barometric Pressw:e ; Vapour ;.Cloudiness; Fogs; Winds 13-28 Chapter II.-ProductMn. ., · ~' Minerals o . o .. 29- 30° 31-53 Forests ; T:ees 0 Dome8uc Animals : (\(en ; Cows ; Buffaloes ; Horses ; Asses ; Mules ; Sheep ; Goats; Camels; Dogs and Cats ; Fowls; Pigeons 54-68 WildAnim~o o 69-70 Snakes . o 0 o o 0 0 0 ~-0 71-86 Fish 87-93 Chapter Illo-Populationo 0 Census Details; Houses ; Villages ; Communities; Movements o 94-98 0 HINDUS: BR..i.HM.A.Ns OJ.itpavans ,.0 99 -158 Deshasths; Devrukhes; Dravids; Govardhans ; Gujaratis; Javals; Ks.nojs; KarMdas; Ka.sths; Marwaris; Shenvis; Ta.ilangs; Tirguls; Vidurs 0 159-184 WRIT.F.BS Dhruv Prabhua; Kayasth Prabhus 0 185-192 Patane Prabhus o 0 193-255 Vebllia o 0 256-260 TRADERS Agsrvals ; Bangars; BMtyas ; Bra.l1mBrKshatris; Kirads; Komtis; Lingayats; Lohamls; Tambolis; Gujarat Vanis; Marwar Vanis; Vnishyn Vanis 0 261-279 HUSBANDMEN Baris ; Kachis 0 280-283 Kunbis o 0 284-308 1\'Ialis ; Pahadis 0 309'-313 CnAFTSl'IIEN Ba.dMis; Beldars; Bhadbhunjas; BMvsars; Buruds; Cham­ bhars; Ga.undis; Ghisadis ; Halvais ; Jinga.rs; Kacharis; Kasars; Kataria; Khatris; Koshtis; K urn bhars; Lakhe.ric_,. ii CONTENTS. LoMrs; Lonaris; Niralis; Otaris; Patharvats; Rauls; unE S.Uis ; Sangars ; Shimpis ;_Sonars; Sultanlmrs; Tam bats; Telis; Zarekaris . 314-377 .MUSICI~NS Ghadses; Guravs . 378 • 379 SERVANTS Nh8.vis ; Parits . 3b0 - 383 SHEPHERDS Dha.ngars ; Gavlis . 384-386 FlsHEitS Bhois ; Kolis . 387-392 LABOURERS Bhnndaris ; Chhaparbnnds ; Kamathis ; Kal6.ls·> Lodhis; Rajputs ; Raddis 393-405 I UNSETTLED TRI1!ES Berads ; Bhils; Kaikadis; Kathkaris; Phlisepardhis 406-408 Ramoshis . "" .-...... · 409- 4<!4 Thakurs-; Vadars; VanjarlS .. 425-430 DEPRESSED CLASSES • D hors ; Ha.lhlkhors ; Mhars ; M.tn,"S . 43l. 443 BE.OGA..BS Aradhis ; BMmttls ; Bharadis i BMts; Bhutes; Chitrakathis ; . Gondhlis; Gosavis; Holars; Jangams; Jogtins ;"Joharis; Kauphates; KQ!hatis; MaubMvs ; Pauguls; Sarvade J oshis ; Sahadev J oshis ; TirmU.lis ; U chlias ; V aghes and Murlis ; V aidus 1 V asudrvs ; Virs . 444 - 480 MusALIILL'<s • ~ · .u~-·. 481 - 505 BE..'<E-lSRAELS - :-"'; ·~ • 506 - 535 CnRIST!ANS; PARS!B; CHINESE • 536- 538 Appendix· A. Spirit basis of the rule in favour of child-marriage 539 Appendix B- Spirit basis of the rille· aga.in5t widow-marriage . 540-542 Appendix c. Traces of polyandry .-543-546 Appendix D. Origin of ornaments . 547-552 Appendix E. Spirit-possession . 553-559 Appendix F. Special Funeral Rites • . 560-565 INDEX . 1)67 - 576 INDEX. A. Baris..: husbandmen, 280-283. ~ Barometric Pressure: mean pressure ; month! Adultery: Uchfuls' punishment for, 474-476. variations ; pressure in loc&l ciyil hours ;JUonthl Agarvals : traders; 262-263. - · ra:nge of pressure, 2.'3 - 25. ~ Agates: 30. • Bartondi: Morinda oitrifolia, 44. Age Details: 95, Barutgars: MusalmM firework makers, 493. Ahupe: hill, 4. Basalts: columns, balls, dikes, 10-12. Ain: Termina.li& tomentosa, 41. Batrasi: peak, 5. · Air: observations on tho vaponr in, 26-27, Bead Necklace : ceremony of fastening tu/3j, 28~ Akshayatritiya: Hindu holiday, 243. Beggars : Aradhis, Bh:lmMs, · Bharadis, BMtsJ Alitkers: see Snltllnkars. Bhutes, Chitrnkathis, Gondhlis, Gosavis, Hola.rs,l Amba: mango tree, 41. Jangams, Jogtins, Job4ris, Kllnphates, KolMtisJ Amygdaloid: rook, 9-13. Mllnbh:lvs, P4ngals, Sarvade J'oshis, Sshade..,j Ancestor-worship : 201. J e.shis, TinnAlis, V4ghe.s, V aid us, V <isudevs,~ Ancestral Dinner :among Ben•-Israels, 517' Vira, 444-431._ j .A.ndhra: river, 8. Bel : ..£gle marmelos, 43. j Anjir :fig tree, 41. Beldars: quarrymen, 316-319. Apophylite :stone, 30. Bene-Israels: history, settlement, appearance, .A. pta: Banhinia raoemosa, 42. language, houses, food, dress, cOndition, .ca.Iling~ Arabi: breed of cattle, 56 . religion, customs, community, synagogue, 506 Jl .A.radhis :beggars, 444 - 446. 536. Area: I. Berads : unsettled tribes, 406. Ark-vivaha: snn marriage, 560-561. Betel-Palm: 53,· .A.rya Somvanshi Kshatris :see Jingars. Bhadbhunjas: grain parchers, 319-322, Asaras : female ghoete, 553. Bhairav: village god, 289, Aspect : 2-3. Bhama' rive.r, 7. Asses:65. Bhamtas: see Uchli<is. Atonement: ceremony, 146-147. Bhandaris: distillers, 393-394. Attars: Mnsalmlln perfumers, 4!J2. Bharadis: beggars, 446-447. Audichs: Gujarat Bra.hmans, 163. Bh&ta , bardS, 44'/; - -- - .A.vla: Phyllanthus emb!ica, 42. Bhatyaras : MuaalmM cooks, 504 • BMtyas: traders, 266. · Bhavani: village goddess,'289-290. Babhul: tree, 42. Bbavsars : dyers, 322-325. Badam : almond tree, 43. Bhils : unsettled tribes, 406. Badhais: carpenters, 314-316. Bhima, river, rise, eoarae, bank, bed, tributaries, Bagbans: Masalm4n fruiterers, 499. 6. Bhimashankar: hill, 4. Bahva: Cassia fistula; 43. Bhimthadi: breed of horses, 61-63. Bakar Kasabs: mutton bntchere, 500. Bhois: fishers, 387-389. Baltul: Mimasops elengi, 44. Bhokar : Cordia latifolia, 43. Balls: basalt, ll. Bhonsles : origin of; 285. Bangars : traders, 263- 265. :Shutes : beggars, 448. llanian: tree, 54. Bibb& : the marking-nut, 43. Baobab :tree, 46. Biroba: village god, 269-290. Barbers : 380- ~sa. 568 INDEX. Birth Ceremonies: of the Chitptvaus, ll2-H6; Chakota.r: citron, #. Govardha.ns, 161-162; Gujarnti Brahmans, 164; ChB.mbhars·: tanners, 326. 331. Kanoja, 168; ShenTIB, 176; Tailanga, 181-182; Chandan: snndal tree, 44. Dhru..- Pra.bhns, 186·187; PA~e Prabhus, 220· ChB.pha : Michelia. champaca, 45. 222; Bangdra, 264;Bra.hmaKsha.tris, 267; Kirda., ChB.r : Bncbanania latifolia, 45; 268; Lingayats, 271 ; Gujarnt Vllnis, 275; Baris, Character: of the Cbitpavane, 108 and note 5 ; 281; Knnbis, 296-298; PAh:!.dis, 310-311; Knnbia, 288 and note 1, 291 ~ote 1, 296 note 2; Badh~, 315; Beldars, 317; Bhadbhnnj:l.B, 320; U chli:l.B, 467. Bbdvsdra, 323; Bnruds, 325'326; Chambhars, ChB.va.nd: hill, 4. 327, 330; Ganndis, 331; Gllisadia, 334·335; Cbequered Water Snake: 76 · 77. Halvais, 338; Jingare, 341 ; Khatrio, 346 ; Chhaparbands: thatchers, 394 · 395. Koshtis, 348; KJimhMrs, 349 ; . Otaris, 356; Child Marriage : origin of the cnatcm of, 539. ·ruuJs; 360; Salis, 362·363; Shimpis, 368, 371; Chinch : tamarind tree, 45. Gqmvs, 379 ; · 1-inavis, 381 ; Gavlis, 386 -387 ; Chinese : 538. Bhois, 388 ;Kolis, 392-393; Chhaparba.nds, 394· Chiplunas: see Cbitp~vans. 395 ; Kamathis, 396 ; Lodhis, 399; Rajpnte, 402· Chitpavans : Bra\hm.ms,_ origin, settlement, riae, 403,; Ramosbie, 415; Vadara, 427; Vanjdris, family stocks, surnames, appearance, language, 429 ; Dhora, 43.~ ; Halalkhors, 437 ; MMrs, 442 ; houses, furniture, food, dress, ornaments, charac· Mango, 443. 444 ; · Cbitrakatbie, ·449 ; Holars," tcr, occupations, daily life, religion, birth, sixth_ · 453; J angams, 454 ; Sarvade J osbia, 460 ; ·day, snn-ahowing, b!rtbday,-abaving;threaif;gird: Uchlills, 470.·471 ; M~, 488 ; Bene-Israela, ing, marriage, puberty, pregnancy, and death 525-528. ceremonies, 99 • 158. Birthday: Chitpdva.n ceremonies on, 115-116. Chitpols: see Chitp~vans. Jlirthplace Details : 94. Chitra.kathis : pictnre-ahowmen, 448 • 450. ~lackwood_: tree, .o2. Christians : 536. · Blind Snakes :72. Circumcision: ceremony of the Muaal~, 489; llohoras: Mnsalm.1ns, 497 • 498. · Bene-Israela, 528 • 529. Bonfire : 292 • 293. Climate : aeasons, rainfall ,aonrce of rain· aupply, trooth Spirit :·worship of, 200. temperature, thermometer readings, barometric iBor: Zizyphus jnjuha, 44. preaanre, vaponr, cloudiness, dews, fogo, mists, air, winds, 13 .. 28. ==~~ ~~Avan wo~hlp ~f, 129·1~. Cloudiness : 28. \Brahms.· Kshatria : traders, 266 • 267. Cobra.: anake, 81. fBrahmanjais :see Vidurs. Cobra's Hood: sea Nagphani. LBrB.hma.ns: Cbitpavans, Deahasths, Devrnkhea, Cocoa. Palm : 49. Dravids, Govardbans,.Gnjadtis, Javala, Kanojs, Columns<basaltic, 10 ·11. Karh4d:l.B, ~ths, Marvadis, Shenvis, Ta.ilanga, Common Green Grass Snake : 77. 1 Tirguls, Vidnra, 98 · 185, Communities : 96 · 98. rahma.purush: Brahman ghost, 553-554. Cooke : Dr. T., 29 note 3. r!J.nd,lng : 300. Coussmaker : Major G., 54 note 2, 68 note 2. 1 nckil: ._ - _ -convad: practice of the lying· in husband, 144 ~BuffaJ.oes : 60-.61. note l. IBuilding Stone: 29. Covenants: Bene·Israel's marriage, 520 and note Buruds: bamboo-workers, 325 • 328. 2. c. - Cowherds :57 note 2. Ca.mels: 68. Cows : breeds, nae, keep, iood, di.aense, aacre,dneas, Campbell: Mr. John McLeod, 1 note 1, 33 note 1. 55-60. ICarbonate of Soda: 30. · Cradling i Bene·Iorael ceremony, 529. Carpet Snakes : 78. · Craftsmen: Badh:l.is, .·Beld:l.ra, BhadbhnnJ4B, Caste Dinners: Shenvi, 175-176; Bene-larael, Bh:l.VB4ra, .B111'\lds, CMmbhalra, Ganndis, Gbisllo 609-510. dis, Halv~, Jinga.rs,
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