CITY OF COLWOOD MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF COUNCIL Monday, January 5, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. 3300 Wishart Road, Colwood B.C. Council Chambers PRESENT Mayor Beth Gibson Councillors Hugh Bryce Gordie Logan Ernie Robertson Jody Twa ABSENT Councillors Scotty Davidson Jason Nault ATTENDING Chief Administrative Officer Joseph A. Calenda Municipal Engineer Gary Smirfitt Treasurer-Collector Selwyn Rose Municipal Planner Simon Lawrence 1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR BRYCE SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the agenda be approved as presented. CARRIED. 2. NEW BUSINESS A. TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE 1. RE: CONTRACT AWARD FOR CITY OF COLWOOD PHASE III AND A PORTION OF PHASE IV, GRAVITY TRUNK SEWER ON METCHOSIN ROAD (10.7.15) Referred from Regular Meeting of Council – December 20, 1999 Council again considered the report from the Municipal Engineer regarding the Contract Award for City of Colwood Phase III and a portion of Phase IV of the gravity trunk sewer on Metchosin Road. The report provided an overview of the process carried out in soliciting bids for the construction of a gravity trunk sewer on Metchosin Road, from the Fire Hall at Wishart Road to the upstream end near Farview Road. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR TWA SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the contract between JJM Construction Ltd. and the City of Colwood, for a provision for a gravity trunk sewer on Metchosin Road (Phase III and a portion of Phase IV from the Fire Hall at Wishart Road to the upstream end near Farview Road), be approved and that the Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the agreement. CARRIED. 2. RE: SELECTION OF CONSULTANTS FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES, C. CITY OF COLWOOD TRUNK SEWER ON WISHART ROAD SOUTH PHASE II, VIII, AND IX ( Referred from Regular Meeting of Council – Dec. 20, 1999 Council again considered the report from the Municipal Engineer regarding the selection of consultants for engineering services for the City of Colwood Trunk Sewer on Wishart Road South Phase II, VIII, and IX. The report reviewed the process that was utilized in soliciting proposals for the provision of engineering services for the construction of a gravity trunk sewer on Wishart Road South, from the Fire Hall to Applegate Road, which is slightly south of Dressler Road, on Wishart Road. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR TWA SECONDED: COUNCILLOR BRYCE That the provision of consulting engineering services for the preliminary detailed design, tendering assistance, and field services for the South Wishart Trunk Sewer (Trunk Sewer Phases II, VIII and IX) be awarded to 1st Team Engineering Ltd. CARRIED. 3. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR BRYCE That the meeting adjourn at 7:06 p.m. CARRIED. ______________________________ ______________________________ CERTIFIED CORRECT APPROVED AND CONFIRMED Special Council – January 05-00 CITY OF COLWOOD MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL Monday, January 17, 2000 at 7:00 p.m. 3300 Wishart Road, Colwood B.C. Council Chambers _____________________________________________________________________ PRESENT Mayor G. E. Beth Gibson Councillors Hugh Bryce Scotty Davidson Gordie Logan Jason Nault Ernie Robertson Jody Twa ATTENDING Chief Administrative Officer Joseph Calenda Municipal Engineer Gary Smirfitt Treasurer-Collector Selwyn Rose Municipal Planner Simon Lawrence 1. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR ROBERTSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the agenda be approved as amended: ADD: ITEM 4.A.2. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Report – Chief Administrative Officer RE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE PROCEDURAL BYLAW (A5.2.2) ADD: ITEM 5.A.1 NEW BUSINESS – FINANCE COMMITTEE Verbal Report – Municipal Engineer RE: REPLACEMENT TRANSMISSION FOR SUZUKI CAR CARRIED. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Jim Cooper, 3534 Wishart Road, representing the ACT Now Committee, offered congratulations to the new Council. He asked Council to budget for agendas to be provided for minimal or no cost to community groups. He also asked whether Council would be reviewing the Royal Bay project. He left a letter with the Chief Administration Officer summarizing his presentation. Jan Forman, 214 Portsmouth Drive, representing the Esquimalt Lagoon Enhancement Association, read from a letter from Mr. Bruce Whittington, President of the Victoria Natural History Society dated January 13, 2000 (in support of the Millennium Project). She also read a letter from Professor Stephen Grundy in support of the Millennium Project. She went on to explain some aspects of the project budget dealing with community contributions. Ms. Sandra Satchwell, 556 Bunker Road, representing ACT Now, spoke in support of the Lagoon Project. Mr. Bob Martin, 2393 Jacklin Road, asked how much longer they would have to wait for repairs relative to the Fire Hall Creek storm sewer issue and when there would be a meeting with the insurance company, lawyers, property owners, and Council. The Mayor expressed a hope that they would be able to meet within two weeks. 3. ADOPTION OF THE MINUTES MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR BRYCE SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the following minutes be adopted: B. Regular Meeting of Council – December 20, 1999 C. Special Meeting of Council – January 5, 2000 D. Committee-of-the-Whole – January 10, 2000 CARRIED. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the following minutes be received: a) Advisory Planning Committee – November 3, 1999 b) Economic Enterprise Committee – October 6, 1999 c) Economic Enterprise Committee – November 8, 1999 d) Economic Enterprise Committee – December 8, 1999 e) St. John the Baptist Management Committee – September 15, 1999 CARRIED. 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES A. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE A. RE: ESQUIMALT LAGOON ENHANCEMENT ASSOCIATION – MILLENNIUM PROJECTS (A1.2.16) Referred from Committee-of-the-Whole – January 10, 2000 MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR NAULT That the City of Colwood reconsider the request by the Esquimalt Lagoon Enhancement Association for endorsement and letters of support for their Millennium Project. CARRIED. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the City of Colwood endorse the proposal “”and provide letters of support for the applications by the (ELEA) for grants under the Canada Millennium Partnership Program and Community Spirit Program. CARRIED. OPPOSED: COUNCILLOR BRYCE 2. Report – Chief Administrative Officer RE: REQUEST TO ADD AN ITEM TO THE JANUARY 17, 2000 COUNCIL AGENDA RE: PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE COUNCIL/COMMITTEE PROCEDURAL BYLAW (A5.2.2) Council reviewed a report from the Chief Administrative Officer, Mr. Joseph Calenda, regarding proposed changes to the Council/Committee Procedural Bylaw discussed at the Regular Meeting of Council held December 20, 1999. Mr. Calenda noted that amending the bylaw would mean the City must keep the original bylaw (Bylaw No. 351) and write an amendment bylaw to reflect the legislative changes and housekeeping matters as mentioned in his report. It was noted that according to ’ Rules of Order, the City could give public notice that they were considering revisions to the bylaw, which would allow the city to incorporate these changes into one bylaw that would repeal the existing bylaw. Mr. Calenda requested Council to give public notice that the City would be considering a “”bylaw and that the wording of the Public Notice be amended as attached to his report. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR ROBERTSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR BRYCE That the Chief Administrative ’ report regarding revisions to the Council/Committee Procedural Bylaw, dated January 14, 2000 be received. CARRIED. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR ROBERTSON That members of the public be advised that the ’procedural bylaw is being “”and will be forwarded to Council for first three readings in late January or early February 2000. CARRIED. B. TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE B. RE: NOB HILL INTERSECTION 2000 ADVISORY COMMITTEE – PROGRESS REPORT ( Referred from Committee-of-the-Whole – January 10, 2000 MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR LOGAN SECONDED: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON That the City of Colwood accept the contribution of $20,000.00 from BCTFA to be used in the evaluation of options for the Nob Hill/Island Highway/Ocean Boulevard Intersection Project. CARRIED. 1.NEW BUSINESS A. FINANCE COMMITTEE . Verbal Report – Municipal Engineer RE: REPLACEMENT TRANSMISSION FOR SUZUKI CAR Council received a verbal report from the Municipal Engineer regarding the replacement of a transmission to the 1988 Suzuki. The transmission must be repaired; approximate cost of $1,500.00. Council policy requires that such expenditure, even though budgeted, must be approved by Council. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR NAULT SECONDED: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON That up to $1,500.00 be expended to repair the transmission to the 1988 Suzuki. CARRIED. 2.BYLAWS (i) BYLAW NO. 530 “Speed Regulation Bylaw, 1992, Amendment No. 5 (Belmont Road), ” (A bylaw to reduce speed on Belmont Road [from Ocean Boulevard to the West end of Belmont Road].) A5.2.76 FINAL READING MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That Bylaw No. 530, being the “ Speed Regulation Bylaw, 1992, Amendment No. 5 (Belmont Road), ”be Finally Passed and Adopted. CARRIED. (ii) BYLAW NO. 532 “Corners Specified Area Security Issuing Bylaw No. 532, ” (A bylaw to authorize the entering into of an agreement respecting financing between the City of Colwood and the Capital Regional District.) (A5.2.125) FINAL READING MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR LOGAN SECONDED: COUNCILLOR NAULT That Bylaw No. 532, being the “Corners Specified Area Security Issuing Bylaw No. 532, 19”be Finally Passed and Adopted. CARRIED. 7. “– ” Pursuant to Section 242.2 of the Municipal Act and City Policy C-300.4 – to adopt “-”minutes dealing with legal and personnel issues and to further discuss a legal/land issue. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the meeting move “-” to adopt “-” minutes dealing with legal and personnel issues and to further discuss legal/land issue at 7:47 p.m. CARRIED. MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR BRYCE SECONDED: COUNCILLOR LOGAN That the meeting move “of ”at 8:55 p.m. CARRIED. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOVED BY: COUNCILLOR DAVIDSON That the meeting adjourn at 8:56 p.m.
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